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SSIM message

  • Metadata
    • Action (insert, update, delete)
  • Season
    • Time mode. U = UTC, L = Local
    • OperatingAirlineIATA
    • ScheduleSeason 0..1
    • Automated Check-In 0..1
    • ScheduleStartDate
    • ScheduleEndDate
    • CreationDate (for filen, for å identifisere den, ta med)
    • Title of data 0..1 (for filen, for å identifisere den, ta med)
    • ReleaseDate 0..1 (for filen, for å identifisere den, ta med)
    • ScheduledStatus (provisional, final)
    • Creators Reference 0..1
    • Dublicate airline designator marker 0..1
    • General Information 0..1
    • Secure flight indicator 0..1
    • In-flight service information 0..1
    • Electronic ticketing information 0..1
    • Creation time     → SourceTimestamp????

SSIMStandard Schedule Information MessageADD TermMapping comment
Data ElementTableFieldOperationComments

ADD always UTC
Airline DesignatorSCH_FLIGHT_SEASONAIRLINE_DESIGNATORInsertIATA Airline DesignatorOperatingAirlineIATA
SeasonSCH_FLIGHT_SEASONSEASONInsertSeason, XYY X:Season Summer/Winter (S/W),  Year (06). e.g. 'S06'.ScheduleSeason
Period of Schedule Validity FromSCH_FLIGHT_SEASONPERIOD_FROMInsertFirst date of the schedules. (ddmmyy)ScheduleStartDate
Period of Schedule Validity ToSCH_FLIGHT_SEASONPERIOD_TOInsertLast date of the schedules. (ddmmyy)ScheduleEndDate
Creation DateSCH_FLIGHT_SEASONCREATION_DATEInsertDay, month, year of data set creation.
Date when the SSIM file is created.
Title of DataSCH_FLIGHT_SEASONTITLEInsertFree format, blank fill e.g. SAS IATA DRAFT S90|
Free text, 29
Release (Sell) DateSCH_FLIGHT_SEASONRELEASE_DATEInsertDay, month, year or blank fill
Day when the file is released, not used
Schedule StatusSCH_FLIGHT_SEASONSCHEDULED_STATUSInsertScheduled status (P/C).
Preliminary / Confirmed
Creator ReferenceSCH_FLIGHT_SEASONCREATORS_REFERENCEInsertCreator reference.
General InformationSCH_FLIGHT_SEASONGENERAL_INFORMATIONInsertGeneral information.
Free text, 82, char
Operational SuffixSCH_FLIGHTOPERATIONAL_SUFFIXInsertOperational suffix of flight identifier.OperationalSuffix
Operational SuffixSCH_FLIGHT_PLANFLIGHT_IDInsertOperational suffix of flight identifier.OperationalSuffix
Airline DesignatorSCH_FLIGHTAIRLINE_DESIGNATORInsertAirline designator of flight identifier.OperatingAirlineIATA
Flight NumberSCH_FLIGHTFLIGHT_NUMBERInsertFlight number, numeric part of flight identifier.FlightNumber
Flight DesignatorSCH_FLIGHT_PLANFLIGHT_IDInsertAirline designator and Flight number of flight identifier.FlightId
Itinerary Variation IdentifierSCH_FLIGHTITINERARY_VARIATION_IDInsertItinerary variation id.
Same flight can have multiple variations. Different equipment/times. Int
Leg Sequence NumberSCH_FLIGHT_LEGLEG_SEQUENCE_NOInsertSequence number of the leg in the flight.
Sequence number for flight leg in multi leg flight.
Service TypeSCH_FLIGHT_LEGSERVICE_TYPEInsertEquipment Information Service TypeFlightServiceTypeIATA
Period of Operation  FromSCH_FLIGHT_PLANDATE_OF_OPERATIONInsertPeriod of Operation and/or Day(s) of Operation
Start of itinerary
Period of Operation ToSCH_FLIGHT_PLANDATE_OF_OPERATIONInsertPeriod of Operation and/or Day(s) of Operation
End of itinerary
Days of OperationSCH_FLIGHT_PLANDATE_OF_OPERATIONInsertPeriod of Operation and/or Day(s) of OperationScheduleFlightDays
Departure StationSCH_FLIGHT_LEGDEPARTURE_STATIONInsertRouting or Leg Information Airport of departure.DepartureAirportIATA
