The terms approved at the Glasgow workshop, Approved 2017-03-16
2022-10-26 Unless another reference point is explicitly defined mean sea level should be used. A precise time for when something happened. Always UTC. NB! A 'Z' shall always be appended to indicate UTC! xs.dateTime Indication if baggage is unconventional size or weight. The following values are defined: Other commonly used values are: "OG": Oversize, extra large, non conveyable? The serial number part of a BagTagNumber, allocated by the issuing organization (identified by BagTagIssuerCode). Always exactly six digits. See BagTagNumber for details. The 3-digit IATA allocated code identifying the airline that has issued the bag tag. See BagTagNumber for information about the other parts, and AirlineIATAThreeNumeric for more information about the 3-digit IATA code. The number of bags that has been checked in at the same time. A precise time for when something happened. Always local time. xs.dateTime Ticket number, with issuer number prefix. Indicates a zone within the terminal. How the zone is given isn't strictly encoded and may wary from airport/service to airport/service. Examples: The time (not including the date) that an aircraft is scheduled to depart from its first parking position. Always TimeUTC. For a Schedule it is only meaningful to use only a time (and not date and time as is necessary for one flight). The time (not including the date) that an aircraft is scheduled to arrive at its first parking position. Always TimeUTC. For a Schedule it is only meaningful to use only a time (and not date and time as is necessary for one flight). Service class (compartment code/travel class) coded in accordance with IATA resolution 728. First Class: A, F, P Other codes exists. A sequence of numbers. Identifies a passenger seat. The row part is always first and without any leading zeros. The letter part is always last and consist of only uppercase letter in the range ‘A’ – ‘Z’. Examples: "1A". "23E" The AirportICAO code for the next airport of a multi leg flight. For single leg flights it will be the same as OriginAirportICAO The AirportIATA code for the previous airport of a multi leg flight. For single leg flights it will be the same as OriginAirportIATA. Either the AirportIATA code or the AirportICAO code for the previous airport of a multi leg flight. For single leg flights it will be the same as the origin airport. The PNR on which this passenger is booked in the airline system (often used term is "booking reference"). The phone number of something. The last name of a passenger Normally the passengers title (e.g MR, MRS....) For co-branded cards. Identifies the secondary card. Legal values are a subset of the PassengerIdType values. Most often used for credit cards that also are frequent flier cards. The value would then be "fqtv". Defines the type of travel documentation presented. Basically this is either something that identifies the passenger or a (2D bar code) ticket. The following values are defined: Additional information about the travel documentation, as defined in PassengerIdType. Contains a 2D bar code or FOID (Form Of Identification) of some sort, depending on PassengerIdType. See PassengerIdType for description of legal content. Indicator set to true if the passenger has weapons, ammunition or explosives in checked baggage. Indicator set to true if the passenger has pets in the cabin. Indicator set to true if the passenger has animals in checked baggage. An alphanumeric group ID which can be used to group some passengers for seating purposes. PassengerGroupId must not be confused with "BaggagePoolId". The first (and middle) name of a passenger A code describing the passenger to some extent. '0': adult The cellular/mobile phone number for one passenger. The boarding status of the passenger. Indicates where in the boarding process the passenger is. Legal values are (from IATA resolution 792): Either the AirportIATA code or the AirportICAO code for the airport where a multi leg flight originated. For single leg flights it will be the same as the departure airport. The PNR code for the operating carrier, independent of code-share, lease or other issues. The FlightId of the airline/carrier that operates this flight. The AirportICAO code for the next airport of a multi leg flight. For single leg flights it will be the same as FinalAirportICAO. The AirportIATA code for the next airport of a multi leg flight. For single leg flights it will be the same as FinalAirportIATA. Either the AirportIATA code or the AirportICAO code for the next airport of a multi leg flight. For single leg flights it will be the same as the final airport. The issuer code and masked credit card number. Can