Service Description
IATA Flight Message Submit Service
Document revisions
Date | Description | Author |
2023-06-28 | First complete version of the documentation |
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Service overview
- 3. Service operations
- 3.1. SubmitAircraftDispositionData( transData : TransData, aircraftDispositionData : AircraftDispositionData ) : ResponseStatus
- 3.2. SubmitASMCancelData( transData : TransData, iataASMCancelData : IataASMCancelData ) : ResponseStatus
- 3.3. SubmitASMChangeFlightIdData( transData : TransData, iataASMChangeFlightIdData : IataASMChangeFlightIdData ) : ResponseStatus
- 3.4. SubmitASMInsertUpdateData( transData : TransData, iataASMInsertUpdateData : IataASMInsertUpdateData ) : ResponseStatus
- 3.5. SubmitASMReinstateData( transData : TransData, iataASMReinstateData : IataASMReinstateData ) : ResponseStatus
- 3.6. SubmitDivData( transData : TransData, iataDivData : IataDivData) : ResponseStatus
- 3.7. SubmitFuelRequestData( transData : TransData, fuelRequestData : FuelRequestData) : ResponseStatus
- 3.8. SubmitLoadData( transData : TransData, iataLoadData : IataLoadData) : ResponseStatus
- 3.9. SubmitMvtData( transData : TransData, iataMvtData : IataMvtData) : ResponseStatus
- 3.10. SubmitPassengerLoadEstimateData( transData : TransData, passengerLoadEstimeateData : PassengerLoadEstimateData ) : ResponseStatus
- 3.11. SubmitPrmData( transData : TransData, iataPrmData : IataPrmData ) : ResponseStatus
- 3.12. SubmitPtmData( transData : TransData, iataPtmData : IataPtmData ) : ResponseStatus
- 3.13. SubmitSSIMData( transData : TransData, iataSSIMData : IataSSIMData ) : ResponseStatus
- 3.14. SubmitSSMChangeFlightIdData( transData : TransData, iataSSMChangeFlightIdData : IataSSMChangeFlightIdData ) : ResponseStatus
- 3.15. SubmitSSMChangePeriodData ( transData : TransData, iataSSMChangePeriodData : IataSSMChangePeriodData ) : ResponseStatus
- 3.16. SubmitSSMDeleteData( transData : TransData, iataSSMDeleteData : IataSSMDeleteData ) : ResponseStatus
- 3.17. SubmitSSMInsertUpdateData( transData : TransData, iataSSMInsertUpdateData : IataSSMInsertUpdateData ) : ResponseStatus
- 4. Data entities
- 4.1. AircraftDispositionData
- 4.2. FuelRequestData
- 4.3. IataASMCancelData
- 4.4. IataASMChangeFlightIdData
- 4.5. IataASMInsertUpdateData
- 4.6. IataASMReinstateData
- 4.7. IataDivData
- 4.8. IataLoadData
- 4.9. IataMvtData
- 4.10. IataPrmData
- 4.11. IataPtmData
- 4.12. 110626443
- 4.13. IataSSMChangeFlightIdData
- 4.14. IataSSMChangePeriodData
- 4.15. IataSSMDeleteData
- 4.16. IataSSMInsertUpdateData
- 4.17. 70550297
- 4.18. ResponseStatus
- 4.19. TransData
- 5. XML Usage
- 6. WSDL and XSDs
- 7. Examples
1. Introduction
1.1. Overview
This service description defines one service with a set of operations to set IATA telex type data that has been mapped to Airport Data Dictionary data. The services and data sets are not intended to cover the full functionality of the IATA formats, but should cover a very usable subset. The service also provides some data sets that are not defined by IATA, but are based on IATA definitions. In addition the service supports submitting SSIM data "one row at a time".
The service is primarily designed to meet the need of airport partners, but availability is the decision of the service provider.
There is at least one operation for each of the IATA telex type flight leg oriented messages (SSM, MVT, LDM, DIV, +++). While the data is defined using the Airport Data Dictionary the structure of the data closely matches the structure of the IATA messages.
1.2. Implementation considerations
Any implementation of this service MUST use the WSDL and XSD files provided here: WSDL and XSDs
It is however up to the service provider to decide which data elements to actually update.
Any service provider should make available documentation about the actual implementation, including:
- the address of the service.
- any limitations in the implementation.
- any limitations on how often a client can use the service.
1.3. Purpose of this service description
This service description has the following purpose:
- Describe of service in enough detail for a service provider to implement it.
- Describe the service so that a client (of this service) developer can use it.
- Make available the WSDL and XSD files necessary to implement and use the service.
