Airport Data Dictionary Element | Description |
FlightLegIdentifier | Identifies the relevant flight leg and aircraft for this report. For the SubmitAircraftBrakingActionReport operation the following is required, in addition to enough information to identify the flight leg:
ALDT | Actual Landing Time. The time that an aircraft lands on a runway. (Equivalent to ATC ATA –Actual Time of Arrival = landing, ACARS=ON). Always UTC time. |
Identifies one runway, including direction. It consists of the compass direction (by 10 degrees per scale) and optional Left/Centre/Right indication when parallel runways. For example "01L", "19R" for the west runway at OSL. | |
RunwaySection | A section of the runway that is exactly one third of the runway length. The runway sections are named A, B and C. Section naming starts at the lowest runway name (number). |
RunwaySurfaceConditionCode | This is a code that defines how slippery the runway is. The code is defined by FAA, ref: Runway Condition Assessment Matrix |
FrictionCoefficient | Measure of the friction between two objects. See Wikipedia: |
BrakingWasFrictionLimited | Indicates that ABS braking was used. True if the braking (of an aircraft) was limited by friction between the wheels and the runway. This implies that ABS activated. False otherwise. |