Entity | Element | AIDX Type | Description | Mapping comment | Link to ADD |
acdmServiceResponseStatus | reasonForRejection | StringLength0To255 | Specifies briefly the reason of rejection of the related request. | ||
acdmServiceResponseStatus | status | StringLength1To8 | Specifies whether the related request has been accepted or not. | ||
aerodrome | iataCode | StationType | IATA Aerodrome Designator. | AirportIATA | |
aerodrome | icaoCode | StationType | ICAO Aerodrome Location Indicator. | AirportICAO | |
aircraft | aircraftRegistration | StringLength0To10 | ICAO code used to identify the aircraft type. | AircraftRegistration | |
aircraft | iataAircraftType | AirEquipType | IATA code used to identify the aircraft type. | AircraftIATAType | |
aircraft | icaoAircraftType | AirEquipType | ICAO code used to identify the aircraft type. | AircraftICAOType | |
aircraftstand | designator | StringLength1To8 | The textual designator of the stand. | AircraftParkingPosition | |
airline | iataCode | AirlineType | The designator of an airline assigned by IATA in accordance with the provision of Resolution 762. | AirlineIATA | |
airline | icaoCode | AirlineType | The designator of an airline assigned by ICAO in accordance with ICAO Document 8585. | AirlineICAO | |
airportTransitView | aircraftFlightStatus | StringLength3 | Status of an aircraft at an aerodrome combining information about the outbound flight, the inbound flight and the turnaround process. | Not for consideration yet | |
alert | alertCode | StringLength1To5 | Code of the A-CDM alert. | ||
alert | alertdescription | StringLength0To255 | Short textual description of the A-CDM alert. | ||
alert | alertLevel | StringLength1To8 | Describes the kind of the A-CDM alert, such as WARNING or ALERT. | ||
boarding | actualTime | DateOrDateTimeType | ASBT (Actual Start Boarding Time) time that passengers are entering the bridge or bus to the aircraft. | ASBT | |
clientAddress | value | StringLength1To255 | Client callback address for the publication of subscribed data. | ||
deicing | actualCommencementTime | DateOrDateTimeType | ACZT (Actual Commencement of De-icing Time): the time when de-icing operations on an aircraft starts. | ACZT | |
deicing | actualEndTime | DateOrDateTimeType | AEZT (Actual End of De-icing Time): the time when de-icing operations on an aircraft ends. | AEZT | |
deicing | actualReadyTime | DateOrDateTimeType | ARZT (Actual Ready for De-icing Time): the time when the aircraft is ready to be de-iced. | ARZT | |
deicing | estimatedCommencementTime | DateOrDateTimeType | ECZT (Estimated Commencement of De-icing Time): the estimated time when de-icing operations on an aircraft are expected to start. | ECZT | |
deicing | estimatedEndTime | DateOrDateTimeType | EEZT (Estimated End of De-icing Time): the estimated time when de-icing operations on an aircraft are expected to end. | EEZT | |
deicing | estimatedReadyTime | DateOrDateTimeType | ERZT (Estimated Ready for De-icing Time): the estimated time when the aircraft is expected to be ready for de-icing operations. | ERZT | |
deicing | estimatedTime | DateOrDateTimeType | EDIT (Estimated De-icing Time): metric EEZT - ECZT. | EDIT | |
deicing | remoteDeicing | StringLength1To8 | Indicates whether the de-icing is executed on stand of the parking position or not. | ||
deicing | standDesignator | StringLength1To8 | Designator of the stand position where the de-icing operations occur. | AircraftParkingPosition | |
flight | aircraftIdentification | StringLength0To10 | A group of letters, figures or a combination thereof which is either identical to, or coded equivalent of, the aircraft call sign to be used in air-ground communications, and which is used to identify the aircraft in ground-ground air traffic services communications. | AircraftRegistration | |
gate | designator | StringLength0To5 | Common gate name for boarding. | Gate | |
gate | terminalName | StringLength0To5 | Terminal name where the gate is located. | TerminalName | |
groundHandling | actualTime | DateOrDateTimeType | ACGT (Actual Commence of Ground Handling Time): the time when ground handling on an aircraft starts, can be equal to AIBT (to be determined locally). | ACGT | |
gufi | gufi | StringLength1To128 | A reference that uniquely identifies a specific flight and that is independent of any particular system. | ||
iataFlightIdentification | airlineDesignator | AirlineType | Code of the aircraft operator of the identified flight, usually IATA but it can be ICAO, as defined in the Schedule [AIDX, UFI]. | Airline | |
iataFlightIdentification | departureAerodrome | StationType | Code of scheduled departure airport usually IATA bur can be ICAO or other as defined in the Scheduled [AIDX, UFI]. | AirportIATA | |
iataFlightIdentification | destinationAerodrome | StationType | Code of scheduled arrival airport usually IATA but can be ICAO or other as defined in the Schedule [AIDX, UFI]. | AirportIATA | |
iataFlightIdentification | iataFlightNumber | FlightNumberType | IATA flight number of the identified flight as defined in the Schedule [AIDX, UFI]. | FlightId | |
iataFlightIdentification | originDate | DateOrDateTimeType | Scheduled flight origin date based on the flight as defined in the Schedule [AIDX, UFI]. | DateTimeUTC | |
iataFlightIdentification | repeatNumber | Numeric1To99 | Repeat or departure attempt. | Count | |
iataFlightIdentification | suffix | OperationalSuffixType | suffix of the repeatNumber as defined in the Schedule [AIDX, UFI]. | OperationalSuffix | |
