Landing time from the airline operating the flight leg, or from a representative of that airline (typically a handler). This represents the airlines view. Always UTC time. Off-block time from the airline operating the flight leg, or from a representative of that airline (typically a handler). This represents the airlines view. Always UTC time. In block time from the airline operating the flight leg, or from a representative of that airline (typically a handler). This represents the airlines view. Always UTC time. Gate information meant to be shown to the public. Will either not exist (have no value) or be identical to GateDeparture. PublicGateDeparture is meant to be displayed to passengers or generally made public. It is meant to be used to control when passengers move to the departure gate. The Gate an outgoing flight leg uses. Departure data for the flight leg. An IATA or ICAO airline code that this airline can operate as. For an arriving flight leg, the UniqueFlightLegId of the linked departing flight leg. For a departing flight leg, the UniqueFlightLegId of the linked arriving flight leg. The Gate an incoming flight leg uses. Arrival data for the flight leg. System specific value indicating the type of a customer, typically identified by CustomerId. Status of a specific system (SystemName). Typically used for reference data. Specific name of a system. Typically used for reference data. System specific identifier of a party, typically a company, but can be a person. System specific usage. Typically to indicate that the relevant data set is test data. The actual noise certificate. Indicates if the Aircraft has winglets or not. Used for instance in rules for Aircraft parking. The source of the AircraftMTOW for a given Aircraft. This will typically be from Aircraft type reference data (AircraftTypeIataCode, AircraftTypeIcaoCode) or from more specific documentation for this Aircraft body. The source of the AircraftSeatingCapacity (number of seats) for a given Aircraft. This will typically be from Aircraft type reference data (AircraftTypeIataCode, AircraftTypeIcaoCode) or from more specific documentation for this Aircraft body. System specific information that indicates the source of an actual data element (attribute | entity). An Airport/System specific group this Aircraft belongs to. Used for instance to simplify rules for Aircraft parking. A rate of change measured as millimeters per hour. Identifies the party, typically a company, that operates something. Identifies the party, typically a company, that owns something. Term Description XML type Status Labels PublicOBT DateTimeUTC Proposal PublicIBT DateTimeUTC Proposal AirlineLDT DateTimeUTC Proposal AirlineOBT DateTimeUTC Proposal AirlineIBT DateTimeUTC Proposal PublicGateDeparture
PublicGateDeparture is controlled by airport specific logic. Gate Proposal GateDeparture Gate Proposal AirlineAlsoOperateAs AirlineIATAorICAO Proposal UniqueFlightLegIdLinkedDeparture UniqueFlightLegId Proposal UniqueFlightLegIdLinkedArrival UniqueFlightLegId Proposal GateArrival Gate Proposal CustomerType string (32) Proposal SystemStatus string (64) Proposal SystemName string (64) Proposal PartyIdentifier string (32) Proposal IsTestData boolean Proposal AircraftNoiseCertificate base64Binary Proposal AircraftHasWinglets boolean Proposal AircraftMTOWSource DataElementSource Proposal AircraftSeatingCapacitySource DataElementSource Proposal DataElementSource string (32) Proposal AircraftGroup string (32) Proposal MillimeterPerHour decimal Proposal OperatedBy PartyIdentifier Proposal OwnedBy PartyIdentifier Proposal