
This section describes how Avinor plan to use this service from self service bag drop stations. Other airports might use the service in a different way.

Use of TransactionId

TransactionId identifies a set of operations related to one bag delivery attempt. If multiple attempts are used to get the bag dropped a separate TransactionId must be used for each attempt. For instance, the same TransactionId is used through the following set of operatoions:

Use cases

Configuration and status checking

The sequence diagram shows the typical initial use of the BagDropService by the SBD.

  1. First the SBD use GetConfiguration to initialize. GetConfiguration should be used regularly as it can change, for instance every 2 hours.
    NB! What is a reasonable time?

  2. GetStatus should be called regularly to verify the status of BagDropService. This can then also be used to indicate that the SBD is operational.
    A polling interval of 2 minutes are reasonable.
    NB! What is a reasonable time? 

  3. If GetStatus, or any other operation, indicates a DCS problem, GetDcsStatus can be called to get more precise information. GetDcsStatus should only be called if a DCS problem is indicated. 
    NB! GetDcsStatus is not currently implemented by Avinor to retrieve real time status  from the DCS. It follows that it isn't necessarily to use it.

  4. The operations mentioned above are used until a passenger initiates a bag drop. After the bag drop the get configuration and status testing resumes.

Using BagDropService and only scan the bag tag - no scan of boarding pass

Configuration and regular status checks while the SBD is idle is described here: Configuration and status checking.

BagDropService is responsible for managing all aspects of the DCS communication.

NB! All calls to BagDropService related to one bag delivery process must use the same TransactionId. See also Use of TransactionId.

  1. The passenger initiates the bag drop by scanning the bag tag.

  2. The SBD must call GetOperatingCarrier to get the actual operating carrier. This also informs the bag drop service that a new bag drop has started.

  3. The SBD calls BaggageConformanceIdentify. This will result in a DCS request from the Bag Drop Service to get information about the bag, the passenger and the flight the bag should leave on.

  4. As there is no scan of boarding pass in this use case the SBD calls PassengerConformanceIdentify with the passenger and flight data received from BaggageConformanceIdentify.
  5. The SBD must call LocalVerifyBag to ensure that the bag is acceptable for the airport. This also indicates to the bag drop service that the bag is (close to) accepted by the SBD.

  6. The SBD calls BaggageConformanceVerify with basically the data received from BaggageConformanceIdentify. In addition bag weight must be added, and bag size can be added. The Bag Drop Service will then verify with the DCS that the bag can be sent.

  7. The SBD must call BagNotify to notify the bag drop service that the bag has been sent on to the baggage handling system at the airport.

Using BagDropService and scan of bag tag and scan of boarding pass

Configuration and regular status checks while the SBD is idle is described here: Configuration and status checking.

BagDropService is responsible for managing all aspects of the DCS communication.

NB! All calls to BagDropService related to one bag delivery process must use the same TransactionId. See also Use of TransactionId.

  1. The passenger initiates the bag drop by scanning the bag tag.

  2. The SBD must call GetOperatingCarrier to get the actual operating carrier. This also informs the bag drop service that a new bag drop has started.

  3. The passenger is requested to scan the boarding pass. Result is made available to the SBD.

  4. The SBD calls PassengerConformanceIdentify with data from the boarding pass. This data set is sent to the DCS and the DCS validates the passenger and that the bag is acceptable for the passenger.

  5. The SBD calls BaggageConformanceIdentify. This will result in a DCS request from the Bag Drop Service to get information about the bag, the passenger and the flight the bag should leave on.

  6. The SBD must call LocalVerifyBag to ensure that the bag is acceptable for the airport. This also indicates to the bag drop service that the bag is (close to) accepted by the SBD.

  7. The SBD calls BaggageConformanceVerify with basically the data received from BaggageConformanceIdentify. In addition bag weight must be added, and bag size can be added. The Bag Drop Service will then verify with the DCS that the bag can be sent.

  8. The SBD must call BagNotify to notify the bag drop service that the bag has been sent on to the baggage handling system at the airport.

Using BagDropService and DCS direct connection

Configuration and regular status checks while the SBD is idle is described here: Configuration and status checking.

It is possible for the SBD to have direct communication with a DCS, including through a broker, and only use the BagDropService for local configuration/information and transaction logging (BagNotify). The sequence diagram below shows the use of BagDropService in this setting.

The SBD is responsible for managing all aspects of the DCS communication.

NB! All calls to BagDropService related to one bag delivery process must use the same TransactionId. See also Use of TransactionId.

  1. The passenger initiates the bag drop by scanning the bag tag.

  2. The SBD must call GetOperatingCarrier to get the actual operating carrier. This also informs the bag drop service that a new bag drop has started.

  3. Any DCS communication in this use case is the responsibility of the SBD.
    This initial communication would be to verify the bag.

  4. If required by the airline the boarding pass must be scanned.

  5. Any DCS communication in this use case is the responsibility of the SBD.

  6. The SBD must call LocalVerifyBag to ensure that the bag is acceptable for the airport. This also indicates to the bag drop service that the bag is (close to) accepted by the SBD.

  7. Any DCS communication in this use case is the responsibility of the SBD.

  8. The SBD must call BagNotify to notify the bag drop service that the bag has been sent on to the baggage handling system at the airport.

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