IATA SSIM Appendix C Service Types. Landing time from the airline operating the flight leg, or from a representative of that airline (typically a handler). This represents the airlines view. Always UTC time. Off-block time from the airline operating the flight leg, or from a representative of that airline (typically a handler). This represents the airlines view. Always UTC time. In block time from the airline operating the flight leg, or from a representative of that airline (typically a handler). This represents the airlines view. Always UTC time. Gate information meant to be shown to the public. Will either not exist (have no value) or be identical to GateDeparture. PublicGateDeparture is meant to be displayed to passengers or generally made public. It is meant to be used to control when passengers move to the departure gate. The Gate an outgoing flight leg uses. Departure data for the flight leg. FuelRamp indicates the kilogram of fuel that is requested. Can be negative, for instance if aircraft has to unload fuel before going to a hangar. For attributes that are some sort of distance that are measured in millimeters. An IATA or ICAO airline code that this airline can operate as. For an arriving flight leg, the UniqueFlightLegId of the linked departing flight leg. For a departing flight leg, the UniqueFlightLegId of the linked arriving flight leg. The Gate an incoming flight leg uses. Arrival data for the flight leg. System specific value indicating the type of a customer, typically identified by CustomerId. Status of a specific system (SystemName). Typically used for reference data. Specific name of a system. Typically used for reference data. System specific identifier of a party, typically a company, but can be a person. System specific usage. Typically to indicate that the relevant data set is test data. The actual noise certificate. NOx emissions. The sum (in grammes) of the amounts of the nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide that an aircraft of this type typically emits during the LTO (landing-takeoff) cycle under normal operating conditions. Indicates if the Aircraft has winglets or not. Used for instance in rules for Aircraft parking. The source of the AircraftMTOW for a given Aircraft. This will typically be from Aircraft type reference data (AircraftTypeIataCode, AircraftTypeIcaoCode) or from more specific documentation for this Aircraft body. The source of the AircraftSeatingCapacity (number of seats) for a given Aircraft. This will typically be from Aircraft type reference data (AircraftTypeIataCode, AircraftTypeIcaoCode) or from more specific documentation for this Aircraft body. System specific information that indicates the source of an actual data element (attribute | entity). An Airport/System specific group this Aircraft belongs to. Used for instance to simplify rules for Aircraft parking. "2 or 3 character code as designated by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) to uniquely designate an airline operator. Local (non-ICAO) codes can be added as required as long as they are unique for airline operators within the defined context. ICAO defined code for the company owning the aircraft. Ex: SAS, NAX. Two or three characters. IATA and ICAO codes can be identical. The ICAO standard uses 3 character codes, but in cases where no ICAO standard code exists, an alternative code can be used. This can often be the 2 character IATA code if one exists. Reference Document: ICAO document 8585" IATA based identifier for this flight, usually issued long before the flight actually takes place. FlightId is normally the concatenation of OperatingAirlineIATA, FlightNumber and OperationalSuffix. FlightId typically identifies a flight to the majority of systems, but it is not unique across time. It's unique only in conjunction with FlightDepartureDate. Exception: Some airlines use their ICAO code (OperatingAirlineICAO) instead of OperatingAirlineIATA. This might be because they aren't an IATA member or because they just prefer the ICAO code. Regardless, this means that it is allowed to use OperatingAirlineICAO as part of FlightId. FlightId is then defined as the concatenation of AirlineIATAorICAO, FlightNumber and OperationalSuffix. IATA code which uniquely defines an airport. Where an official IATA code does not exist for an airport, it is the standard to use the ICAO code. Where neither exist, pseudo-codes can be created if required (e.g. oil rigs, grass strips, etc.) ICAO code which uniquely defines an airport. Where an official ICAO code does not exist for an airport, it is the standard to use the IATA code. Where neither exist, pseudo-codes can be created if required (e.g. oil rigs, grass strips, etc.) Also known as WOOP, weeks of operation. Allowed values are: A rate of change measured as millimeters per hour. Codes describing the contaminant type affecting the RunwaySurfaceConditionCode. For example frost, ice, snow slush or standing water. The estimated number of passengers and passive crew on board the plane, infants excluded. Identifies the party, typically a company, that operates something. Identifies the party, typically a company, that owns something. The name string as it appears on a ticket. Can contain multiple names. A textual description of ServiceErrorCode. An integer code representing a service specific error. The actual values are described in the service definition. List of text codes indicating valid type(s) of identification that may be required for the specified carrier. Typically used to identify passengers when dropping a bag at a self serve bag drop station. Legal values are system specific. Identifies a load unit type aircrafts. Typically used for baggage and cargo. Identifies an actual load unit, ref. LoadUnitType. The relevant flight leg has been deleted, not cancelled. Estimated arrival time for something at the relevant location. The maximum weight, in Gram, a bag can be before it must be sent as special (oversize, overweight) baggage. The weight of any BHS tub used. To compensate for total weight at airports where tub is used. The BhsTubWeight will be substracted from the bag weight. Weight tolerance margin (gram) between subsequent weight requests. The different measurements must be within BhsStableWeightTolerance to be accepted. Number of weight requests to provide stable weight (will be 1 if bag drop scale always delivers stable weight). Weight tolerance margin (gram) to be subtracted from measured stable weight. The interval (duration) between multiple (BhsStableWeightRequests) weight requests to provide stable weight. The BagLocation where this batch is to be loaded. Unique identifier, for a given period of time, that identifies a batch of bags on a given airport. TimestampUTC when the relevant BHS batch event occurred. Descriptive text for an event (BhsBatchEventCode) that happened to a BHS batch. The descriptions are system specific, and there can be multiple descriptions for the same BhsBatchEventCode. Code for an event that happened to a BHS batch, typically identified with BhsBatchId. Some events are predefined, see "Legal values" below. Other, system specific, events can be added as needed. The number of bags in a batch, at a given point in time. The precise weight, in Gram, of a bag. The FlightDepartureDate of the flight the bag is planned to depart on from a given airport. Always DateUTC. A codes indicating the status of a bag check in attempt. Legal values are system specific. The number of the flight. The maximum bag weight, one individual bag, this carrier supports. Additional information about which detailed type of SSM this is. Additional information about which detailed type of ASM this is. XML date always in UTC. The numeric, SYNOP, code describing the present weather condition. The SYNOP code representing the weather condition for the last 60 minutes. The numeric code for the weather condition the last 60 minutes. The SYNOP code representing the weather condition for the last 15 minutes. The numeric code for the weather condition the last 15 minutes. The SYNOP code for the current weather condition. The numeric code for the current weather condition. The character code describing the present weather condition. A GUID identifying a a transaction in some context. This will often be multiple operations that are related in some way. Identifies an airspace volume. The description associated with TrafficVolumeId Booking status related to this service request NB! Find examples Additional information about the service request. Gives the intensity of the precipitation, measured as millimeters per hour. A GUID identifying a passenger in some context. Is the relevant DCS supported in some context. Is a DCS that is supported (DcsIsSupported) actually available at the current time. The thickness of a cloud directly above the airport, measured in Foot. The distance to a cloud layer above the airport, measured in Foot above the airport. Indicates how much of the sky that is covered by the cloud layer. Measured in oktas, see Wikipedia: Okta The distance to the bottom of a cloud directly above the airport, measured in Foot above the airport. A globally unique identifier (GUID), 128 bit, with standard ASCII encoding (32 hex numbers and 4 hyphens). See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier for details. A GUID identifying a bag in some context. Gives an angle as the number of degrees. Legal values are 0 - 359. Number of millimeter water that has been accumulated since the last clearing of the value. When the value is cleared is system dependent. Number of millimeter of snow that has been accumulated since the last clearing of the value. When the value is cleared is system dependent. Defined by Eurocontrol as "A unique flight plan identifier, assigned by the IFPS". Two letters followed by eight digits. ?? How many degrees to the left (counter clockwise) of WindDirectionMean has the wind come from in the given period. How many degrees to the right (clockwise) of WindDirectionMean has the wind come from in the given period. The maximum weight the BHS can accept. The minimum weight the BHS can accept. Text string identifying a transition level. Examples: "TL45", "TL120". Minimum wind speed in a given period. Mean wind speed for a given period. Maximum wind speed in Knot for a given period. Wind speed measured in knots ( nautical mile/h, 1852m/h) as this is the ICAO standard. The wind speed in Knot at a given time. The mean direction the wind is blowing from for a given period. Indicates that there has been an abrupt and large shift in WindDirection in the period. The WindDirectionMean does not apply to the whole period. The direction the wind is blowing from at a given time. The direction the wind is blowing from. Legal values are 0 - 359 (inclusive and clockwise) and is given relative to magnetic north. The minimum visual range, in Meter, for a given period. The mean visual range, in Meter, for a given period. The maximum visual range, in Meter, for a given period. The visual range, in Meter, at a given time. The minimum visibility, in Meter, for a given period. The mean visibility, in Meter, for a given period. The maximum visibility, in Meter, for a given period. The visibility, in Meter, at a given time. When there isn’t a distinct cloud boundary and the obscuration is all the way to the ground, then vertical visibility is used to provide the pilot with an indication, in Foot, of how far one can see vertically. Indicates the minimum temperature for a given period. Indicates the mean temperature for a given period. Indicates the maximum temperature for a given period. Indicates the temperature at a given time. This is a code that defines how slippery the runway is. The code is defined by FAA, ref: Runway Condition Assessment Matrix A boolean value indicating the presence of drifting snow on the runway. The width, in meters, of the runway area that is clear of contamination. The type of the sensor identified by SensorName. The vertical distance of a level, a point or an object considered as a point, measured from mean sea level (MSL), given in feet. Date part of SOBTlocal. The current status of a given sensor. Is it operational or not. Short text describing the placement of sensor SensorName. For instance: "200 meters before runway 1". Short name for a sensor of some type. Must be unique for one airport. Descriptive text describing the SensorName sensor. Can include brand and other relevant information. SecurityContext defines the security context of something. Typical use is adding user name to a transaction, and then doing something in the context of that user. A section of the runway that is exactly one third of the runway length. The runway sections are named A, B and C. Section naming starts at the lowest runway name (number). The Runway that is in use at a given time. The "status" of reference data, typically associated with a flight leg. Used to indicate if any reference data is missing or not existing. Radiotelephony callsigns are used in communication between pilots and air traffic management. RadioCallsign can be of different types, but all are strings of limited length. Usually the RadioCallsign stay the same during a flight leg, but it can change for a (short) period, typically at the request of an air traffic controller. The pressure set on the subscale of the altimeter so that the instrument indicates its height above sea level. The altimeter will read runway elevation when the aircraft is on the runway. QFF is the current air pressure at the measuring site (for ex. aerodrome/airport), reduced to the sea level. It is used in the field of meteorology in order to compare the air pressures of different places at different heights. The pressure set on the subscale of the altimeter so that the instrument indicates its height above the reference elevation being used. The reference elevation will typically be the highest point at the runway. The altimeter will then read '0' at the highest point at the runway. The pressure characteristic is an indication of how the pressure has been changing during that specified period of time, for example, decreasing then increasing, or increasing and then increasing more rapidly. The pressure change is the net difference (absolute value) between pressure readings at the beginning and ending of a specified interval of time, often 3 hours. The time a measurement, typically from a sensor, was taken. The relative humidity, in Percent, at a given time. Indicates the dewpoint in Celsius at a given time. The SI or metric unit of measurement for barometric pressure is the hectopascal (hPa). 1 hPa = 1 mb (millibar). The current air pressure in BarometricPressure at the airport. Identifies one runway, including direction. It consists of the compass direction (by 10 degrees per scale) and optional Left/Centre/Right indication when parallel runways. For example "01L", "19R" for the west runway at OSL. The TimestampUTC for when the Remark was generated (if known), or accepted by the system. Defines if this data set for public display, or not. See also ClassificationLevel. A data set can be classified as "PUBLIC", but for specific reasons this one set of data should not be generally visible anymore. The "departure time" that the passenger should see. The "departure time" that the passenger should see. The "arrival time" that the passenger should see. The "arrival time" that the passenger should see. The SOBT for the outbound flight, typically related to a turnaround or transfer. Some code, typically neither IATA nor ICAO, for the operating airline. System specific content. The new FlightId if the original has changed. The message version used in some messaging infrastructure. Any versioning scheme is allowed. System dependent. The message type used in some messaging infrastructure. Often the name of the message. The message environment used. Used to indicate if this is production, stage, test or development. Airport/system dependent. Typical values are "PRODUCTION", "STAGE", "TEST", "DEVELOPMENT". A flight leg has been merged into another flight leg. The resulting flight leg is identified by MergedIntoUniqueFlightLegId. The FlightId of the departing flight to which this flight (leg) is linked by a Turnaround. The FlightId of the arrival flight to which this flight (leg) is linked by a Turnaround. The timestamp when something was last updated, for instance a flight leg. Always UTC. The SIBT for the inbound flight, typically related to a turnaround or transfer. Uniquely identifies a bag drop unit on an airport. Comma separated list of the (most important?) data sources that has updated something, for instance a flight leg. Content is system specific. A code indicating the runway direction and operations mode currently in use at an airport equipped with parallel runway facilities. For example parallel mixed operations (takeoffs and landings on both runways), segregated parallell operations (takeoffs and landings on separate runways), or single runway operations (takeoffs and landings on the same runway - typically meaning the other runway is closed). Currently this only applies to OSL/ENGM ATIS message aimed at arriving traffic. ATIS is an automated, continuous broadcast, of recorded aeronautical information. https://skybrary.aero/articles/automatic-terminal-information-service-atis ATIS message aimed at departing traffic. ATIS is an automated, continuous broadcast, of recorded aeronautical information. https://skybrary.aero/articles/automatic-terminal-information-service-atis The nominal distance between consecutive aircraft approaches for landing, taking into account space for aircraft departures on same runway between the approach aircraft. Various factors will influence the approach spacing. Weather is typically a significant factor. The nominal distance between consecutive aircraft approaches for landing. Lower value indicates higher capacity. Various factors will influence the approach spacing. Weather is typically a significant factor. The international nautical mile is defined as exactly 1,852 metres A routine aerodrome meteorological report summarizing observable weather conditions at and in vicinity of a specified aerodrome. Format specified by ICAO Doc 8896 manual of aeronautical meteorological practice. https://skybrary.aero/articles/meteorological-terminal-air-report-metar An AIRMET is a message containing information issued by a meteorological watch office concerning the occurrence or expected occurrence of specified en-route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of low-level aircraft operations and which was not already included in the forecast issued for low-level flights in the flight information region concerned. In this context, low-level operations means flight below FL100 (or below FL150 or higher in mountainous areas). A weather advisory that contains meteorological information concerning the safety of all aircraft. Format specified by ICAO Doc 8896 manual of aeronautical meteorological practice. Write a description here Write a description here The source of the ICAO24BitAddress. The ICAO 24-bit address used by ADS-B equipment. Always coded as a 6 digit hex number. Indicates if the SSM data can overwrite ASM data. The TimestampUTC for when a flight leg was cancelled, based on IATA type data. This would typically be SSIM or SSM data, or manual input data. Type of heliport. Not strictly defined. Name of heliport. Descriptive text for HelicopterType A code indicating which type of helicopter this is. Not standardized. A code indicating the status of the whole helicopter flight, from departure to final arrival if this was a multi hop flight. Not strictly standardized. Identifies an airspace volume that might be subject to flow control. Description of the airspace identified by FlowControlTrafficVolumeId. Start time for a flow control measure for a traffic volume, identified by FlowControlTrafficVolumeId. A remark possibly providing more information about the reason for the flow control. The regulation type for this flow control. A unique id, for a limited time, for a flow control regulation. The location type for the flow control traffic volume. An identifier, for instance AirportICAO, related to the flow control reference location. The reason for the flow control measure. Given as the number (Count) of aircraft per hour for a flow control traffic volume (identified by FlowControlTrafficVolumeId). End time for a flow control measure for a traffic volume, identified by FlowControlTrafficVolumeId. The AirportIATA code for the next airport the bag should be sent to. The height, in Centimeter, of the aircraft. The UTC time when boarding has ended. Measure of the friction between two objects. See Wikipedia: https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coefficient_of_friction The UTC time at which the flight deck crew reported in. Type of event. Typically CREATE, RETRIEVE, UPDATE or DELETE, but can be other things. System dependent. Indicates