Service Description
Flight Data Submit Service v 2.0
1. Service facts
Name: FlightDataSubmitService
- See: Service operations
- Service is accessed using HTTPS POST
- Service security: Decided by implementation
Standard return codes are described here: HTTP Return Codes
2. Introduction
2.1. Overview
This service description defines one service with a set of operations to submit flight leg oriented data. All flight related data elements are defined by the Airport Data Dictionary.
The service is primarily designed to meet the need of airport partners, but availability is the decision of the service provider.
Version 2.n of FDSS is implemented as a REST service. Previous versions were SOAP based.
2.2. Implementation considerations
Any implementation of this service MUST use the XSD files provided here: XSDs
It is however up to the service provider which data elements to support, and how to prioritize between data sources. The reason for a service provider to not support all elements might be business rules related to updating data, that it doesn't use the information, or that it wants the information updated in other (more restricted) ways.
Any service provider should make available documentation about the actual implementation, including:
- the address of the service.
- any limitations in the implementation.
- recommended and allowed polling intervals.
2.3. Purpose of this service description
This service description has the following purpose:
- Describe of service in enough detail for a service provider to implement it.
- Describe the service so that a client (of this service) developer can use it.
- Make available the XSD files necessary to implement and use the service.
- Make it possible for relevant people at airports, airlines, handlers and other aviation partners to understand the available functionality and then to decide if to implement/use it or not.
2.4. Intended readership
- IT architects
- Developers
- Business architects
- Interested parties in the aviation community
3. Service overview
The figure below shows the available operations on the Flight Data Submit Service v 2.0. The operations are described in detail in Service operations.
The operations can submit a variety of flight leg oriented data, as indicated by the service operations.
- 200 OK
- 260 Local warning
- 400 Bad Request
- 401 Unauthorized
- 403 Forbidden
- 404 Not found
- 406 Not Acceptable
- 460 Local error
- 500 Internal Server Error
- 503 Service Unavailable
In addition standard HTTP return codes might be used, typically generated by frameworks.
4. Service operations
4.1.1. SubmitAtmData ( AtmDataIn )
Submits ATM specific flight leg data (AtmData).
- 200 OK if everything went well. The data is sent on for further processing.
- 400 Bad Request if there were any issues with the input data. The text string returned will give more information about the actual problem.
- Other error/warning returns are possible.
4.1.2. SubmitBaggageData ( BaggageDataIn )
Submits baggage data (BaggageData).
- 200 OK if everything went well. The data is sent on for further processing.
- 400 Bad Request if there were any issues with the input data. The text string returned will give more information about the actual problem.
- Other error/warning returns are possible.
4.1.3. SubmitCheckInData ( CheckInDataIn )
Submits check-in data (CheckInData).
- 200 OK if everything went well. The data is sent on for further processing.
- 400 Bad Request if there were any issues with the input data. The text string returned will give more information about the actual problem.
- Other error/warning returns are possible.
4.1.4. SubmitFlightLegData ( FlightLegDataIn )
Submits general flight leg data (FlightLegData).
- 200 OK if everything went well. The data is sent on for further processing.
- 400 Bad Request if there were any issues with the input data. The text string returned will give more information about the actual problem.
- Other error/warning returns are possible.
4.1.5. SubmitGateData ( GateDataIn )
Submits gate data (GateData).
- 200 OK if everything went well. The data is sent on for further processing.
- 400 Bad Request if there were any issues with the input data. The text string returned will give more information about the actual problem.
- Other error/warning returns are possible.
4.1.6. SubmitRmsData ( RmsDataIn )
Submits RMS data (RmsData).
- 200 OK if everything went well. The data is sent on for further processing.
- 400 Bad Request if there were any issues with the input data. The text string returned will give more information about the actual problem.
- Other error/warning returns are possible.
5. Data entities
5.1. AtmData
5.2. AtmDataIn
5.3. BaggageData
5.4. BaggageDataIn
5.5. CheckInData
Contains the data elements to set check-in data.
5.6. CheckInDataIn
5.7. ArrivalData
5.8. DepartureData
5.9. FlightLegData
5.10. FlightLegDataIn
5.11. GateData
Contains the data elements to set gate data.
5.12. GateDataIn
5.13. RmsData
Resource Management Data in this setting is data a RMS / Apron Management / Aircraft Parking system updates for one flight leg. A RMS system is by nature airport oriented and will often operate on turnarounds. In this setting it's usual to update two flight legs, the inbound flight leg and the outbound flight leg.
Please remember that arrival and departure data on a flight leg is on two airports, but when viewed as a turnaround arrival and departure data is on the same airport, but on two flight legs.
A RMS system will typically only update:
- Arrival data, including linked departure, for the incoming flight leg.
- Departure data, including linked arrival, for the outgoing flight leg.
Contains the data elements to set RMS data.
5.14. RmsDataIn
5.15. TransData
6. XSDs
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