Term / Type | Comments / Description |
SlotCoordinatedAirportIATA / AirportIATA | The AirportIATA code for the Airport that the schedule is relative to. For slot coordinated airports schedule data is typically given as arrival and departure information (turnaround). Schedules in general are flight oriented. |
ArrivalCarrierIATA / AirlineIATA | The IATA code of the airline operating an arriving flight. |
ArrivalFlightNumber / FlightNumber | The FlightNumber of an arriving flight. |
DepartureCarrierIATA / AirlineIATA | The IATA code of the airline operating a departing flight. |
DepartureFlightNumber / FlightNumber | The FlightNumber of a departing flight. |
ScheduleSeason | Defines the season this schedule applies to. Three character string where the first character defines the season and the tho next the year. |
ScheduleStartDate / DateUTC | The first day of the Schedule. |
ScheduleEndDate / DateUTC | The last day of the schedule. This is actually the last day for the arriving flight. A departing flight can be up to ScheduleOverMidnights days later. |
ScheduleFlightDays | Also known as DOOP, days of operation. This is a pattern that defines the days of the week which has scheduled flights. The string is always seven characters long. '0' indicates no flight on that day, the day number ('1'..'7') indicates a flight on that day. The first day of the week is always Monday. "1234567" - flights on all days. "1234500" - flights on Monday - Friday, no flights on Saturday and Sunday. "1030500" - flights on Moday, Wednesday and Friday. For flights staying at the SlotCoordinatedAirportIATA over midnight UTC time, see ScheduleOverMidnights, the pattern indicates the day of the arriving flight. |