- Make it possible for relevant people at airports, airlines, handlers and other aviation partners to understand the available functionality and then to decide if to implement/use it or not.
1.4. Intended readership
- IT architects
- Developers
- Business architects
- Interested parties in the aviation community
2. Service overview
The figure below shows the available operations on the IataFlightLegMsgSubmit service. The operations are described in detail in Service operations. There is one operation for each of the IATA telex type flight leg oriented messages. The data for each operation closely matches the data in the corresponding IATA message, but all elements are defined using Airport Data Dictionary terms.
3. Service operations
3.1. SubmitAircraftDispositionData( transData : TransData, aircraftDispositionData : AircraftDispositionData ) : ResponseStatus
This operation can be used to set, or clear, the aircraft registration for one or more flights (all flight legs) or flight legs. If the flight(s)/flight leg(s) isn't specified by DepartureAirportIATA and ArrivalAirportIATA then AircraftRegistration is updated for all legs in the flight(s).
3.2. SubmitASMCancelData( transData : TransData, iataASMCancelData : IataASMCancelData ) : ResponseStatus
This operation covers the following ASM action identifiers (IataASMIdentifier):
Cancels, but do not remove, one flight or flight leg. The flight (leg) can be reinstated.
3.3. SubmitASMChangeFlightIdData( transData : TransData, iataASMChangeFlightIdData : IataASMChangeFlightIdData ) : ResponseStatus
This operation covers the following ASM action identifiers (IataASMIdentifier):
Updates the FlightId of the given flight (leg).
3.4. SubmitASMInsertUpdateData( transData : TransData, iataASMInsertUpdateData : IataASMInsertUpdateData ) : ResponseStatus
This operation covers the following ASM action identifiers (IataASMIdentifier):
Inserts new flight (leg) information. - RPL
Replaces all existing information for the relevant flight (legs). - ADM
Updates only the given information for the relevant flight (legs). - CON
Updates only the given information for the relevant flight (legs). - EQT
Updates only the given information for the relevant flight (legs). - TIM
Updates only the given information for the relevant flight (legs). - RRT
Updates only routing data.
3.5. SubmitASMReinstateData( transData : TransData, iataASMReinstateData : IataASMReinstateData ) : ResponseStatus
This operation covers the following ASM action identifiers (IataASMIdentifier):
Reinstates a previously cancelled flight (leg).
3.6. SubmitDivData( transData : TransData, iataDivData : IataDivData) : ResponseStatus
Submits an ADD based XML version of the IATA DIV message.
3.7. SubmitFuelRequestData( transData : TransData, fuelRequestData : FuelRequestData) : ResponseStatus
This operation can be used to request fuel.
3.8. SubmitLoadData( transData : TransData, iataLoadData : IataLoadData) : ResponseStatus
The load message contains, for each arrival airport, information about what actually is on board the aircraft that has the arrival airport as the final destination.
For a single leg flight there will be only one LoadDestinationIATA airport, and only one LoadDestinationData as defined in IataLoadData
3.9. SubmitMvtData( transData : TransData, iataMvtData : IataMvtData) : ResponseStatus
Submits an ADD based XML version of the IATA MVT message.
3.10. SubmitPassengerLoadEstimateData( transData : TransData, passengerLoadEstimeateData : PassengerLoadEstimateData ) : ResponseStatus
Submits an ADD based XML version of the IATA based PassengerLoadEstimate messages.
3.11. SubmitPrmData( transData : TransData, iataPrmData : IataPrmData ) : ResponseStatus
Submits an ADD based XML version of the IATA PAL/CAL/PSM messages.
3.12. SubmitPtmData( transData : TransData, iataPtmData : IataPtmData ) : ResponseStatus
Submits an ADD based XML version of the IATA Passenger Transfer Message (PTM)
3.13. SubmitSSIMData( transData : TransData, iataSSIMData : IataSSIMData ) : ResponseStatus
Submits an ADD based XML version of the IATA SSIM file row.
3.14. SubmitSSMChangeFlightIdData( transData : TransData, iataSSMChangeFlightIdData : IataSSMChangeFlightIdData ) : ResponseStatus
This operation covers the following SSM action identifiers (IataSSMIdentifier):
- FLT (Change of Flight Designator)
This operation changes the FlightId within the given period (ScheduleStartDate - ScheduleEndDate) and ScheduleFlightDays (and ScheduleFlightWeeks if used).
3.15. SubmitSSMChangePeriodData ( transData : TransData, iataSSMChangePeriodData : IataSSMChangePeriodData ) : ResponseStatus
This operation covers the following SSM action identifiers (IataSSMIdentifier):
- REV (Revision of Period of Operation and/or Day(s) of Operation )
This operation can only change the period of operation (ScheduleStartDate - ScheduleEndDate) and/or ScheduleFlightDays (and ScheduleFlightWeeks if used). There are no change to routing, equipment (aircraft) or timing.
