The 97616660 applies to one airport identified by AirportIATA and AirportICAO. All the data elements are airport oriented, and are given for the whole airport - apart from the data below DeIcePlatform. It is only possible to submit data for one de-ice platform at a time as the common situation is for one platform to be used at a time. 

Airport Data Dictionary ElementDescription



Identifier that can be used to correlate messages, transactions, log entries etc. The identifier should be unique across all relevant systems. It is the responsibility of the creator of the message/transaction/log entry/...  to guarantee uniqueness. The CorrelationId can for instance be a GUID, or something shorter based on site specific rules.


Name of the organization/company that created the original data. This will typically be an airline company or an handler. The value set are site specific.


UTC timestamp for when the source was updated. If unknown, use current (UTC) time.


Airport oriented


AirportIATA and AirportICAO identifies the airport that the de-ice status data applies to. Until DeIcePlatform the data applies to the whole airport.

IATA code which uniquely defines an airport. Where an official IATA code does not exist for an airport, it is the standard to use the ICAO code. Where neither exist, pseudo-codes can be created if required (e.g. oil rigs, grass strips, etc.)
The standard codes are defined in the ""Airline Coding Directory"".


ICAO code which uniquely defines an airport. Where an official ICAO code does not exist for an airport, it is the standard to use the IATA code. Where neither exist, pseudo-codes can be created if required (e.g. oil rigs, grass strips, etc.)
The standard codes are defined in ICAO Document 7910.


The code for the (weather) condition that led to de-icing being requested, and possibly performed. The codes listed under "Legal values" should always be supported. Additional codes can be defined if necessary. Codes defined here are always two digits.


A textual description for the relevant DeIceConditionCode.

De-ice platform oriented
The rest of the data set is for the platform given below.

The platform where the de-icing occurred. The names are airport specific. De-icing is typically done either on stand or on a dedicated de-icing platform.


The number of aircraft that are in the queue to a particular de-ice platform, given by DeIcePlatform.


The average time the last X aircraft have been in a de-ice queue. X is system/airport dependent.


The median time the last X aircraft have been in a de-ice queue. X is system/airport dependent.


The average time it has taken to de-ice the last X aircraft. X is system/airport dependent.


The median time it has taken to de-ice the last X aircraft. X is system/airport dependent.


The number of aircraft that are on a given de-ice platform. The platform is identified by DeIcePlatform.


The number of lanes that are occupied on a given de-ice platform. The platform is identified by DeIcePlatform.


The number of aircraft that is expected to need de-ice in the next 30 minutes.


The number of aircraft that is expected to need de-ice in the next 60 minutes.


The number of aircraft that is expected to need de-ice in the next 120 minutes.


The number of aircraft that finished de-ice in the last 30 minutes.


The number of aircraft that finished de-ice in the last 60 minutes.


The number of aircraft that finished de-ice in the last 120 minutes.

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