Business termFlight Number

The number of the flight.
Unique for one day within one operator, but not necessarily unique across operators. The part of the FlightId excluding the operator code (see "OperatingAirlineIATA"). This is sometimes referred to as the "Trip Number". Reference: IATA Standard Schedules Information Manual, Feb 1997, 2.2.62. Flight Numbers are assigned by a carrier as a multi-purpose reference in connection with the planning and control of the operation of flights.

Legal values


If FlightNumber is numeric it is passed with leading zeros until the length is three. If it is numeric and longer than three, leading zeros are removed if they exist.


  • XX00234 -> XX234
  • XX0234 -> XX234
  • XX007 -> XX007
  • XX07 – XX007
  • XX7 -> XX007

Non-numeric flight “numbers” are kept as they are. NB! Non-numeric flight numbers are a relic of systems that require FlightNumber or FlightId, and where Callsign are used as the FlightId to satisfy the system requirement. Non-numeric FlightNumbers don't really exist.

StatusApproved 2013-04-04
XML typestring (5)
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