A textual description of ServiceErrorCode. An integer code representing a service specific error. The actual values are described in the service definition. ResponseStatusCode indicates if the operation succeeded or failed, and if it failed - why. ResponseStatusText is a textual description of ResponseStatusCode. For all operations the set of response codes must be defined. The actual set is dependent upon the context. A textual description of ResponseStatusCode. A GUID identifying a a transaction in some context. This will often be multiple operations that are related in some way. SecurityContext defines the security context of something. Typical use is adding user name to a transaction, and then doing something in the context of that user. The time a measurement, typically from a sensor, was taken. Defines if this data set for public display, or not. See also ClassificationLevel. A data set can be classified as "PUBLIC", but for specific reasons this one set of data should not be generally visible anymore. The message version used in some messaging infrastructure. Any versioning scheme is allowed. System dependent. The message type used in some messaging infrastructure. Often the name of the message. The message environment used. Used to indicate if this is production, stage, test or development. Airport/system dependent. Typical values are "PRODUCTION", "STAGE", "TEST", "DEVELOPMENT". A flight leg has been merged into another flight leg. The resulting flight leg is identified by MergedIntoUniqueFlightLegId. The timestamp when something was last updated, for instance a flight leg. Always UTC. Comma separated list of the (most important?) data sources that has updated something, for instance a flight leg. Content is system specific. Type of event. Typically CREATE, RETRIEVE, UPDATE or DELETE, but can be other things. System dependent. The timestamp when something was created, for instance a flight leg. Always UTC. The SourceOrganization that is the source of the data used to create "something", for instance a flight leg. Content is system specific. The source of the data used to create "something", for instance a flight leg. Content is system specific. Indicates the classification level for a data set, for instance a flight leg. Content is system specific, but the following is recommended: The DateTimeUTC something is valid to. Will typically be used with reference data to specify a validity period. Something is valid in the period ValidFrom to ValidTo. The DateTimeUTC something is valid from. Will typically be used with reference data to specify a validity period. Something is valid in the period ValidFrom to ValidTo. Code describing how a transaction was used in a system. For instance, if an AODB receives a transaction there are a number of typical usages: UTC timestamp for when the source was updated. If unknown, use current (UTC) time. The result on the system of processing the "SourceData". For example used if one system processes the data and sends it on to further systems. SourceData will only exist when the source data is something else than XML or JSON. SourceData will typically be the IATA message or an EFD message from Eurocontrol. UTC timestamp for when the message/transaction was created. Name of IT system, in the SourceOrganization, that was the source of the data The value set are site specific. Identifier that can be used to correlate messages, transactions, log entries etc. The identifier should be unique across all relevant systems. It is the responsibility of the creator of the message/transaction/log entry/... to guarantee uniqueness. The CorrelationId can for instance be a GUID, or something shorter based on site specific rules. Name of the organization/company that created the original data. This will typically be an airline company or an handler. The value set are site specific.Term Description XML type Status Labels ServiceErrorDescription string (128) Approved 2023-05-19 ServiceErrorCode int Approved 2023-05-19 ResponseStatusCode string (6) Approved 2015-12-15 ResponseStatusText string (64) Approved 2015-12-15 TransactionId GUID Approved 2022-12-16 SecurityContext string (32) Approved 2022-09-30 MeasurementTime TimestampUTC Approved 2022-09-30 PublicDisplayStatus string (1) Approved 2022-05-20 MessageVersion string (16) Approved 2022-05-20 MessageType string (32) Approved 2022-05-20 MessageEnvironment string (16) Approved 2022-05-20 MergedIntoUniqueFlightLegId UniqueFlightLegId Approved 2022-05-20 LastUpdatedTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2022-05-20 DataSources string (512) Approved 2021-11-12 Event string (32) Approved 2022-01-14 CreatedTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2021-11-12 CreatedSourceOrganization SourceOrganization Approved 2021-11-12 CreatedSource string (16) Approved 2021-11-12 ClassificationLevel string (16) Approved 2021-11-12 ValidTo DateTimeUTC Approved 2018-11-27 ValidFrom DateTimeUTC Approved 2018-11-27 TransactionUsageCode string(2) Approved 2021-05-28 SourceTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2016-05-04 SourceResult string (8) Approved 2020-01-28 SourceData string Approved 2018-08-27 ResponseTimestamp
The precise time (TimestampUTC) the response was generated. Always UTC.Approved 2017-03-16 MessageTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2021-05-28 SourceEvent
Defines the event that caused the action. Use the most precise event type possible of the ones defined. The defined events are site specific.string (24) Approved 2020-01-28 SourceInterface
Name of the interface where the data originally arrived. The allowed names are site specific. This is make it possible to differentiate, typically in a message system, between data from the same organization/system coming in on different interfaces. IATA Type B messages are an example of this as they potentially can come through a SITA MQ connection, or by email.string (16) Approved 2018-08-27 SourceSystem string (16) Approved 2017-05-30 CorrelationId string (48) Approved 2016-05-04 SourceOrganization string (16) Approved 2016-05-04