Code for an event that happened to a bag (Baggage). Often the event will really be for a BagTag as that is what is scanned, and it is "assumed" that a bag is associated with it. Some events are predefined, see "Legal values" below. Other, system specific, events can be added as needed.
Descriptive text for an event (BagEventCode) that happened to a bag (Baggage). The descriptions are system specific, and there can be multiple descriptions for the same BagEventCode.
The location where a BagEventCode occurred. The location is identified with a text string that is meaningful in the context it is used. The way/codes to identify a location will typically vary across the different implementations.
Code for an event that happened to a bag (Baggage). Often the event will really be for a BagTag as that is what is scanned, and it is "assumed" that a bag is associated with it. Some events are predefined, see "Legal values" below. Other, system specific, events can be added as needed.
Descriptive text for an event (BagEventCode) that happened to a bag (Baggage). The descriptions are system specific, and there can be multiple descriptions for the same BagEventCode.
The location where a BagEventCode occurred. The location is identified with a text string that is meaningful in the context it is used. The way/codes to identify a location will typically vary across the different implementations.
The relevant error code for events that indicate some form of failure, for instance BagRejected, BagSecScreenRejected and BagToBhsBinProblem. Having the error code in a separate element makes it easier to process the different errors. Any description of the error should be in BagEventDescription.
The Bag Estimated BHS Finish Time is theDateTimeUTC when the baggage handling system estimates that the bag will be finished and ready for further handling. This will typically be, for baggage handling systems with sorting, when the bag is placed in a bin. This is an estimate for the BagEventCode "BagToBhsBin". Always UTC.
The bin/location where the bag is planned to be delivered to by the baggage handling system. The location is identified with a text string that is meaningful in the context it is used. The way/codes to identify a location will typically vary across the different implementations. Use the same values as used by BagEventLocation for the BagToBhsBin event.
The date the bag was lost. Mainly to help make the BagTagNumber unique on the BagLostAirportIATA. Not guaranteed to be correct, best effort value. Always UTC.
Code for an event that happened to a bag (Baggage). Often the event will really be for a BagTag as that is what is scanned, and it is "assumed" that a bag is associated with it. Some events are predefined, see "Legal values" below. Other, system specific, events can be added as needed.
Descriptive text for an event (BagEventCode) that happened to a bag (Baggage). The descriptions are system specific, and there can be multiple descriptions for the same BagEventCode.
The location where a BagEventCode occurred. The location is identified with a text string that is meaningful in the context it is used. The way/codes to identify a location will typically vary across the different implementations.
Code for an event that happened to a bag (Baggage). Often the event will really be for a BagTag as that is what is scanned, and it is "assumed" that a bag is associated with it. Some events are predefined, see "Legal values" below. Other, system specific, events can be added as needed.
Descriptive text for an event (BagEventCode) that happened to a bag (Baggage). The descriptions are system specific, and there can be multiple descriptions for the same BagEventCode.
The location where a BagEventCode occurred. The location is identified with a text string that is meaningful in the context it is used. The way/codes to identify a location will typically vary across the different implementations.
The Bag Estimated BHS Finish Time is theDateTimeUTC when the baggage handling system estimates that the bag will be finished and ready for further handling. This will typically be, for baggage handling systems with sorting, when the bag is placed in a bin. This is an estimate for the BagEventCode "BagToBhsBin". Always UTC.
The bin/location where the bag is planned to be delivered to by the baggage handling system. The location is identified with a text string that is meaningful in the context it is used. The way/codes to identify a location will typically vary across the different implementations. Use the same values as used by BagEventLocation for the BagToBhsBin event.
If known, the FlightDepartureDate for the departing flight. If not known the bin information is assumed to be for the first upcoming flight with the given FlightId.
The scheduled date (based on UTC) of departure of flight. For flights with multiple legs this is the departure of the first leg. This date must not change once set as it is used to make the FlightIds unique.
ResponseStatusCode indicates if the operation succeeded or failed, and if it failed - why. ResponseStatusText is a textual description of ResponseStatusCode. For all operations the set of response codes must be defined. The actual set is dependent upon the context.
"OK": Operation succeded.
"ERR99": Other error. "statusText" should describe the error.
Status codes must be documented by the service implementation.
Identifier that can be used to correlate messages, transactions, log entries etc. The identifier should be unique across all relevant systems. It is the responsibility of the creator of the message/transaction/log entry/... to guarantee uniqueness. The CorrelationId can for instance be a GUID, or something shorter based on site specific rules.
Name of the organization/company that created the original data. This will typically be an airline company or an handler. The value set are site specific.