See definition under Data entities Flight leg is part of multileg Flight. If this flight leg is part of a multi-leg flight then the list of airports that is the whole flight is listet in FlightRouteIATA. See definition under Data entities Flight leg is part of multileg Flight. If this flight leg is part of a multi-leg flight then the list of airports that is the whole flight is listet in FlightRouteIATA. The FlightNumber for a specific codeshare for this flight. IATA code of the airline company marketing a codeshare for this flight. See AirlineIATA for definition of content. The airport for which data is requested. Table with AirlineIATA codes. '*' as the first airline indicates all supported by the provider. Default: '*' The number of hours before the current time for which data is wanted. What is compared to the current time can vary with implementations. For arrivals it will typically be (prioritized): For departures it will typically be (prioritized): The number of hours after the current time for which data is wanted. Default: 7 onlyUpdatedAfter : DateTimeUTC [0..1] A four-digit octal number received from the aircraft transponder when it is interrogated by a secondary surveillance radar (SSR). FlightId is normally the concatenation of OperatingAirlineIATA, FlightNumber and OperationalSuffix. FlightId typically identifies a flight to the majority of systems, but it is not unique across time. It's unique only in conjunction with FlightDepartureDate. Exception: Some airlines use their ICAO code (OperatingAirlineICAO) instead of OperatingAirlineIATA. This might be because they aren't an IATA member or because they just prefer the ICAO code. Regardless, this means that it is allowed to use OperatingAirlineICAO as part of FlightId. FlightId is then defined as the concatenation of AirlineIATAorICAO, FlightNumber and OperationalSuffix. ResponseStatusCode indicates if the operation succeeded or failed, and if it failed - why. ResponseStatusText is a textual description of ResponseStatusCode. For all operations the set of response codes must be defined. The actual set is dependent upon the context. Must be defined! BasicFlightDataInbound
Term / Type Description FlightLegIdentifier FlightRouteIATA See definition under Data entities. FlightLegStatus The status of a "FlightLeg". The following values are defined: "SCH", "FPL", "FLS", "ACT", "CAN", "LAN", "RER", "DIV", "DEL", "UNK" FlightServiceTypeIATA AircraftIATAType
Reference Document: IATA codeset 7800.FlightIsCancelled FlightDIIndicator AircraftParkingPosition BaggageClaimUnit
There are a set of BaggageClaimUnits for each airport.BeltFirstBag BeltLastBag SIBT ALDT EIBT RunwayArrival Arrival runway for a FlightLeg. See Runway. LinkedDeparture
FlightLegIdentifier FlightIsMultiLeg FlightRouteIATA CodeshareData See definition under Data entities. FlightLegStatus The status of a "FlightLeg". The following values are defined: "SCH", "FPL", "FLS", "ACT", "CAN", "LAN", "RER", "DIV", "DEL", "UNK" FlightServiceTypeIATA AircraftIATAType
Reference Document: IATA codeset 7800.FlightDIIndicator CheckInZone AircraftParkingPosition Gate GateStatus ASRT Actual Start Up Request Time. Time the pilot requests start up clearance. Always UTC time. SOBT TOBT EOBT AOBT TSAT DeIceIsRequested A boolean value indicating that de-icing, or anti-icing, is requested for the relevant aircraft. CTOT Calculated Take Off Time. A time calculated and issued by the appropriate Central Management unit, as a result of tactical slot allocation, at which a flight is expected to become airborne. (ICAO Doc 7030/4 – EUR, Table 7). Always UTC time. TTOT ETOT ATOT FuelRampRequested AircraftMTOW RunwayDeparture Departure runway for a FlightLeg. See Runway. LinkedArrival
Term / Type Description CodeshareFlightNumber CodeshareAirlineIATA CodeshareAirlineICAO ICAO code of the airline company operating a codeshare for this flight. See AirlineICAO for definition of content. CodeshareAirlineTicketed The airline code which will appear on the passengers' tickets for a codeshare for this flight. This can be either the IATA or ICAO code. See AirlineIATA or AirlineICAO for definition of content.
AirportIATA hoursBefore : Count [0..1] hoursAfter : Count[0..1]
See also description above. Only data that has been updated after "onlyUpdatedAfter" is returned.
callsign aircraftRegistration
An aircraft can be re-registered in special cases, for instance if it's sold to an operator in another country.ssrCode flightId departureAirportIATA arrivalAirportIATA departureAirportICAO arrivalAirportICAO
statusCode : ResponseStatusCode statusText : ResponseStatusText
List of airports a multi leg flight will land on before arriving at the destination. The list consists of AirportIATA codes. The list should contain all airports including first departure airport and last destination airport. The list should be ordered by the actual sequence the aircraft uses the airports.
IATA SSIM Appendix C Service Types.
3 character code as designated by International Air Transport Association (IATA) to uniquely designate Aircraft Type. Local (non-IATA) codes can be added as required as long as they are unique for aircraft types within the defined context.
Set to true if the flight operation is cancelled. For flight as with code share it's possible to only cancel the code shared flight.
Indicator showing what kind of flight (domestic, international, Schengen) this is. See also: AirportDIIndicator.
Where the aircraft is located. Code for a parking position, typically a stand, but can also be a hangar. Each airport has a set of AircraftParkingPositions. Each "AircraftParkingPosition" has one given type, defined by "AircraftParkingPositionType". Each position can have one or more usages, defined by (one or more) "AircraftParkingPositionUsage".
