
PassengerData Data defining the person which the InboundPassengerData belongs to.
BaggagePoolDataTells if passenger is part of a baggage pool and if so which baggage group.
UnconformingBaggageIndicatorIf the passenger is bring animals or weapons, this must be indicated here.
CheckedBaggageDataOne element for each of the passengers checked baggage. Note! if passenger is part of a baggage pool, the CheckedBaggageData elements will only be present for the "head of pool".
inboundTravelDoc : TravelDocIdentifierInformation about travel documents belonging to this passenger for the incoming flight this InboundPassengerData is related to.
outboundTravelDoc : TravelDocIdentifierTravel documents for the outbound flight the passenger will depart on. (Only relevant for transfer passengers.)
outboundFlightIdentifier : FlightLegIdentifierIdentifies the outbound flight the passenger will depart on. (Only relevant for transfer passengers.) The inbound FlightLegIdentifier is given separately and is of course common for all inbound passengers on the same flight.
additionalOutboundFlightIdentifier : FlightLegIdentifierIf the passengers continues his travel for more than one leg, information about any additional legs are given here. (One element for each leg). 
previousInboundFlightIdentifier : FlightLegIdentifierIf the passenger started his travel before the flight this InboundPassengerData is for, information about any additional previous flight legs may be given here. (One element for each leg). 

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