be used to identify a passenger by his credit card. A masked credit card number is not unique in the world, but is highly likely to be unique in any relevant setting. The MaskedCreditCard is usually represented by an entity containing CardIssuerCode and CardNumber. Example below. The FlightId of the airline/carrier that marketed this flight. Typically used on passenger tickets/travel documentation. Indicates if the passenger is allowed to use a lounge or not. True if the passenger is allowed to use a lounge, false otherwise. Typically related to where a passengers details are scanned (i.e. airline/airport lounge). A persons last name, also called surname / family name. A code identifying the company issuing something, typically cards or bag tags. What this code actually is depends on the context. The title and/or initials of a person.(e.g MR, MRS....) Must be set to true for the passenger that is head of the baggage pool (i.e. the passenger than has all the pooled baggage connected to him or her). CardNumber for the relevant frequent flyer card. The issuer code and card number of a frequent flyer card. Can be used to identify a passenger by his frequent flyer card. The FrequentFlyerCard is usually represented by an entity containing CardIssuerCode and CardNumber. Example below. AirlineIATA code for the airline that issued the frequent flyer card. A frequent flyer card can also be identified by FrequentFlyerCard. As defined by IATA resolution 722. "K": Kilos, "L": Pounds, "PC": Pieces. Example: "20L", "12K", "3PC" A persons first and middle names. Either the AirportIATA code or the AirportICAO code for the final airport of a multi leg flight. For single leg flights it will be the same as the arrival airport. Indicates if the passenger is allowed to use fast track or not. True if the passenger is allowed to use fast track, false otherwise. This is typically fast track related to security. The time the aircraft was diverted. A sub-code further identifying the reason for this diversion. See DelayOrDiversionSubCode for legal values. A textual description of the reason for this diversion. See DelayOrDiversionReason. A code identifying the reason for this diversion. See DelayOrDiversionCode for legal values. The FlightServiceTypeIATA for a departing flight. The FlightNumber of a departing flight. The flight leg identifier for a departing flight, as seen from a specified airport. The IATA code of the airline operating a departing flight. A sub-code further identifying the reason for this delay. See DelayOrDiversionSubCode for legal values. Additional specification of the DelayOrDiversionCode term. The sub codes relates to a particular DelayOrDiversionCode, and are not unique across codes. Sequence number allocated to checked in passengers. The time (UTC) when the first check-in desk opened against this flight. The time (UTC) when the last check-in desk against this flight closed. For attributes that are some sort of distance that are measured in centimeters. The number of passengers that have tickets connected to a card. Used when the card holder orders tickets for several passengers that travels at the same time, and the card is used to identify the passengers. A unique card number within the Issuers domain. What the card number actually is depends on the type of card. The issuer is identified by the CardIssuerCode. Booking class (fare class) coded in accordance with IATA resolution 728. The sequence number of the passengers boarding pass. The width (in Centimeter) of one bag. The weight (in kilos) of one bag. Indication if baggage contains special goods. The following values are defined: The time a bag scan operation occurred. Always UTC. The location where a bag scan operation occurred. The location is identified with a text string that is meaningful in the context it is used. The way/codes to identify a location will typically wary across the different implementations. A BagScanAction will typically occur at the location. Examples: The geographical location where a bag scan operation occurred. The location is typically identified by an entity containing at least Latitude and Longitude, and most likely Elevation. More detailed information about this bag scan. Examples: The airport, IATA code, where a bag scan operation occurred. The action being done when a bag scan operation occurred. The action is identified with a text string that is meaningful in the context it is used. The way/codes to identify an action will typically wary across the different implementations. The BagScanAction will typically occur at a related BagScanLocation. Examples: "BHS Xray 6" "BHS Bin 12" "Stand 23" A number indicating the sequence a bag is loaded into "something". The