The period of operation can be extended and ScheduleFlightDays added if there are no change to routing, equipment (aircraft) or timing.
NB! The period of operation can be shortened and ScheduleFlightDays removed. This is an implicit cancel of flights.
3.16. SubmitSSMDeleteData( transData : TransData, iataSSMDeleteData : IataSSMDeleteData ) : ResponseStatus
This operation covers the following SSM action identifiers (IataSSMIdentifier):
- CNL (Cancellation)
This operation cancels all existing information for FlightId within the given period (ScheduleStartDate - ScheduleEndDate) and ScheduleFlightDays (and ScheduleFlightWeeks if used). - SKD (Schedule Update)
This operation cancels all existing information for FlightId from ScheduleStartDate, and to ScheduleEndDate if given.
3.17. SubmitSSMInsertUpdateData( transData : TransData, iataSSMInsertUpdateData : IataSSMInsertUpdateData ) : ResponseStatus
This operation covers the following SSM action identifiers (IataSSMIdentifier):
- NEW (Insertion of New Flight Information)
This operation inserts a new flight, or adds new periods to an existing flight, given the period (ScheduleStartDate - ScheduleEndDate) and ScheduleFlightDays (and ScheduleFlightWeeks if used). - RPL (Replacement of Existing Flight Information)
This operation replaces all schedule data with the elements included, for the given period/days. Elements not included are deleted. - ADM (Change of Existing Information)
This operation changes the data elements included, for the given period/days, and leaves the other elements unchanged. Elements can be deleted (set to NIL). - CON (Change of Aircraft Configuration/Version)
This operation changes aircraft data elements included, for the given period/days, and leaves the other elements unchanged. - EQT (Change of Equipment Information)
This operation changes equipment data elements included, for the given period/days, and leaves the other elements unchanged. - TIM (Change of Time Information)
This operation changes timing data elements included, for the given period/days, and leaves the other elements unchanged.
4. Data entities
4.1. AircraftDispositionData
Aircraft disposition data is aircraft oriented - not flight (leg) oriented. It will result in the update of one or more flight legs for the given FlightDepartureDate
4.2. FuelRequestData
4.3. IataASMCancelData
The figure below shows the Airport Data Dictionary based data structure representing the following IATA ASM message types:
For more information on the mapping from IATA ASM data to ADD, see: ASM data to ADD data
4.4. IataASMChangeFlightIdData
The figure below shows the Airport Data Dictionary based data structure representing the following IATA ASM message types:
For more information on the mapping from IATA ASM data to ADD, see: ASM data to ADD data
4.5. IataASMInsertUpdateData
The figure below shows the Airport Data Dictionary based data structure representing the following IATA ASM message types:
For more information on the mapping from IATA ASM data to ADD, see: ASM data to ADD data
4.6. IataASMReinstateData
The figure below shows the Airport Data Dictionary based data structure representing the following IATA ASM message types:
For more information on the mapping from IATA ASM data to ADD, see: ASM data to ADD data
4.7. IataDivData
The figure shows the elements and structure of an Airport Data Dictionary (ADD) based entity representing an IATA Diversion Message (DIV) as defined in the Airport Handling Manual (AHM) 781.
4.8. IataLoadData
The figure shows the elements and structure of an Airport Data Dictionary (ADD) based entity representing an IATA Load Message (LDM) as defined in the Airport Handling Manual (AHM).
For more mapping information, see: LDM data to ADD data
4.9. IataMvtData
The figure shows the elements and structure of an Airport Data Dictionary (ADD) based entity representing an IATA Movement Message (MVT) as defined in the Airport Handling Manual (AHM). For details about mapping from AHM 780 AIRCRAFT MOVEMENT MESSAGE to ADD, see MVT data to ADD data
4.10. IataPrmData
The figure shows the elements and structure of an Airport Data Dictionary (ADD) based entity representing an IATA Passenger Assistance List (PAL), Change Assistance List (CAL) and Passenger Service Message (PSM).
PAL and CAL are defined in the Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual (PSCRM) Recommended Practice 1708a.
PSM is defined in the Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual (PSCRM) Recommended Practice 1715.
