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Service Description

Airport Slot Data Service v 2.0


The service description is a work in progress, and without version control, as long as this note is here.

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1. Service facts

2. Introduction

2.1. Overview

This service defines a set of operations designed to support integration between airports and BRS (Baggage Reconciliation System). At the bag level this service extend the functionality defined in Bag Event Notification Service, and add functionality for reporting batch oriented events. A "batch" in this regard is a set of bags treated as one "unit" and delivered at some location without any other bags being delivered to the same location. 

The service is designed to be implemented by both the relevant airport and the BRS provider.

A set of use cases are described here: Avinor use cases

2.2. Implementation considerations

Any implementation of this service MUST use the XSD files provided here: XSDs

It is however up to the service provider which data elements to support.

Any service provider should make available documentation about the actual implementation, including:

    • the address of the service.
    • any limitations in the implementation.

2.3. Purpose of this service description

This service description has the following purpose:

      • Describe of service in enough detail for a service provider to implement it.
      • Describe the service so that a client (of this service) developer can use it.
      • Make available the XSD files necessary to implement and use the service.
      • Make it possible for relevant people at airports, airlines, handlers and other aviation partners to understand the available functionality and then to decide if to implement/use it or not.

2.4. Intended readership

    • IT architects
    • Developers
    • Business architects
    • Interested parties in the aviation community

3. Service operations

3.1. Overview

The operations in Airport Slot Data Service v2.0 submits data that typically will be asynchronously processed. This means that all data that follow the syntax will be accepted, but it might not be used by downstream systems.

3.2. Service error response

If a service specific error occurs the entity below will be returned. Any service specific errors will be documented with the actual service implementation.
ErrorResponse is typically used with HTTP Response Code: 400 Bad Request

timestamp: TimestampUTC

Timestamp when the error was generated by the service.

A precise time for when something happened. Always UTC.

serviceErrorCode : ServiceErrorCode

An integer code representing a service specific error. The actual values are described in the service definition.

serviceErrorDescription: ServiceErrorDescription

A textual description of ServiceErrorCode.

3.3. Operations

3.4. InsertUpdateSlotSchedule (sequenceNumber: SequenceNumber, insertUpdateSlotScheduleInfo: InsertUpdateSlotScheduleInfo)

Insert a new slot schedule, or updates an existing one. 

Access method: POST


  • sequenceNumber: SequenceNumber 
    The sequenceNumber is incremented by 1 on each call to InsertUpdateSlotSchedule. If the has another value than expected the call should fail. The slot coordinator software should then use GetLastSequenceNumber to retrieve the last sequence number/transaction that was successfully processed, and restart from there. 

  • insertUpdateSlotScheduleInfo: InsertUpdateSlotScheduleInfo
    A Schedule pattern with corresponding information describing one or more arrivals or departures at one slot regulated airport that should be created or updated.


  • 200 OK if everything went well. The data is sent on for further processing.
  • 400 Bad Request if there were any issues with the input data. Service error response defies how to get more information about the actual problem.
  • Other error/warning returns are possible.

3.5. DeleteSlotSchedule (sequenceNumber: SequenceNumber, deleteSlotScheduleInfo: DeleteSlotScheduleInfo)

Used to delete one or more flight schedules at a slot regulated airport. 

Access method: POST


  • sequenceNumber : SequenceNumber
    sequenceNumber is incremented by 1 on each call to DeleteSlotSchedule. If the has another value than expected the call should fail. The slot coordinator software should then use GetLastSequenceNumber to retrieve the last sequence number/transaction that was successfully processed, and restart from there.

  • deleteSlotScheduleInfo : DeleteSlotScheduleInfo 
    Schedule pattern describing one or more arrivals or departures at one slot regulated airport that should deleted. 


  • 200 OK if everything went well. The data is sent on for further processing.
  • 400 Bad Request if there were any issues with the input data. Service error response defies how to get more information about the actual problem.
  • Other error/warning returns are possible.

3.6. GAInsertUpdateSlot (sequenceNumber: SequenceNumber, gaInsertUpdateSlotInfo: GAInsertUpdateSlotInfo)

Insert a new slot , or updates an existing one. 

Access method: POST


  • sequenceNumber: SequenceNumber 
    The sequenceNumber is incremented by 1 on each call to GAInsertUpdateSlot. If the has another value than expected the call should fail. The slot coordinator software should then use GetLastSequenceNumber to retrieve the last sequence number/transaction that was successfully processed, and restart from there. 