length (in Centimeter) of one bag. The height (in Centimeter) of one bag. A number identifying a group of persons which have their baggage pooled. The number is unique within the flight. (I.e. all persons belonging to this group have the same BaggagePoolId). Note! BaggagePoolId should not be confused with the term "PassengerGroupId" which is used to group passengers for seating purposes. The dimensions of one bag. Typically an entity containing BagLength, BagWidth and BagHeight. A precise identification of the container where the bag currently is, for instance a serial number. Can also be the aircraft compartment where the bag is loaded. Examples: The ATM (Air Traffic Management) status for this flight leg. The content is not strictly defined as it may wary based on the ATM provider and the source of the data. Value set from Eurocontrol EFD messages are defined below (other value sets can also be used): CDM (Collaborate Decision Making) status from the ATM (Air Traffic Management) world. The content is not strictly defined as it may wary based on the ATM provider and the source of the data. Value set from Eurocontrol EFD messages are defined below (other value sets can also be used): The T-DPI-t message has been received. The T-DPI-s message has been received. The FlightServiceTypeIATA for an arriving flight. The FlightNumber of an arriving flight. The flight leg identifier for an arriving flight, as seen from a specified airport. The IATA code of the airline operating an arriving flight. Indicates if "this" is related to an arrival, a departure or a transfer. Indicates an airspace zone where something, typically an aircraft, can be. The coding of the zones are not completely strict. The legal values listed below can be extended with other values, based on the use case and systems involved. If an aircraft is in a given zone it will typically correlate to some extent with ELDTAccuracy. Either an AirportIATA or an AirportICAO code for an airport. The AirspaceZone where an aircraft can be. If an aircraft is in a given zone it will typically correlate to some extent with ELDTAccuracy. Term Business term Description Legal values Comments XML type Status Elevation Elevation Meter Approved 2017-03-16 ResponseTimestamp
The precise time (TimestampUTC) the response was generated. Always UTC. Approved 2017-03-16 TimestampUTC Approved 2017-03-16 BagSizeIndicator Bag Size Indicator string (3) Approved 2017-03-16 CardIssuerCode Card Issuer Code
A code identifying the card issuing company. What this code actually is depends on the type of card. In the issuer's domain the cart itself is identified by the CardNumber.IssuerCode Approved 2017-03-16 MemberOfBaggagePool Member Of Baggage Pool
Must be set to true for all other passengers in a baggage group which is not the HeadOfBaggagePool.boolean Approved 2017-03-16 BagTagSerialNumber Bag Tag Serial Number string (6) Approved 2017-03-16, update Approved 2017-05-16 BagTagIssuerCode Bag Tag Issuer Code AirlineIATAThreeNumeric Approved 2017-03-16, update Approved 2017-05-16 BagSequenceCount Bag Sequence Count Count Approved 2017-03-16 TimestampLocal Approved 2017-03-16 TicketNumber TicketNumber string (????) Approved 2017-03-16 TerminalZone Terminal Zone string (16) Approved 2017-03-16 SOBTotp SOBT (Scheduled Off-Block Time) - only time part TimeUTC Approved 2017-03-16 SIBTotp SIBT (Scheduled In-Block Time) - only time part TimeUTC Approved 2017-03-16 ServiceClass ServiceClass
Business Class: J, C, D, I, Z
Economy:B, H, K, L, M, N, Q, S, T, V, W, X, Ystring (5) ???1? Approved 2017-03-16 SequenceNumber Approved 2017-03-16 SeatNumber Seat Number string (5) Approved 2017-03-16 PreviousAirportICAO Previous Airport ICAO AirportICAO Approved 2017-03-16 PreviousAirportIATA Previous Airport IATA AirportIATA Approved 2017-03-16 PreviousAirport Previous Airport
See also: PreviousAirportIATA, PreviousAirportICAOAirportIATAorICAO Approved 2017-03-16 PnrCode PNR (Passenger Name Record) Code string (16) Approved 2017-03-16 PhoneNumber Phone Number string (24) Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerLastName Passenger Last Name LastName Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerInitialsAndOrTitle Passenger Initials And Or Title InitialsAndOrTitle Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerIdTypeCo Passenger Identification Type Co-branded PassengerIdType Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerIdType Type of Passenger Identification
PassengerIdSubType: Company identifier: "MASTERCARD", "VISA", "DINERS", "AMERICAN EXPRESS", ...
PassengerIdData: The credit card number without any separator characters. Example: "1234567890123456".
PassengerIdSubType : As for credit cards above.
