
ADD Term / EntityComments
AirportIATAThe airport where the baggage handling system is located.

Uniquely identifies a batch of bags on the relevant airport, for a given period of time.



UniqueFlightLegIdRequired if available. Identifies the flight leg this batch should depart on.
FlightIdRequired if available. The flight this batch is to depart on.
FlightDepartureDateRequired if available.
ArrivalAirportIATARequired if available. Arrival airport for the flight leg this batch departs on. Might not be the final airport for the batch.
SOBTRequired if available.
BinSegregationCodeA list of the segregation codes that this batch covers. 
LoadUnitTypeThe load unit type expected to be used for this batch.
LoadUnitIdThe identifier of the transport unit (typically an ULD) this batch is loaded into. 


The number of bags in the batch.
BagTagNumberA list of the bag tags that has been allocated to this batch.
BhsBatchLoadLocationThe location where this batch is planned to be delivered or where it actually is being delivered to.

Estimate for the arrival of the first bag at the "BhsBatchLoadLocation".

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