EntityElementAIDX TypeDescriptionMapping commentLink to ADD
Specifies briefly the reason of rejection of the related request.
Specifies whether the related request has been accepted or not.
aerodromeiataCodeStationTypeIATA Aerodrome Designator. AirportIATA
aerodrome  icaoCode StationType  ICAO Aerodrome Location Indicator. AirportICAO
aircraftaircraftRegistrationStringLength0To10ICAO code used to identify the aircraft type. AircraftRegistration
aircraft  iataAircraftTypeAirEquipTypeIATA code used to identify the aircraft type. AircraftIATAType
aircraft  icaoAircraftTypeAirEquipType  ICAO code used to identify the aircraft type. AircraftICAOType
The textual designator of the stand.
The designator of an airline assigned by IATA in accordance with the provision of Resolution 762.
airline  icaoCode AirlineType  
The designator of an airline assigned by ICAO in accordance with ICAO Document 8585.
Status of an aircraft at an aerodrome combining information about the outbound flight, the inbound flight and the turnaround process.
 Not for consideration yet
Code of the A-CDM alert.
alert  alertdescriptionStringLength0To255
Short textual description of the A-CDM alert.
alert  alertLevelStringLength1To8
Describes the kind of the A-CDM alert, such as WARNING or ALERT.
ASBT (Actual Start Boarding Time) time that passengers are entering the bridge or bus to the aircraft.
Client callback address for the   publication of subscribed data.
ACZT (Actual Commencement of De-icing Time): the time when de-icing operations on an aircraft starts.
deicing  actualEndTimeDateOrDateTimeType  
AEZT (Actual End of De-icing Time): the time when de-icing operations on an aircraft ends.
deicing  actualReadyTimeDateOrDateTimeType  
ARZT (Actual Ready for De-icing Time): the time when the aircraft is ready to be de-iced.
deicing  estimatedCommencementTimeDateOrDateTimeType  
ECZT (Estimated Commencement of De-icing Time): the estimated time when de-icing operations on an aircraft   are expected to start.
deicing  estimatedEndTimeDateOrDateTimeType  
EEZT (Estimated End of De-icing Time): the estimated time when de-icing operations on an aircraft are expected to end.
deicing  estimatedReadyTimeDateOrDateTimeType  
ERZT (Estimated Ready for De-icing Time): the estimated time when the aircraft is expected to be ready for de-icing operations.
EDIT (Estimated De-icing Time): metric EEZT - ECZT.
Indicates whether the de-icing is executed on stand of the parking position or not.
Designator of the stand position where the de-icing operations occur.
A group of letters, figures or a combination thereof which is either identical to, or coded equivalent of, the   aircraft call sign to be used in air-ground communications, and which is used to identify the aircraft in ground-ground air traffic services communications.
Common gate name for boarding.
gate  terminalNameStringLength0To5 
Terminal name where the gate is located.
ACGT (Actual Commence of Ground Handling Time): the time when ground handling on an aircraft starts, can be equal to AIBT (to be determined locally).
A reference that uniquely identifies a specific flight and that is independent of any particular   system.
Code of the aircraft operator of the identified flight, usually IATA but it can be ICAO, as defined in the   Schedule [AIDX, UFI].
iataFlightIdentification  departureAerodromeStationType
Code of scheduled departure airport usually IATA bur can be ICAO or other as defined in the Scheduled [AIDX, UFI].
iataFlightIdentification  destinationAerodromeStationType
Code of scheduled arrival airport usually IATA but can be ICAO or other as defined in the Schedule [AIDX, UFI].
iataFlightIdentification  iataFlightNumberFlightNumberType
IATA flight number of the identified flight as defined in the Schedule [AIDX, UFI].
iataFlightIdentification  originDateDateOrDateTimeType  
Scheduled flight origin date based on the flight as defined in the Schedule [AIDX, UFI].
iataFlightIdentification  repeatNumberNumeric1To99
Repeat or departure attempt.
iataFlightIdentification  suffixOperationalSuffixType
suffix of the repeatNumber as defined in the Schedule [AIDX, UFI].
Name used by ATS units to identify and communicate with the aircraft.
icaoFlightIdentification  estimatedOffBlockTimeDateOrDateTimeType  
Date and time at which the aircraft will off-block according to ICAO flight plan field.
icaoFlightIdentification  icaoArrivalAerodromeStationType  
ICAO code of scheduled destination aerodrome.
icaoFlightIdentification  icaoDepartureAerodromeStationType  
ICAO code of the scheduled departure aerodrome.