PassengerIdData: Masked credit card number on the form "nnnnnn******nnnn"
PassengerIdSubType : Airline identifier, IATA two char code
PassengerIdData : Card number without any separator characters
PassengerIdSubType : Empty
PassengerIdData: The NFC identifier
PassengerIdSubType : "NO" - Norway
PassengerIdData: Card number without any separator characters
PassengerIdSubType : empty
PassengerIdData: The actual 2D bar code as scanned.string (8) Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerIdSubType Passenger Identification Sub Type string (32) Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerIdData Passenger Identification Data string (256) Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerHasWeaponsInBaggage Passenger Has Weapons In Baggage boolean Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerHasPetsInCabin Passenger Has Pets In Cabin boolean Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerHasAnimalsInBaggage Passenger Has Animals In Baggage boolean Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerGroupId Passenger Group Id string (5) Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerFirstName Passenger First Name FirstName Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerDescriptionCode Passenger Description Code
'1': adult male
'2': adult female
'3': child
'4': infant
'5': no passenger (cabin baggage)
'6': adult travelling with infant
'7': unaccompained minor
'8' - '9', 'A' - 'Z': Future industry usestring (1) Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerCellularPhoneNo Passenger Cellular Phone Number PhoneNumber Approved 2017-03-16 PassengerBoardingStatus Passenger Status
'0': Ticket issuance/passenger not checked in
'1': Ticket issuance/passenger checked in
'2': Baggage checked - passenger not checked in
'3': Baggage checked - passenger checked in
'4': Passenger passed security check
'5': Passenger passed gate exit (coupon used)
'6': Transit
'7': Standby. ...
'8': Boarding data revalidation done. ...
'9': Original boarding line used at time of ticket issuance
'A': Up- or down-grading required. ...
'B' - 'Z': Reserved for future industry use
NB! All other values than '0' indicates that the passenger is checked in.string (1) Approved 2017-03-16 OriginAirport Origin Airport
See also: OriginAirportIATA, OriginAirportICAO AirportIATAorICAO Approved 2017-03-16 OperatingCarrierPnrCode Operating Carrier PNR (Passenger Name Record) Code PnrCode Approved 2017-03-16 OperatingAirlineFlightId Operating Airline Flight Identifier FlightId Approved 2017-03-16 NextAirportICAO Next Airport ICAO AirportICAO Approved 2017-03-16 NextAirportIATA Next Airport IATA AirportIATA Approved 2017-03-16 NextAirport Next Airport
See also: NextAirportIATA, NextAirportICAOAirportIATAorICAO Approved 2017-03-16 MaskedCreditCard Masked Credit Card entity Approved 2017-03-16 MarketingAirlineFlightId Marketing Airline Flight Identifier FlightId Approved 2017-03-16 LoungeAllowed Lounge Allowed boolean Approved 2017-03-16 LastName Last Name / Surname / Family name string (64) Approved 2017-03-16 IssuerCode Issuer Code string (12) Approved 2017-03-16 InitialsAndOrTitle Initials And Or Title string (16) Approved 2017-03-16 HeadOfBaggagePool Head Of Baggage Pool boolean Approved 2017-03-16 FrequentFlyerCardNumber Frequent Flyer Card Number CardNumber Approved 2017-03-16 FrequentFlyerCard Frequent Flyer Card entity Approved 2017-03-16 FrequentFlyerAirline Frequent Flyer Airline AirlineIATA Approved 2017-03-16 FreeBaggageAllowance Free Baggage Allowance string (16) Approved 2017-03-16 FirstName First Name string (64) Approved 2017-03-16 FinalAirport Final Airport