icaoFlightIdentification | aircraftIdentification | StringLength1To32 | Name used by ATS units to identify and communicate with the aircraft. | Callsign | |
icaoFlightIdentification | estimatedOffBlockTime | DateOrDateTimeType | Date and time at which the aircraft will off-block according to ICAO flight plan field. | DateTimeUTC | |
icaoFlightIdentification | icaoArrivalAerodrome | StationType | ICAO code of scheduled destination aerodrome. | AirportICAO | |
icaoFlightIdentification | icaoDepartureAerodrome | StationType | ICAO code of the scheduled departure aerodrome. | AirportICAO | |
ifplIdentification | ifplId | AlphaNumericStringLength1To10 | Unique identifier of a flight plan once is submitted to the IFPS (Initial integrated Flight Processing System). The identifier is assigned by IFPS. | IFPLID | |
inblock | actualTime | DateOrDateTimeType | AIBT (Actual In-Block Time): the time that an aircraft arrives in-blocks. (Equivalent to Airline/Handler ATA - Actual Time of Arrival, ACARS=IN). | AIBT | |
inblock | estimatedTime | DateOrDateTimeType | EIBT (Estimated In-Block Time): the estimated time that an aircraft will arrive in-blocks. (Equivalent to Airline/Handler ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival). | EIBT | |
inblock | scheduledTime | DateOrDateTimeType | SIBT (Scheduled In-Block Time): the time that an aircraft is scheduled to arrive at its parking position. | SIBT | |
landing | actualTime | DateOrDateTimeType | ALDT (Actual Landing Time): the time that an aircraft lands on a runway. (Equivalent to ATC ATA - Actual Time of Arrival = landing, ACARS=ON). | ALDT | |
landing | estimatedTime | DateOrDateTimeType | ELDT (Estimated Landing Time): the estimated time that an aircraft will touchdown on the runway. (Equivalent to ATC ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival = landing). | ELDT | |
offblock | actualTime | DateOrDateTimeType | AOBT (Actual Off-Block Time): time the aircraft pushes back / vacates the parking position. (Equivalent to Airline / Ground Handlers ATD - Actual Time of Departure & ACARS=OUT). | AOBT | |
offblock | estimatedTime | DateOrDateTimeType | EOBT (Estimated Off-Block Time): the estimated time at which the aircraft will start movement associated with departure (ICAO). | EOBT | |
offblock | scheduledTime | DateOrDateTimeType | SOBT (Scheduled Off-Block Time): the time that an aircraft is scheduled to depart from its parking position. | SOBT | |
offblockReady | targetTime | DateOrDateTimeType | TOBT (Target Off-Block Time): the time that an operator / handling agent estimates that an aircraft will be ready, all doors closed, boarding bridge removed, push back vehicle present, ready to start up / push back immediately upon reception of clearance from the TWR. [Note: TOBT can be calculated as ELDT+EXIT+MTTT or ALDT+EXIT+MTTT or AIBT+MTTT. If TOBT is earlier that EOBT, then EOBT value is displayed as TOBT, until updated / confirmed by the Aircraft Operator or Ground Handler. Confirmation can also be triggered automatically based on a time parameter before TOBT.] | TOBT | |
offblockReadyEx | actualTime | DateOrDateTimeType | ARDT (Actual Ready Time): when the aircraft is ready for start-up / push-back or taxi immediately after clearance delivery, meeting the requirements set by the TOBT definition. | ARDT | |
offblockReadyEx | tobtUpdateCount | Numeric1To3 | The number of updated to TOBT after TSAT has been issued (e.g. max 3 updates after TSAT issue). | Count | |
runwaydirection | designator | StringLength1To8 | The full textual designator of the landing direction. | ||
standardInstrumentDeparture | designator | StringLength1To8 | Standard Instrument Departure designator. | SIDRoute | |
startupApproval | targetTime | DateOrDateTimeType | TSAT (Target Start Up Approval Time): the time provided by ATC taking into account TOBT. CTOT and/or the traffic situation that an aircraft can expect receive start up / push back approval. | TSAT | |
startupApproval | actualTime | DateOrDateTimeType | ASAT (Actual Start-Up Approval Time): time that an aircraft receives its start-up approval. | ASAT | |
startupApproval | actualRequestTime | DateOrDateTimeType | ASRT (Actual Start-Up Request Time): time the pilot requests start up clearance. | ASRT | |
subscriptionIdentifier | value | StringLength1To255 | Client specific value to be able to identify a subscription. I.e. a GUID (Global Unique Identifier) | ||
takeoff | targetTime | DateOrDateTimeType | TTOT (Target Take Off Time): the Target Take Off Time taking into account the TOBT/TSAT plus the EXOT (Estimated Taxi-Out Time). | TTOT | |
takeoffex | actualTime | DateOrDateTimeType | ATOT (Actual Take-Off Time): the time that an aircraft takes off from the runway (Equivalent to ATC ATD - Actual Time of Departure, ACARS=OFF). | ATOT | |
takeoffex | calculatedTime | DateOrDateTimeType | CTOT (Calculated Take Off Time): a time calculated and issued by the appropriate Central Management unit, as a result of tactical slot allocation, at which a flight is expected to become airborne. (ICAO Doc 7030/4 - EUR, Table 7). | CTOT | |
taxiout | estimatedTime | DateOrDateTimeType | EXOT (Estimated Taxi-Out Time): the estimated taxi time between off-block and take off. This estimate includes any buffer time at holding point or remote de-icing prior to take off | EXOT | |
timeWindow | from | DateOrTimeOrDateTimeType | Date and time at which the time window period starts. | DateTimeUTC | |
timeWindow | to | DateOrTimeOrDateTimeType | Date and time at which the time window period ends. | DateTimeUTC |
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