NB! Remember to investigate DEI10, Duplicate Leg Cross Reference—Duplicate Leg Identification CodeShare
- SSM message
- Metadata
- Action (insert, update, delete)
- ActionIdentifier. NEW, CNL, RPL, SKD, ADM, CON, EQT, FLT, REV, RST, TIM
- ASM Widrawal Indicator. XASM 0..1
- Flight information
- FlightId
- (Existing period (ved endring av periode)) 0..1
- AdministratingCarrierIATA. AirlineIATA DEI 1. Joint operation airline designator.0..1
- CodeshareAirlineIATA DEI 2. 0..1
- AircraftOwnerIATA DEI 3. 0..1
- CockpitCrewEmployer AirlineIATA DEI 4. 0..1
- CabinCrewEmployer. AirlineIATA DEI 5.0..1
- OperatingAirlineIATA DEI 9. 0..1
- Periode 0..1
- ScheduleStartDate
- ScheduleEndDate
- ScheduleFlightDays
- ScheduleFlightWeeks 0..1
- AdministratingCarrierIATA. AirlineIATA DEI 1. Joint operation airline designator. 0..1
- CodeshareAirlineIATA DEI 2. 0..1
- AircraftOwnerIATA DEI 3. 0..1
- CockpitCrewEmployer AirlineIATA DEI 4. 0..1
- CabinCrewEmployer. AirlineIATA DEI 5. 0..1
- Onward flight LinkedDepartureFlightID DEI 6. 0..1
- OperatingAirlineIATA DEI 9. 0..1
- New flight information 0..1
- Aircraft data / Equipment 0..1
- FlightServiceTypeIATA
- AircraftIATAType
- Passenger Reservations Booking Designator 0..1
- Passenger Reservations Booking Modifiere 0..1
- AircraftConfigVersion 0..1
- CodeshareAirlineIATA DEI 2. 0..1
- AircraftOwnerIATA DEI 3. 0..1
- CockpitCrewEmployer AirlineIATA DEI 4. 0..1
- CabinCrewEmployer. AirlineIATA DEI 5. 0..1
- Onward flight LinkedDepartureFlightID DEI 6. 0..1
- OperatingAirlineIATA DEI 9. 0..1
- Flight leg information / Routing 0..1
- DepartureAirportIATA
- SOBTotp
- DayOffsetFrom FlightDepartureDate (SOBTotp) 0..1
- Passenger SOBTotp 0..1
- ArrivalAirportIATA
- SIBTotp
- Passenger SIBTotp 0..1
- DayOffsetFrom FlightDepartureDate ( SIBTotp ) 0..1
- AdministratingCarrierIATA. AirlineIATA DEI 1. Joint operation airline designator. 0..1
- CodeshareAirlineIATA DEI 2. 0..1
- AircraftOwnerIATA DEI 3. 0..1
- CockpitCrewEmployer AirlineIATA DEI 4. 0..1
- CabinCrewEmployer. AirlineIATA DEI 5. 0..1
- Onward flight LinkedDepartureFlightID DEI 6. 0..1
- MealServiceNote ; string(64). DEI 7. 0..1
- OperatingAirlineIATA DEI 9. 0..1
- Segment information 0..1
- TrafficRestrictionNote. DEI 8. FlightLegIdentifier 0..1
- Duplicate Leg Cross Reference—Duplicate Leg Identification CodeShares. DEI 10. FlightLegIdentifier 0..1
- Supplementary information 0..1
- Metadata
Message new (NEW)
- Flight information (uten existingperiod)
- Periode 1..*
- Aircraft data 1..*
- Flight leg information 1..*
- Aircraft data 1..*
- Segment info 0..*
- Periode 1..*
Message cancel (CNL)
- