Service Description
Airport Slot Data Service v 2.0
The service description is a work in progress, and without version control, as long as this note is here.
Document revisions
Date | Description | Author |
1. Service facts
Name: AirportSlotDataService
Operations, see Service operations
- Operations are accessed using GET or POST, as specified per operation.
- Service security: Decided by implementation
Standard return codes are described here: Service error response
2. Introduction
2.1. Overview
This service description defines one service with a set of operations to create and update airport slots. The service is airport oriented as the slot allocation is by it's nature airport oriented. The airport implements this service and the slot coordinator uses it.
A set of use cases are described here: Avinor use cases
2.2. Implementation considerations
Any implementation of this service MUST use the XSD files provided here: XSDs
It is however up to the service provider which data elements to support.
Any service provider should make available documentation about the actual implementation, including:
- the address of the service.
- any limitations in the implementation.
2.3. Purpose of this service description
This service description has the following purpose:
- Describe of service in enough detail for a service provider to implement it.
- Describe the service so that a client (of this service) developer can use it.
- Make available the XSD files necessary to implement and use the service.
- Make it possible for relevant people at airports, airlines, handlers and other aviation partners to understand the available functionality and then to decide if to implement/use it or not.
2.4. Intended readership
- IT architects
- Developers
- Business architects
- Interested parties in the aviation community
3. Service operations
3.1. Overview
The operations in Airport Slot Data Service v2.0 submits data that typically will be asynchronously processed. This means that all data that follow the syntax will be accepted, but it might not be used by downstream systems.
3.2. Service error response
ErrorResponse is typically used with HTTP Response Code: 400 Bad Request
3.3. Operations
3.4. InsertUpdateSlotSchedule (sequenceNumber: SequenceNumber, insertUpdateSlotScheduleInfo: InsertUpdateSlotScheduleInfo)
Insert a new slot schedule, or updates an existing one.
Access method: POST
sequenceNumber: SequenceNumber
The sequenceNumber is incremented by 1 on each call to InsertUpdateSlotSchedule. If the has another value than expected the call should fail. The slot coordinator software should then use GetLastSequenceNumber to retrieve the last sequence number/transaction that was successfully processed, and restart from there. -
insertUpdateSlotScheduleInfo: InsertUpdateSlotScheduleInfo
A Schedule pattern with corresponding information describing one or more arrivals or departures at one slot regulated airport that should be created or updated.
- 200 OK if everything went well. The data is sent on for further processing.
- 400 Bad Request if there were any issues with the input data. Service error response defies how to get more information about the actual problem.
- Other error/warning returns are possible.
3.5. DeleteSlotSchedule (sequenceNumber: SequenceNumber, deleteSlotScheduleInfo: DeleteSlotScheduleInfo)
Used to delete one or more flight schedules at a slot regulated airport.
Access method: POST
- sequenceNumber : SequenceNumber
The sequenceNumber is incremented by 1 on each call to DeleteSlotSchedule. If the has another value than expected the call should fail. The slot coordinator software should then use GetLastSequenceNumber to retrieve the last sequence number/transaction that was successfully processed, and restart from there. - deleteSlotScheduleInfo : DeleteSlotScheduleInfo
A Schedule pattern describing one or more arrivals or departures at one slot regulated airport that should deleted.
- 200 OK if everything went well. The data is sent on for further processing.
- 400 Bad Request if there were any issues with the input data. Service error response defies how to get more information about the actual problem.
- Other error/warning returns are possible.
3.6. GAInsertUpdateSlot (sequenceNumber: SequenceNumber, gaInsertUpdateSlotInfo: GAInsertUpdateSlotInfo)
Insert a new slot , or updates an existing one.
Access method: POST
sequenceNumber: SequenceNumber
The sequenceNumber is incremented by 1 on each call to GAInsertUpdateSlot. If the has another value than expected the call should fail. The slot coordinator software should then use GetLastSequenceNumber to retrieve the last sequence number/transaction that was successfully processed, and restart from there. -
gaInsertUpdateSlotInfo: GAInsertUpdateSlotInfo
Information about an arrival or departure slot at one slot regulated airport that should be created or updated.
- 200 OK if everything went well. The data is sent on for further processing.
- 400 Bad Request if there were any issues with the input data. Service error response defies how to get more information about the actual problem.
- Other error/warning returns are possible.
3.7. GADeleteSlot (sequenceNumber: SequenceNumber, deleteSlotInfo: GADeleteSlotInfo)
Used to delete one or flight slot at a slot regulated airport.
Access method: POST
- sequenceNumber : SequenceNumber
The sequenceNumber is incremented by 1 on each call to GADeleteSlot. If the has another value than expected the call should fail. The slot coordinator software should then use GetLastSequenceNumber to retrieve the last sequence number/transaction that was successfully processed, and restart from there. - gaDeleteSlotInfo : GADeleteSlotInfo
Identifying one arrival or departure at one slot regulated airport that should deleted.
- 200 OK if everything went well. The data is sent on for further processing.
- 400 Bad Request if there were any issues with the input data. Service error response defies how to get more information about the actual problem.
- Other error/warning returns are possible.
3.8. GetLastSequenceNumber(): SequenceNumberSet
Return the last sequence number successfully processed by the InsertUpdateSlotSchedule, DeleteSlotSchedule, GAInsertUpdateSlot and GADeleteSlot calls.
Access method: GET
Parameters: None
Returns: The last sequence number(s) successfully processed.
- 200 OK and SequenceNumberSet if everything went well.
- 400 Bad Request if there were any issues. Service error response defies how to get more information about the actual problem.
- Other error/warning returns are possible.
3.9. Heartbeat (): void
The slot coordinator software call the heartbeat operation regularly to indicate that it is running ok, and that the connection is ok. The actual rate must be agreed upon between the slot coordinator and the airport.
Access method: POST
Parameters: None
Returns: Nothing
4. Data entities
4.1. InsertUpdateSlotScheduleInfo
4.2. DeleteSlotScheduleInfo
4.3. GAInsertUpdateSlotInfo
4.4. GADeleteSlotInfo
The GADeleteSlotInfo must match the data given in GAInsertUpdateSlotInfo. See GAInsertUpdateSlotInfo for further details.
4.5. SequenceNumberSet