The figure below shows the available operations on the FlightDataRequestService. The operations are described in detail in Service operations

The operations can retrieve the following types of data:

  • Arriving flights
  • Departing flights
  • Flight leg (departure and arrival)

Standard parameters for the request operations

All request operations use the same parameters, only the results are different.

All parameters are optional.

All operations follow the same pattern: GetXXX( UniqueFlightLegId, FlightId, OperatingAirlineIATA, AirportIATA, hoursBefore, hoursAfter, startTime, endTime, onlyUpdatedAfter): YYYY

The semantics of each parameter are described in the table below.

uniqueFlightLegId : UniqueFlightLegId 

Invalidates all other parameters if used.
Return the corresponding flight leg data. 
If missing, indicates that flight leg data for all UniqueFlightLegIds should be returned.

flightId : FlightId

Ignored if UniqueFlightLegId is used.

Return flight leg data with matching FlightId
If missing, indicates that flight leg data for all FlightIds should be returned.

operatingAirlineIATA : OperatingAirlineIATA

Ignored if UniqueFlightLegId is used.

Return flight leg data with matching OperatingAirlineIATA
If missing, indicates that flight leg data for all OperatingAirlineIATAs should be returned.

airportIATA : AirportIATA 

Ignored if UniqueFlightLegId is used.

Return flight leg data where

If missing, indicates that flight leg data for all airports supported by the provider should be returned.

NB! Airports the flight leg was diverted from is included in the list of airports that is searched when trying to find relevant flight legs. This applies to flight leg and inbound operations.

aircraftParkingPosition : AircraftParkingPosition

Only return data for flight legs with this parking position.

hoursBefore : Count

Ignored if UniqueFlightLegId or startTime/endTime is used.

The number of hours before the current time for which data is wanted. What is compared to the current time can vary with implementations. It will typically be:

  • For flight leg oriented operations: 
  • For inbound oriented operations:
  • For outbound oriented operations:

Default: 1 

hoursAfter : Count

The number of hours after the current time for which data is wanted.
See also description above. 

Default: 7

startTime : DateTimeUTC

Ignored if UniqueFlightLegId is used. Invalidates hoursBefore/hoursAfter.

Only flight leg data for flights with SOBT/SIBT or EOBT/EIBT after startTime is returned.  Other times might be used depending on the implementation. See also "hoursBefore".

endTime : DateTimeUTC 

Ignored if UniqueFlightLegId is used. Invalidates hoursBefore/hoursAfter. 

Default: startTime +24h

Error if used without startTime. 

onlyUpdatedAfter : DateTimeUTC

Only flight legs that have been updated after "onlyUpdatedAfter" is returned.

The service uses standard HTTP return codes - as follows:
  • 200 OK - the request has succeeded.
  • 400 Bad Request - The server will not process the request due to XML-schema validation error.
  • 401 Unauthorized - The request has not been applied because it lacks valid authentication credentials.
  • 403 Forbidden - The access is permanently forbidden and tied to the application logic, such as insufficient rights to a resource.
  • 405 Method Not Allowed - The request method is known by the server but is not supported by the target resource (we only support HTTP POST).
  • 500 Internal Server Error - The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
  • 503 Service Unavailable - The server is not ready to handle the request. Common causes are a server that is down for maintenance or that is overloaded.

Different implementations might extend the set of return codes.

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