SetBagCheckInData ( transData: TransData, bagCheckInData: BagCheckInData ): ResponseStatus

Sets data collected when the passenger delivers the bag to an airport/airline/handler for further processing. This will typically be at a manual or self service baggage drop point.


Returns: ResponseStatus  - See definition under Data entities .


SetBhsEventData ( transData: TransData, bhsEventData: BhsEventData ): ResponseStatus

Sets data associated with a bag scanning or decision event in a BHS (baggage handling system). Typically this will be when

  • the bag tag is actively scanned.
  • the BHS makes a decision about the bag, typically where to route it.


Returns: ResponseStatus  - See definition under Data entities .


SetBagScanData ( transData: TransData, bagScanData: BagScanData ) : ResponseStatus

Set data associated with the BagTag being scanned, manually or automatically. 


Returns: ResponseStatus  - See definition under Data entities .


SetBagEventData ( transData: TransData, bagEventData: BagEventData ) : ResponseStatus

Used to set data associated with any bag event.


Returns: ResponseStatus  - See definition under Data entities.

SetBagLostData ( transData: TransData, bagLostData: BagLostData ): ResponseStatus

Sets data collected when the bag is reported lost. This operation is somewhat special as part of the data set is open ended, see BagLostData for details. 


Returns: ResponseStatus  - See definition under Data entities .

SetBimData ( transData: TransData, bimData: BimData ): ResponseStatus

Sets IATA BIM (BaggageInformation Message) data. BimData contains a string element that is the actual IATA baggage information message (BSM, BUM, BPM, .....).  


Returns: ResponseStatus  - See definition under Data entities .

SetFlightBinData ( transData: TransData, flightBinData: FlightBinData ): ResponseStatus

A flight leg oriented operation that sets all bins that are planned to be used, or actually being used, for one flight leg departure.


Returns: ResponseStatus  - See definition under Data entities .


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