Unique identifier of a flight plan once is submitted to the IFPS (Initial integrated Flight Processing System). The identifier is assigned by IFPS.
AIBT (Actual In-Block Time): the time that an aircraft arrives in-blocks. (Equivalent to Airline/Handler ATA - Actual Time of Arrival, ACARS=IN).
inblock  estimatedTimeDateOrDateTimeType  
EIBT (Estimated In-Block Time): the estimated time that an aircraft will arrive in-blocks. (Equivalent to   Airline/Handler ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival).
inblock  scheduledTimeDateOrDateTimeType  
SIBT (Scheduled In-Block Time): the time that an aircraft is scheduled to arrive at its parking position.
ALDT (Actual Landing Time): the time that an aircraft lands on a runway. (Equivalent to ATC ATA - Actual Time of Arrival = landing, ACARS=ON).
landing  estimatedTimeDateOrDateTimeType  
ELDT (Estimated Landing Time): the estimated time that an aircraft will touchdown on the runway. (Equivalent to ATC ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival = landing).
AOBT (Actual Off-Block Time): time the aircraft pushes back / vacates the parking position. (Equivalent to Airline / Ground Handlers ATD - Actual Time of Departure & ACARS=OUT).
offblock  estimatedTimeDateOrDateTimeType  
EOBT (Estimated Off-Block Time): the estimated time at which the aircraft will start movement associated with departure (ICAO).
offblock  scheduledTimeDateOrDateTimeType  
SOBT (Scheduled Off-Block Time): the time that an aircraft is scheduled to depart from its parking position.
TOBT (Target Off-Block Time): the time that an operator / handling agent estimates that an aircraft will be  ready, all doors closed, boarding bridge removed, push back vehicle present, ready to start up / push back immediately upon reception of clearance from the TWR. [Note: TOBT can be   calculated as ELDT+EXIT+MTTT or ALDT+EXIT+MTTT or AIBT+MTTT. If TOBT is earlier that EOBT, then EOBT value is displayed as TOBT, until updated / confirmed by the Aircraft Operator or Ground Handler. Confirmation can also be triggered automatically based on a time parameter before TOBT.]
ARDT (Actual Ready Time): when the aircraft is ready for start-up / push-back or taxi immediately after clearance delivery, meeting the requirements set by the TOBT definition.
offblockReadyEx  tobtUpdateCountNumeric1To3
The number of updated to TOBT after TSAT has been issued (e.g. max 3 updates after TSAT issue).
The full textual designator of the landing direction.
Standard Instrument Departure designator.
TSAT (Target Start Up Approval Time): the time provided by ATC taking into account TOBT. CTOT and/or the traffic situation that an aircraft can expect receive start up / push back   approval.
startupApproval  actualTimeDateOrDateTimeType  
ASAT (Actual Start-Up Approval Time): time that an aircraft receives its start-up approval.
startupApproval  actualRequestTimeDateOrDateTimeType  
ASRT (Actual Start-Up Request Time): time the pilot requests start up clearance.
Client specific value to be able to identify a subscription. I.e. a GUID (Global Unique Identifier)
TTOT (Target Take Off Time): the Target Take Off Time taking into account the TOBT/TSAT plus the EXOT (Estimated Taxi-Out Time).
ATOT (Actual Take-Off Time): the time that an aircraft takes off from the runway (Equivalent to ATC ATD - Actual Time of Departure, ACARS=OFF).
takeoffex  calculatedTimeDateOrDateTimeType  
CTOT (Calculated Take Off Time): a time calculated and issued by the appropriate Central Management unit, as a result of tactical slot allocation, at which a flight is expected to become   airborne. (ICAO Doc 7030/4 - EUR, Table 7).
EXOT (Estimated Taxi-Out Time): the estimated taxi time between off-block and take off. This estimate includes any buffer time at holding point or remote de-icing prior to take off
timeWindowfromDateOrTimeOrDateTimeTypeDate and time at which the time window period starts. DateTimeUTC 
timeWindow  toDateOrTimeOrDateTimeType  Date and time at which the time window period ends. DateTimeUTC 
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