See also: FinalAirportIATA, FinalAirportICAOAirportIATAorICAO Approved 2017-03-16 FastTrackAllowed Fast Track Allowed boolean Approved 2017-03-16 DiversionTimestamp Diversion Timestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2017-03-16 DiversionSubCode Diversion Sub Code DelayOrDiversionSubCode Approved 2017-03-16 DiversionReason Diversion Reason DelayOrDiversionReason Approved 2017-03-16 DiversionCode Diversion Code DelayOrDiversionCode Approved 2017-03-16 DepartureFlightServiceTypeIATA Departure Flight Service Type IATA FlightServiceTypeIATA Approved 2017-03-16 DepartureFlightNumber Departure Flight Number FlightNumber Approved 2017-03-16 DepartureFlightLegIdentifier Arrival Flight Leg Identifier FlightLegIdentifier Approved 2017-03-16 DepartureCarrierIATA Departure Carrier AirlineIATA Approved 2017-03-16 DelaySubCode Delay Sub Code DelayOrDiversionSubCode Approved 2017-03-16 DelayOrDiversionSubCode Delay Or Diversion Sub Code Codes are defined in the IATA Airport Handling Manual chapter 731 string (1) Approved 2017-03-16 CheckInSeqNumber Check In Sequence Number SequenceNumber Approved 2017-03-16 CheckInOpen Check-In Open DateTimeUTC Approved 2017-03-16 CheckInClose Check-In Close DateTimeUTC Approved 2017-03-16 Centimeter int Approved 2017-03-16 CardPassengerCount Card Passenger Count Count Approved 2017-03-16 CardNumber Card Number string (24) Approved 2017-03-16 BookingClass Booking Class string (2) Approved 2017-03-16 BoardingPassSeqNumber Boarding Pass Sequence Number SequenceNumber Approved 2017-03-16 BagWidth Bag Width Centimeter Approved 2017-03-16 BagWeight Bag Weight Kilo Approved 2017-03-16 BagTypeIndicator Bag Type Indicator string (3) Approved 2017-03-16 BagScanTimestamp Bag Scan Timestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2017-03-16 BagScanLocation Bag Scan Location string (32) Approved 2017-03-16 BagScanGeoLocation Bag Scan Geographical Location entity Approved 2017-03-16 BagScanDetailedInfo Bag Scan Detailed Information string (64) Approved 2017-03-16 BagScanAirportIATA Bag Scan Airport IATA AirportIATA Approved 2017-03-16 BagScanAction Bag Scan Action BagScanAction BagScanLocation "Identify Bag Tag" "SPD 7" "Bag sent to BHS" "SPD 7" "Bag Xrayed" "Bag loaded" "Bag loaded" string (32) Approved 2017-03-16 BagLoadSequenceNumber Bag Load Sequence Number SequenceNumber Approved 2017-03-16 BagLength Bag Length Centimeter Approved 2017-03-16 BagHeight Bag Height Centimeter Approved 2017-03-16 BaggagePoolId Baggage Pool Identifier string (3) Approved 2017-03-16 BagDimension Bag Dimension entity Approved 2017-03-16 BagContainerId Bag Container Identification string (32) Approved 2017-03-16 AtmFlightLegStatus ATM Flight Leg Status EFD status (fltstate) Description "FI" Filed. Basic status. “FS” Filed_Slot_allocated. The flight is regulated, but the slot has not yet been published via a SAM. “SI” Slot_Issued. The flight is regulated and the slot has been published via a SAM. "TA" Tact_Activated. ETFMS assumes that the flight is airborne, but it has not yet received a confirmation from ATC (yet). "AA" Atc_Activated. ETFMS has received a message that the flight is airborne. "CA" CAncelled. The flight plan has been cancelled via a CNL message or by the FMD operator. "TE" TErminated. ETFMS considers the flight terminated. "SU" SUspended. The flight has been suspended. string (4) Approved 2017-03-16 AtmCdmStatus ATM CDM Status EFD status (cdmstatus) Description "DPIEXPECTED" Default value. DPI messages are expected. "ESTIMATED" The E-DPI message has been received. "TARGETED" "PRESEQUENCED" "ACTUALOFFBLOCK" The ATC-DPI message has been received. string (16) Approved 2017-03-16 ArrivalFlightServiceTypeIATA Arrival Flight Service Type IATA FlightServiceTypeIATA Approved 2017-03-16 ArrivalFlightNumber Arrival Flight Number FlightNumber Approved 2017-03-16 ArrivalFlightLegIdentifier Arrival Flight Leg Identifier FlightLegIdentifier Approved 2017-03-16 ArrivalCarrierIATA Arrival Carrier AirlineIATA Approved 2017-03-16 ArrDepTransIndicator Arrival Departure Transfer Indicator
Transfer implies an arrival , transfer processing and departure. string (1) Approved 2017-03-16 AirspaceZone Airspace Zone string (24) Approved 2017-03-16 AirportIATAorICAO Airport IATA Code or Airport ICAO Code string (4) Approved 2017-03-16 AircraftInZone Aircraft In Zone AirspaceZone Approved 2017-03-16