if the flight terminates "TERM" at or continues "CONT" from the DiversionAirportIATADiversionAirportICAO. The TimestampUTC for when the delay was generated (if known), or accepted by the system. The SourceOrganization responsible for the delay data. Typically the organization reporting the delay. Comment related to something. Free text. The UTC time at which the cabin crew reported in. True if the braking (of an aircraft) was limited by friction between the wheels and the runway. This implies that ABS activated. False otherwise. Estimated time for BeltFirstBag. The number of bags in some context. The scheduled date and time that the aircraft a bag is planned to depart from its parking position. Always DateTimeUTC. The number of bags that can be loaded onto this aircraft on this airport. This includes local bags, and expected transfer bags. "Bag BHS Transport Time" is the duration the bag has spent being transported in the baggage handling system (BHS). The "Bag BHS Time Exceeded Group" is a grouping, based on business rules, of bags that have spent too much time in the BHS. Grouping is business/airport specific. The "Bag BHS Time Exceeded By" is the duration the bag has spent in the baggage handling system exceeding any service level agreement (SLA) giving the maximum allowed time (BagBhsSlaTime). The maximum allowed time will vary from BHS to BHS, and might also vary based on business rules. The "Bag BHS SLA Time" is the duration a given BHS has, according to any SLA, to process the bag. Usually this is from the passenger checks in the bag to when the bag is delivered in a baggage bin and available to the handler. The SLA time will vary from BHS to BHS, and might also vary based on business rules. Used to calculate BagBhsTimeExceededBy. XSD DateTime type The dateTime is specified in the following form "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.s+" where: Note: The median time it has taken to de-ice the last X aircraft. X is system/airport dependent. The median time the last X aircraft have been in a de-ice queue. X is system/airport dependent. The number of aircraft that are in the queue to a particular de-ice platform, given by DeIcePlatform. The number of lanes that are occupied on a given de-ice platform. The platform is identified by DeIcePlatform. The actual time an aircraft enters a de-ice queue. The number of aircraft that is expected to need de-ice in the next 120 minutes. The number of aircraft that is expected to need de-ice in the next 60 minutes. The number of aircraft that is expected to need de-ice in the next 30 minutes. The actual time an aircraft leaves a de-ice queue. A textual description for the relevant DeIceConditionCode. The code for the (weather) condition that led to de-icing being requested, and possibly performed. The codes listed under "Legal values" should always be supported. Additional codes can be defined if necessary. Codes defined here are always two digits. The relevant period for DeIceCompleteLastPeriod. The number of aircraft that finished de-ice in the last period, typically as defined by DeIceCompletePeriod. The number of aircraft that finished de-ice in the last 120 minutes. The number of aircraft that finished de-ice in the last 60 minutes. The number of aircraft that finished de-ice in the last 30 minutes. The average time it has taken to de-ice the last X aircraft. X is system/airport dependent. The average time the last X aircraft have been in a de-ice queue. X is system/airport dependent. The number of aircraft that are in a de-ice queue at a given airport. The number of aircraft that are on a given de-ice platform. The platform is identified by DeIcePlatform. Textual description for the DelayOrDiversionCode. Code describing the status of a UniqueFlightLegId. Was it just created, was it changed (due to merging) or was it added to a transaction to indicate the FlightLeg the transaction was matched to. See FlightRule for definition of term. See FlightRule for definition of term. See FlightLegSecurityIndicator for definition of term. See FlightLegSecurityIndicator for definition of term. Indicates if there are security issues associated with the flight leg, or not. System specific name of a customer, typically identified by CustomerId. System specific identifier of a customer. The timestamp when something was created, for instance a flight leg. Always UTC. The SourceOrganization that is the source of the data used to create "something", for instance a flight leg. Content is system specific. The source of the data used to create "something", for instance a flight leg. Content is system specific. System specific name of a contract. The "full" FlightId for the codeshare flight (leg). Indicates whether information regarding the indicated passenger should be deleted or not. Indicates the classification level for a data set, for instance a flight leg. Content is system specific, but the following is recommended: A text "message" related to check in that are meant to be displayed to passengers, typically to indicate where check in for this departure is. The TimestampUTC for when a flight leg was cancelled, regardless of cause. See also IATACancelTimestamp and ATMCancelTimestamp. A textual description of the reason for the cancellation. Typically associated with the CancelReasonCode. A system dependent code that defines the reason for a cancellation. Indicates if this flight leg has been rerouted or not. Rerouted means that the flight leg has changed the arrival airport. The number of midnights between FlightDepartureDate and the SOBTotp for one leg of a multi leg flight. For the first leg DepartureOffsetFromFlightDepartureDate will always be 0. Type of the departure heliport. Not strictly defined. Name of the departure heliport. The FlightId of a departing flight. The TimestampUTC for when an ATM (Air Traffic Management) cancellation was received. This is actually a cancellation of the flight plan and would typically not result in a cancellation of a flight leg with data from other sources. The number of midnights between FlightDepartureDate and the SIBTotp for one leg of a multi leg flight. Type of the arrival heliport. Not strictly defined. Name of the arrival heliport. The FlightId of an arriving flight. The type of airport this is. One airport can be of multiple types. Often used as reference data. System specific content. See AirportSecurityIndicator for definition of term. See AirportSecurityIndicator for definition of term. The name of an airport. System specific. True if the airport is in the Schengen area. False otherwise. Typically used for reference data. True if the airport is international as seen from system specific viewpoint. False if it is domestic. Typically used for reference data. The name of the city an airport mainly is associated with. System specific. The a name of some group the airline belongs to. System specific. Some code, typically neither IATA nor ICAO, for an airline. System specific content. AircraftTypeDescription is a short text describing which type of aircraft this is. Typically used to make AircraftIATAType and AircraftICAOType more understandable. The AircraftParkingPosition associated with a departure. The AircraftParkingPosition associated with an arrival. The relevant aircraft is in the list of aircrafts actually going to deice, and is part of the aircrafts that are used to calculate terms like DeIceMedianQueueTime, DeIceAirportQueueCount, DeIceCompleteLast30 etc. This is related to DeIceIsRequested, but is a stronger indicator for de-ice for this aircraft. List of airports a multi leg flight will land on before arriving at the destination. The list consists of AirportIATA codes. The list should contain all airports including first departure airport and last destination airport. The list should be ordered by the actual sequence the aircraft uses the airports. The SOBT (Scheduled Off-Block Time) as given by the slot system. Always UTC. The SIBT (Scheduled In-Block Time) as given by the slot system. Always UTC. The number of infants that stay on the aircraft at one stop on a multi leg flight. NOT included in PaxTransit. The number of seated children that stay on the aircraft at one stop on a multi leg flight. Included in PaxTransit. The number of adult seated passengers that stay on the aircraft at one stop on a multi leg flight. Included in PaxTransit. The number of transfer passengers disembarking the flight. These passengers are also included in the PaxDisembarking number. The number of infants in some context. The number of children in some context. PaxBusRemark related to a departure. PaxBusRemark related to an arrival A string with more information related to the request for busses, for instance to inform dispatch of the number of busses needed. A boolean value indicating if one or more busses are needed related to a departure, to transport passengers from the gate to the stand (AircraftParkingPosition) A boolean value indicating if one or more busses are needed related to an arrival, to transport passengers from the stand (AircraftParkingPosition) to the gate. The aircraft size part of the "ICAO Aerodrome Reference Code". The AircraftICAOSizeIndicator is derived from the most restrictive of either the aircraft wingspan or the aircraft outer main gear wheel span. The categories are listed below in "Legal values". The AircraftICAOCategory is a set of terms used by ICAO to classify aircraft according to specified basic characteristics, e.g. aeroplane, helicopter, glider, free balloon and others. See "Legal values" below for allowed values. Approach Speed Categorization is system for differentiating aircraft based on the speed at which the aircraft is flown during the approach phase of flight. Fixed wing aircraft are assigned to one of five categories. See "https://www.skybrary.aero/index.php/Approach_Speed_Categorisation" for more information. Categorization of the aircraft with regard to fire fighting and rescue operations. The DateTimeUTC something is valid to. Will typically be used with reference data to specify a validity period. Something is valid in the period ValidFrom to ValidTo. The DateTimeUTC something is valid from. Will typically be used with reference data to specify a validity period. Something is valid in the period ValidFrom to ValidTo. Code describing how a transaction was used in a system. For instance, if an AODB receives a transaction there are a number of typical usages: UTC timestamp for when the source was updated. If unknown, use current (UTC) time. The result on the system of processing the "SourceData". For example used if one system processes the data and sends it on to further systems. SourceData will only exist when the source data is something else than XML or JSON. SourceData will typically be the IATA message or an EFD message from Eurocontrol. UTC timestamp for when the message/transaction was created. XML time, always in UTC. A precise time for when something happened. Always UTC. xs.dateTime XSD Duration type The lexical representation for duration is the ISO 8601 extended format PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, where nY represents the number of years, nM the number of months, nD the number of days, 'T' is the date/time separator, nH the number of hours, nM the number of minutes and nS the number of seconds. The number of seconds can include decimal digits to arbitrary precision. P is required. The "Bag Unloaded From Aircraft Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the bag was unloaded from the aircraft. This corresponds to the BagEventCode "BagUnloaded". Always UTC. The "Bag To Passenger Time Estimate" is the DateTimeUTC when the bag is estimated to be made directly available to the passenger. This is an estimate of when the BagEventCode "BagToPassenger" will occur. This is an estimate of the timestamp BTPAT. Always UTC. The "Bag To Passenger Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the bag is made directly available to the passenger. This corresponds to the BagEventCode "BagToPassenger". Always UTC. An estimate of this timestamp is defined by BTPATE. The "Bag To Transfer Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the bag is delivered to transfer processing. This corresponds to the BagEventCode "BagToTransfer". Always UTC. The "Bag To Manual Security screening Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the (first) manual security scan of the bag started. This corresponds to the (first) BagEventCode "BagToSecScreen" for a manual security screening. Multiple security screenings of a bag is possible, but will not change BTMST. Always UTC. The "Bag To Manual Coding station Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the bag first enters a manual coding station (MCS). This corresponds to the BagEventCode "BagToMCS". Multiple visits to MCS by a bag is possible, but will not change BTMCT. Always UTC. The "Bag To L5 security screening Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the Level 5 security scan of the bag started. This corresponds to the BagEventCode "BagToSecScreen", with some additional information (typically BagEventLocation) identifying it as a Level 5 security screening. Always UTC. The "Bag To L4 security screening Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the Level 4 security scan of the bag started. This corresponds to the BagEventCode "BagToSecScreen", with some additional information (typically BagEventLocation) identifying it as a Level 4 security screening. Always UTC. The "Bag To L3 security screening Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the Level 3 security scan of the bag started. This corresponds to the BagEventCode "BagToSecScreen", with some additional information (typically BagEventLocation) identifying it as a Level 3 security screening. Always UTC. The "Bag To L2 security screening Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the Level 2 security scan of the bag started. This corresponds to the BagEventCode "BagToSecScreen", with some additional information (typically BagEventLocation) identifying it as a Level 2 security screening. Always UTC. The "Bag To L1 security screening Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the Level 1 security scan of the bag started. This corresponds to the BagEventCode "BagToSecScreen", with some additional information (typically BagEventLocation) identifying it as a Level 1 security screening. Always UTC. The "Bag Tag Generated Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the bag tag was generated (printed). This will typically result in the generation of a bag source message (BSM). BTGRT corresponds to the BagEventCode "BagTagGenerated". Always UTC. The "Bag To First Security screening Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the first security screening of the bag started. This corresponds to the first BagEventCode "BagToSecScreen". Multiple security screenings of a bag is possible, but will not change BTFST. Always UTC. The "Bag To Early Bag storage Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the bag first enters an early bag store (EBS). This corresponds to the first BagEventCode "BagToEBS". Multiple visits to EBS by a bag is unlikely, and will not change BTEBT. Always UTC. The "Bag To BHS BinTime" is the DateTimeUTC when the baggage handling system actually delivered the bag for further handling. This will typically be, for baggage handling systems with sorting, when the bag is placed in a bin. This corresponds to the BagEventCode "BagToBhsBin". Always UTC. An estimate of this timestamp is defined by BEBFT. The "Bag To Automatic Security screening Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the (first) automatic security screening of the bag started. This corresponds to the (first) BagEventCode "BagToSecScreen" for an automatic security screening. Multiple security screenings of a bag is possible, but will not change BTAST. Always UTC. The time the bag was last rejected. This will typically be by an SBD (self service baggage drop). Often the same as BFRET. Always UTC. The "Bag Loaded Time" is the DateTimeUTC for the last BagLoaded event. The timestamp can indicate when the bag was loaded into a container, or when it was loaded onto an aircraft. This corresponds to the last BagEventCode "BagLoaded". Always UTC. Code/string defining which baggage segregation that are associated with the relevant Bin. Codes are system/handler specific. A baggage bin. Typically where a baggage handling system places the bags that are sorted. The time the bag was first rejected. This will typically be by an SBD (self service baggage drop). Common reasons are too heavy and too big. Always UTC. The "Bag From Manual Security screening Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the (last) manual security screening of the bag finished. This corresponds to the (last) BagEventCode "BagFromSecScreen" for a manual security screening. Multiple manual security screenings of a bag is possible, all should update BFMST. Always UTC. The "Bag From Manual Coding station Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the bag enters a manual coding station (MCS) for the last time. This corresponds to the last BagEventCode "BagFromMCS". Multiple visits to MCS by a bag is possible. Each visit will update the BFMCT. Always UTC. The "Bag From Last Security screening Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the security screening of the bag is finished. This corresponds to the last BagEventCode "BagFromSecScreen". Multiple security scans of a bag is possible, all should update BFLST. Always UTC. The "Bag From L5 security screening Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the Level 5 security scan of the bag finished. This corresponds to the BagEventCode "BagFromSecScreen", with some additional information (typically BagEventLocation) identifying it as a Level 5 security screening. Always UTC. The "Bag From L4 security screening Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the Level 4 security scan of the bag finished. This corresponds to the BagEventCode "BagFromSecScreen", with some additional information (typically BagEventLocation) identifying it as a Level 4 security screening. Always UTC. The "Bag From L3 security screening Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the Level 3 security scan of the bag finished. This corresponds to the BagEventCode "BagFromSecScreen", with some additional information (typically BagEventLocation) identifying it as a Level 3 security screening. Always UTC. The "Bag From L2 security screening Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the Level 2 security scan of the bag finished. This corresponds to the BagEventCode "BagFromSecScreen", with some additional information (typically BagEventLocation) identifying it as a Level 2 security screening. Always UTC. The "Bag From L1 security screening Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the Level 1 security scan of the bag finished. This corresponds to the BagEventCode "BagFromSecScreen", with some additional information (typically BagEventLocation) identifying it as a Level 1 security screening. Always UTC. The "Bag From Early Bag Store Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the bag left the early bag store (EBS) for the last time. This corresponds to the (last) BagEventCode "BagFromEBS". Multiple visits to EBS is unlikely, but when leaving all should update BFEBT. Always UTC. The "Bag First Check in Attempt Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the bag first was attempted checked in. For most bags this will be the same as BACIT as they do not experience a BagRejected event. This corresponds to the first "BagChecked" or "BagCheckInAttempt" BagEventCode. Always UTC. The "Bag From BHS BinTime" is the DateTimeUTC when the bag is removed from the BHS bin (or any other place a BHS might have delivered the bag). This will typically be when a handler places the bag in a cart or a container. This corresponds to the BagEventCode "BagFromBhsBin". Always UTC. The "Bag From Automatic Security screening Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the (last) automatic security screening of the bag finished. This corresponds to the (last) BagEventCode "BagFromSecScreen" for automatic security screening. Multiple security screenings of a bag is possible, all should update BFAST. Always UTC. The Bag Estimate To Passenger Time is the DateTimeUTC when the bag is estimated to be ready to be picked up by the passenger. This is an estimate for the BagEventCode "BagToPassenger". Always UTC. The Bag Estimated BHS Finish Time is the DateTimeUTC when the baggage handling system estimates that the bag will be finished and ready for further handling. This will typically be, for baggage handling systems with sorting, when the bag is placed in a bin. This is an estimate for the BagEventCode "BagToBhsBin". Always UTC. The Bag Actual On Belt Time is the DateTimeUTC when the bag actually is placed on the baggage belt/carousel and soon will be