Report element name | Description | ADD element name | Description |
BAGTAGNUMBER | Med ledende null, eks 0328123456 | BagTagNumber | The 10 digit bag tag (licence plate) number as defined by IATA. The BagTagNumber is a concatenation of BagTagLeadingDigit, BagTagIssuerCode and BagTagSerialNumber. |
BAGBHSIDS | Intern prosessid i BHS | NA | |
BAGDEPARTUREAIRLINE | Eks DY | BagDepartureOperatingAirlineIATA | The OperatingAirlineIATA of the BagDepartureFlightId the bag departs on. |
BAGDEPARTUREFLIGHTNR | Eks SK123 | BagDepartureFlightId | The FlightId for the flight the bag is supposed to depart on. |
BAGDEPARTUREFLIGHTDESTINATION | Utgående destinasjon, eks CPH | BagNextAirportIATA | The AirportIATA code for the next airport the bag should be sent to. |
BAGARRIVALFLIGHTORIGIN | Innkommende opphavssted, eks MOL | The AirportIATA code for the airport the bag came from. Not relevant for bags that start their journey on "this" airport. | |
BAGHANDLER | Handler, x er vilkårlig karakter AAx, MAx, SGx, XH | BagHandlerCode | The HandlerCode for the Handler that is responsible for handling the baggage. |
BAGTYPE | Innsjekk eller Transfer Checkin, Transfer | BagCategory | The category ("CheckIn", "Transfer", "Final") this bag belongs to. |
BAGSIZE | Kategori bagasje ST: Standard | BagSizeIndicator | |
FLIGHTSTD | STD | BagSOBT | The SOBT for the flight the bag departed/is supposed to depart on. The flight is defined by BagDepartureFlightId. Always UTC. |
BAGTIMEREGISTRATION | Tid først registrert i anlegget | BABBT | The "Bag Accepted By BHS Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the bag was checked and delivered to the baggage handling system (BHS). This corresponds to the BagEventCode "BagAcceptedByBhs". The bag is now under the control of the BHS and can't be accessed by the passenger. Always UTC. |
BAGTIMEDEREGISTRATION | Tid sist registert i anlegget | BTBBT | The "Bag To BHS BinTime" is the DateTimeUTC when the baggage handling system actually delivered the bag for further handling. This will typically be, for baggage handling systems with sorting, when the bag is placed in a bin. This corresponds to the BagEventCode "BagToBhsBin". Always UTC. An estimate of this timestamp is defined by BEBFT. |
BAGTIMEINSYSTEM | Sekunder i anlegget, fratrukket tid i EBS (dvs i T2) | BagNetTimeInBhs | The "Bag Net Time In BHS" is the duration the bag has spent in the baggage handling system, excluding time spent in early bag storage. BagNetTimeInBhs = BagTotalTimeInBhs - BagTotalTimeInEbs |
BAGTIMEINBAGSTORE | Tid i EBS (kuni T2) | BagTotalTimeInEbs | The "Bag Total Time In EBS" is the duration the bag has spent in an EBS in total. Multiple visits to EBS by a bag is rare, but possible and must be added to provide a correct BagTotalTimeInEbs. If the bag is only once in EBS then BagTotalTimeInEbs = BFEBT - BTEBT |
BAGTIMEINSERTEDBAGSTORE | Tidspunkt når bag kom til EBS (kun T2) | BTEBT | The "Bag To Early Bag storage Time" is the DateTimeUTC when the bag first enters an early bag store (EBS). This corresponds to the first BagEventCode "BagToEBS". Multiple visits to EBS by a bag is unlikely, and will not change BTEBT. Always UTC. |
BAGTIMEMCS | Tid i MCS | BagTotalTimeInMcs | The "Bag Total Time In MCS" is the duration the bag has spent in a manual coding station (MCS) in total. Multiple visits to MCS by a bag is possible and must be added to provide a correct BagTotalTimeInMcs. If the bag is only once in MCS then BagTotalTimeInMcs = BFMCT - BTMCT |
BAGSCREENTIMEL1L2 | Time between the registration and the L1 (or L2) screening results: as followed: - If Level 2 is empty or NODECISION: (time of screening results Level 1) – (registration time) - If Level 2 is not empty or NODECISION: (time of screening results Level 2) – (registration time) | ||
BAGSCREENTIMEL3 | Time between the previous screening level and the screening L3 results: as followed: - If last screening is Level 2: time between L2 and L3 results - If last screening is Level 1: time between L1 and L3 results - If no screening before: time between registration and L3 results | ||
