Service Description

Avinor Reference Data Request Service v 1.0


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1. Service facts

  • REST service, operations accessed using HTTPS GET

  • Service security: Decided by implementation

  • Standard return codes are described here: Service Return Codes

2. Introduction

2.1. Overview

This service description defines one service with a set of operations to request reference data. All data elements are defined by the Airport Data Dictionary.

The service is primarily designed to meet the need of airport partners, but availability is the decision of the service provider.

There are a set of use cases that can be realized using the operations and data available, for example:

    • Get .....
    • Get ....

All operations use a similar set of parameters to select the relevant reference data. The actual parameters used and the data return is specific for each operation.

It is typically considered enough to refresh reference data once a day.

2.2. Implementation considerations

Any implementation of this service MUST use the XSD files provided here: XSDs

It is however up to the service provider which data elements to support, and how much data to return. To enable this most elements are optional. The reason for a service provider to not support all elements might be business rules related to data distribution, that it doesn't have the information, or that it wants to provide information in other (more restricted) ways.

Any service provider should make available documentation about the actual implementation, including:

    • the address of the service.
    • any limitations in the implementation.
    • recommended and allowed polling intervals.

2.3. Purpose of this service description

This service description has the following purpose:

      • Describe of service in enough detail for a service provider to implement it.
      • Describe the service so that a client (of this service) developer can use it.
      • Make available the XSD files necessary to implement and use the service.
      • Make it possible for relevant people at airports, airlines, handlers and other aviation partners to understand the available functionality and then to decide if to implement/use it or not.

2.4. Intended readership

    • IT architects
    • Developers
    • Business architects
    • Interested parties in the aviation community

3. Service overview

The figure below shows the available operations on the AvinorReferenceDataRequestService. The operations are described in detail in Service operations

The service uses standard HTTP return codes - as follows:
  • 200 OK - the request has succeeded.
  • 400 Bad Request - The server will not process the request due to XML-schema validation error.
  • 401 Unauthorized - The request has not been applied because it lacks valid authentication credentials.
  • 403 Forbidden - The access is permanently forbidden and tied to the application logic, such as insufficient rights to a resource.
  • 405 Method Not Allowed - The request method is known by the server but is not supported by the target resource (we only support HTTP GET).
  • 500 Internal Server Error - The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
  • 503 Service Unavailable - The server is not ready to handle the request. Common causes are a server that is down for maintenance or that is overloaded.

Different implementations might extend the set of return codes.

4. Service operations

4.1. GetAircraftRefData ( parameter list ) : AircraftRefData

Returns relevant reference data in accordance with the parameter list.
In addition to the current valid reference data the next valid reference data, if any, is returned.


All parameters are optional. The following parameters are supported:

  • aircraftRegistration : AircraftRegistration
    Returns only reference data for this aircraft body. If not used, returns data for all relevant aircraft.
  • onlyUpdatedAfter : DateTimeUTC
    Returns only reference data that is updated after "onlyUpdatedAfter".



4.2. GetAirlineRefData ( parameter list ) : AirlineRefData

Returns relevant reference data in accordance with the parameter list.
In addition to the current valid reference data the next valid reference data, if any, is returned.


All parameters are optional. The following parameters are supported:

  • airlineIATAorICAO : AirlineIATAorICAO
    Returns only reference data for this airline. If not used, returns data for all relevant airlines
  • onlyUpdatedAfter : DateTimeUTC
    Returns only reference data that is updated after "onlyUpdatedAfter".



4.3. GetAirportRefData ( parameter list ) : AirportRefData

Returns relevant reference data in accordance with the parameter list.
In addition to the current valid reference data the next valid reference data, if any, is returned.


All parameters are optional. The following parameters are supported:

  • airportIATAorICAO : AirportIATAorICAO
    Returns only reference data for this airport. If not used, returns data for all relevant airports.
  • onlyUpdatedAfter : DateTimeUTC
    Returns only reference data that is updated after "onlyUpdatedAfter".



4.4. GetAwosSensorRefData ( parameter list ) : AwosSensorRefData

Returns relevant reference data in accordance with the parameter list.
In addition to the current valid reference data the next valid reference data, if any, is returned.