ready for pick up by the passenger. This corresponds to the BagEventCode "BagOnBelt". Always UTC. BagWasSentToProblemBin indicates that the bag was sent to a problem bin. There are many possible reasons for this. BagWasSentToMcs indicates that the bag was sent to a manual coding station (MCS) at least once. This will often be because the bag tag couldn't be read automatically. Other reasons are also possible. BagWasRejected indicates if the bag was rejected one or more times during checkin/delivery of the bag. BagWasLost indicates that the bag has been registered as lost in SITA WorldTracer, or that it is known by other means that the bag was not loaded onto the correct aircraft. A lost bag is a bag that isn't on the same aircraft as the owner. BagWasDeliveredToBhsTooLate indicates if the bag was delivered to the baggage handling system too late for it to be loaded on the aircraft. The definition of "too late" is system/airport dependent, but will typically involve BagSOBT and BagBhsSlaTime. BagWasDeliveredToBhsLate indicates if the bag was delivered to the baggage handling system late. The definition of "late" is system/airport dependent, but will typically involve BagSOBT and BagBhsSlaTime. Even if the bag is delivered late it might be in time to be loaded on the aircraft. BagWasDeliveredToBhsInTime indicates if the bag was delivered to the baggage handling system in time. The definition of "in time" is system/airport dependent, but will typically involve BagSOBT and BagBhsSlaTime. BagWasDeliveredFromBhsTooLate indicates if the bag was delivered from the baggage handling system too late, and will not be loaded. The definition of "too late" is system/airport dependent, but will typically involve BagSOBT. BagWasDeliveredFromBhsLate indicates if the bag was delivered from the baggage handling system late, and is in danger of not being loaded. The definition of "late" is system/airport dependent, but will typically involve BagSOBT. BagWasDeliveredFromBhsInTime indicates if the bag was delivered from the baggage handling system in time (to be loaded). The definition of "in time" is system/airport dependent, but will typically involve BagSOBT. The "Bag Total Time In MCS" is the duration the bag has spent in a manual coding station (MCS) in total. Multiple visits to MCS by a bag is possible and must be added to provide a correct BagTotalTimeInMcs. If the bag is only once in MCS then BagTotalTimeInMcs = BFMCT - BTMCT The "Bag Total Time In EBS" is the duration the bag has spent in an EBS in total. Multiple visits to EBS by a bag is rare, but possible and must be added to provide a correct BagTotalTimeInEbs. If the bag is only once in EBS then BagTotalTimeInEbs = BFEBT - BTEBT The "Bag Total Time In BHS" is the duration the bag has spent in the baggage handling system. BagTotalTimeInBhs = BTBBT - BACIT The "Bag Total Time At Security Screening" is the total duration the bag has spent at security screening. BagTotalTimeAtSecScreen = BFLST - BTFST The BagToMcsCount is the number of times a bag has been to a manual coding station on one airport. The "Bag Time At Manual Security Screening" is the duration the bag has spent at manual security screening. BagTimeAtManSecScreen = BFMST - BTMST The "Bag Time At Automatic Security Screening" is the duration the bag has spent at automatic security screening. BagTimeAtAutSecScreen = BFAST - BTAST BagTagWasNotSeenInBhs indicates that the bag tag generated (printed), but wasn't registered in the BHS. There might be several reasons for this, including tag not used by passenger, bag moved tail to tail, bag brought to gate by passenger with tag printed at gate. A unique bag identifier to make statistics and business intelligence easier. Solves the problem that the BagTagNumber is reused quite often. The identifier is 10 characters to make it the same length as the BagTagNumber, but clearly something else. The status of a "Bag Tag" on one airport. Normally the number of bag tags generated for one flight leg on one airport, but can be for other "things" as well (a printer). The location where the bag tag was printed. The location is identified with a text string that is meaningful in the context it is used. The way/codes to identify a location will typically vary across the different implementations. Use the same values as used by BagEventLocation for the BagTagGenerated event - if this represented printing of a bag tag. A 10 digit bag tag number compliant with GDPR. This means that the BagTagSerialNumber part is replaced by a "meaningless" number. The BagTagLeadingDigit and BagTagIssuerCode are not changed. See also BagTagNumber. The 10 digit bag tag (licence plate) number as defined by IATA. The BagTagNumber is a concatenation of BagTagLeadingDigit, BagTagIssuerCode and BagTagSerialNumber. The AirlineIATA code corresponding to the BagTagIssuerCode. The SOBT for the flight the bag departed/is supposed to depart on. The flight is defined by BagDepartureFlightId. Always UTC. Indication if baggage is unconventional size or weight. The number of bags delivered to a problem bin for one flight, and not the bin(s) allocated to one flight. The number of bags delivered to the bin(s) allocated to one flight. Normally the number of bags checked in for one flight leg from one airport. Should be equal or higher than BaggageCountLoaded, unless rush bags mess up the loaded count. A bag might get a new BagTagNumber for different reasons, see BagNewTagNumber. For a bag with a new tag, this is the previous BagTagNumber for the bag. The AirportIATA code for the airport the bag came from. Not relevant for bags that start their journey on "this" airport. The bin/location where the bag is planned to be delivered to by the baggage handling system. The location is identified with a text string that is meaningful in the context it is used. The way/codes to identify a location will typically vary across the different implementations. Use the same values as used by BagEventLocation for the BagToBhsBin event. A bag that becomes "lost" will in some cases get a new bag tag. Bags might also get new tags for different reasons. This is the new BagTag for the bag. See also BagPreviousTagNumber. The "Bag Net Time In BHS" is the duration the bag has spent in the baggage handling system, excluding time spent in early bag storage. BagNetTimeInBhs = BagTotalTimeInBhs - BagTotalTimeInEbs The BagIrregularityCode associated with the bag being registered as lost. The FlightId for the flight where the bag became lost. Not guaranteed to be correct, best effort value. The date the bag was lost. Mainly to help make the BagTagNumber unique on the BagLostAirportIATA. Not guaranteed to be correct, best effort value. Always UTC. Open ended string containing JSON formatted data. Contains any additional information about the lost bag as name:value pairs. For example: Text string that defines the location of a bag in some way. The location string that is meaningful in the context it is used. The way/codes to identify a location will typically vary across the different implementations. BagIsRush indicates if the bag is a RUSH bag or not. A RUSH bag is an unaccompanied (expedited) bag as specified in IATA Resolution 740, attachment 'K' and 'L'. BagIsPriority indicates if the bag is a priority bag or not. BagIsCrew indicates if the bag is a crew bag or not. The number for BagInfoReceived events for a bag on an airport. This would normally correspond to the number of BIMs received for one bag on one airport, minus one. The first BIM received would normally be a BSM that will trigger a BagTagGenerated event. A standard IATA baggage information message as a text string. Start and end token ("BSM"/ENDBSM, BPM/ENDBPM, ....") included. BagHasLoadedEvent indicates that the bag was loaded onto an aircraft. In practice this means that at least one BagLoaded event has been registered. The HandlerCode for the Handler that are responsible for handling the baggage at departure. The HandlerCode for the Handler that are responsible for handling the baggage at arrival. The HandlerCode for the Handler that is responsible for handling the baggage. Weight in kilos of all baggage actually on board the aircraft. The reason for the first rejection of a check in attempt for the bag. This would typically be at a self service baggage drop (SBD). The reason would typically come from the BagEventDescription of the first BagRejected event. The AirportIATA code for the final airport the bag should be sent to. Timestamp defining when a BagEventCode occurred. The location where a BagEventCode occurred. The location is identified with a text string that is meaningful in the context it is used. The way/codes to identify a location will typically vary across the different implementations. The relevant error code for events that indicate some form of failure, for instance BagRejected, BagSecScreenRejected and BagToBhsBinProblem. Having the error code in a separate element makes it easier to process the different errors. Any description of the error should be in BagEventDescription. Descriptive text for an event (BagEventCode) that happened to a bag (Baggage). The descriptions are system specific, and there can be multiple descriptions for the same BagEventCode. The BagEventCount is normally for one bag on one airport, but can be for one bag on all airports, for one flight or for any given period. The AirportIATA code associated with the BagEventLocation where a BagEventCode occurred. An event that happened to a bag (Baggage). The elements used to describe a bag event is system specific, but will typically consist of at least: Indicates how the bag was checked in. This can typically be derived from BagEventLocation. The location where a bag was checked in. This will typically be the BagEventLocation of the BagChecked event. The BagCheckinLocation must correspond to the BagCheckinType. For instance, if the BagCheckinType = "SBD" then the location should be one of the self service baggage drop locations. The category ("CheckIn", "Transfer", "Final") this bag belongs to. BagCanBeTransported indicates the bag can be transported. BagCanBeLoaded indicates if the bag is can be loaded (onto an aircraft) or not. BagBsmWasProblem indicates that there were a problem with a BSM at least once. Often this will be a missing BSM. The "Bag BHS Delivery Attempts Time" is the duration the bag has spent trying to be delivered to a bin. Typically this is because the bin is full, or some other BagToBhsBinProblem. The number of times the baggage handling system has tried to deliver a given bag to a bin. Should normally be '1', but can be much more in bin full conditions or with other BHS related problems. The FlightId for the flight the bag arrived on. The AOBT for the flight the bag departed on. The flight is defined by BagDepartureFlightId. Always UTC. Standard IATA baggage information codes as defined in IATA Recommended Practice 1745, attachment A. BagPlannedBin indicates the bin that was the planned bin for this bag. The "Bag Actual Checked In Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the bag was checked and delivered to the baggage handling system. This corresponds to the BagEventCode "BagChecked". This should occur when it is impossible for the passenger to decide not to check the baggage after all. It is however possible for the bag to be rejected for technical reasons (too long). Always UTC. The "Bag Accepted By BHS Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the bag was checked and delivered to the baggage handling system (BHS). This corresponds to the BagEventCode "BagAcceptedByBhs". The bag is now under the control of the BHS and can't be accessed by the passenger. Always UTC. The start of the anti-ice holdover time. This will typically be when the first truck started to apply anti-ice fluid. Always UTC. The AirportIATA code for the alternative arrival (destination) airport for this flight leg. The estimated landing time (ELDT) at an AlternativeArrivalAirportIATA. Always UTC. The weight, in Kilo, of the aircraft without fuel, but with everything else included (passengers, cargo). The width, in Centimeter, of the aircraft. Thrust. The take off thrust (in KiloNewton kilo newtons) that an aircraft of this type typically exerts under normal operating conditions. The name of the legal entity that owns the aircraft. The number of engines used on this aircraft type. This is a configuration-applicable attribute. Maximum take off weight. The maximum weight (in kgs) at which the pilot of this aircraft is allowed to attempt to take off, due to structural or other limits. The length, in Centimeter, of the aircraft. A-CDM (Airport Collaborate Decision Making) status codes. The date the Flight (starts to) operate. Weight in kilos of all cabin baggage actually on board the aircraft. Weight in Kilos of all cargo (freight) actually on board the aircraft. Mail and baggage is excluded. Number of working crew members in the cabin. CrewActiveOnBoard = CrewCockpitActiveOnBoard + CrewCabinActiveOnBoard Number of working crew members in the cockpit. CrewActiveOnBoard = CrewCockpitActiveOnBoard + CrewCabinActiveOnBoard Number of passive crew boarding the aircraft. Often called "DHC" (Dead Head Crew). Included in PaxAdultBoarding. Approved 2013-10-08 Ole Nymoen Updated 2020-11-22. Passive crew is included in PaxAdultBoarding. Number of passive crew disembarking the aircraft. Often called "DHC" (Dead Head Crew). Included in PaxAdultDisembarking. Approved 2013-10-08 Ole Nymoen Updated 2020-11-22. Passive crew is included in PaxAdultDisembarking. Indicator showing what kind of airport/flight/gate/etc. (domestic, international (Non Schengen), Schengen) this is. Number of duty travelers (employees of the relevant airline on business trip) disembarking the aircraft. Included in PaxAdultDisembarking. Ole Nymoen Updated 2020-11-22. DutyTravel... included in PaxAdult... Number of duty travelers (employees of the relevant airline on business trip) on board the aircraft. Included in PaxAdultOnBoard. Ole Nymoen Updated 2020-11-22. DutyTravel... included in PaxAdult... Weight in Kilos of all equipment actually on board the aircraft. The status of a "FlightLeg". The following values are defined: "SCH", "FPL", "FLS", "ACT", "CAN", "LAN", "RER", "DIV", "DEL", "UNK" An agreed set of standards under which an aircraft is allowed to operate dependent upon local weather conditions, etc. The AIBT after a forced return. Always UTC. The ALDT after a forced return. Always UTC. The stage in the boarding process for the gate. These can be set manually or by business rules (e.g. auto gating) The UTC time at which the final call is issued. Additional information about which detailed type of movement message this is. Initial Off-Block Time. The initial estimated time at which the aircraft will start movement associated with departure, as filed in the flight plan. Always UTC time. The cargo compartment in the aircraft where any last minute changes occurred. Weight in kilos of all types of cargo (mail, papers, etc.) and baggage actually on board the aircraft. Sum of LoadCompartmentWeight across all holds (LoadCompartmentId). Weight in Kilos of all mail actually on board the aircraft. The time when the aircraft start taxiing on its's own power after pushback. Always UTC. Seats occupied by PADs (Passenger Available for Disembarkation) in class 1. Number of PADs (Passenger Available for Disembarkation) in class 3 disembarking at this airport. Seats occupied by PADs (Passenger Available for Disembarkation) in class 3. The total number of child passengers boarding this aircraft at this airport. Included in PaxBoarding. The total number of child passengers disembarking this aircraft at this airport. Included in PaxDisembarking. Number of passengers in class 1, including PADs, disembarking at this airport. The total number of child passengers on board this aircraft at this airport. Included in PaxSeatedOnBoard. Seats occupied by passengers in class 2, including PADs. Approved 2013-05-10 Ole Nymoen Updated 2020-11-22. Simplified to only PaxAdult... + PaxChild... The number of seated passengers and passive crew that stay on the aircraft at one stop on a multi leg flight. For example, at Arlanda there are 3 Physical Runways: Each physical runway can be divided into Logical Runways. At Arlanda there are 2 for each Physical Runway: string (8) The average wait time experienced by people exiting the queue in the last QueueMeasurementResolution period. Averages can easily be skewed by a few large or small numbers. A unique identifier of some sort. Uniqueness must be guaranteed across an airport, and possibly across multiple airports if part of a multi-airport system. The maximum measured wait time experienced by a person exiting the queue in the relevant QueueMeasurementResolution period. The end time of the queue measurement period. QueueMeasurementEndTime is defined as: QueueMeasurementStartTime + QueueMeasurementResolution The resolution of the queue measurements. Typically 5 minutes, 15 minutes or 60 minutes. QueueMeasurementResolution is defined as: QueueMeasurementEndTime - QueueMeasurementStartTime The start time of the queue measurement period. QueueMeasurementStartTime is defined as: QueueMeasurementEndTime - QueueMeasurementResolution The median duration experienced by people exiting the queue in the last QueueMeasurementResolution period. Name of the relevant queue identified by QueueId. Queues are located in a QueueLocation. The number of people in the queue at a point in time. The unit of measure is number of people. The number of passengers processed over the relevant QueueMeasurementResolution period. IATA Special Service Request Codes as defined in IATA Recommended Practice 1708/1715. A system specific unique identifier for a flight leg. Can be anything, and doesn't have to be meaningful in any way. Proposed terms will never change and will never be reused. All persons on board the plane. Often known as souls on board. PersonsOnboard = CrewActiveOnBoard + PaxSeatedOnBoard + PaxInfantOnBoard Approved 2013-05-10 Ole Nymoen Updated 2020-11-22. Simplified. The number of passengers and passive crew disembarking the plane, infants excluded. Approved 2013-10-08 Ole Nymoen Updated 2020-11-22. Simplified to only PaxAdult... + PaxChild... The number of infants boarding the plane. The number of infants disembarking the plane. The number of infants on board the plane. The total number of adult passengers boarding this aircraft at this airport. Included in PaxBoarding. The total number of adult passengers disembarking this aircraft at this airport. Included in PaxDisembarking. The total number of adult passengers on board this aircraft at this airport. Included in PaxSeatedOnBoard. The number of "seated passengers" boarding the aircraft, infants excluded. Approved 2013-10-08 Ole Nymoen Updated 2020-11-22. Simplified to only PaxAdult... + PaxChild... Estimated Landing Time. The estimated time that an aircraft will touchdown on the runway. (Equivalent to ATC ETA–Estimated Time of Arrival = landing). Always UTC time. Numeric IATA delay/diversion code. Codes are defined in the IATA Airport Handling Manual chapter 730 The number of adult passengers in some context. The estimated time that a person entering the queue at some point in time can expect to wait. The minimum wait time a person exiting the queue has experienced in the relevant QueueMeasurementResolution period. The status for the boarding process for the gate. These can be set manually or by business rules (e.g. auto gating) . See AirportSecurityIndicator for definition of term. Deprecated due to bad naming. AirportSecurityIndicatorDeparture is the replacement term. Approved 2013-04-04 Deprecated due to bad naming. AirportSecurityIndicatorArrival is the replacement term. Approved 2013-04-04 Number of duty travelers (employees of the relevant airline on business trip) boarding the aircraft. Included in PaxAdultBoarding. Ole Nymoen Updated 2020-11-22. DutyTravel... included in PaxAdult... Approved 2013-05-10 Ole Nymoen Updated 2020-11-22. Passive crew is included in PaxAdultOnBoard. RemarkType indicates what "area" this Remark is related to. The allowed RemarkTypes are airport specific. Some remark types can have an implicit max length. RemarkTexts longer than this will be truncated at some point. Indicates the status of the de-icing process. A boolean value indicating that mechanical de-icing in some form is used on the relevant aircraft. For attributes that are volumes typically given in liters. The platform where the de-icing occurred. The names are airport specific. De-icing is typically done either on stand or on a dedicated de-icing platform. Indicates the AircraftParkingPosition where de-icing was done. See also DeIcePlatform. A boolean value indicating that de-icing, or anti-icing, is requested for the relevant aircraft. Indicates the volume used of the relevant DeIceFluidType. Indicates which de-ice fluid type, including water, that has been used on the relevant