Service Description

BRS Integration Service v 1.0


The service description is a work in progress, and without version control, as long as this note is here.

Document revisions




2023-09-04First version under version control.Ole Nymoen 

1. Service facts

2. Introduction

2.1. Overview

This service defines a set of operations designed to support integration between airports and BRS (Baggage Reconciliation System). At the bag level this service extend the functionality defined in Bag Event Notification Service, and add functionality for reporting batch oriented events. A "batch" in this regard is a set of bags treated as one "unit" and delivered at some location without any other bags being delivered to the same location. 

The service is designed to be implemented by both the relevant airport and the BRS provider.

A set of use cases are described here: Avinor use cases

2.2. Implementation considerations

Any implementation of this service MUST use the XSD files provided here: XSDs

It is however up to the service provider which data elements to support.

Any service provider should make available documentation about the actual implementation, including:

    • the address of the service.
    • any limitations in the implementation.

2.3. Purpose of this service description

This service description has the following purpose:

      • Describe of service in enough detail for a service provider to implement it.
      • Describe the service so that a client (of this service) developer can use it.
      • Make available the XSD files necessary to implement and use the service.
      • Make it possible for relevant people at airports, airlines, handlers and other aviation partners to understand the available functionality and then to decide if to implement/use it or not.

2.4. Intended readership

    • IT architects
    • Developers
    • Business architects
    • Interested parties in the aviation community

3. Service operations

3.1. Overview

The operations in BRS Integration Service v 1.0 submits data that typically will be asynchronously processed. This means that all data that follow the syntax will be accepted, but it might not be used by downstream systems.

3.2. Service error response

If a service specific error occurs the entity below will be returned. Any service specific errors will be documented with the actual service implementation.
ErrorResponse is typically used with HTTP Response Code: 400 Bad Request

timestamp: TimestampUTC

Timestamp when the error was generated by the service.

A precise time for when something happened. Always UTC.

serviceErrorCode : ServiceErrorCode

An integer code representing a service specific error. The actual values are described in the service definition.

serviceErrorDescription: ServiceErrorDescription

A textual description of ServiceErrorCode.

3.3. Operations

3.3.1. SubmitBagEventData( BagEventDataIn )

Submits bag event data (BagEventData). This is data related to one bag, and with BagTagNumber as the key. The operation should be called for for all relevant bag events. See BagEventCode for a list of relevant events.

This operation is an extended version of the Baggage Information Exchange Service.SetBhsEventData operation.



  • 200 OK if everything went well. The data is sent on for further processing.
  • 400 Bad Request if there were any issues with the input data. Service error response defies how to get more information about the actual problem.
  • Other error/warning returns are possible.

3.3.2. SubmitBatchEventData( BatchEventDataIn )

Submits batch event data (BatchEventData). 



  • 200 OK if everything went well. The data is sent on for further processing.
  • 400 Bad Request if there were any issues with the input data. Service error response defies how to get more information about the actual problem.
  • Other error/warning returns are possible.

4. Data entities

4.1. BagEventData

ADD Term Description


Uniquely identifier for the bag for a period of time. Will be reused.
BhsBatchId The batch, if any, this bag belongs to.








Estimated time for when the BHS expects to have delivered this bag to it's final, in the BHS setting, destination. This would typically be at a bin, a speed loader or a baggage belt.



Indication if baggage contains special goods.


Indication if baggage is unconventional size or weight.

BagImage Used if the BHS can have images of the bag.

4.2. BagEventDataIn

4.3. BatchEventData

ADD Term / Entity Comments
AirportIATA The airport where the baggage handling system is located.

Uniquely identifies a batch of bags on the relevant airport, for a given period of time.



UniqueFlightLegId Required if available. Identifies the flight leg this batch should depart on.
FlightId Required if available. The flight this batch is to depart on.
FlightDepartureDate Required if available.
ArrivalAirportIATA Required if available. Arrival airport for the flight leg this batch departs on. Might not be the final airport for the batch.
SOBT Required if available.
BinSegregationCode A list of the segregation codes that this batch covers. 
LoadUnitType The load unit type expected to be used for this batch.
LoadUnitId The identifier of the transport unit (typically an ULD) this batch is loaded into. 


The number of bags in the batch.
BagTagNumber A list of the bag tags that has been allocated to this batch.
BhsBatchLoadLocation The location where this batch is planned to be delivered or where it actually is being delivered to.

Estimate for the arrival of the first bag at the "BhsBatchLoadLocation".

4.4. BatchEventDataIn

4.5. TransData

5. Avinor use cases

6. Overview

This section describes how Avinor plan to use this service to integrate with BRS. Other airports might use the service in a different way.

7. Use cases

7.1. Use of SubmitBagEventData

7.2. Use of SubmitBagEventData and SubmitBatchEventData

8. XSDs

File Created Comment

2023-06-28 10:12 Update the TransData definition with a SourceData element

2023-05-22 10:38  

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