For attributes that are some sort of distance that are measured in millimeters. XML date always in UTC. A globally unique identifier (GUID), 128 bit, with standard ASCII encoding (32 hex numbers and 4 hyphens). See for details. Gives an angle as the number of degrees. Legal values are 0 - 359. The SI or metric unit of measurement for barometric pressure is the hectopascal (hPa). 1 hPa = 1 mb (millibar). Measure of the friction between two objects. See Wikipedia: Comment related to something. Free text. XSD DateTime type The dateTime is specified in the following form "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.s+" where: Note: XML time, always in UTC. A precise time for when something happened. Always UTC. xs.dateTime XSD Duration type The lexical representation for duration is the ISO 8601 extended format PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, where nY represents the number of years, nM the number of months, nD the number of days, 'T' is the date/time separator, nH the number of hours, nM the number of minutes and nS the number of seconds. The number of seconds can include decimal digits to arbitrary precision. P is required. For attributes that are volumes typically given in liters. For attributes that are volumes typically given in deciliters (1/10 Liter). For attributes that are volumes typically given in centiliters (1/100 Liter). For temperatures measured in Celsius. A precise time for when something happened. Always local time. xs.dateTime A sequence of numbers. For attributes that are some sort of distance that are measured in centimeters. Latitude, given as a decimal number in WGS84. Example "59.85417". Longitude, given as a number in WGS84. Example: "8.65028". A precise time for when something happened. Can be UTC or local time. xs.dateTime XML time always local time. XSD Time type. XSD String type. For attributes that are some sort of distance that are measured in meters. For terms/attributes that gives the speed of something, aircraft, in knots ( nautical mile/h, 1852m/h). For terms/attributes that gives the engine force in kilo newtons. Weight of something in whole kilos. XSD integer type For terms/attributes that gives an engine power in horse power. Weight of something in grams. For terms/attributes that are some sort of distance that are measured in feet. XSD decimal type The decimal data type is used to specify a numeric value. The following is an example of a decimal declaration in a schema: <xs:element name="prize" type="xs:decimal"/> XML dateTime always local time. XML date always local time. The boolean data type is used to specify a true or false value. For terms/attributes that are a count of something, typical example is passenger. XSD Date type The date is specified in the following form "YYYY-MM-DD" where: Note: Term Description XML type Status Labels Millimeter decimal Approved 2020-03-24 DateUTC date Approved GUID string (36) Approved 2022-12-16 Angle int Approved 2022-12-16 Elevation Meter Approved 2017-03-16 BarometricPressure decimal Approved 2022-09-30 FrictionCoefficient decimal Approved 2022-01-14 Comment string (256) Approved 2022-01-14 dateTime xs:dateTime Approved TimeUTC time Approved TimestampUTC Approved 2017-03-16 duration xs:duration Approved DateTimeUTC
XML dateTime always in UTC. NB! A 'Z' shall always be appended to indicate UTC!dateTime Approved Liter int Approved 2020-03-24 Deciliter int Approved 2020-03-24 Centiliter int Approved 2020-03-24 Celsius decimal Approved 2020-03-24 Percent
For elements/attributes that are a percent of something.decimal Approved 2019-10-15 JsonData
An element of this type shall contain properly formatted JSON data.string Approved 2018-08-27 MediaType
Mime media type. Values are not strictly defined.string(128) Approved 2018-08-27 Image
The image of something. Image format would typically be defined by MediaType. Encoding is base64Binary.base64Binary Approved 2018-08-27 base64Binary
XSD base64Binary typexs:base64Binary Approved 2018-08-27 TimestampLocal Approved 2017-03-16 SequenceNumber Approved 2017-03-16 Centimeter int Approved 2017-03-16 Latitude
Positive numbers for north, negative for south.
See "" for more information on WGS84.decimal Approved 2013-05-10 Longitude
Positive numbers east of prime meridian, negative numbers west.
See "" for more information on WGS84.decimal Approved 2013-05-10 Timestamp Approved TimeLocal time Approved time xs:time Approved string xs:string Approved Meter int Approved Knot int Approved KiloNewton int Approved Kilo int Approved int xs:int Approved HorsePower int Approved Gram int Approved Foot int Approved decimal
An element in your document might look like this: <prize>999.50</prize>xs:decimal Approved DateTimeLocal dateTime Approved DateLocal date Approved boolean xs:boolean Approved Count int Approved date xs:date Approved