aircraft. Each fluid type is specified separately, typically with the volume used. The air (ambient) temperature where the de-icing process occurs. For attributes that are volumes typically given in deciliters (1/10 Liter). For attributes that are volumes typically given in centiliters (1/100 Liter). For temperatures measured in Celsius. Standard IATA baggage irregularity codes as defined in IATA Recommended Practice 1743. Flag indicating if this is a domestic transfer flight, or not. A domestic transfer flight is an international arrival with passengers that should transfer to domestic flights, and that the airport knows about and handles appropriately. Indicates whether information regarding the indicated BookingClass should be deleted or not. The date (not including the time) that an aircraft is scheduled to arrive at its parking position. Always DateUTC. The AirportIATA that are the destination for the relevant FlightSegment. A GDPR compliant PNR code. This means that the PNR code is replaced with a "meaningless" code that can't be used to identify a passenger. See also PnrCode. The relevant passenger has passed security. The relevant passenger has boarded the airplane. The outbound FlightId for "something", for instance a passenger. The inbound FlightId for "something", for instance a passenger. Additional information about which detailed type of PRM message this is. For IATA messages with multiple "parts". A flight segment are what you can buy a ticket for on a multi leg flight. For a single leg flight FlightLeg and FlightSegment is identical. For a multi leg flight A-B-C there are two flight legs (A-B, B-C) and three flight segments (A-B, B-C, A-C). entity, concept The date (not including the time) that an aircraft is scheduled to depart from its parking position. Always DateUTC. Supplementary information about "something". Often used in IATA messages. Number of passengers in class 3, including PADs, disembarking at this airport. Number of passengers in class 2, including PADs, disembarking at this airport. Number of PADs (Passenger Available for Disembarkation) in class 2 disembarking at this airport. Number of PADs (Passenger Available for Disembarkation) in class 1 disembarking at this airport. Name of some sort of organization/company/legal entity/++ . Weight in Kilos of all equipment unloaded. Weight in kilos of cabin baggage unloaded. Seats occupied by passengers in class 3, including PADs. Seats occupied by passengers in class 1, including PADs. Seats occupied by PADs (Passenger Available for Disembarkation) in class 2. The name of the operating airline. The UTC time at which the boarding is started at the gate. The weight of the fuel in the aircraft at take off. The HandlerName of the Handler responsible for handling the aircraft at departure. The HandlerName of the Handler responsible for handling the aircraft at arrival. Which landing system the crew supports. See LandingCapability for more information. Which landing system the aircraft supports. See LandingCapability for more information. Which landing system the aircraft/crew supports. Weight in kilos of all types of cargo (mail, papers, etc.) and baggage loaded into the hold of the aircraft. Sum of LoadCompartmentWeight loaded into all holds (LoadCompartmentId). None are required, but enough have to be present to actually uniquely identify a FlightLeg. Actual take off weight. The actual weight (in kgs) including fuel, pax and cargo. The "Bag First Event Date" is the date of the first bag event for a given bag tag on a given airport. NB! Tighten description.What is the first event on an airport as opposed to the first event for a bag Name of IT system, in the SourceOrganization, that was the source of the data The value set are site specific. The serial number part of a BagTagNumber, allocated by the issuing organization (identified by BagTagIssuerCode). The 3-digit IATA allocated code identifying the airline that has issued the bag tag. See BagTagNumber for information about the other parts, and AirlineIATAThreeNumeric for more information about the 3-digit IATA code. A numeric code, 3 digits, assigned by IATA . The leading digit of a BagTagNumber. The leading digit typically says something about how the bag tag was generated, but is not required to do so by IATA. Airlines are free to use the leading digit differently. Please see BagTagNumber for more details. Bag tags, also known as baggage tags, baggage checks or luggage tickets, have traditionally been used by bus, train, and airline carriers to route checked luggage to its final destination. The passenger stub is typically handed to the passenger or attached to the ticket envelope. Airline bag tags are identified by BagTagNumber. Descriptive name for a LogicalRunway. A logical runway is a PhysicalRunway including direction. Each airline may have a corresponding telephony designator associated with it. This should not be confused with a flight Callsign. The telephony designator would be used in the tower in radio communications to identify the airline, possibly in conjunction with the flight number. For example "Speedbird" (British Airways), "Airfrans" (Air France) or "Speedbird 1342" (British Airways flight 1342). Descriptive name of a PhysicalRunway. The estimated number for PaxDisembarking. The estimated number for PaxBoarding. The Airport ICAO code for the airport where the runway is located (see AirportICAO for description of term). The Airport ICAO code for the airport where the runway is located (see AirportICAO for description of term). The number of bags that has been checked in at the same time. A precise time for when something happened. Always local time. xs.dateTime Ticket number, with issuer number prefix. Indicates a zone within the terminal. How the zone is given isn't strictly encoded and may wary from airport/service to airport/service. The time (not including the date) that an aircraft is scheduled to depart from its first parking position. Always TimeUTC. For a Schedule it is only meaningful to use only a time (and not date and time as is necessary for one flight). The time (not including the date) that an aircraft is scheduled to arrive at its first parking position. Always TimeUTC. For a Schedule it is only meaningful to use only a time (and not date and time as is necessary for one flight). Service class (compartment code/travel class) coded in accordance with IATA resolution 728. A sequence of numbers. Identifies a passenger seat. The row part is always first and without any leading zeros. The letter part is always last and consist of only uppercase letter in the range ‘A’ – ‘Z’. The AirportICAO code for the next airport of a multi leg flight. For single leg flights it will be the same as OriginAirportICAO The AirportIATA code for the previous airport of a multi leg flight. For single leg flights it will be the same as OriginAirportIATA. Either the AirportIATA code or the AirportICAO code for the previous airport of a multi leg flight. For single leg flights it will be the same as the origin airport. The PNR on which this passenger is booked in the airline system (often used term is "booking reference"). The phone number of something. The last name of a passenger Normally the passengers title (e.g MR, MRS....) For co-branded cards. Identifies the secondary card. Legal values are a subset of the PassengerIdType values. Most often used for credit cards that also are frequent flier cards. The value would then be "fqtv". Defines the type of travel documentation presented. Basically this is either something that identifies the passenger or a (2D bar code) ticket. Additional information about the travel documentation, as defined in PassengerIdType. Contains a 2D bar code or FOID (Form Of Identification) of some sort, depending on PassengerIdType. See PassengerIdType for description of legal content. Indicator set to true if the passenger has weapons, ammunition or explosives in checked baggage. Indicator set to true if the passenger has pets in the cabin. Indicator set to true if the passenger has animals in checked baggage. An alphanumeric group ID which can be used to group some passengers for seating purposes. PassengerGroupId must not be confused with "BaggagePoolId". The first (and middle) name of a passenger A code describing the passenger to some extent. The cellular/mobile phone number for one passenger. The boarding status of the passenger. Indicates where in the boarding process the passenger is. Either the AirportIATA code or the AirportICAO code for the airport where a multi leg flight originated. For single leg flights it will be the same as the departure airport. The PNR code for the operating carrier, independent of code-share, lease or other issues. The FlightId of the airline/carrier that operates this flight. The AirportICAO code for the next airport of a multi leg flight. For single leg flights it will be the same as FinalAirportICAO. The AirportIATA code for the next airport of a multi leg flight. For single leg flights it will be the same as FinalAirportIATA. Either the AirportIATA code or the AirportICAO code for the next airport of a multi leg flight. For single leg flights it will be the same as the final airport. The issuer code and masked credit card number. Can be used to identify a passenger by his credit card. A masked credit card number is not unique in the world, but is highly likely to be unique in any relevant setting. The FlightId of the airline/carrier that marketed this flight. Indicates if the passenger is allowed to use a lounge or not. True if the passenger is allowed to use a lounge, false otherwise. A persons last name, also called surname / family name. A code identifying the company issuing something, typically cards or bag tags. What this code actually is depends on the context. The title and/or initials of a person.(e.g MR, MRS....) Must be set to true for the passenger that is head of the baggage pool (i.e. the passenger than has all the pooled baggage connected to him or her). CardNumber for the relevant frequent flyer card. The issuer code and card number of a frequent flyer card. Can be used to identify a passenger by his frequent flyer card. AirlineIATA code for the airline that issued the frequent flyer card. A frequent flyer card can also be identified by FrequentFlyerCard. As defined by IATA resolution 722. "K": Kilos, "L": Pounds, "PC": Pieces. Example: "20L", "12K", "3PC" A persons first and middle names. Either the AirportIATA code or the AirportICAO code for the final airport of a multi leg flight. For single leg flights it will be the same as the arrival airport. Indicates if the passenger is allowed to use fast track or not. True if the passenger is allowed to use fast track, false otherwise. The time the aircraft was diverted. A sub-code further identifying the reason for this diversion. See DelayOrDiversionSubCode for legal values. A textual description of the reason for this diversion. See DelayOrDiversionReason. A code identifying the reason for this diversion. See DelayOrDiversionCode for legal values. The FlightServiceTypeIATA for a departing flight. The FlightNumber of a departing flight. The flight leg identifier for a departing flight, as seen from a specified airport. The IATA code of the airline operating a departing flight. A sub-code further identifying the reason for this delay. See DelayOrDiversionSubCode for legal values. Additional specification of the DelayOrDiversionCode term. The sub codes relates to a particular DelayOrDiversionCode, and are not unique across codes. Sequence number allocated to checked in passengers. The time (UTC) when the first check-in desk opened against this flight. The time (UTC) when the last check-in desk against this flight closed. For attributes that are some sort of distance that are measured in centimeters. The number of passengers that have tickets connected to a card. Used when the card holder orders tickets for several passengers that travels at the same time, and the card is used to identify the passengers. A unique card number within the Issuers domain. What the card number actually is depends on the type of card. The issuer is identified by the CardIssuerCode. Booking class (fare class) coded in accordance with IATA resolution 728. The sequence number of the passengers boarding pass. The width (in Centimeter) of one bag. The weight (in kilos) of one bag. Indication if baggage contains special goods. The time a bag scan operation occurred. Always UTC. The location where a bag scan operation occurred. The location is identified with a text string that is meaningful in the context it is used. The way/codes to identify a location will typically wary across the different implementations. A BagScanAction will typically occur at the location. The geographical location where a bag scan operation occurred. The location is typically identified by an entity containing at least Latitude and Longitude, and most likely Elevation. More detailed information about this bag scan. The airport, IATA code, where a bag scan operation occurred. The action being done when a bag scan operation occurred. The action is identified with a text string that is meaningful in the context it is used. The way/codes to identify an action will typically wary across the different implementations. A number indicating the sequence a bag is loaded into "something". The length (in Centimeter) of one bag. The height (in Centimeter) of one bag. A number identifying a group of persons which have their baggage pooled. The number is unique within the flight. (I.e. all persons belonging to this group have the same BaggagePoolId). Note! BaggagePoolId should not be confused with the term "PassengerGroupId" which is used to group passengers for seating purposes. The dimensions of one bag. Typically an entity containing BagLength, BagWidth and BagHeight. A precise identification of the container where the bag currently is, for instance a serial number. Can also be the aircraft compartment where the bag is loaded. The ATM (Air Traffic Management) status for this flight leg. The content is not strictly defined as it may wary based on the ATM provider and the source of the data. CDM (Collaborate Decision Making) status from the ATM (Air Traffic Management) world. The content is not strictly defined as it may wary based on the ATM provider and the source of the data. The FlightServiceTypeIATA for an arriving flight. The FlightNumber of an arriving flight. The flight leg identifier for an arriving flight, as seen from a specified airport. The IATA code of the airline operating an arriving flight. Indicates if "this" is related to an arrival, a departure or a transfer. Indicates an airspace zone where something, typically an aircraft, can be. The coding of the zones are not completely strict. The legal values listed below can be extended with other values, based on the use case and systems involved. If an aircraft is in a given zone it will typically correlate to some extent with ELDTAccuracy. Either an AirportIATA or an AirportICAO code for an airport. The AirspaceZone where an aircraft can be. If an aircraft is in a given zone it will typically correlate to some extent with ELDTAccuracy. The airline code which will appear on the passengers' tickets for a codeshare for this flight. This can be either the IATA or ICAO code. See AirlineIATA or AirlineICAO for definition of content. Actual Ground Handling Time. The total duration of the ground handling of the aircraft. Metric: ACGT - AEGT. The IATA code (see AirportIATA for description of term) for the final airport of a multi leg flight. For single leg flights it will be the same as ArrivalAirportIATA. The first day of the Schedule. The AirportIATA code for the Airport that the schedule is relative to. For slot coordinated airports schedule data is typically given as arrival and departure information (turnaround). Schedules in general are flight oriented. Also known as DOOP, days of operation. This is a pattern that defines the days of the week which has scheduled flights. Kilograms of cargo loaded in a LoadCompartmentId. Latitude, given as a decimal number in WGS84. Example "59.85417". Longitude, given as a number in WGS84. Example: "8.65028". Defines the season this schedule applies to. Three character string where the first character defines the season and the tho next the year. The term for an aircraft changing from being part of an arrival to part of a departure. Typically (but not necessarily) the departure being a 'return flight' or follow on flight leg. Turnaround Time being the amount of time it takes to perform the turnaround - this includes all operations such as: cleaning, refuelling, crew change, bag unloading/loading etc. As TTOT, but local time. As TSAT, but local time. As TOBT, but local time. Target Off-Block Time. The time that an Aircraft Operator or Ground Handler estimates that an aircraft will be ready, all doors closed, boarding bridge removed, push back vehicle available and ready to start up / push back immediately upon reception of clearance from the TWR. Always UTC time. As TLDT, but local time. The descriptive name of the Terminal, associated with a TerminalCode. The code used to uniquely define a terminal (e.g. "T1", "T2", "FRT") A building (or collection of buildings) at an airport where passengers transfer between ground transportation and the facilities that allow them to board and disembark from aircraft. The destinations a passenger can reach from an airport without leaving the plane. If a flight has many legs, and passengers can leave the plane, all the destination airports are direct flight destinations from the originating airport. Secondary Surveilence Radar Code A four-digit octal number received from the aircraft transponder when it is interrogated by a secondary surveillance radar (SSR). As SOBT, but in local time. Scheduled Off-Block Time. The time that an aircraft is scheduled to depart from its parking position. Always UTC time. As SIBT, but in local time. Scheduled In-Block Time. The time that an aircraft is scheduled to arrive at its first parking position. Always UTC time. The last day of the schedule. This is actually the last day for the arriving flight. A departing flight can be up to ScheduleOverMidnights days later. A planned Flight. Can be part of a Schedule, but can also be a stand alone flight scheduled to fly sometime in the future. A pattern of future "FlightLeg"s that are treated as a unit. As ReturnToRampTime, but local UTC time at which an aircraft which has moved off the ramp to make final preparations for take-off returns to the ramp due to technical or other reasons. Valid for departure flights only The ChargingArea an Aircraft left after a ChargeBorderCrossing. As PositionTime, but as local time. The UTC time for a position of an object, see "Position4D", "Position6D". Collective term for PositionTime, Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, AircraftBearing and AircraftGroundSpeed. Collective term for PositionTime, Latitude, Longitude and Altitude. Total number of passengers that shall transfer to another flight. The PaxTransferTotal is included in the PaxDisembarking number. The FlightId of the flight that PaxTransferToFlightCount passengers shall transfer to. The FlightDepartureDate of the flight passengers shall transfer to. The number of passengers that shall transfer to PaxTransferToFlightId on PaxTransferToFlightDate. The IATA code for the airport, or airports for a multi leg flight, related to the PaxTransferToFlightId. The number of transfer passengers boarding the flight. These passengers are also included in the PaxBoarding number. A transfer passenger is a passenger that disembarks and boards another flight at the same airport. If the passenger is considered by the airline to be a transfer passenger then it's a transfer passenger. Indicates that passengers are allowed to embark. PaxCanEmbark is only relevant for multi leg flights where there can be stops where passengers are not allowed to embark. Indicates that passengers are allowed to disembark. PaxCanDisembark is only relevant for multi leg flights where there can be stops where passengers are not allowed to disembark. Whether a number of busses are required to transport passengers between the gate and the aircraft. This flight leg is a codeshare flight leg, meaning that it is operated by another airline. The operating airline is given by XXXX This flight leg has codeshare flight leg, meaning that one or more other airlines sell a ticket for this flight leg. Identifier that can be used to correlate messages, transactions, log entries etc. The identifier should be unique across all relevant systems. It is the responsibility of the creator of the message/transaction/log entry/... to guarantee uniqueness. The CorrelationId can for instance be a GUID, or something shorter based on site specific rules. Name of the organization/company that created the original data. This will typically be an airline company