ADD Term | Description |
BagTagNumber | The 10 digit bag tag (licence plate) number as defined by IATA. The BagTagNumber is a concatenation of BagTagLeadingDigit, BagTagIssuerCode and BagTagSerialNumber. |
BagEvent | See entity BagEvent for more information. |
BagPreviousAirportIATA | The AirportIATA code for the airport the bag came from. Not relevant for bags that start their journey on "this" airport. |
BagNextAirportIATA | The AirportIATA code for the next airport the bag should be sent to. |
BagFinalAirportIATA | The AirportIATA code for the final airport the bag should be sent to. |
BagSegment | See entity BagSegment for more information. |
BagDepartureFlightId | The FlightId for the flight the bag is supposed to depart on. |
BagPhysical | See entity BagPhysical for more information. |
BagPnrCode | The PnrCode associated with a BagTag. This will often be the owner of the bag, but might not be. |
BEBFT | The Bag Estimated BHS Finish Time is the DateTimeUTC when the baggage handling system estimates that the bag will be finished and ready for further handling. This will typically be, for baggage handling systems with sorting, when the bag is placed in a bin. This is an estimate for the BagEventCode "BagToBhsBin". Always UTC. |
BagPlannedBin | The bin/location where the bag is planned to be delivered to by the baggage handling system. The location is identified with a text string that is meaningful in the context it is used. The way/codes to identify a location will typically vary across the different implementations. Use the same values as used by BagEventLocation for the BagToBhsBin event. |