Baggage belt (carousel) onto which passenger bags are loaded for collection by passengers on arrival flights.
UTC time the first passenger bag was loaded onto a baggage belt (carousel).
UTC time the last passenger bag was loaded onto baggage a belt (carousel)
Scheduled In-Block Time. The time that an aircraft is scheduled to arrive at its first parking position. Always UTC time.
Estimated Landing Time. The estimated time that an aircraft will touchdown on the runway. (Equivalent to ATC ETA–Estimated Time of Arrival = landing). Always UTC time.
Actual Landing Time. The time that an aircraft lands on a runway. (Equivalent to ATC ATA –Actual Time of Arrival = landing, ACARS=ON). Always UTC time.
Estimated In-Block Time. The estimated time that an aircraft will arrive in-blocks. (Equivalent to Airline/Handler ETA –Estimated Time of Arrival). Always UTC time.
Actual In-Block Time. The time that an aircraft arrives in-blocks. (Equivalent to Airline/Handler ATA –Actual Time of Arrival, ACARS = IN). Always UTC time.
Something that links an departing flight (leg) to an arriving flight leg. Will typically contain some key information.
List of airports a multi leg flight will land on before arriving at the destination. The list consists of AirportIATA codes. The list should contain all airports including first departure airport and last destination airport. The list should be ordered by the actual sequence the aircraft uses the airports.
IATA SSIM Appendix C Service Types.
3 character code as designated by International Air Transport Association (IATA) to uniquely designate Aircraft Type. Local (non-IATA) codes can be added as required as long as they are unique for aircraft types within the defined context.
Set to true if the flight operation is cancelled. For flight as with code share it's possible to only cancel the code shared flight.
Indicator showing what kind of flight (domestic, international, Schengen) this is. See also: AirportDIIndicator.
Where within the passenger terminal the CheckInDesk is located. Descriptive text string.
Where the aircraft is located. Code for a parking position, typically a stand, but can also be a hangar. Each airport has a set of AircraftParkingPositions. Each "AircraftParkingPosition" has one given type, defined by "AircraftParkingPositionType". Each position can have one or more usages, defined by (one or more) "AircraftParkingPositionUsage".
Uniquely defines one gate at the airport.
The status for the boarding process for the gate. These can be set manually or by business rules (e.g. auto gating)
Scheduled Off-Block Time. The time that an aircraft is scheduled to depart from its parking position. Always UTC time.
Target Off-Block Time. The time that an Aircraft Operator or Ground Handler estimates that an aircraft will be ready, all doors closed, boarding bridge removed, push back vehicle available and ready to start up / push back immediately upon reception of clearance from the TWR. Always UTC time.
Estimated Off-Block Time. The estimated time at which the aircraft will start movement associated with departure. Always UTC time.
Actual Off-Block Time. Time the aircraft pushes back / vacates the parking position. (Equivalent to Airline / Handlers ATD – Actual Time of Departure & ACARS=OUT). Always UTC time.
Actual Take Off Time. The time that an aircraft takes off from the runway. (Equivalent to ATC ATD–Actual Time of Departure, ACARS = OFF). Always UTC time.
FuelRamp indicates the kilogram of fuel that is requested. Can be negative, for instance if aircraft has to unload fuel before going to a hangar.
Maximum take off weight. The maximum weight (in kgs) at which the pilot of this aircraft is allowed to attempt to take off, due to structural or other limits.
Something that links an arriving flight (leg) to a departing flight leg. Will typically contain some key information.
This is the standard Airport Data Dictionary FlightLegIdentifier. None of the elements are required, but enough have to be present to actually uniquely identify a flight.
Defined by Eurocontrol as "A unique flight plan identifier, assigned by the IFPS". Two letters followed by eight digits.
A call sign is used to uniquely identify an aircraft using the airspace around a particular airport. Call signs in aviation are derived from several different policies, depending upon the type of flight operation. In most countries, unscheduled general aviation flights identify themselves using the call sign corresponding to the aircraft's registration number. Commercial operators, including scheduled airline, air cargo and air taxi operators, will usually use an ICAO or FAA-registered call sign for their company. These will typically consist of the ICAO code of the operating airline followed by a flight identification. The flight identification is very often the same as the flight number, but could be different due to call sign confusion, if two or more flights close to each other have similar flight numbers (i.e. KLM649 and KLM645 or BAW466 and BAW646).
An aircraft registration is a unique alphanumeric string that identifies an aircraft. In accordance with the Convention on International Civil Aviation all aircraft must be registered with a national aviation authority and they must carry proof of this registration in the form of a legal document called a Certificate of Registration at all times when in operation.
Secondary Surveilence Radar Code
IATA based identifier for this flight, usually issued long before the flight actually takes place.
The scheduled date (based on UTC) of departure of flight. For flights with multiple legs this is the departure of the first leg. This date must not change once set as it is used to make the FlightIds unique.
Departure airport IATA code (see AirportIATA for description of term).
Arrival airport IATA code (see AirportIATA for description of term).
Departure airport ICAO code (see AirportICAO for description of term).
Arrival airport ICAO code (see AirportICAO for description of term).
A textual description of ResponseStatusCode.
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