  • gaInsertUpdateSlotInfo: GAInsertUpdateSlotInfo
    Information about an arrival or departure slot at one slot regulated airport that should be created or updated.


  • 200 OK if everything went well. The data is sent on for further processing.
  • 400 Bad Request if there were any issues with the input data. Service error response defies how to get more information about the actual problem.
  • Other error/warning returns are possible.

3.7. GADeleteSlot (sequenceNumber: SequenceNumber, deleteSlotInfo: GADeleteSlotInfo)

Used to delete one or flight slot at a slot regulated airport. 

Access method: POST


  • sequenceNumber : SequenceNumber
    sequenceNumber is incremented by 1 on each call to GADeleteSlot. If the has another value than expected the call should fail. The slot coordinator software should then use GetLastSequenceNumber to retrieve the last sequence number/transaction that was successfully processed, and restart from there.

  • gaDeleteSlotInfo : GADeleteSlotInfo 
    Identifying one arrival or departure at one slot regulated airport that should deleted. 


  • 200 OK if everything went well. The data is sent on for further processing.
  • 400 Bad Request if there were any issues with the input data. Service error response defies how to get more information about the actual problem.
  • Other error/warning returns are possible.

3.8. GetLastSequenceNumber(): SequenceNumberSet

Return the last sequence number successfully processed by the InsertUpdateSlotScheduleDeleteSlotSchedule, GAInsertUpdateSlot and GADeleteSlot calls. 

Access method: GET

Parameters: None

Returns: The last sequence number(s) successfully processed.

3.9. Heartbeat (): void

The slot coordinator software call the heartbeat operation regularly to indicate that it is running ok, and that the connection is ok. The actual rate must be agreed upon between the slot coordinator and the airport.

Access method: POST

Parameters: None

Returns: Nothing

4. Data entities

4.1. InsertUpdateSlotScheduleInfo

Term / Type Comments / Description
SlotCoordinatedAirportIATA / AirportIATA
The AirportIATA code for the Airport that the schedule is relative to. For slot coordinated airports schedule data is typically given as arrival and departure information (turnaround). Schedules in general are flight oriented.


The FlightId of an arriving flight.
The FlightId of a departing flight.
Defines the season this schedule applies to. Three character string where the first character defines the season and the tho next the year.
ScheduleStartDate / DateUTC
The first day of the Schedule.
ScheduleEndDate / DateUTC
The last day of the schedule. This is actually the last day for the arriving flight. A departing flight can be up to ScheduleOverMidnights days later.
Also known as DOOP, days of operation. This is a pattern that defines the days of the week which has scheduled flights.
The string is always seven characters long. '0' indicates no flight on that day, the day number ('1'..'7') indicates a flight on that day. The first day of the week is always Monday.
"1234567" - flights on all days.
"1234500" - flights on Monday - Friday, no flights on Saturday and Sunday.
"1030500" - flights on Moday, Wednesday and Friday.
For flights staying at the SlotCoordinatedAirportIATA over midnight UTC time, see ScheduleOverMidnights, the pattern indicates the day of the arriving flight.
Also known as WOOP, weeks of operation. Allowed values are:
OriginAirport / AirportIATAorICAO

Use the IATA code if it exists.

Either the AirportIATA code or the AirportICAO code for the airport where a multi leg flight originated. For single leg flights it will be the same as the departure airport.
See also: OriginAirportIATA, OriginAirportICAO 

PreviousAirport / AirportIATAorICAO 

Use the IATA code if it exists.

Either the AirportIATA code or the AirportICAO code for the previous airport of a multi leg flight. For single leg flights it will be the same as the origin airport.
See also: PreviousAirportIATA, PreviousAirportICAO

NextAirport / AirportIATAorICAO 

Use the IATA code if it exists.

Either the AirportIATA code or the AirportICAO code for the next airport of a multi leg flight. For single leg flights it will be the same as the final airport.
See also: NextAirportIATA, NextAirportICAO

FinalAirport / AirportIATAorICAO 

Use the IATA code if it exists.

Either the AirportIATA code or the AirportICAO code for the final airport of a multi leg flight. For single leg flights it will be the same as the arrival airport.
See also: FinalAirportIATA, FinalAirportICAO

SIBTotp / TimeUTC

The time (not including the date) that an aircraft is scheduled to arrive at its first parking position. Always TimeUTC. For a Schedule it is only meaningful to use only a time (and not date and time as is necessary for one flight).

