The table below contains all terms that have been labeled with "baggage", and this should be all baggage related terms. The median time it has taken to de-ice the last X aircraft. X is system/airport dependent. The median time the last X aircraft have been in a de-ice queue. X is system/airport dependent. The number of aircraft that are in the queue to a particular de-ice platform, given by DeIcePlatform. The number of lanes that are occupied on a given de-ice platform. The platform is identified by DeIcePlatform. The actual time an aircraft enters a de-ice queue. The number of aircraft that is expected to need de-ice in the next 120 minutes. The number of aircraft that is expected to need de-ice in the next 60 minutes. The number of aircraft that is expected to need de-ice in the next 30 minutes. The actual time an aircraft leaves a de-ice queue. A textual description for the relevant DeIceConditionCode. The code for the (weather) condition that led to de-icing being requested, and possibly performed. The codes listed under "Legal values" should always be supported. Additional codes can be defined if necessary. Codes defined here are always two digits. The relevant period for DeIceCompleteLastPeriod. The number of aircraft that finished de-ice in the last period, typically as defined by DeIceCompletePeriod. The number of aircraft that finished de-ice in the last 120 minutes. The number of aircraft that finished de-ice in the last 60 minutes. The number of aircraft that finished de-ice in the last 30 minutes. The average time it has taken to de-ice the last X aircraft. X is system/airport dependent. The average time the last X aircraft have been in a de-ice queue. X is system/airport dependent. The number of aircraft that are in a de-ice queue at a given airport. The number of aircraft that are on a given de-ice platform. The platform is identified by DeIcePlatform. The relevant aircraft is in the list of aircrafts actually going to deice, and is part of the aircrafts that are used to calculate terms like DeIceMedianQueueTime, DeIceAirportQueueCount, DeIceCompleteLast30 etc. This is related to DeIceIsRequested, but is a stronger indicator for de-ice for this aircraft. Indicates the status of the de-icing process. A boolean value indicating that mechanical de-icing in some form is used on the relevant aircraft. The platform where the de-icing occurred. The names are airport specific. De-icing is typically done either on stand or on a dedicated de-icing platform. Indicates the AircraftParkingPosition where de-icing was done. See also DeIcePlatform. A boolean value indicating that de-icing, or anti-icing, is requested for the relevant aircraft. Indicates the volume used of the relevant DeIceFluidType. Indicates which de-ice fluid type, including water, that has been used on the relevant aircraft. Each fluid type is specified separately, typically with the volume used. The air (ambient) temperature where the de-icing process occurs. As ERZT, but local time. As EEZT, but local time. As ARZT, but local time. Estimated End of De-icing Time. The estimated time when de-icing operations on an aircraft are expected to end. Always UTC time. As ECZT, but local time. Estimated Commencement of De-icing Time. The estimated time when de-icing operations on an aircraft are expected to start. Always UTC time. Estimated Ready for De-icing Time. The estimated time when the aircraft is expected to be ready for de-icing operations. Always UTC time. Actual Ready for De-icing Time. The time when the aircraft is ready to be de-iced. Always UTC time. As AEZT, but local time. Actual End of De-icing Time. The time when de-icing operations on an aircraft end. Always UTC time. Actual Commencement of De-icing Time. The time when de-icing operations on an aircraft starts. Always UTC time. As ACZT, but local time.Term Description Status XML type Labels DeIceMedianTimePerAircraft Approved 2021-12-10 duration DeIceMedianQueueTime Approved 2021-12-10 duration DeIcePlatformQueueCount Approved 2021-12-10 Count DeIcePlatformLanesOccupied Approved 2021-12-10 Count DeIceStartQueueTime Approved 2021-12-10 DateTimeUTC DeIceExpectedNext120 Approved 2021-12-10 Count DeIceExpectedNext60 Approved 2021-12-10 Count DeIceExpectedNext30 Approved 2021-12-10 Count DeIceEndQueueTime Approved 2021-12-10 DateTimeUTC DeIceConditionDescription Approved 2021-12-10 string(128) DeIceConditionCode Approved 2021-12-10 string(2) DeIceCompletePeriod Approved 2021-12-10 duration DeIceCompleteLastPeriod Approved 2021-12-10 Count DeIceCompleteLast120 Approved 2021-12-10 Count DeIceCompleteLast60 Approved 2021-12-10 Count DeIceCompleteLast30 Approved 2021-12-10 Count DeIceAverageTimePerAircraft Approved 2021-12-10 duration DeIceAverageQueueTime Approved 2021-12-10 duration DeIceAirportQueueCount Approved 2021-12-10 Count DeIceAircraftOnPlatform Approved 2021-12-10 Count AircraftInDeIceList Approved 2021-09-24 boolean DeIceProcessStatus Approved 2020-03-24 string(24) MechanicalDeIceIsUsed Approved 2020-03-24 boolean DeIcePlatform Approved 2020-03-24 string(24) DeIceParkingPosition Approved 2020-03-24 AircraftParkingPosition DeIceIsRequested Approved 2020-03-24 boolean DeIceFluidVolume Approved 2020-03-24 Deciliter DeIceFluidType Approved 2020-03-24 string(8) DeIceAirTemperature Approved 2020-03-24 Celsius ERZTlocal Approved 2013-01-11 DateTimeLocal EEZTlocal Approved 2013-01-11 DateTimeLocal ARZTLocal Approved 2013-04-04 DateTimeLocal EEZT Approved 2013-01-11 DateTimeUTC EDIT Approved 2013-01-11 duration ECZTlocal Approved 2013-01-11 DateTimeLocal ECZT Approved 2013-01-11 DateTimeUTC ERZT Approved 2013-01-11 DateTimeUTC ARZT Approved 2013-01-11 DateTimeUTC AEZTLocal Approved 2013-04-04 DateTimeLocal AEZT Approved 2013-01-11 DateTimeUTC ACZT Approved 2013-01-11 ACZTLocal Approved 2013-04-04 DateTimeLocal ADIT Approved 2013-01-11 duration