- Alt er insert/replace
- Alltid UTC
- NB! IKKE FlightDepartureDate
SSIM message
- Metadata
Action (insert, update, delete)
- Season
Time mode. U = UTC, L = Local- OperatingAirlineIATA
- ScheduleSeason 0..1
Automated Check-In 0..1- ScheduleStartDate
- ScheduleEndDate
- CreationDate (for filen, for å identifisere den, ta med)
- Title of data 0..1 (for filen, for å identifisere den, ta med)
- ReleaseDate 0..1 (for filen, for å identifisere den, ta med)
- ScheduledStatus (provisional, final)
- Creators Reference 0..1
Dublicate airline designator marker 0..1General Information 0..1Secure flight indicator 0..1In-flight service information 0..1Electronic ticketing information 0..1- Creation time → SourceTimestamp????
- Flight information
- FlightId
Itinerary variation identifier- Leg sequence number
- FlightServiceTypeIATA
- ScheduleStartDate
- ScheduleEndDate
- ScheduleFlightDays
- Frequency rate 0..1 ScheduleFlightWeeks
- DepartureAirportIATA
- SOBTotp passenger
- SOBTotp aircraft
UTC local time variation departure – IKKE ScheduleOverMidnight- TerminalCode departure 0..1
- ArrivalAirportIATA
- SIBTotp aircraft
- SIBTotp passenger
UTC local time variation arrival – IKKE ScheduleOverMidnight- TerminalCode arrival 0...1
- AircraftIATAType
Passenger Reservations Booking Designator 0..1Passenger Reservations Booking Modifiere 0..1
- AdministratingCarrierIATA. AirlineIATA DEI 1. Joint operation airline designator.0..1
- ReservationsCarrierIATA. AirlineIATA DEI 1. Joint operation airline designator.0..1
- AdditionalCarrierIATA. AirlineIATA DEI 1. Joint operation airline designator.0..1
- CodeshareAirlineIATA DEI 2. 0..1
- AircraftOwnerIATA DEI 3. 0..1
CockpitCrewEmployer AirlineIATA DEI 4. 0..1CabinCrewEmployer. AirlineIATA DEI 5.0..1- Onward flight LinkedDepartureFlightID DEI 6. 0..1
MealServiceNote ; string(64). DEI 7. 0..1TrafficRestrictioCode DEI 8. 0..1TrafficRestrictionNote. DEI 8. 0..1- OperatingAirlineIATA DEI 9. 0..1
- Duplicate Leg Cross Reference—Duplicate Leg Identification CodeShares. DEI 10. FlightLegIdentifier 0..1 CodeshareFlightId
Automated Check-In 0..1Flight transit lay over 0..1- AircraftConfigVersion
- ScheduleOverMidnights
SSIM | Standard Schedule Information Message | ADD Term | Mapping comment | |||
Data Element | Table | Field | Operation | Comments | ||
Time Mode | SCH_FLIGHT_SEASON | TIME_MODE | Insert | U = UTC L = Local Time | ADD always UTC | |
Airline Designator | SCH_FLIGHT_SEASON | AIRLINE_DESIGNATOR | Insert | IATA Airline Designator | OperatingAirlineIATA | |
Season | SCH_FLIGHT_SEASON | SEASON | Insert | Season, XYY X:Season Summer/Winter (S/W), Year (06). e.g. 'S06'. | ScheduleSeason | |
Period of Schedule Validity From | SCH_FLIGHT_SEASON | PERIOD_FROM | Insert | First date of the schedules. (ddmmyy) | ScheduleStartDate | |
Period of Schedule Validity To | SCH_FLIGHT_SEASON | PERIOD_TO | Insert | Last date of the schedules. (ddmmyy) | ScheduleEndDate | |
Creation Date | SCH_FLIGHT_SEASON | CREATION_DATE | Insert | Day, month, year of data set creation. | Date when the SSIM file is created. | |
Title of Data | SCH_FLIGHT_SEASON | TITLE | Insert | Free format, blank fill e.g. SAS IATA DRAFT S90| | Free text, 29 | |
Release (Sell) Date | SCH_FLIGHT_SEASON | RELEASE_DATE | Insert | Day, month, year or blank fill | Day when the file is released, not used | |
Schedule Status | SCH_FLIGHT_SEASON | SCHEDULED_STATUS | Insert | Scheduled status (P/C). | Preliminary / Confirmed | |
Creator Reference | SCH_FLIGHT_SEASON | CREATORS_REFERENCE | Insert | Creator reference. | FREE TEXT, 35 CHAR | |
General Information | SCH_FLIGHT_SEASON | GENERAL_INFORMATION | Insert | General information. | Free text, 82, char | |
Operational Suffix | SCH_FLIGHT | OPERATIONAL_SUFFIX | Insert | Operational suffix of flight identifier. | OperationalSuffix | |
Operational Suffix | SCH_FLIGHT_PLAN | FLIGHT_ID | Insert | Operational suffix of flight identifier. | OperationalSuffix | |
Airline Designator | SCH_FLIGHT | AIRLINE_DESIGNATOR | Insert | Airline designator of flight identifier. | OperatingAirlineIATA | |
Flight Number | SCH_FLIGHT | FLIGHT_NUMBER | Insert | Flight number, numeric part of flight identifier. | FlightNumber | |
Flight Designator | SCH_FLIGHT_PLAN | FLIGHT_ID | Insert | Airline designator and Flight number of flight identifier. | FlightId | |
Itinerary Variation Identifier | SCH_FLIGHT | ITINERARY_VARIATION_ID | Insert | Itinerary variation id. | Same flight can have multiple variations. Different equipment/times. Int | |
Leg Sequence Number | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | LEG_SEQUENCE_NO | Insert | Sequence number of the leg in the flight. | Sequence number for flight leg in multi leg flight. | |
Service Type | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | SERVICE_TYPE | Insert | Equipment Information Service Type | FlightServiceTypeIATA | |
Period of Operation From | SCH_FLIGHT_PLAN | DATE_OF_OPERATION | Insert | Period of Operation and/or Day(s) of Operation | Start of itinerary | |
Period of Operation To | SCH_FLIGHT_PLAN | DATE_OF_OPERATION | Insert | Period of Operation and/or Day(s) of Operation | End of itinerary | |