or an handler. The value set are site specific. The FlightLegIdentifier identifying the carrier/flight leg that actually operates the flight leg. The FlightLegIdentifier of a codeshare flight that is associated with this flight leg. The ICAO wake turbulence category is based on the maximum certificated take-off mass, as follows: Weight in Kilos of mail unloaded off the aircraft. Weight in Kilos of mail loaded onto the aircraft. Flight leg is part of multileg Flight. A flight leg that doesn't land in the relevant country. Keeping track of overflights are primarily for billing purposes. As OriginAirportIATA, but ICAO code. The IATA code (see AirportIATA for description of term) for the airport where a multi leg flight originated. For single leg flights it will be the same as DepartureAirportIATA. An optional single letter suffix sometimes appended to the flight number to give some additional information related to the flight number itself, e.g. "DY1349P" may indicate that this is a positioning flight. "R" may also be used to indicate a return from airborne operation. The airline code which will appear on the passengers' tickets for this flight. This can be either the IATA or ICAO code. See AirlineIATA or AirlineICAO for definition of content. The ICAO code of the airline operating the flight. See AirlineICAO for definition of term. The IATA code of the airline operating the flight. See AirlineIATA for definition of term. As OnFinalsTime, but local. UTC Time at which the flight starts its approach to landing, when the aircraft is lined up with the runway and descending for landing. Valid for arrival flights only The number of Aircraft that flies in one formation with one Callsign. Local time when next information about the flight is expected. UTC time when next information about the flight is expected. The next ChargingArea an Aircraft enters after a ChargeBorderCrossing. Weight in kgs of all types of cargo (mail, papers, etc.) and baggage unloaded from the hold of the aircraft. Weight in kilogram of cargo loaded to LoadDestinationIATA into LoadCompartmentId. Identifies a single cargo compartment in the aircraft. There can be several compartments, typically numbered from 1, different for different aircraft types. Defines the type of service that the handler provides, e.g. "PASSENGER HANDLING", "RAMP HANDLING", "CATERING" Name of a Handler. The local time at which the gate is opened for passenger processing. The UTC time at which the gate is opened for passenger processing. Textual description relevant to Gate. The local time at which the gate is closed for passenger processing. The UTC time at which the gate is closed for passenger processing. Indicates that the stop is a technical stop, e.g. fuel, catering, crew or something else, but not change in pax. There has to be two flight legs that are part of the same "Flight", one to the technical place and one from it. FlightStopIsTechnical is then needed on the arriving flight leg and the departing flight leg. ICAO Flight Service Types. Flight plans are documents filed by pilots or a flight dispatcher with the local Civil Aviation Authority (e.g. FAA in the USA, EuroControl in Europe) prior to departure. The flight plan format are specified by ICAO. The FlightNumber of a departing flight. The FlightNumber of an arriving flight. A aircraft movement between two airports. The scheduled date (based on UTC) of departure of flight. For flights with multiple legs this is the departure of the first leg. This date must not change once set as it is used to make the FlightIds unique. The ICAO code (see AirportICAO for description of term) for the final airport of a multi leg flight. For single leg flights it will be the same as ArrivalAirportICAO. A machine or device, such as an airplane, helicopter, glider, or dirigible, that is capable of atmospheric flight. The aircraft is identified by a unique registration number, see: AircraftRegistration Estimated Taxi-Out Time. The estimated taxi time between off-block and take off. This estimate includes any delay buffer time at the holding point or remote de-icing prior to take off. Estimated Taxi-In Time. The estimated taxi time between landing and in-block. As ETOT, but local time. Estimated Take Off Time. The estimated take off time taking into account the EOBT plus EXOT. Always UTC time. Gives an estimate of the expected accuracy/precision of the time referred to. As ERZT, but local time. As EOBT, but local time. As ELDT, but local time. EstimatedTimeAccuracy for the ELDT As EIBT, but local time. Estimated In-Block Time. The estimated time that an aircraft will arrive in-blocks. (Equivalent to Airline/Handler ETA –Estimated Time of Arrival). Always UTC time. As EEZT, but local time. ICAO code of the airport to / from which the flight has been diverted (see AirportICAO for definition of term). IATA code of the airport to / from which the flight has been diverted (see AirportIATA for definition of term). A Delay related to a departure. Departure airport ICAO code (see AirportICAO for description of term). Departure airport IATA code (see AirportIATA for description of term). Textual description for the DelayCode, ref. DelayOrDiversionReason. See DelayOrDiversionCode for definition of term. A delay is typically defined by a DelayCode, DelayReason and DelayDuration. A precise time for when something happened. Can be UTC or local time. xs.dateTime XML time always local time. XSD Time type. XSD String type. For attributes that are some sort of distance that are measured in meters. For terms/attributes that gives the speed of something, aircraft, in knots ( nautical mile/h, 1852m/h). For terms/attributes that gives the engine force in kilo newtons. Weight of something in whole kilos. XSD integer type For terms/attributes that gives an engine power in horse power. Weight of something in grams. For terms/attributes that are some sort of distance that are measured in feet. XSD decimal type The decimal data type is used to specify a numeric value. The following is an example of a decimal declaration in a schema: <xs:element name="prize" type="xs:decimal"/> XML dateTime always local time. XML date always local time. The boolean data type is used to specify a true or false value. For terms/attributes that are a count of something, typical example is passenger. XSD Date type The date is specified in the following form "YYYY-MM-DD" where: Note: As CTOT, but local time. Number of working crew members (cockpit, cabin and jump seat) on board the aircraft. Where within the passenger terminal the CheckInDesk is located. Descriptive text string. The check in status of a single flight that is allocated to one or more check in desks. Defines the usage of a CheckInDesk at a particular point in time. The last CheckInDesk (identified by a CheckInDeskCode) in a range that a single flight is allocated to. If only a single check in desk is allocated then the CheckInDeskFromand CheckInDeskTo values will be the same. The terminal in which the CheckInDesk is located. Allowable values defined by TerminalCode. Defines the state of a CheckInDesk at a particular point in time. Comma separated list of CheckInDeskCodes allocated to a single flight or common group. Can be non-sequential As CheckInDeskOpen, but local time. Date / time at which the relevant CheckInDesk opened for CheckInDeskUsage. Should result in a change in CheckInDeskState. Descriptive name used for the check in desk. Associated with one CheckInDeskCode. The first check in desk (identified by a CheckInDeskCode) in a range that a single flight is allocated to. If only a single check in desk is allocated then the CheckInDeskFrom and CheckInDeskTo values will be the same. Code that uniquely identifies a CheckInDesk within an airport. As CheckInDeskClose, but local time Date / time at which the relevant CheckInDesk closed for CheckInDeskUsage. Should result in a change in CheckInDeskState. A check in desk is where passengers show their credentials and can leave any hold bags to be checked in prior to passing through security in order to board their flight. These are uniquely identified by a CheckInDeskCode per airport. An area (airspace) where some for of charge (might) apply. This is typically under the control of ATM. The coding of ChargingArea is site/ATM specific, but can for instance be FIRs (Flight Information Region). The point where an Aircraft crosses from one charging area to the next. Consists of the position (Position4D) and NextChargingArea and PreviousChargingArea to indicate direction. Weight in Kilos of cargo (freight) unloaded off the aircraft at the current airport. Weight in Kilos of cargo (freight) loaded onto the aircraft at the current airport. Everything loaded into the holds, excluding Baggage. A call sign is used to uniquely identify an aircraft using the airspace around a particular airport. Call signs in aviation are derived from several different policies, depending upon the type of flight operation. In most countries, unscheduled general aviation flights identify themselves using the call sign corresponding to the aircraft's registration number. Commercial operators, including scheduled airline, air cargo and air taxi operators, will usually use an ICAO or FAA-registered call sign for their company. These will typically consist of the ICAO code of the operating airline followed by a flight identification. The flight identification is very often the same as the flight number, but could be different due to call sign confusion, if two or more flights close to each other have similar flight numbers (i.e. KLM649 and KLM645 or BAW466 and BAW646). The aircraft has entered or left the relevant country's air space. One flight can enter and leave the airspace several time. A border crossing typically consists of time and position of the crossing. As BeltFirstBag, but local time. Weight in kilos of baggage unloaded off an aircraft. Weight in kilos of baggage loaded onto an aircraft. Description or name of the BaggageClaimUnit. Number of bags loaded onto an aircraft. Number of bags unloaded off an aircraft. Baggage belt (carousel) onto which passenger bags are loaded for collection by passengers on arrival flights. Location at which an aircraft or helicopter can operate, including rigs. An airline is a company that provides air transport services for traveling passengers and freight. Checked in passenger baggage. UTC time the last passenger bag was loaded onto baggage a belt (carousel) As ASAT, but local time. As ARZT, but local time. A Delay related to an arrival. Arrival airport ICAO code (see AirportICAO for description of term). Arrival airport IATA code (see AirportIATA for description of term). As ARDT, but local time. As AOBT, but local time. Actual Off-Block Time. Time the aircraft pushes back / vacates the parking position. (Equivalent to Airline / Handlers ATD – Actual Time of Departure & ACARS=OUT). Always UTC time. As ALDT, but local time. Actual Landing Time. The time that an aircraft lands on a runway. (Equivalent to ATC ATA –Actual Time of Arrival = landing, ACARS=ON). Always UTC time. Time zone in which the airport is located. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_zone Standard airport name used by the system. Typically the official name of the airport. Indicates that special security measures are required for flights operating to / from this airport. Two letter string defining the main language used at the relevant airport. Encoded using ISO 639-1. See http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/language_codes.htm and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes Alternative name used by sub-systems. Typically used if the airport is well known under another, shorter, name than the standard one. Indicator showing what kind of airport (domestic, international, Schengen) this is. See also: FlightDIIndicator Two letter code of the country in which the airport is located. Defined using ISO 3166-1, ref: ISO 3166-1 standard Name under which airline is recognised. AirlineIATA or AirlineICAO code for an airline. "2 or 3 character code as designated by International Air Transport Association (IATA) to uniquely designate an airline operator. Local (non-IATA) codes can be added as required as long as they are unique for airline operators within the defined context. Ex: SK, DY. Two or three characters. IATA and ICAO codes can be identical. Terminal where the aircraft is located (or planned to be located) This has to be a valid terminal code, as defined according in TerminalCode.. Tail number painted on the tail used by some carriers as an aircraft identifier. Often the last 3 characters of AircraftRegistration. Maximum number of passengers that can be seated in the aircraft with the current configuration. The number of seats that are available for passengers on this flight leg. Can be significantly less than AircraftSeatingCapacity due to extra freight, business flight with extra space, ... An aircraft registration is a unique alphanumeric string that identifies an aircraft. In accordance with the Convention on International Civil Aviation all aircraft must be registered with a national aviation authority and they must carry proof of this registration in the form of a legal document called a Certificate of Registration at all times when in operation. IATA code of the owner of the aircraft. See "AirlineIATA" for description of term. Not all aircraft are owned by an airline operator with an IATA code. ICAO code of the owner of the aircraft. See "AirlineICAO" for description of term. Not all aircraft are owned by an airline operator with an ICAO code. A fixed set of strings defining what the usage of this parking position is. Legal values are: Indicator showing what kind of flight (domestic, international, Schengen) this is. See also: AirportDIIndicator. Set to true if the flight operation is cancelled. For flight as with code share it's possible to only cancel the code shared flight. Uniquely defines one gate at the airport. Where the aircraft is located. Code for a parking position, typically a stand, but can also be a hangar. Each airport has a set of AircraftParkingPositions. Each "AircraftParkingPosition" has one given type, defined by "AircraftParkingPositionType". Each position can have one or more usages, defined by (one or more) "AircraftParkingPositionUsage". UTC time the first passenger bag was loaded onto a baggage belt (carousel). Boolean indicator used at some airports to show if this aircraft has been issued with a noise certificate indicating that it meets the standards required to operate this airport with regard to noise. The amount of power delivered at the propeller shaft (main drive or main output) of the aircraft engine. The Target Take Off Time taking into account the TOBT/TSAT plus the EXOT. Each TTOT on one runway is separated from other TTOT or TLDT to represent vortex and/or SID (Standard Instrument Departure (ref. SIDRoute)) separation between aircraft. Always UTC time. Calculated Take Off Time. A time calculated and issued by the appropriate Central Management unit, as a result of tactical slot allocation, at which a flight is expected to become airborne. (ICAO Doc 7030/4 – EUR, Table 7). Always UTC time. Estimated End of De-icing Time. The estimated time when de-icing operations on an aircraft are expected to end. Always UTC time. As ECZT, but local time. Estimated Commencement of De-icing Time. The estimated time when de-icing operations on an aircraft are expected to start. Always UTC time. Estimated Ready for De-icing Time. The estimated time when the aircraft is expected to be ready for de-icing operations. Always UTC time. Actual Ready for De-icing Time. The time when the aircraft is ready to be de-iced. Always UTC time. Target Start Up Approval Time. The time provided by ATC taking into account TOBT, CTOT and/or the traffic situation that an aircraft can expect start up / push back approval Note: The actual start up approval (ASAT) can be given in advance of TSAT. Always UTC time. Actual Ready Time (for Movement). When the aircraft is ready for start up/push back or taxi immediately after clearance delivery, meeting the requirements set by the TOBT definition. Always UTC time. Actual Start Up Approval Time. Time that an aircraft receives its start up approval. Note: the moment the start up approval is given can be in advance of the TSAT. Always UTC time. As ATOT, but local time. Actual Take Off Time. The time that an aircraft takes off from the runway. (Equivalent to ATC ATD–Actual Time of Departure, ACARS = OFF). Always UTC time. As ASRT, but local time. Actual Start Up Request Time. Time the pilot requests start up clearance. Always UTC time. As ASBT, but local time. Actual Start Boarding Time. Time passengers are entering the bridge or bus to the aircraft. Always UTC time. Target Landing Time. Targeted Time from the Arrival management process at the threshold, taking runway sequence and constraints into account. It is not a constraint but a progressively refined planning time used to coordinate between arrival and departure management processes. Each TLDT on one runway is separated from other TLDT or TTOT to represent vortex and/or SID separation between aircraft. Always UTC time. Estimated Turn-round Time. The time estimated by the AO/GH on the day of operation to turn-round a flight taking into account the operational constraints. Minimum Turn-round Time. The minimum turn-round time agreed with an AO/GH for a specified flight or aircraft type. The speed of the aircraft relative to the ground. Given in knot (nautical mile/h, 1852m/h). The direction the aircraft is flying. Legal values are 0 - 359 (inclusive and clockwise) and is given relative to magnetic north. Aircraft chapter code. Defines an aircraft type in terms of its certificated noise level. For example, chapter 2 aircraft are characterised by the noisier, low bypass turbofan aircraft and early high bypass turbofan aircraft; chapter 3 aircraft are characterised by the modern, quieter, high bypass turbofan aircraft; chapter 4 aircraft are aircraft which are likely to have previously been classified as chapter 3 but are deemed to have met even more stringent standards. Note: chapter 1 is not an official classification but is / was sometimes used to indicate excessively noisy (e.g. older) aircraft, for example Concorde. Allowable values defined in aircraft chapter reference data table. As AIBT, but local time. Actual In-Block Time. The time that an aircraft arrives in-blocks. (Equivalent to Airline/Handler ATA –Actual Time of Arrival, ACARS = IN). Always UTC time. As AEZT, but local time. Actual End of De-icing Time. The time when de-icing operations on an aircraft end. Always UTC time. As AEGT, but local time. Actual End of Ground handling Time. The time when ground handling on an aircraft ends, can be equal to "ARDT" (To be decided locally). Always UTC time. Actual Commencement of De-icing Time. The time when de-icing operations on an aircraft starts. Always UTC time. As ACZT, but local time. As ACGT, but local time. Actual Commencement of Ground Handling Time. List of airports a multi leg flight will land on before arriving at the destination. The list consists of AirportICAO codes. The list should contain all airports including first departure airport and last destination airport. The list should be ordered by the actual sequence the aircraft uses the airports. ResponseStatusCode indicates if the operation succeeded or failed, and if it failed - why. ResponseStatusText is a textual description of ResponseStatusCode. For all operations the set of response codes must be defined. The actual set is dependent upon the context. A textual description of ResponseStatusCode. The party operating the flight route. This will often be a company that has hired the airline to operate a given route. The number of touch and gos performed at one TouchAndGoAirportIATA / TouchAndGoAirportICAO by one Aircraft. The AirportICAO code for the Airport where the touch and go occurred. The AirportIATA code for the Airport where the touch and go occurred. A "touch and go" involves landing on a Runway and taking off again without coming to a full stop. Several "touch and gos" can be done in a short time. TouchAndGos are usually done to practice landings. Standard terminal arrival route. The RunwayOccupancyTime for departure. The RunwayOccupancyTime for arrival. The duration an Aircraft is on the runway. this is typically calculated based on ground radar data. Free text that is the actual remark. Remarks are information related to something. A remark is defined with a type (RemarkType) that indicates what it is related to, and a text (RemarkText) that is the actual remark. What are allowed remarks are airport specific. A customer/installation specific code that indicates which military service and which country owns the aircraft in a military flight. Detailed information about the aircraft configuration, received in the aircraft_conf_version field in the ASM and SSM IATA messages. 3 character code as designated by International Air Transport Association (IATA) to uniquely designate Aircraft Type. Local (non-IATA) codes can be added as required as long as they are unique for aircraft types within the defined context. 3-4 character code as designated by International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) to uniquely designate Aircraft Type. Local (non-ICAO) codes can be added as required as long as they are unique for aircraft types within the defined context.Term Description XML type Status Labels FlightServiceTypeExtended
