Job data
Field | Field type | Description | Notes | ADD Element | To ADD mapping comment |
company_id | INT8 | References unique row in table in production database containing information of the handling company. | Possible to map to handler? | ||
jobid | INT8 | References table in production database containing information of the deicing job | NA? | ||
flightid | INT8 | References unique row in table in production database containing information of the flight information | NA? | ||
customerid | INT8 | Unique identifier from provider of flight information | NA? | ||
fln_key | STRING | For future use. Unique identifier from provider of flight information | Not in use | NA | |
unitno | INT8 | number of vechile. Set by company | NA? | ||
user1 | STRING | Primary operator | Metadata? | ||
regno | STRING | Registration number of aircraft. Stripped for “-” | AircraftRegistration | ||
airline | STRING | Airline code (IATA) | OperatingAirlineIATA | What about general aviation, flights without operating airline? | |
flightno | STRING | Flight number | FlightId | With OperatingAirlineIATA | |
planetype | STRING | Aircraft type (ICAO) | AircraftICAOType | ||
category | STRING | Category for the aircraft type | What is this really? AircraftConfigVersion? | ||
cat_cust | STRING | Customer defined category for the aircraft type | Only used in special cases | NA? | |
body_type | INT8 | Code for body type of the aircraft type. Values: 0:Unknown, 10:Narrow, 20:Wide body | AircraftBodyType? | Not currently in ADD. | |
park | STRING | Location where the aircraft is/was parked | AircraftParkingPosition | Is this where deice was done? | |
station | STRING | Location of pad where deicing is/was performed | AircraftParkingPosition | ?? | |
gate | STRING | Location of gate aassociated to the flight | Only used in special cases | NA? | |
state | INT8 | Code of state of the deicing job. Values: :Not for deicing,100:Marked for deicing,200:Ready in truck,210:Awaiting accept,211:Accepted,220:Arrived,230:Seated,240:Awaiting Go,241:Go,250:DCR,300:In Progress,380:Cancelled,381:Cancelled By Pilot,395:Departed,400:Spray Finished,410:Deice Needed,420:Pad Clear,500:Completed,600:Edited,650:Exported | Is this the state of the deice operation? Only some seem relevant. | ||
ordertype | STRING | Text based field indicating kind of operation. | Only used in special cases | NA? | |
task | INT8 | Code of operation type. Values: 0:None,1:1-Step, 2:2-Step, 3:Deice Only | ? | Not currently in ADD | |
j_todoflags | INT8 | Bitmask defining subtasks of “what to do” chosen in the vechile. Mapping texts differs between solutions. | NA? | ||
f_todoflags | INT8 | Bitmask defining subtasks of “what to do” assigned to the vechile by the operation coordinator. Mapping texts differs between solutions. | NA? | ||
userplace | STRING | Used for multiple purposes in old solutions | Only used in special cases | NA? | |
date_ | TIMESTAMPTZ | Date of operation (UTC) | Necessary? | ||
jobstarttime | TIMESTAMPTZ | Timestamp for Spray Start (UTC) | ACZT | ||
jobcompletetime | TIMESTAMPTZ | Timestamp for Spray Stop (UTC) | DeiceSprayingEnded | ||
hottime | TIMESTAMPTZ | Timestamp for Hold Over Time (UTC) | What is this | ||
tank1 | INT8 | Fluid consumption from Tank1 (centi liters) | What kind of fluid is wanted. Is there a fixed relationship between thank and kind? | ||
tank2 | INT8 | Fluid consumption from Tank2 (centi liters) | |||
tank3 | INT8 | Fluid consumption from Tank3 (centi liters) | |||
deicetotal | INT8 | Deicing fluid consumption (centi liters) | DeIceFluidVolume | Total of all de-ice fluids | |
antiicetotal | INT8 | Antiicing fluid consumption (centi liters) | AntiIceFluidVolume | ||
icecheckresult | INT8 | Only used in special cases | NA? | ||
accondition | INT8 | Code for Aircraft Condition. Values: 0:,1:Frost, 2:Ice, 3:Snow, 4:Local | AircraftDeIceCondition? | Not in ADD | |
fluidcount | INT8 | Count of fluid selecttions | ?? | ||
accepttime | TIMESTAMPTZ | Timestamp for job accepted in vechile (UTC) | DeiceOrderAccepted | ||
arrivedtime | TIMESTAMPTZ | Timestamp for vechile arrival at deicing location (UTC) | NA? | ||
seatedtime | TIMESTAMPTZ | Timestamp for job “seated” in vechile (UTC) | ?? | ||
go | TIMESTAMPTZ | Timestamp for vechile has “go” and may start (UTC) | NA? | ||
dcrtime | TIMESTAMPTZ | Only used in special cases | NA? | ||
etd | TIMESTAMPTZ | Estimated time of Departure (UTC) | ETOT | ||
tobt | TIMESTAMPTZ | Target Offblock Time (UTC) | TOBT | ||
ctot | TIMESTAMPTZ | Calculated Take Off Time (UTC) | CTOT | ||
padclear | TIMESTAMPTZ | Timestamp when deicing pad is clear. Set by the operation manager (UTC) | NA? | ||
finishedtime | TIMESTAMPTZ | Timestamp for deicing operation on aircraft if finished (UTC) | AEZT | ||
preinv_state | INT8 | Code to define if jobs has been in a scheduler loop “Customer email notification” for sending email notifications to customers after deicing operation. Values: 0: not through loop yet, !00: Through loop | Only used in special cases | NA? | |
preinv_no | INT8 | Sequence number for scheduler loop “Customer email notification” | Only used in special cases | NA? | |
export_state | INT8 | Code to define if job has been picked out for invoicing or sent to invoicing. Values: -1:Non Candidate, 0:Disapproved, 10:Approved, 100:Exported for Invoicing | Only used in special cases | NA? | |
export_no | INT8 | Sequence number for scheduler loop “Export for Invoicing” | Only used in special cases | NA? | |
j_createtime | TIMESTAMPTZ | Create time of the vechile job in production database (UTC) | metadata | ||
j_lastedittime | TIMESTAMPTZ | Last edit time of the vechile job in production database (UTC) | metadata | ||
f_createtime | TIMESTAMPTZ | Create time of the flight information in production database (UTC) | NA? | ||
f_lastedittime | TIMESTAMPTZ | Last edit time of the flight information in production database (UTC) | NA? | ||
revision | INT8 | Count of edits in CDB (UTC) | NA? | ||
last_edit_time | TIMESTAMPTZ | Last edit time in CDB (UTC) | NA? | ||
create_time | TIMESTAMPTZ | Create time in CDB (UTC) | NA? |