Days of Operation | SCH_FLIGHT_PLAN | DATE_OF_OPERATION | Insert | Period of Operation and/or Day(s) of Operation | ScheduleFlightDays | |
Departure Station | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | DEPARTURE_STATION | Insert | Routing or Leg Information Airport of departure. | DepartureAirportIATA | |
Scheduled Time of Passenger Departure (Passenger STD) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | PASSENGER_STD | Insert | Routing or Leg Information Passengers Scheduled Time of Departure. | SOBTotp for passenger | |
Scheduled Time of Aircraft Departure (Aircraft STD) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | STD | Insert | Routing or Leg Information Scheduled Time of Departure. | SOBTotp | |
UTC/Local Time Variation (for Departure Station) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | STD_DATE_VARIATION | Insert | Routing or Leg Information Date variation of departure in respect to first leg's departure. | ScheduleOverMidnights | Departure |
Passenger Terminal for departure station | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | DEP_TERMINAL | Insert | Departure passenger terminal. | TerminalCode | For passenger, PassengerTerminalCode |
Arrival Station | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | ARRIVAL_STATION | Insert | Routing or Leg Information Airport of arrival. | ArrivalAirportIATA | |
Scheduled Time of Aircraft Arrival (Aircraft STA) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | STA | Insert | Routing or Leg Information Scheduled Time of Arrival. | SIBTotp | |
Scheduled Time of Passenger Arrival (Passenger STA) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | PASSENGER_STA | Insert | Routing or Leg Information Passengers Scheduled Time of Arrival. | SIBTotp for passenger | |
UTC/Local Time Variation (for Arrival Station) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | STA_DATE_VARIATION | Insert | Routing or Leg Information Date variation of arrival in respect to first leg's departure. | ScheduleOverMidnights | Arrival |
Passenger Terminal for arrival station | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | ARR_TERMINAL | Insert | Arrival passenger terminal. | TerminalCode | |
Aircraft Type | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | AIRCRAFT_TYPE | Insert | Equipment Information Aircraft Type | AircraftIATAType | |
Passenger Reservations Booking Designator | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | PRBD | Insert | Equipment Information Passenger Reservations Booking Designator | Check | |
Passenger Reservations Booking Modifier | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | PRBM | Insert | Equipment Information Passenger Reservations Booking Modifier | Check | |
Meal Service Note | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | MEAL_SERVICE_NOTE | Insert | Routing or Leg Information Meal service note. (DEI 7) | Check | |
Joint Operation Airline Designators | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | ADM_CARRIER | Insert | Administrating Carrier's Airline Designator (DEI 1) | Check | |
Joint Operation Airline Designators | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | RES_CARRIER | Insert | Reservations Control Carrier's Airline Designator (DEI 1) | Check | |
Joint Operation Airline Designators | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | ADD_CARRIER | Insert | Additional Carrier's Airline Designator (DEI 1) | Check | |
Aircraft Owner | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | AIRCRAFT_OWNER | Insert | Aircraft Owner (DEI 3) | AircraftOwnerIATA | |
Cockpit Crew Employer | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | COCKPIT_CREW_EMPLOYER | Insert | Cockpit crew employer. (DEI 4) | Check | |
Cabin Crew Employer | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | CABIN_CREW_EMPLOYER | Insert | Cabin crew employer. (DEI 5) | Check | |
Onward Flight | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | ONWARD_FLIGHT | Insert | The Flight Id for the next flight leg operated by the same aircraft where differrent from this flight. (DEI 6) | FlightId | For next flight for this aircraft. |
Operating Airline Disclosure Code Share (DEI 2) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | CODE_SHARING | Insert | Code sharing Commercial Duplicate Airline designator. (DEI 2) | CodeshareAirlineIATA | |
Shared Airline or Wet Lease Designation (DEI 9) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | SHARED_LEASE | Insert | The carrier actually operating the flight. (DEI 9) | OperatingAirlineIATA | |
Traffic Restriction Note | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | TRAFFIC_REST_CODE | Insert | Segment Information Traffic Restriction Note (DEI 8) | Check | |
Traffic Restriction Code Leg Overflow Indicator | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | TRAFFIC_REST_CODE_LEG_IND | Insert | Traffic Restriction Code for flight leg. | Check | |
Aircraft Configuration/Version | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | ACV | Insert | Equipment Information Aircraft Configuration/Version | AircraftConfigVersion |