Installation/customer specific set of flight service types. Typically used when the defined set in FlightServiceType isn't specific enough. Encoded as integer to clearly separate it from FlightServiceType.string (3) Approved 2013-04-04 FlightServiceTypeIATA string (1) Approved 2013-04-04 PublicOBT DateTimeUTC Proposal PublicIBT DateTimeUTC Proposal AirlineLDT DateTimeUTC Proposal AirlineOBT DateTimeUTC Proposal AirlineIBT DateTimeUTC Proposal PublicGateDeparture
PublicGateDeparture is controlled by airport specific logic. Gate Proposal GateDeparture Gate Proposal FuelRampRequested Approved 2013-04-04 Millimeter decimal Approved 2020-03-24 AirlineAlsoOperateAs AirlineIATAorICAO Proposal UniqueFlightLegIdLinkedDeparture UniqueFlightLegId Proposal UniqueFlightLegIdLinkedArrival UniqueFlightLegId Proposal GateArrival Gate Proposal CustomerType string (32) Proposal SystemStatus string (64) Proposal SystemName string (64) Proposal PartyIdentifier string (32) Proposal IsTestData boolean Proposal AircraftNoiseCertificate base64Binary Proposal AircraftNOx Gram Approved 2013-05-10 AircraftHasWinglets boolean Proposal AircraftMTOWSource DataElementSource Proposal AircraftSeatingCapacitySource DataElementSource Proposal DataElementSource string (32) Proposal AircraftGroup string (32) Proposal AirlineICAO string (3) Approved 2013-04-04 FlightId string(8) Approved 2015-03-24 AirportIATA
The standard codes are defined in the ""Airline Coding Directory"".string (4) Approved 2013-04-04 AirportICAO
The standard codes are defined in ICAO Document 7910.string (4) Approved 2013-04-04 ScheduleFlightWeeks int Approved 2013-05-10 MillimeterPerHour decimal Proposal RunwayContaminant string (64) Proposal PaxEstimateSeatedOnBoard
Estimated value for PaxSeatedOnBoard.Count OperatedBy PartyIdentifier Proposal OwnedBy PartyIdentifier Proposal TicketNameString string (128) Approved 2023-05-19 ServiceErrorDescription string (128) Approved 2023-05-19 ServiceErrorCode int Approved 2023-05-19 PassengerIdentificationRequirement string (16) Approved 2023-05-19 LoadUnitType
See https://vrr.aero/knowledge-center/uld-info/uld-id-code/ and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_load_device for details.string (8) Approved 2023-05-19 LoadUnitId string (16) Approved 2023-05-19 FlightLegIsDeleted boolean Approved 2023-05-19 EstimatedArrAtLocation DateTimeUTC Approved 2023-05-19 CarrierBagHeavyWeightLimit Gram Approved 2023-05-19 BhsTubWeight Gram Approved 2023-05-19 BhsStableWeightTolerance Gram Approved 2023-05-19 BhsStableWeightRequests Count Approved 2023-05-19 BhsStableWeightMargin Gram Approved 2023-05-19 BhsStableWeightInterval duration Approved 2023-05-19 BhsBatchLoadLocation BagLocation Approved 2023-05-19 BhsBatchId GUID Approved 2023-05-19 BhsBatchEventTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2023-05-19 BhsBatchEventDescription string (128) Approved 2023-05-19 BhsBatchEventCode string (24) Approved 2023-05-19 BhsBatchBagCount Count Approved 2023-05-19 BagWeightPrecise Gram Approved 2023-05-19 BagDepartureFlightDepartureDate DateUTC Approved 2023-05-19 BagCheckInStatus string (8) Approved 2023-05-19 FlightNumber
Unique for one day within one operator, but not necessarily unique across operators. The part of the FlightId excluding the operator code (see "OperatingAirlineIATA"). This is sometimes referred to as the "Trip Number". Reference: IATA Standard Schedules Information Manual, Feb 1997, 2.2.62. Flight Numbers are assigned by a carrier as a multi-purpose reference in connection with the planning and control of the operation of flights.string (5) Approved 2013-04-04 CarrierMaximumWeight Gram Deprecated IataSSMIdentifier string (4) Approved 2022-03-25 IataASMIdentifier string (4) Approved 2022-03-25 DateUTC date Approved WeatherTypeSynop
See Present Weather Codes, WMO SYNOP 4680, WMO 4678 for SYNOP codes.string (2) Approved 2022-12-16 WeatherTypeLast60Synop WeatherTypeSynop Approved 2022-12-16 WeatherTypeLast60Code WeatherTypeCode Approved 2022-12-16 WeatherTypeLast15Synop WeatherTypeSynop Approved 2022-12-16 WeatherTypeLast15Code WeatherTypeCode Approved 2022-12-16 WeatherTypeCurrentSynop WeatherTypeSynop Approved 2022-12-16 WeatherTypeCurrentCode WeatherTypeCode Approved 2022-12-16 WeatherTypeCode
See Present Weather Codes, WMO SYNOP 4680, WMO 4678 for the character codes.string (8) Approved 2022-12-16 TransactionId GUID Approved 2022-12-16 TrafficVolumeId string(16) Approved 2022-12-16 TrafficVolumeDescription string(256) Approved 2022-12-16 SpecialServiceRequestStatus string (3) Proposal SpecialServiceRequestRemark string (200) Approved 2022-12-16 PrecipitationIntensity MillimeterPerHour Approved 2022-12-16 PassengerGuid GUID Approved 2022-12-16 DcsIsSupported boolean Approved 2022-12-16 DcsIsAvailable boolean Approved 2022-12-16 CloudThickness Foot Approved 2022-12-16 CloudLayerBase Foot Approved 2022-12-16 CloudCover string (1) Approved 2022-12-16 CloudBase Foot Approved 2022-12-16 GUID string (36) Approved 2022-12-16 BagGuid GUID Approved 2022-12-16 Angle int Approved 2022-12-16 AccumulatedWater Millimeter Approved 2022-12-16 AccumulatedSnow Millimeter Approved 2022-12-16 IFPLID string (10) Approved 2013-10-08 BhsHeavyWeightLimit Gram Proposal WindDirectionLeft Angle Approved 2022-11-04 WindDirectionRight Angle Approved 2022-11-04 BhsMaximumWeight Gram Proposal BhsMinimumWeight Gram Proposal TransitionLevel string (6) Approved 2022-11-04 WindSpeedMin WindSpeedKt Approved 2022-11-04 WindSpeedMean WindSpeedKt Approved 2022-11-04 WindSpeedMax WindSpeedKt Approved 2022-11-04 WindSpeedKt decimal Approved 2022-11-04 WindSpeedCurrent WindSpeedKt Approved 2022-11-04 WindDirectionMean WindDirection Approved 2022-11-04 WindDirectionIsDiscontinuous boolean Approved 2022-11-04 WindDirectionCurrent WindDirection Approved 2022-11-04 WindDirection int Approved 2022-11-04 VisualRangeMin Meter Approved 2022-11-04 VisualRangeMean Meter Approved 2022-11-04 VisualRangeMax Meter Approved 2022-11-04 VisualRangeCurrent Meter Approved 2022-11-04 VisibilityMin Meter Approved 2022-11-04 VisibilityMean Meter Approved 2022-11-04 VisibilityMax Meter Approved 2022-11-04 VisibilityCurrent Meter Approved 2022-11-04 VerticalVisibility Foot Approved 2022-11-04 TemperatureMin Celsius Approved 2022-11-04 TemperatureMean Celsius Approved 2022-11-04 TemperatureMax Celsius Approved 2022-11-04 TemperatureCurrent Celsius Approved 2022-11-04 RunwaySurfaceConditionCode string (1) Approved 2022-11-04 RunwayHasDriftingSnow boolean Approved 2022-11-04 RunwayClearedWidth Meter Approved 2022-11-04 SensorType string (24) Approved 2022-09-30 Altitude Foot Approved 2013-04-04 Elevation Meter Approved 2017-03-16 SOBTlocalOdp DateLocal Approved 2022-09-30 SensorStatus string (32) Approved 2022-09-30 SensorPosition string (32) Approved 2022-09-30 SensorName string (16) Approved 2022-09-30 SensorDescription string (128) Approved 2022-09-30 SecurityContext string (32) Approved 2022-09-30 RunwaySection string (1) Approved 2022-09-30 RunwayInUse Runway Approved 2022-09-30 ReferenceDataStatus string (16) Approved 2022-09-30 RadioCallsign string(24) Approved 2022-09-30 QNH BarometricPressure Approved 2022-09-30 QFF BarometricPressure Approved 2022-09-30 QFE BarometricPressure Approved 2022-09-30 PressureCharacteristic
See "pressure tendency" for more information.int Approved 2022-09-30 PressureChange
See "pressure tendency" for more information.BarometricPressure Approved 2022-09-30 MeasurementTime TimestampUTC Approved 2022-09-30 HumidityCurrent Percent Approved 2022-09-30 DewpointCurrent Celsius Approved 2022-09-30 BarometricPressure decimal Approved 2022-09-30 AirportPressure BarometricPressure Approved 2022-09-30 Runway string (8) Approved 2013-04-04 RemarkTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2022-05-20 PublicDisplayStatus string (1) Approved 2022-05-20 PassengerSOBTotp TimeUTC Approved 2022-05-20 PassengerSOBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-05-20 PassengerSIBTotp TimeUTC Approved 2022-05-20 PassengerSIBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-05-20 OutboundSOBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-05-20 OperatingAirlineCode AirlineCode Approved 2022-05-20 NewFlightId FlightId Approved 2022-05-20 MessageVersion string (16) Approved 2022-05-20 MessageType string (32) Approved 2022-05-20 MessageEnvironment string (16) Approved 2022-05-20 MergedIntoUniqueFlightLegId UniqueFlightLegId Approved 2022-05-20 LinkedDepartureFlightId FlightId Approved 2022-05-20 LinkedArrivalFlightId FlightId Approved 2022-05-20 LastUpdatedTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2022-05-20 InboundSIBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-05-20 BagDropUnit string (16) Approved 2022-05-20 DataSources string (512) Approved 2021-11-12 ScheduleOverMidnights Count Approved 2013-05-10 ParallelRunwayOperationsMode string Proposal ArrivalATISMessage string (1024) Proposal DepartureATISMessage string Proposal ApproachSpacingWithDepartureGap NauticalMile Proposal ApproachSpacing NauticalMile Proposal NauticalMile decimal Proposal TerminalAerodromeForecast string (512) Proposal METAR string (512) Proposal AIRMET string (512) Proposal SIGMET string (512) Proposal LVPState (duplikat - kan slettes) Link to XML type Proposal ICWEventType Link to XML type Proposal ICAO24BitAddressSource string(16) Approved 2022-03-25 ICAO24BitAddress string(6) Approved 2022-03-25 IataSSMOverwritesASM boolean Approved 2022-03-25 IATACancelTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2022-03-25 HeliportType string(32) Approved 2022-03-25 HeliportName string(64) Approved 2022-03-25 HelicopterTypeDescription string(32) Approved 2022-03-25 HelicopterType string(8) Approved 2022-03-25 HelicopterFlightStatus string(32) Approved 2022-03-25 FlowControlTrafficVolumeId TrafficVolumeId Approved 2022-03-25 FlowControlTrafficVolumeDescription TrafficVolumeDescription Approved 2022-03-25 FlowControlStartTime DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-03-25 FlowControlRemark string(256) Approved 2022-03-25 FlowControlRegulationType string(64) Approved 2022-03-25 FlowControlRegulationId string(16) Approved 2022-03-25 FlowControlReferenceLocationType string(32) ADD group meeting 2022-03-25 FlowControlReferenceLocationId string(16) Approved 2022-03-25 FlowControlReason string(64) Approved 2022-03-25 FlowControlRate Count Approved 2022-03-25 FlowControlEndTime DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-03-25 BagNextAirportIATA AirportIATA Approved 2018-11-13 AircraftHeight Centimeter Approved 2018-11-27 GateInitiate DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-01-14 GateEndBoarding DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-01-14 FrictionCoefficient decimal Approved 2022-01-14 FlightDeckCrewReportTime DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-01-14 Event string (32) Approved 2022-01-14 DiversionIndicator string(4) Approved 2022-01-14 DelayTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2022-01-14 DelaySourceOrganization SourceOrganization Approved 2022-01-14 Comment string (256) Approved 2022-01-14 CabinCrewReportTime DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-01-14 BrakingWasFrictionLimited boolean Approved 2022-01-14 BeltFirstBagEstimate DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-01-14 BaggageCount Count Approved 2022-01-14 BagDepartureSOBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-01-14 BagCanBeLoadedCount Count Approved 2022-01-14 BagBhsTransportTime
Calculation: BagBhsTransportTime = BagTotalTimeInBhs - (BagTotalTimeInMcs + BagTotalTimeInEbs + BagTimeAtManSecScreen + BagBhsDeliveryAttemptsTime)duration Approved 2022-01-14 BagBhsTimeExceededGroup string(16) Approved 2022-01-14 BagBhsTimeExceededBy duration Approved 2022-01-14 BagBhsSlaTime duration Approved 2022-01-14 dateTime xs:dateTime Approved DeIceMedianTimePerAircraft duration Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceMedianQueueTime duration Approved 2021-12-10 DeIcePlatformQueueCount Count Approved 2021-12-10 DeIcePlatformLanesOccupied Count Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceStartQueueTime DateTimeUTC Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceExpectedNext120 Count Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceExpectedNext60 Count Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceExpectedNext30 Count Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceEndQueueTime DateTimeUTC Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceConditionDescription string(128) Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceConditionCode string(2) Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceCompletePeriod duration Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceCompleteLastPeriod Count Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceCompleteLast120 Count Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceCompleteLast60 Count Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceCompleteLast30 Count Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceAverageTimePerAircraft duration Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceAverageQueueTime duration Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceAirportQueueCount Count Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceAircraftOnPlatform Count Approved 2021-12-10 DelayOrDiversionReason string (256) Approved 2013-04-04
2021-12-07 String length changed from 100 to 256.UniqueFlightLegIdStatus string(2) Deprecated ProbTOT DateTimeUTC Approved 2021-11-12 ProbOBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2021-11-12 ProbLDT DateTimeUTC Approved 2021-11-12 ProbIBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2021-11-12 FlightRuleDeparture FlightRule Approved 2021-11-12 FlightRuleArrival FlightRule Approved 2021-11-12 FlightLegSecurityIndicatorDeparture FlightLegSecurityIndicator Deprecated FlightLegSecurityIndicatorArrival FlightLegSecurityIndicator Deprecated FlightLegSecurityIndicator string (1) Approved 2021-11-12 CustomerName string (64) Approved 2021-11-12 CustomerId string (32) Approved 2021-11-12 CreatedTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2021-11-12 CreatedSourceOrganization SourceOrganization Approved 2021-11-12 CreatedSource string (16) Approved 2021-11-12 ContractName string (64) Approved 2021-11-12 CodeshareFlightId FlightId Approved 2021-11-12 ClearPassengerInformation boolean Approved 2021-11-12 ClassificationLevel string (16) Approved 2021-11-12 CheckInDisplayText string(128) Approved 2021-11-12 CancelTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2021-11-12 CancelReasonText string(128) Approved 2021-11-12 CancelReasonCode string(16) Approved 2021-11-12 IsRerouted boolean Approved 2021-09-24 DepartureOffsetFromFlightDepartureDate Count Approved 2021-09-24 DepartureHeliportType HeliportType Approved 2021-09-24 DepartureHeliportName HeliportName Approved 2021-09-24 DepartureFlightId FlightId Approved 2021-09-24 ATMCancelTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2021-09-24 ArrivalOffsetFromFlightDepartureDate Count Approved 2021-09-24 ArrivalHeliportType HeliportType Approved 2021-09-24 ArrivalHeliportName HeliportName Approved 2021-09-24 ArrivalFlightId FlightId Approved 2021-09-24 AirportType string(16) Approved 2021-09-24 AirportSecurityIndicatorDeparture AirportSecurityIndicator Approved 2021-09-24 AirportSecurityIndicatorArrival AirportSecurityIndicator Approved 2021-09-24 AirportName string(32) Approved 2021-09-24 AirportIsSchengen
See also AirportDIIndicator.boolean Approved 2021-09-24 AirportIsInternational
See also AirportDIIndicator.boolean Approved 2021-09-24 AirportCity string(32) Approved 2021-09-24 AirlineGroup string(32) Approved 2021-09-24 AirlineCode string(16) Approved 2021-09-24 AircraftTypeDescription string(64) Approved 2021-09-24 AircraftParkingPositionDeparture AircraftParkingPosition Approved 2021-09-24 AircraftParkingPositionArrival AircraftParkingPosition Approved 2021-09-24 AircraftInDeIceList boolean Approved 2021-09-24 TermTemplate
Write a description hereLink to XML type Proposal FlightRouteIATA AirportIATA [2..*] Approved 2015-12-15 SlotSOBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2021-06-25 SlotSIBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2021-06-25 PredOBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2021-06-25 PredLDT DateTimeUTC Approved 2021-06-25 PaxTransitInfant Count Approved 2021-06-25 PaxTransitChild Count Approved 2021-06-25 PaxTransitAdult Count Approved 2021-06-25 PaxTransferDisembarking Count Approved 2021-06-25 PaxInfant Count Approved 2021-06-25 PaxChild Count Approved 2021-06-25 PaxBusRemarkDeparture PaxBusRemark Approved 2021-06-25 PaxBusRemarkArrival PaxBusRemark Approved 2021-06-25 PaxBusRemark string(128) Approved 2021-06-25 PaxBusIsNeededDeparture boolean Approved 2021-06-25 PaxBusIsNeededArrival boolean Approved 2021-06-25 AircraftICAOSizeIndicator string(1) Approved 2021-06-25 AircraftICAOCategory string(16) Approved 2021-06-25 AircraftICAOApproachSpeedIndicator string(1) Proposal AircraftFireFightingCategory
See https://www.skybrary.aero/index.php/Rescue_and_Fire_Fighting_Services for more informationstring(2) Approved 2021-06-25 ValidTo DateTimeUTC Approved 2018-11-27 ValidFrom DateTimeUTC Approved 2018-11-27 TransactionUsageCode string(2) Approved 2021-05-28 SourceTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2016-05-04 SourceResult string (8) Approved 2020-01-28 SourceData string Approved 2018-08-27 ResponseTimestamp
The precise time (TimestampUTC) the response was generated. Always UTC.Approved 2017-03-16 MessageTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2021-05-28 TimeUTC time Approved TimestampUTC Approved 2017-03-16 duration xs:duration Approved DateTimeUTC
XML dateTime always in UTC. NB! A 'Z' shall always be appended to indicate UTC!dateTime Approved BUNLT DateTimeUTC Approved 2018-10-01 BTPATE DateTimeUTC Approved 2018-10-01 BTPAT DateTimeUTC Approved 2018-10-01 BTOTT DateTimeUTC Approved 2018-10-01 BTMST DateTimeUTC Approved 2018-10-01 BTMCT DateTimeUTC Approved 2018-10-01 BTL5T DateTimeUTC Approved 2018-10-01 BTL4T DateTimeUTC Approved 2018-10-01 BTL3T DateTimeUTC Approved 2018-10-01 BTL2T DateTimeUTC Approved 2018-10-01 BTL1T DateTimeUTC Approved 2018-10-01 BTGRT DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BTFST DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BTEBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BTBBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BTAST DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BLRET DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BLOAT DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BinSegregationCode string (16) Approved 2020-01-28 Bin BagLocation Approved 2020-01-28 BFRET DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BFMST DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BFMCT DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BFLST DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BFL5T DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BFL4T DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BFL3T DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BFL2T DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BFL1T DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BFEBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BFCAT DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BFBBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BFAST DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BETPT DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BeltLastBagLocal
As BeltLastBag, but local time.DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 BEBFT DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-26 BAOBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BagWasSentToProblemBin boolean Approved 2018-11-13 BagWasSentToMcs boolean Approved 2018-11-13 BagWasRejected boolean Approved 2018-11-13 BagWasLost boolean Approved 2018-11-13 BagWasDeliveredToBhsTooLate boolean Approved 2019-03-12 BagWasDeliveredToBhsLate boolean Approved 2019-03-12 BagWasDeliveredToBhsInTime boolean Approved 2019-03-12 BagWasDeliveredFromBhsTooLate boolean Approved 2019-08-13 BagWasDeliveredFromBhsLate boolean Approved 2019-08-13 BagWasDeliveredFromBhsInTime boolean Approved 2019-08-13 BagTotalTimeInMcs duration Approved 2019-08-13 BagTotalTimeInEbs duration Approved 2019-08-13 BagTotalTimeInBhs