BAGSCREENTIMEL4 | Time between the L3 results and the L4 results (therefore a bag that is manually brought to L4 outside of the system, as a bag in fence, will not necessarily have a L3 results à this value will be empty) | ||
BAGTIMERECIRCULATIONS | Antall sirkuleringer (dvs Bagtrax) før levering til binge | The number of times the baggage handling system has tried to deliver a given bag to a bin. Should normally be '1', but can be much more in bin full conditions or with other BHS related problems. | |
BAGATTRIBUTABLEINSYSTEMTIME | Tid som tilskrives transport i anlegget utenom EBS, MCS og Resirkulering | ||
BAGTIMEEXCEEDED | Antall sekunder i anlegget over normert tid (eks over 7 min) | ||
BAGTIMEATTRINSYSTEMTIMEGROUP | Angir om tid over normert tid (10min) er innenfor 0-5min, 5-10min eller over 10min IST_OK: Innenfor normert tid | ?? | |
BAGPROBLEMBIN | Angir om bag havnet i problem bin Y, N | bagToProblemBin:boolean? | |
BAGTIMESCREENL4RESULT | Resultat fra L4 | ?? | |
BAGTIMEFIRSTTIPATTEMPT | Tid første mislykkede forsøk på å lever bag til binge | v | |
BAGFIRSTTIPATTEMPTISCREPORTING | Sted forsøk avlevering, eks 2411.07.73 | v | |
BAGFIRSTTIPATTEMPTBINFULL | Om det har vært avvist med Bin Full Y, N | v | |
BAGSORTERRECIRCULATIONS | Antall sirkulering (dvs Bagtrax) | v | |
BAGBSMRECEIVED | Angir om BSM er aktiv, eller om den er slettet/ikke mottatt Y, N | v | |
BAGREGISTRATIONSCOUNT | Antall ganger bag har blitt registrert på nytt | antall ganger i mcs? | |
BAGLOCATIONIN | Infeed punkt, eks T2_HE_350 | v | |
BAGLOCATIONOUT | Siste avleveringssted (eks T2_HX_351 eller binge ) | v | |
BAGINTIMELINESS | Bag tidmessige status ved innlevering Early, In time, Time Critical, Too late | ?? | |
BAGLASTACTIVEPROCESS | Siste aktive prosess <se egen tabell nedenfor> | ||
Verdi | Beskrivelse |
BUM | Handler Bag Unload Msg received from DCS, unloaded from plane, end up in problem bin |
Customs Abort1 | Pax Til ankomsthall T2 bin104 |
Customs Abort2 | Pax Til ankomsthall T2 bin 2x |
Customs Eject | BHS Initiert fra Vdl kontrollrom, skal angi destinasjon |
Customs Hold1 | BHS Til EBS, vente på release T2 |
Customs Hold2 | BHS Til EBS, vente på release T1 |
Customs Inspect1 | Toll/Handler Sendes til tollluke fra T2 |
Customs Inspect2 | Toll/Handler Sendes til tollluke fra T1 |
Deleted BSM | Flyselskap BSM er slettet |
Dump Customs | BHS Destination not reachable, sendt to Custom problem bin |
Dump Flight Build | Handler PB Bin destination not available, |
Dump Identification | Handler PB Identification is not available, Bag can not reach MCS |
Dump System | BHS Dump bin not available |
HBS L1 | HBS Screen level is required |
HBS L2 | HBS Screen level is required |
HBS L3 | HBS Screen level is required |
HBS L4 | HBS Screen level is required |
HBS L4 OZ | HBS Screen level is required |
HBS L5 | HBS Screen level is required |
Inbound Missegregated | Handler PB Arrival bag entered into departure system |
Initial Scan | HBS Bag goes to MCS and is taken out |
Multi Read | HBS Bag goes to MCS and is taken out, if dest=T1 then this is ok |
No BSM | HBS Will go to MCS, been taken out |
OZ Build | Handler final OZ bag, ok, last process |
Planned Build | Handler final Normal bag, ok, last process |
Problem bag | Handler PB Bag at MCS, press problem bag |
T2_FS_102 | Handler Set by CI or MCS for some reason |
T2_FS_103 | Handler Set by CI or MCS for some reason |
T2_FS_104 | Handler Set by CI or MCS for some reason |
T2_FS_108 | Handler Set by CI or MCS for some reason |
T2_FS_130 | Handler Set by CI or MCS for some reason |
T2_FS_233 | Handler PB Set by CI or MCS for some reason |
Terminal 1 | Terminal 1 Sendes til terminal 1 |
Time critical | Flyselskap/Handler Innenfor siste 15 min |
Too Late | *RAPPORTER FEIL VERDI* TBD - should not happend |
Too Late Exception | Flyselskap/Handler For sent til binge |
Trace and Eject | BHS Manual exception from Vibes |
Unplanned flight | BHS |
Unplanned flight OZ | BHS |