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The 10 digit bag tag (licence plate) number as defined by IATA. The BagTagNumber is a concatenation of BagTagLeadingDigit, BagTagIssuerCode and BagTagSerialNumber.
BagEventAirportIATAThe AirportIATA code associated with the BagEventLocation where a BagEventCode occurred.
BagEventCode Code for an event that happened to a bag (Baggage). Often the event will really be for a BagTag as that is what is scanned, and it is "assumed" that a bag is associated with it. Some events are predefined, see "Legal values" below. Other, system specific, events can be added as needed.
BagEventTimestampTimestamp defining when a BagEventCode occurred.
BagEventDescriptionDescriptive text for an event (BagEventCode) that happened to a bag (Baggage). The descriptions are system specific, and there can be multiple descriptions for the same BagEventCode.
BagEventLocationThe location where a BagEventCode occurred. The location is identified with a text string that is meaningful in the context it is used. The way/codes to identify a location will typically vary across the different implementations.
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