Scheduled Time of Passenger Departure (Passenger STD)SCH_FLIGHT_LEGPASSENGER_STDInsertRouting or Leg Information Passengers Scheduled Time of Departure.
SOBTotp for passenger
Scheduled Time of Aircraft Departure (Aircraft STD)SCH_FLIGHT_LEGSTDInsertRouting or Leg Information Scheduled Time of Departure.SOBTotp
UTC/Local Time Variation (for Departure Station)SCH_FLIGHT_LEGSTD_DATE_VARIATIONInsertRouting or Leg Information Date variation of departure in respect to first leg's departure.ScheduleOverMidnightsDeparture
Passenger Terminal for departure stationSCH_FLIGHT_LEGDEP_TERMINALInsertDeparture passenger terminal.TerminalCodeFor passenger, PassengerTerminalCode
Arrival StationSCH_FLIGHT_LEGARRIVAL_STATIONInsertRouting or Leg Information Airport of arrival.ArrivalAirportIATA
Scheduled Time of Aircraft Arrival (Aircraft STA)SCH_FLIGHT_LEGSTAInsertRouting or Leg Information Scheduled Time of Arrival.SIBTotp
Scheduled Time of Passenger Arrival (Passenger STA)SCH_FLIGHT_LEGPASSENGER_STAInsertRouting or Leg Information Passengers Scheduled Time of Arrival.
SIBTotp for passenger
UTC/Local Time Variation (for Arrival Station)SCH_FLIGHT_LEGSTA_DATE_VARIATIONInsertRouting or Leg Information Date variation of arrival in respect to first leg's departure.ScheduleOverMidnightsArrival
Passenger Terminal for arrival stationSCH_FLIGHT_LEGARR_TERMINALInsertArrival passenger terminal.TerminalCode
Aircraft TypeSCH_FLIGHT_LEGAIRCRAFT_TYPEInsertEquipment Information Aircraft TypeAircraftIATAType
Passenger Reservations Booking DesignatorSCH_FLIGHT_LEGPRBDInsertEquipment Information Passenger Reservations Booking Designator
Passenger Reservations Booking ModifierSCH_FLIGHT_LEGPRBMInsertEquipment Information Passenger Reservations Booking Modifier
Meal Service NoteSCH_FLIGHT_LEGMEAL_SERVICE_NOTEInsertRouting or Leg Information Meal service note. (DEI 7)
Joint Operation Airline  DesignatorsSCH_FLIGHT_LEGADM_CARRIERInsertAdministrating Carrier's Airline Designator (DEI 1)
Joint Operation Airline  DesignatorsSCH_FLIGHT_LEGRES_CARRIERInsertReservations Control Carrier's Airline Designator (DEI 1)
Joint Operation Airline  DesignatorsSCH_FLIGHT_LEGADD_CARRIERInsertAdditional Carrier's Airline Designator (DEI 1)
Aircraft OwnerSCH_FLIGHT_LEGAIRCRAFT_OWNERInsertAircraft Owner (DEI 3)AircraftOwnerIATA
Cockpit Crew EmployerSCH_FLIGHT_LEGCOCKPIT_CREW_EMPLOYERInsertCockpit crew employer. (DEI 4)
Cabin Crew EmployerSCH_FLIGHT_LEGCABIN_CREW_EMPLOYERInsertCabin crew employer. (DEI 5)
Onward FlightSCH_FLIGHT_LEGONWARD_FLIGHTInsertThe Flight Id for the next flight leg operated by the same aircraft where differrent from this flight. (DEI 6)FlightIdFor next flight for this aircraft.
Operating Airline Disclosure Code Share (DEI 2)SCH_FLIGHT_LEGCODE_SHARINGInsertCode sharing Commercial Duplicate Airline designator. (DEI 2)CodeshareAirlineIATA
Shared Airline or Wet Lease Designation (DEI 9)SCH_FLIGHT_LEGSHARED_LEASEInsertThe carrier actually operating the flight. (DEI 9)OperatingAirlineIATA
Traffic Restriction NoteSCH_FLIGHT_LEGTRAFFIC_REST_CODEInsertSegment Information Traffic Restriction Note (DEI 8)
Traffic Restriction Code Leg Overflow IndicatorSCH_FLIGHT_LEGTRAFFIC_REST_CODE_LEG_INDInsertTraffic Restriction Code for flight leg.
Aircraft Configuration/VersionSCH_FLIGHT_LEGACVInsertEquipment Information Aircraft Configuration/VersionAircraftConfigVersion
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