Airport Data Dictionary Element | Description |
FlightLegIdentifier | Identifies the relevant flight leg and aircraft for this report. For the SubmitAircraftBrakingActionReport operation the following is required, in addition to enough information to identify the flight leg:
ALDT | Actual Landing Time. The time that an aircraft lands on a runway. (Equivalent to ATC ATA –Actual Time of Arrival = landing, ACARS=ON). Always UTC time. |
Identifies one runway, including direction. It consists of the compass direction (by 10 degrees per scale) and optional Left/Centre/Right indication when parallel runways. For example "01L", "19R" for the west runway at OSL. | |
RunwaySection | A section of the runway that is exactly one third of the runway length. The runway sections are named A, B and C. Section naming starts at the lowest runway name (number). |
RunwaySurfaceConditionCode | This is a code that defines how slippery the runway is. The code is defined by FAA, ref: Runway Condition Assessment Matrix |
FrictionCoefficient | Measure of the friction between two objects. See Wikipedia: |
BrakingWasFrictionLimited | Indicates that ABS braking was used. True if the braking (of an aircraft) was limited by friction between the wheels and the runway. This implies that ABS activated. False otherwise. |
Airport Data Dictionary Element | Description |
CorrelationId | Identifier that can be used to correlate messages, transactions, log entries etc. The identifier should be unique across all relevant systems. It is the responsibility of the creator of the message/transaction/log entry/... to guarantee uniqueness. The CorrelationId can for instance be a GUID, or something shorter based on site specific rules. |
SourceOrganization | Name of the organization/company that created the original data. This will typically be an airline company or an handler. The value set are site specific. |
SourceTimestamp | UTC timestamp for when the source was updated. If unknown, use current (UTC) time. |