For more mapping information, see: PRM data to ADD data
4.11. IataPtmData
The figure shows the elements and structure of an Airport Data Dictionary (ADD) based entity representing an IATA Passenger Transfer Message (PTM) as defined in the Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual (PSCRM) RP 1718. |
Entity / ADD element | Comments |
IataPtmData | Identifies the flight leg passengers transfer from and to other light legs. The transfers will be on the arrival airport. |
If part '1' comes again all transfer data previously received for this flight leg should be discarded, as it will be resent. For IATA messages with multiple "parts". |
IATA based identifier for this flight, usually issued long before the flight actually takes place. FlightId is normally the concatenation of OperatingAirlineIATA, FlightNumber and OperationalSuffix. FlightId typically identifies a flight to the majority of systems, but it is not unique across time. It's unique only in conjunction with FlightDepartureDate. Exception: Some airlines use their ICAO code (OperatingAirlineICAO) instead of OperatingAirlineIATA. This might be because they aren't an IATA member or because they just prefer the ICAO code. Regardless, this means that it is allowed to use OperatingAirlineICAO as part of FlightId. FlightId is then defined as the concatenation of AirlineIATAorICAO, FlightNumber and OperationalSuffix. |
Date part of SOBTlocal. |
Departure airport IATA code (see AirportIATA for description of term). |
Arrival airport IATA code (see AirportIATA for description of term). |
IataPtmTransferToData 0..* |
This is the flight leg passengers on the flight leg identified above transfer to. NB! If IataPtmTransferToData is "missing" then all previously received PTM data for this flight should be deleted. New PTM data will most likely be forthcoming. |
The name string as it appears on a ticket. Can contain multiple names. |
The number of adult passengers in some context. |
The number of children in some context. |
The number of infants in some context. |
The number of bags in some context. |
4.12. 110626443
The figure shows the elements and structure of an Airport Data Dictionary (ADD) based entity representing an IATA SSIM file row.
4.13. IataSSMChangeFlightIdData
The figure below shows the Airport Data Dictionary based data structure representing the following IATA SSM message types:
For more information on the mapping from IATA SSM data to ADD, see: SSM data to ADD data
4.14. IataSSMChangePeriodData
The figure below shows the Airport Data Dictionary based data structure representing the following IATA SSM message types:
The table below lists, for ease of reference, the elements included in the entity. For more information on the mapping from IATA SSM data to ADD, see: SSM data to ADD data
4.15. IataSSMDeleteData
The figure below shows the Airport Data Dictionary based data structure representing the following IATA SSM message types:
The table below lists, for ease of reference, the elements included in the IataSSMDeleteData. For more information on the mapping from IATA SSM data to ADD, see: SSM data to ADD data
4.16. IataSSMInsertUpdateData
The figure below shows the Airport Data Dictionary based data structure representing the following IATA SSM message types:
The table below lists, for ease of reference, the elements included in the IataSSMInsertUpdateData. For more information on the mapping from IATA SSM data to ADD, see: SSM data to ADD data
4.17. 70550297
4.18. ResponseStatus
4.19. TransData
5. XML Usage
In general, this service does not support using NIL values to delete data. To the extent data should be deleted it is clear from the context and semantics of the operation.
However, there are a few places, for instance in IataMvtData, where using NIL to delete data elements must be supported. This is always explicitly noted.
5.1. Nil Values in Schema
For any particular data element, there is an important distinction between the following cases:
(a) the element is missing
(b) the element is present but has a 'nil' attribute assigned to it
In the first case, this means that the sender is supplying no information about the element. This would typically be because no information is available, or because there has been no change in the value of the element. A recipient would not be expected to take any action as a result of this. In particular, it would not be expected to clear any existing value.
In the second case, this means that the sender has explicitly cleared the element. As a result of this, a recipient would typically clear any value that it had previously stored for this element.
The following table shows an example sequence of messages, and the expected actions taken by the data recipient. It should be noted, however, that the action is up to the recipient. The message from the sender is a notification, and not a command for the recipient to take action.
Message contents |
Expected action by recipient |
aircraftRegistration element missing |
Does not set or change aircraft registration value |
<aircraftRegistration>ABC123</aircraftRegistration> |
Sets the value to ABC123 |
aircraftRegistration element missing |
Does not change the value |
<aircraftRegistration xs:nil=’true’> |
Clears the aircraftRegistration value |
Note that the sender should not use blank data elements such as <aircraftRegistration/> or <aircraftRegistration></aircraftRegistration> as these may cause validation errors. For example, if the schema specifies a format or a minimum length for an element, then a zero-length element will be invalid. This problem does not occur if using the nil attribute.
Note - Where a field is defined as mandatory in the schema, it must not contain a nil value.
6. WSDL and XSDs
7. Examples
7.1. Introduction
The following are example invocations of the service.
7.2. Example SOAP templates
7.2.1. xxxx SOAP template
<soapenv:Envelope </soapenv:Envelope>