SOBTotp / TimeUTC
The time (not including the date) that an aircraft is scheduled to depart from its first parking position. Always TimeUTC. For a Schedule it is only meaningful to use only a time (and not date and time as is necessary for one flight).
ScheduleOverMidnights / Count
Gives the number of midnights that pass between the arrival (SIBT) and the departure (SOBT) of an aircraft on an airport, during a turnaround. This value applies to all flights in ScheduleFlightDays.
The usual values are:
  • 0: Same day, SOBT is after SIBT and the date is the same.
  • 1: SOBT is next day
ArrivalFlightServiceTypeIATA / FlightServiceTypeIATA
The  FlightServiceTypeIATA for an arriving flight.
DepartureFlightServiceTypeIATA / FlightServiceTypeIATA 
The  FlightServiceTypeIATA for a departing flight.
3 character code as designated by International Air Transport Association (IATA) to uniquely designate Aircraft Type. Local (non-IATA) codes can be added as required as long as they are unique for aircraft types within the defined context.
Reference Document: IATA codeset 7800.
3-4 character code as designated by International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) to uniquely designate Aircraft Type. Local (non-ICAO) codes can be added as required as long as they are unique for aircraft types within the defined context.
Reference Document: ICAO document 8643.
An aircraft registration is a unique alphanumeric string that identifies an aircraft. In accordance with the Convention on International Civil Aviation all aircraft must be registered with a national aviation authority and they must carry proof of this registration in the form of a legal document called a Certificate of Registration at all times when in operation.

An aircraft can be re-registered in special cases, for instance if it's sold to an operator in another country.
AircraftSeatingCapacity / Count
Maximum number of passengers that can be seated in the aircraft with the current configuration.

4.2. DeleteSlotScheduleInfo

Term / Type Comments / Description
SlotCoordinatedAirportIATA / AirportIATA
The AirportIATA code for the Airport that the schedule is relative to. For slot coordinated airports schedule data is typically given as arrival and departure information (turnaround). Schedules in general are flight oriented.


The FlightId of an arriving flight.
The FlightId of a departing flight.
Defines the season this schedule applies to. Three character string where the first character defines the season and the tho next the year.
ScheduleStartDate / DateUTC
The first day of the Schedule.
ScheduleEndDate / DateUTC
The last day of the schedule. This is actually the last day for the arriving flight. A departing flight can be up to ScheduleOverMidnights days later.
Also known as DOOP, days of operation. This is a pattern that defines the days of the week which has scheduled flights.
The string is always seven characters long. '0' indicates no flight on that day, the day number ('1'..'7') indicates a flight on that day. The first day of the week is always Monday.
"1234567" - flights on all days.
"1234500" - flights on Monday - Friday, no flights on Saturday and Sunday.
"1030500" - flights on Moday, Wednesday and Friday.
For flights staying at the SlotCoordinatedAirportIATA over midnight UTC time, see ScheduleOverMidnights, the pattern indicates the day of the arriving flight.

4.3. GAInsertUpdateSlotInfo

Term / Type Comments / Description


The airport for which an arrival or departure slot, or both, are requested. 
AircraftRegistration It is possible to request both an arrival or departure slot for one aircraft in one operation.
Optional if ArrivalFlightId or DepartureFlightId is used.
If both arrival and a departure information is given than it will always be for the same aircraft.

Arrival slot request information Deparing from PreviousAirport , arriving at SlotCoordinatedAirportIATA.
All elements are optional as arriving slot request is optional.
Optional if aircraft registration is used.

Required for arrival slot request.

The airport the flight departed from. The arrival airport is the SlotCoordinatedAirportIATA.

SIBT Required for arrival slot request.


Required for arrival slot request.

NB! The use of 'U'  to indicate an ambulance flight is not in accordance with FlightServiceTypeIATA

The following service types are defined in the IATA GCR ( General aviation Clearance Request) standard.

Departure slot request information Departing from SlotCoordinatedAirportIATA, arriving at NextAirport.
All elements are optional as departing slot request is optional.
DepartureFlightId Optional if aircraft registration is used.

Required for departure slot request.

The airport the flight will depart to.

SOBT Required for departure slot request.

Required for departure slot request.

See ArrivalFlightServiceTypeIATA

4.4. GADeleteSlotInfo

The GADeleteSlotInfo must match the data given in GAInsertUpdateSlotInfo. See GAInsertUpdateSlotInfo for further details.

Term / Type Comments / Description


Arrival slot request information


Departure slot request information

4.5. SequenceNumberSet



5. Avinor use cases

6. Overview

7. Use cases

7.1. Use of 

7.2. Use of 

8. XSDs

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