If the bag is rejected for technical reasons BagTotalTimeInBhs should be reset.duration Approved 2019-08-13 BagTotalTimeAtSecScreen duration Approved 2019-08-13 BagToMcsCount Count Approved 2019-08-13 BagTimeAtManSecScreen duration Approved 2019-08-13 BagTimeAtAutSecScreen duration Approved 2019-08-13 BagTagWasNotSeenInBhs boolean Approved 2019-08-13 BagTagUnique string (10) Approved 2019-10-15 BagTagStatus string(16) Proposal BagTagsGenerated Count Approved 2019-08-13 BagTagPrintedLocation BagLocation Approved 2018-09-24 BagTagNumberGDPR string (10) Approved 2019-10-15 BagTagNumber string (10) Approved 2017-05-16 BagTagIssuerAirlineIATA AirlineIATA Approved 2019-08-13 BagSOBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-08-13 BagSizeIndicator string (3) Approved 2017-03-16 BagsDeliveredToBhsProblemBin Count Approved 2018-11-13 BagsDeliveredToBhsFlightBin Count Approved 2018-11-13 BagsCheckedIn Count Approved 2018-11-13 BagPreviousTagNumber BagTagNumber Approved 2019-11-12 BagPreviousAirportIATA AirportIATA Approved 2018-11-13 BagPnrCodeGDPR PnrCodeGDPR Approved 2019-10-15 BagPnrCode PnrCode Approved 2018-11-13 BagPlannedBin BagLocation Approved 2018-09-24 BagNewTagNumber BagTagNumber Approved 2019-11-12 BagNetTimeInBhs duration Approved 2019-11-12 BagLostIrregularityCode BagIrregularityCode Approved 2019-11-12 BagLostFlightId FlightId Approved 2019-11-12 BagLostDate DateUTC Approved 2019-11-12 BagLostAirportIATA
The AirportIATA code where the bag is reported to have been lost.AirportIATA Approved 2019-11-12 BagLostAdditionalData {
JsonData Approved 2019-11-12 BagLocation string(32) ADD group meeting 2018-09-24 BagIsRush boolean Approved 2019-11-12 BagIsPriority boolean Approved 2019-11-12 BagIsCrew boolean Approved 2019-11-12 BagInfoMsgCount Count Approved 2020-01-28 BagInfMsg string Approved 2020-01-28 BagImage entity Approved 2018-11-13 BagHasLoadedEvent boolean Approved 2020-01-28 BagHandlerCodeDeparture HandlerCode Approved 2020-01-28 BagHandlerCodeArrival HandlerCode Approved 2020-01-28 BagHandlerCode HandlerCode Approved 2018-11-13 BaggageWeightOnBoard Kilo Approved 2020-03-24 BagFirstRejectReason string (32) Approved 2020-01-28 BagFinalAirportIATA AirportIATA Approved 2018-11-13 BagEventTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2018-09-24 BagEventLocation BagLocation Approved 2018-09-24 BagEventErrorCode string (8) Approved 2020-03-24 BagEventDescription string (128) Approved 2018-09-24 BagEventCount Count Approved 2018-11-13 BagEventCode string (24) Approved 2018-10-01 BagEventAirportIATA AirportIATA Approved 2018-09-24 BagEvent entity Approved 2018-08-27 BagDepartureOperatingAirlineIATA
The OperatingAirlineIATA of the BagDepartureFlightId the bag departs on.OperatingAirlineIATA Approved 2018-08-27 BagDepartureFlightId
The FlightId for the flight the bag is supposed to depart on.FlightId Approved 2018-08-27 BagCheckinType string(8) Approved 2018-08-27 BagCheckinLocation BagLocation Approved 2018-09-24 BagCategory string(8) Approved 2018-11-13 BagCanBeTransported boolean Approved 2020-01-28 BagCanBeLoaded boolean Approved 2020-01-28 BagBsmWasProblem boolean Approved 2020-01-28 BagBhsDeliveryAttemptsTime duration Approved 2020-03-24 BagBhsBinDeliveryAttempts Count Approved 2019-10-15 BagArrivalOperatingAirlineIATA
The OperatingAirlineIATA of the BagArrivalFlightId the bag arrived on.OperatingAirlineIATA Approved 2018-08-27 BagArrivalFlightId FlightId Approved 2018-08-27 BagAOBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-10-15 BagAdditionalInfoCode string (6) Approved 2018-11-13 BagActualBin
The bin/location where the bag actually was delivered by the baggage handling system. The location is identified with a text string that is meaningful in the context it is used. The way/codes to identify a location will typically vary across the different implementations. Use the same values as used by BagEventLocation for the actual BagToBhsBin event for this bag.BagLocation ADD group meeting 2018-09-24 BACIT DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 BABBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-12 AXOT duration Approved 2013-01-11 AntiIceStartHoldoverTime DateTimeUTC Approved 2020-03-24 AlternativeArrivalAirportIATA
Alternative airport in case of problems. Also called re-clearance airport.AirportIATA Approved 2018-11-27 AlternativeAirportELDT DateTimeUTC Approved 2018-11-27 AircraftZFW Kilo Approved 2018-11-27 AircraftWidth Centimeter Approved 2018-11-27 AircraftThrust KiloNewton Approved 2013-05-10 AircraftParkingPositionType
Currently stand records can be defined as remote and / or hangar. By definition a stand which is not remote is therefore deemed to be fixed.string (8) ALTi Approved 2013-05-10 AircraftOwnerName OrganizationName Approved 2018-11-27 AircraftNumberOfEngines Count Approved 2013-05-10 AircraftMTOW Kilo Approved 2013-05-10 AircraftLength Centimeter Approved 2018-11-27 AcdmStatus string(4) Approved 2013-04-04 DayOfOperation DateUTC Proposal CabinBaggageWeightOnBoard Kilo Approved 2019-01-15 CardIssuerCode
A code identifying the card issuing company. What this code actually is depends on the type of card. In the issuer's domain the cart itself is identified by the CardNumber.IssuerCode Approved 2017-03-16 CargoWeightOnBoard Kilo Approved 2019-01-15 CrewCabinActiveOnBoard Count Approved 2019-01-15 CrewCockpitActiveOnBoard Count Approved 2019-01-15 CrewPassiveBoarding Count CrewPassiveDisembarking Count DIIndicator string (1) Approved 2016-05-04 DutyTravelDisembarking Count DutyTravelOnboard Count EquipmentWeightOnBoard Kilo Approved 2019-01-15 FlightLegStatus string(4) Approved FlightRule string (1) Approved 2013-05-10 ForcedReturnAIBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-26 ForcedReturnALDT DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-26 GateAction string (1) Approved 2013-04-04 GateFinalCall DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-01-15 HandlerCode
Identifies a Handler.string (8) Approved 2013-04-04 IataMvtIdentifier IataMessageIdentifier Approved 2019-10-15 IOBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2018-10-01 LastMinuteChangeCompartment LoadCompartmentId Approved 2019-03-26 LinkedArrival
Something that links an arriving flight (leg) to a departing flight leg. Will typically contain some key information.Approved 2013-04-04 LoadDestinationIATA
Destination airport (AirportIATA) for the cargo, or part of the cargo, loaded into LoadCompartmentId.AirportIATA Approved 2013-05-10 LoadTotalOnBoard Kilo Approved 2019-01-15 MailWeightOnBoard Kilo Approved 2019-01-15 MemberOfBaggagePool
Must be set to true for all other passengers in a baggage group which is not the HeadOfBaggagePool.boolean Approved 2017-03-16 MovementAfterPushbackTime DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-03-26 PadClass1OnBoard Count Approved 2019-01-15 PadClass3Disembarking Count Approved 2019-03-26 PadClass3OnBoard Count Approved 2019-01-15 PaxChildBoarding Count Approved 2013-10-08 PaxChildDisembarking Count Approved 2013-10-08 PaxClass1Disembarking Count Approved 2019-03-26 PaxChildOnBoard Count Approved 2013-05-10 PaxClass2OnBoard Count Approved 2019-01-15 PaxSeatedOnBoard
The number of passengers and passive crew on board the plane, infants excluded.
PaxSeatedOnBoard = PaxAdultOnBoard + PaxChildOnBoardCount PaxTransit Count Approved 2013-05-10 PhysicalRunway
A defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome prepared for the landing and take-off of aircraft. A physical runway is typically described by a code for the runway (PhysicalRunwayCode), AirportICAO code and geographical coordinates.
See also: LogicalRunway.entity Approved 2017-05-02 PhysicalRunwayCode
Identifies a physical runway at an airport.Approved 2017-05-02 QueueAverageWaitTime duration Approved 2021-05-28 QueueId string (32) Approved 2021-05-28 QueueLocation string (32) Approved 2021-05-28 QueueMaxWaitTime duration Approved 2021-05-28 QueueMeasurementEndTime DateTimeUTC Approved 2021-05-28 QueueMeasurementResolution duration Approved 2021-05-28 QueueMeasurementStartTime DateTimeUTC Approved 2021-05-28 QueueMedianWaitTime duration Approved 2021-05-28 QueueName string (64) Approved 2021-05-28 QueueOccupancy Count Approved 2021-05-28 QueueThroughput Count Approved 2021-05-28 SIDRoute
Standard instrument departure (SID) routes, also known as departure procedures (DP) are published flight procedures followed by aircraft on an IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) flight plan immediately after takeoff from an airport.string(16) Approved SpecialServiceRequestCode string (4) Approved 2019-10-15 UniqueFlightLegId string(36) Approved 2020-01-28 PersonsOnboard Count PaxDisembarking
PaxDisembarking = PaxAdultDisembarking + PaxChildDisembarkingPaxInfantBoarding Count Approved 2013-10-08 PaxInfantDisembarking Count Approved 2013-10-08 PaxInfantOnBoard Count Approved 2013-05-10 PaxAdultBoarding Count Approved 2013-10-08 PaxAdultDisembarking Count Approved 2013-10-08 PaxAdultOnBoard Count Approved 2013-05-10 PaxBoarding
PaxBoarding = PaxAdultBoarding + PaxChildBoarding Count ELDT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 Flight
One or more FlightLegs with the same FlightId and FlightDepartureDate. entity Approved 2013-04-04 DelayDuration
Duration of the delay. Typically used in conjunction with DelayCode. DelayDuration makes in theory possible to calculate a new estimated departure/arrival time, but in practice this is difficult as it isn't given what DelayDuration is relative to. duration Approved DelayOrDiversionCode int Approved 2013-04-04 PaxAdult Count Approved 2021-06-25 QueueProjectedWaitTime duration Approved 2021-05-28 QueueMinWaitTime duration Approved 2021-05-28 LinkedDeparture
Something that links an departing flight (leg) to an arriving flight leg. Will typically contain some key information.Approved 2013-04-04 GateStatus string (1) Proposal BagTagsActive Count Proposal AircraftEngineType
Free text showing the type of engines in use on this aircraft. E.g. PW308A would indicate that this aircraft has Pratt and Whitney 308A turbofan engines.string(30) Approved 2013-05-10 DepartureSecurityIndicator AirportSecurityIndicator ArrivalSecurityIndicator
See AirportSecurityIndicator for definition of term.AirportSecurityIndicator DutyTravelBoarding Count CrewPassiveOnBoard
Number of passive crew on board the aircraft. Often called "DHC" (Dead Head Crew). Included in PaxAdultOnBoard.Count RemarkType string(16) Approved SourceEvent
Defines the event that caused the action. Use the most precise event type possible of the ones defined. The defined events are site specific.string (24) Approved 2020-01-28 DeIceProcessStatus string(24) Approved 2020-03-24 MechanicalDeIceIsUsed boolean Approved 2020-03-24 Liter int Approved 2020-03-24 DeIcePlatform string(24) Approved 2020-03-24 DeIceParkingPosition AircraftParkingPosition Approved 2020-03-24 DeIceIsRequested boolean Approved 2020-03-24 DeIceFluidVolume Deciliter Approved 2020-03-24 DeIceFluidType string(8) Approved 2020-03-24 DeIceAirTemperature Celsius Approved 2020-03-24 Deciliter int Approved 2020-03-24 Centiliter int Approved 2020-03-24 Celsius decimal Approved 2020-03-24 BagIrregularityCode string (2) Approved 2020-01-28 FlightIsDomesticTransfer boolean Approved 2019-11-12 ClearBookingClass boolean Approved 2019-11-12 SIBTodp DateUTC Approved 2019-10-15 SegmentDestinationIATA AirportIATA Approved 2019-10-15 PnrCodeGDPR string (16) Approved 2019-10-15 Percent
For elements/attributes that are a percent of something.decimal Approved 2019-10-15 PassengerHasPassedSecurity boolean Approved 2019-10-15 PassengerHasBoarded boolean Approved 2019-10-15 OutboundFlightId FlightId Approved 2019-10-15 InboundFlightId FlightId Approved 2019-10-15 IataPrmIdentifier IataMessageIdentifier Approved 2019-10-15 IataMessagePart Count Approved 2019-10-15 IataMessageIdentifier
Additional information about which type of IATA message this is. Content is message specific.string (4) Approved 2019-10-15 FlightSegment Approved 2019-10-15 SOBTodp DateUTC Approved 2019-03-12 SupplementaryInformationText string (256) Approved 2019-03-26 PaxClass3Disembarking Count Approved 2019-03-26 PaxClass2Disembarking Count Approved 2019-03-26 PadClass2Disembarking Count Approved 2019-03-26 PadClass1Disembarking Count Approved 2019-03-26 OrganizationName string (40) Approved 2019-03-26 LastMinuteChangeCompartmentLoad
The load change, which can be negative, in LastMinuteChangeCompartment.Kilo Approved 2019-03-26 EquipmentWeightUnloaded Kilo Approved 2019-03-26 CabinBaggageWeightUnloaded Kilo Approved 2019-03-26 PaxClass3OnBoard Count Approved 2019-01-15 PaxClass1OnBoard Count Approved 2019-01-15 PadClass2OnBoard Count Approved 2019-01-15 OperatingAirlineName AirlineName Approved 2019-01-15 GateStartBoarding DateTimeUTC Approved 2019-01-15 TakeOffFuel Kilo Approved 2018-11-27 HandlerNameDeparture HandlerName Approved 2018-11-27 HandlerNameArrival HandlerName Approved 2018-11-27 CrewLandingCapability LandingCapability Approved 2018-11-27 AircraftLandingCapability LandingCapability Approved 2018-11-27 LandingCapability
IATA Airport Handling Manual, AHM 780, MVT 17.12string (2) Approved 2018-11-27 LoadTotalLoaded Kilo Approved 2013-05-10 FlightLegIdentifier
FlightLegIdentifier is a set of attributes that uniquely can identify a FlightLeg in different contexts. It consists of the following:Entity, as defined below. Approved SourceInterface
Name of the interface where the data originally arrived. The allowed names are site specific. This is make it possible to differentiate, typically in a message system, between data from the same organization/system coming in on different interfaces. IATA Type B messages are an example of this as they potentially can come through a SITA MQ connection, or by email.string (16) Approved 2018-08-27 JsonData
An element of this type shall contain properly formatted JSON data.string Approved 2018-08-27 MediaType
Mime media type. Values are not strictly defined.string(128) Approved 2018-08-27 Image
The image of something. Image format would typically be defined by MediaType. Encoding is base64Binary.base64Binary Approved 2018-08-27 base64Binary
XSD base64Binary typexs:base64Binary Approved 2018-08-27 AircraftATOW Kilo Approved 2018-08-27 BagFirstEventDate DateUTC Proposal EOBT
Estimated Off-Block Time. The estimated time at which the aircraft will start movement associated with departure. Always UTC time.DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 Handler
Organization that provides handling services (passenger handling, baggage handling, fuelling, cleaning, de-icing, ...) for flight.entity Approved 2013-04-04 SourceSystem string (16) Approved 2017-05-30 BagTagSerialNumber string (6) Approved 2017-03-16, update Approved 2017-05-16 BagTagIssuerCode AirlineIATAThreeNumeric Approved 2017-03-16, update Approved 2017-05-16 AirlineIATAThreeNumeric string (3) Approved 2017-05-16 BagTagLeadingDigit string (1) Approved 2017-05-16 BagTag entity Approved 2017-05-16 LogicalRunwayName string (30) Approved 2017-05-16 LogicalRunway
A logical runway is typically described by a code for the runway (Runway) and corresponding PhysicalRunway.entity Approved 2017-05-16 AirlineTelephonyDesignator String20.xsd Approved 2017-05-02 PhysicalRunwayName string (30) Approved 2017-05-02 PaxEstimateDisembarking Count Approved 2017-04-18 PaxEstimateBoarding Count Approved 2017-04-18 RunwayAirportICAO AirportICAO Proposal PhysicalRunwayAirportICAO AirportICAO Proposal BagSequenceCount Count Approved 2017-03-16 TimestampLocal Approved 2017-03-16 TicketNumber string (????) Approved 2017-03-16 TerminalZone string (16) Approved 2017-03-16 SOBTotp TimeUTC Approved 2017-03-16 SIBTotp TimeUTC Approved 2017-03-16 ServiceClass string (5) ???1? Approved 2017-03-16 SequenceNumber Approved 2017-03-16 SeatNumber string (5) Approved 2017-03-16 PreviousAirportICAO AirportICAO Approved 2017-03-16 PreviousAirportIATA AirportIATA Approved 2017-03-16 PreviousAirport
See also: PreviousAirportIATA, PreviousAirportICAOAirportIATAorICAO Approved 2017-03-16 PnrCode string (16) Approved 2017-03-16 PhoneNumber string (24) Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerLastName LastName Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerInitialsAndOrTitle InitialsAndOrTitle Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerIdTypeCo PassengerIdType Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerIdType string (8) Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerIdSubType string (32) Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerIdData string (256) Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerHasWeaponsInBaggage boolean Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerHasPetsInCabin boolean Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerHasAnimalsInBaggage boolean Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerGroupId string (5) Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerFirstName FirstName Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerDescriptionCode string (1) Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerCellularPhoneNo PhoneNumber Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerBoardingStatus string (1) Approved 2017-03-16 OriginAirport
See also: OriginAirportIATA, OriginAirportICAO AirportIATAorICAO Approved 2017-03-16 OperatingCarrierPnrCode PnrCode Approved 2017-03-16 OperatingAirlineFlightId FlightId Approved 2017-03-16 NextAirportICAO AirportICAO Approved 2017-03-16 NextAirportIATA AirportIATA Approved 2017-03-16 NextAirport
See also: NextAirportIATA, NextAirportICAOAirportIATAorICAO Approved 2017-03-16 MaskedCreditCard entity Approved 2017-03-16 MarketingAirlineFlightId FlightId Approved 2017-03-16 LoungeAllowed boolean Approved 2017-03-16 LastName string (64) Approved 2017-03-16 IssuerCode string (12) Approved 2017-03-16 InitialsAndOrTitle string (16) Approved 2017-03-16 HeadOfBaggagePool boolean Approved 2017-03-16 FrequentFlyerCardNumber CardNumber Approved 2017-03-16 FrequentFlyerCard entity Approved 2017-03-16 FrequentFlyerAirline AirlineIATA Approved 2017-03-16 FreeBaggageAllowance string (16) Approved 2017-03-16 FirstName string (64) Approved 2017-03-16 FinalAirport
See also: FinalAirportIATA, FinalAirportICAOAirportIATAorICAO Approved 2017-03-16 FastTrackAllowed boolean Approved 2017-03-16 DiversionTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2017-03-16 DiversionSubCode DelayOrDiversionSubCode Approved 2017-03-16 DiversionReason DelayOrDiversionReason Approved 2017-03-16 DiversionCode DelayOrDiversionCode Approved 2017-03-16 DepartureFlightServiceTypeIATA FlightServiceTypeIATA Approved 2017-03-16 DepartureFlightNumber FlightNumber Approved 2017-03-16 DepartureFlightLegIdentifier FlightLegIdentifier Approved 2017-03-16 DepartureCarrierIATA AirlineIATA Approved 2017-03-16 DelaySubCode DelayOrDiversionSubCode Approved 2017-03-16 DelayOrDiversionSubCode string (1) Approved 2017-03-16 CheckInSeqNumber SequenceNumber Approved 2017-03-16 CheckInOpen DateTimeUTC Approved 2017-03-16 CheckInClose DateTimeUTC Approved 2017-03-16 Centimeter int Approved 2017-03-16 CardPassengerCount Count Approved 2017-03-16 CardNumber string (24) Approved 2017-03-16 BookingClass string (2) Approved 2017-03-16 BoardingPassSeqNumber SequenceNumber Approved 2017-03-16 BagWidth Centimeter Approved 2017-03-16 BagWeight Kilo Approved 2017-03-16 BagTypeIndicator string (3) Approved 2017-03-16 BagScanTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2017-03-16 BagScanLocation string (32) Approved 2017-03-16 BagScanGeoLocation entity Approved 2017-03-16 BagScanDetailedInfo string (64) Approved 2017-03-16 BagScanAirportIATA AirportIATA Approved 2017-03-16 BagScanAction string (32) Approved 2017-03-16 BagLoadSequenceNumber SequenceNumber Approved 2017-03-16 BagLength Centimeter Approved 2017-03-16 BagHeight Centimeter Approved 2017-03-16 BaggagePoolId string (3) Approved 2017-03-16 BagDimension entity Approved 2017-03-16 BagContainerId string (32) Approved 2017-03-16 AtmFlightLegStatus string (4) Approved 2017-03-16 AtmCdmStatus string (16) Approved 2017-03-16 ArrivalFlightServiceTypeIATA FlightServiceTypeIATA Approved 2017-03-16 ArrivalFlightNumber FlightNumber Approved 2017-03-16 ArrivalFlightLegIdentifier FlightLegIdentifier Approved 2017-03-16 ArrivalCarrierIATA AirlineIATA Approved 2017-03-16 ArrDepTransIndicator string (1) Approved 2017-03-16 AirspaceZone string (24) Approved 2017-03-16 AirportIATAorICAO string (4) Approved 2017-03-16 AircraftInZone AirspaceZone Approved 2017-03-16 CodeshareAirlineTicketed AirlineIATAorICAO Approved 2013-04-04 AGHT duration Approved 2013-01-11 FinalAirportIATA AirportIATA Approved 2013-05-10 ScheduleStartDate DateUTC Approved 2013-05-10 SlotCoordinatedAirportIATA AirportIATA Approved 2013-05-10 ScheduleFlightDays
The string is always seven characters long. '0' indicates no flight on that day, the day number ('1'..'7') indicates a flight on that day. The first day of the week is always Monday.
