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The figure shows the elements and structure of an Airport Data Dictionary (ADD) based entity representing an IATA Passenger Assistance List (PAL), Change Assistance List (CAL) and Passenger Service Message (PSM).

PAL and CAL are defined in the Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual (PSCRM) Recommended Practice 1708a.
PSM is defined in the Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual (PSCRM) Recommended Practice 1715.

The table below shows the mapping from PSCRM 1708a and 1715 to ADD. Since it is the same data it is mapped once to the IataPrmData that are used to represent data from PAL, CAL and PSM.

Entity / ADD elementPSCRM 1708a 
Element No.
PSCRM 1715 
Element No.


Additional information about which detailed type of PRM message this is.


IATA based identifier for this flight, usually issued long before the flight actually takes place.

FlightId is normally the concatenation of OperatingAirlineIATA, FlightNumber and OperationalSuffix.

FlightId typically identifies a flight to the majority of systems, but it is not unique across time. It's unique only in conjunction with FlightDepartureDate.

Exception: Some airlines use their ICAO code (OperatingAirlineICAO) instead of OperatingAirlineIATA. This might be because they aren't an IATA member or because they just prefer the ICAO code. Regardless, this means that it is allowed to use OperatingAirlineICAO as part of FlightId.

FlightId is then defined as the concatenation of AirlineIATAorICAO, FlightNumber and OperationalSuffix.


The message contains scheduled departure date for the flight leg, local time. This must be converted to FlightDepartureDate before the service is called.

The scheduled date (based on UTC) of departure of flight. For flights with multiple legs this is the departure of the first leg. This date must not change once set as it is used to make the FlightIds unique.

The airport where the passenger boards the aircraft. Boarding point.

Departure airport IATA code (see AirportIATA for description of term).


Message part of any number of PRM data for this flight. Special handling for IataMessagePart = 1.
First message is always IataMessagePart = 1.If IataMessagePart = 1 is received at a later time all information for this flight is to be deleted and replaced with any new information.

For IATA messages with multiple "parts".


Supplementary information about "something". Often used in IATA messages.

PrmDestinationData  1..*

PrmDestinationData represents the destination specific data in the PAL/CAL/PSM message.

There is always at least one destination.

The AirportIATA that are the destination for the relevant FlightSegment.


Booking class (fare class) coded in accordance with IATA resolution 728.

"True" : All information related to this booking class shall be deleted. This corresponds to "NIL" in message for the booking class.
"False": Message contains passenger information.

Indicates whether information regarding the indicated BookingClass should be deleted or not.

  • true - All information related to this booking class shall be deleted.
  • false - No information related to this booking class shall be deleted.

  • PrmPassengerInformation 0..*


The last name of a passenger


The first (and middle) name of a passenger


Normally the passengers title (e.g MR, MRS....)

Indicates whether information regarding the indicated passenger should be deleted or not.

  • true - clear all information for this passenger
  • false - (default) regular processing

For transfer at DepartureAirportIATA (boarding point). The passenger arrives on InboundFlightId and departs on this flight (FlightId).

The inbound FlightId for "something", for instance a passenger.

Must be derived from the local date/time that might be included in the PRM data.

The SIBT for the inbound flight, typically related to a turnaround or transfer.

For transfer at SegmentDestinationIATA. The passenger arrives on this flight (FlightId) and departs on OutboundFlightId.

The outbound FlightId for "something", for instance a passenger.

Must be derived from the local date/time that might be included in the PRM data.

The SOBT for the outbound flight, typically related to a turnaround or transfer.

  • PrmPassengerService 1..*


Additional codes than the IATA defined ones can occur.

IATA Special Service Request Codes as defined in IATA Recommended Practice 1708/1715.

Booking status related to this service request


Additional information about the service request.

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