All parameters are optional. The following parameters are supported:

  • airportICAO : AirportICAO
    Returns only reference data for this airport. If not used, returns data for all relevant airports.



4.5. GetCustomerRefData ( parameter list ) : CustomerRefData

Returns relevant reference data in accordance with the parameter list.
In addition to the current valid reference data the next valid reference data, if any, is returned.


All parameters are optional. The following parameters are supported:

  • customerId : CustomerId
    Returns only reference data for this customer. If not used, returns data for all relevant customers.
  • onlyUpdatedAfter : DateTimeUTC
    Returns only reference data that is updated after "onlyUpdatedAfter".



4.6. GetHandlerContractRefData ( parameter list ) : HandlerContractRefData

Returns relevant reference data in accordance with the parameter list.
In addition to the current valid reference data the next valid reference data, if any, is returned.


All parameters are optional. The following parameters are supported:

  • handlerCode : HandlerCode
    Returns only contract data for this handler. If not used, returns contract data for all relevant handlers.
  • airlineIATA: AirlineIATA
    Returns only contract data for this airline. If not used, returns contract data for all relevant airlines.
  • airportIATA: AirportIATA
    Returns only contract data for this airport. If not used, returns contract data for all relevant airports.
  • onlyUpdatedAfter : DateTimeUTC
    Returns only reference data that is updated after "onlyUpdatedAfter".



4.7. GetHandlerRefData ( parameter list ) : HandlerRefData

Returns relevant reference data in accordance with the parameter list.
In addition to the current valid reference data the next valid reference data, if any, is returned.


All parameters are optional. The following parameters are supported:

  • handlerCode : HandlerCode
    Returns only reference data for this handler. If not used, returns data for all relevant handlers.
  • onlyUpdatedAfter : DateTimeUTC
    Returns only reference data that is updated after "onlyUpdatedAfter".



4.8. GetIataAircraftTypeRefData ( parameter list ) : IataAircraftTypeRefData

Returns relevant reference data in accordance with the parameter list.
In addition to the current valid reference data the next valid reference data, if any, is returned.


All parameters are optional. The following parameters are supported:

  • aircraftICAOType : AircraftIATAType
    Returns only reference data for this aircraft type. If not used, returns data for all relevant aircraft types.
  • onlyUpdatedAfter : DateTimeUTC
    Returns only reference data that is updated after "onlyUpdatedAfter".



4.9. GetIcaoAircraftTypeRefData ( parameter list ) : IcaoAircraftTypeRefData

Returns relevant reference data in accordance with the parameter list.
In addition to the current valid reference data the next valid reference data, if any, is returned.


All parameters are optional. The following parameters are supported:

  • aircraftICAOType : AircraftICAOType
    Returns only reference data for this aircraft type. If not used, returns data for all relevant aircraft types.
  • onlyUpdatedAfter : DateTimeUTC
    Returns only reference data that is updated after "onlyUpdatedAfter".



5. Data entities

5.1. AwosSensorRefData

Reference data for AWOS (Automated Weather Observing System) sensors.

Element Comments
The ICAO code for the airport this sensor is located at or close to.
Short name for the sensor. Unique for this airport.

The type of measurements this sensor can provide.

Short description of the sensor. 
Short text describing the placement of the sensor. For instance: "200 meters before runway 1".
Of the sensor.
Of the sensor.
Of the sensor
The physical runway, if any, this sensor is associated with. 
The runway section, if any, this sensor is associated with.
Time the reference data is valid from.
Time the reference data is valid to.
When the reference data was last updated.

5.2. AircraftRefData

Reference data for an aircraft.

5.3. AirlineRefData

Reference data for an airline.

5.4. AirportRefData

Reference data for an airport.

5.5. CustomerRefData

Reference data for a customer.

5.6. HandlerContractRefData

Reference data for a handler contract.

5.7. HandlerRefData

Reference data for a handler.

5.8. IataAircraftTypeRefData

Reference data for IataAircraftTypeRefData.

5.9. IcaoAircraftTypeRefData

Reference data for IcaoAircraftTypeRefData.

6. XSDs

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