"1234567" - flights on all days.
"1234500" - flights on Monday - Friday, no flights on Saturday and Sunday.
"1030500" - flights on Moday, Wednesday and Friday.
For flights staying at the SlotCoordinatedAirportIATA over midnight UTC time, see ScheduleOverMidnights, the pattern indicates the day of the arriving flight.string (7) Approved 2013-05-10 LoadCompartmentWeight Kilo Approved 2013-05-10 Latitude
Positive numbers for north, negative for south.
See "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WGS_84" for more information on WGS84.decimal Approved 2013-05-10 Longitude
Positive numbers east of prime meridian, negative numbers west.
See "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WGS_84" for more information on WGS84.decimal Approved 2013-05-10 ScheduleSeason string (3) Approved 2013-05-10 Turnaround N/A Approved 2013-04-04 term TTOTlocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 TSATlocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 TOBTlocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 TOBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 TLDTlocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 TerminalName string (30) Approved 2013-04-04 TerminalCode string (5) Approved 2013-04-04 Terminal N/A Approved 2013-04-04 term DirectFlight N/A Approved 2013-05-10 STTT duration Approved 2013-01-11 SSRCode string (4) ALTi Approved 2013-10-08 SOBTlocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 SOBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 SIBTlocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 SIBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 ScheduleEndDate DateUTC Approved 2013-05-10 ScheduledFlight N/A Approved 2013-05-10 term Schedule N/A ALTi Approved 2013-05-10 term RunwayDeparture Runway Approved 2013-04-04 RunwayArrival Runway Approved 2013-04-04 ReturnToRampTimeLocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 ReturnToRampTime DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-04-04 PreviousChargingArea ChargeBorderCrossing ALTi Approved 2013-10-30 PositionTimeLocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-05-10 PositionTime DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-05-10 Position6D entity Approved 2013-10-08 Position4D entity Approved 2013-10-08 PaxTransferToFlightTotal Count Approved 2013-10-08 PaxTransferToFlightId FlightId Approved 2013-10-08 PaxTransferToFlightDate FlightDepartureDate Approved 2013-10-08 PaxTransferToFlightCount Count Approved 2013-10-08 PaxTransferToAirportIATA AirportIATA Approved 2013-10-08 PaxTransferBoarding Count Approved 2013-10-08 PaxTransfer N/A Approved 2013-10-08 PaxCanEmbark boolean Approved 2013-11-27 PaxCanDisembark boolean Approved 2013-11-27 PaxBusIsNeeded boolean Approved 2013-04-04 FlightLegIsCodeshare boolean Approved 2016-05-04 FlightLegHasCodeshare boolean Approved 2016-05-04 CorrelationId string (48) Approved 2016-05-04 SourceOrganization string (16) Approved 2016-05-04 OperatingFlightLegIdentifier FlightLegIdentifier Approved 2016-05-04 CodeshareFlightLegIdentifier FlightLegIdentifier Approved 2016-05-04 WakeTurbulenceCategory string (1) ALTi Approved 2013-10-08 MailWeightUnloaded Kilo Approved 2013-04-04 term MailWeightLoaded Kilo Approved 2013-04-04 FlightIsMultiLeg Approved 2013-10-08 Overflight entity Approved 2013-04-04 OriginAirportICAO AirportICAO Approved 2013-05-10 OriginAirportIATA AirportIATA Approved 2013-05-10 OperationalSuffix string (1) Approved 2013-04-04 OperatingAirlineTicketed AirlineIATAorICAO Approved 2013-04-04 OperatingAirlineICAO AirlineICAO Approved 2013-04-04 OperatingAirlineIATA AirlineIATA Approved 2013-04-04 OnFinalsTimeLocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 OnFinalsTime DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-04-04 NumberOfAircraft Count ALTi Approved 2013-10-08 NextInformationTimeLocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 NextInformationTime DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-04-04 NextChargingArea ChargingArea ALTi Approved 2013-10-30 LoadTotalUnloaded Kilo Approved 2013-05-10 LoadDestinationWeight Kilo Approved 2013-05-10 LoadCompartmentId string (8) Approved 2013-04-04 HandlerServiceType string (30) Approved 2013-04-04 HandlerName string (40) Approved 2013-04-04 GateOpenLocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 GateOpen DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-04-04 GateDescription string (30) Approved 2013-04-04 GateCloseLocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 GateClose DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-04-04 FlightStopIsTechnical boolean Approved 2013-04-04 FlightServiceTypeICAO string (1) Approved 2013-04-04 FlightPlan entity Approved 2013-05-10 FlightNumberDeparture FlightNumber Approved 2013-10-08 FlightNumberArrival FlightNumber Approved 2013-10-08 FlightLeg entity Approved 2013-04-04 FlightDepartureDate DateUTC Approved 2013-04-04 FinalAirportICAO AirportICAO Approved 2013-05-10 Aircraft entity Approved 2013-04-04 EXOT duration Approved 2013-01-11 EXIT duration Approved 2013-01-11 ETOTlocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-01-11 ETOT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 EstimatedTimeAccuracy string (4) Approved 2013-10-08 ERZTlocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-01-11 EOBTlocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-01-11 ELDTlocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-01-11 ELDTAccuracy EstimatedTimeAccuracy Approved 2013-10-08 EIBTlocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-01-11 EIBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 EEZTlocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-01-11 DiversionAirportICAO AirportICAO Approved 2013-04-04 DiversionAirportIATA AirportIATA Approved 2013-04-04 DepartureDelay Delay Approved DepartureAirportICAO AirportICAO Approved 2013-04-04 DepartureAirportIATA AirportIATA Approved 2013-04-04 DelayReason DelayOrDiversionReason Approved DelayCode DelayOrDiversionCode Approved Delay entity Approved Timestamp Approved TimeLocal time Approved time xs:time Approved string xs:string Approved Meter int Approved Knot int Approved KiloNewton int Approved Kilo int Approved int xs:int Approved HorsePower int Approved Gram int Approved Foot int Approved decimal
An element in your document might look like this: <prize>999.50</prize>xs:decimal Approved DateTimeLocal dateTime Approved DateLocal date Approved boolean xs:boolean Approved Count int Approved date xs:date Approved CTOTlocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 CrewActiveOnBoard Count Approved 2013-05-10 CheckInZone string (30) Approved 2013-04-04 CheckInStatus string (1) Approved 2013-04-04 CheckInDeskUsage string (1) Approved 2013-04-04 CheckInDeskTo CheckInDeskCode Approved 2013-04-04 CheckInDeskTerminal TerminalCode Approved 2013-04-04 CheckInDeskState string (1) Approved 2013-04-04 CheckInDeskRange string (128) Approved 2013-04-04 CheckInDeskOpenLocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 CheckInDeskOpen DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-04-04 CheckInDeskName string (30) Approved 2013-04-04 CheckInDeskFrom CheckInDeskCode Approved 2013-04-04 CheckInDeskCode string (8) Approved 2013-04-04 CheckInDeskCloseLocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 CheckInDeskClose DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-04-04 CheckInDesk entity Approved 2013-04-04 ChargingArea entity ALTi Approved 2013-10-30 term ChargeBorderCrossing entity ALTi Approved 2013-10-30 CargoWeightUnloaded Kilo Approved 2013-04-04 CargoWeightLoaded Kilo Approved 2013-04-04 Cargo entity Approved 2013-04-04 Callsign string (20) Approved 2013-04-04 BorderCrossing entity Approved 2013-04-04 BeltFirstBagLocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 BaggageWeightUnloaded Kilo Approved 2013-04-04 BaggageWeightLoaded Kilo Approved 2013-04-04 BaggageClaimUnitName string (30) Approved 2013-04-04 BaggageCountLoaded Count Approved 2013-04-04 BaggageCountUnloaded Count Approved 2013-04-04 BaggageClaimUnit
There are a set of BaggageClaimUnits for each airport.string (8) Approved 2013-04-04 Airport entity Approved 2013-04-04 Airline entity Approved 2013-04-04 Baggage entity Approved 2013-04-04 BeltLastBag DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-04-04 AXIT duration Approved 2013-01-11 ASATLocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 ARZTLocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 ArrivalDelay Delay Approved ArrivalAirportICAO AirportICAO Approved 2013-04-04 ArrivalAirportIATA AirportIATA Approved 2013-04-04 ARDTLocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 AOBTLocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 AOBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 ALDTLocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 ALDT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 AirportTZ
The time zone is given as the offset in relative to UTC.
Format: "±[hh]:[mm]", "±[hh][mm]", or "±[hh]"string (6) Approved 2013-05-10 AirportStandardName string (30) Approved 2013-04-04 AirportSecurityIndicator
'0': No security issues with this airport.
'1': There are security issues with this airport.string (1) Approved 2013-04-04 AirportLanguage string (2) Approved 2013-04-04 AirportDisplayName string (30) Approved 2013-04-04 AirportDIIndicator DIIndicator Approved 2013-04-04 AirportCountry string (2) Approved 2013-04-04 AirlineName string (40) Approved 2013-04-04 AirlineIATAorICAO string (3) Approved 2013-10-08 AirlineIATA
Reference Document: IATA Airline Coding Directory. The IATA standard uses 2 character codes, but in cases where no IATA standard code exists, an alternative code can be used. This can often be the 3 character ICAO code if one exists."string (3) Approved 2013-04-04 AircraftTerminal TerminalCode Approved 2013-04-04 AircraftTailNumber string (10) Approved 2013-04-04 AircraftSeatingCapacity Count Approved 2013-04-04 AircraftSeatingAvailable Count Approved 2013-10-08 AircraftRegistration
An aircraft can be re-registered in special cases, for instance if it's sold to an operator in another country.string (10) Approved 2013-04-04 AircraftOwnerIATA AirlineIATA Approved 2013-04-04 AircraftOwnerICAO AirlineICAO Approved 2013-04-04 AircraftParkingPositionUsage string (8) Approved 2013-04-04 FlightDIIndicator DIIndicator Approved 2013-04-04 FlightIsCancelled boolean Approved 2013-04-04 Gate string (8) Approved 2013-04-04 AircraftParkingPosition string (8) Approved 2013-04-04 BeltFirstBag DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-04-04 AircraftIsNoiseCertificated boolean Approved 2013-05-10 AircraftHorsePower HorsePower Approved 2013-05-10 TTOT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 CTOT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 EEZT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 EDIT duration Approved 2013-01-11 ECZTlocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-01-11 ECZT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 ERZT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 ARZT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 TSAT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-04-04 ARDT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 ASAT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 ATTT duration Approved 2013-01-11 ATOTLocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 ATOT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 ASRTLocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 ASRT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 ASBTLocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 ASBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 TLDT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 ETTT duration Approved 2013-01-11 MTTT duration Approved 2013-01-11 AircraftGroundSpeed Knot Approved 2013-04-04 AircraftBearing int Approved 2013-04-04 AircraftChapter string(4) Approved 2013-05-10 AIBTlocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 AIBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 AEZTLocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 AEZT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 AEGTLocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 AEGT DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 ACZT Approved 2013-01-11 ACZTLocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 ADIT duration Approved 2013-01-11 ACGTLocal DateTimeLocal Approved 2013-04-04 ACGT
The time when ground handling on an aircraft starts, can be equal to AIBT (to be determined locally). Always UTC time.DateTimeUTC Approved 2013-01-11 FlightRouteICAO AirportICAO [0..*] Approved 2015-12-15 ResponseStatusCode string (6) Approved 2015-12-15 ResponseStatusText string (64) Approved 2015-12-15 FlightRouteOperator string(40) Approved 2015-12-15 TouchAndGoCount Count Approved TouchAndGoAirportICAO AirportICAO Approved TouchAndGoAirportIATA AirportIATA Approved TouchAndGo
The rules giving how long the Aircraft can stay on the Runway and still be counted as a touch and go are airport specific. A number of "touch and gos" can be considered only one arrival/departure. The rules regulating this are airport specific.entity Approved STARoute
In aviation, a standard terminal arrival route or standard terminal arrival (STAR) is a published procedure followed by aircraft on an IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) flight plan just before reaching a destination airport.string(16) Approved RunwayOccupancyTimeDeparture RunwayOccupancyTime Approved RunwayOccupancyTimeArrival RunwayOccupancyTime Approved RunwayOccupancyTime duration Approved RemarkText string(256) Approved Remark Entity Approved MilitaryFlightOwner string(4) Approved AircraftConfigVersion string (128) Approved 2013-04-04 AircraftIATAType
Reference Document: IATA codeset 7800.string (3) Approved 2013-04-04 AircraftICAOType
Reference Document: ICAO document 8643.string (4) Approved 2013-04-04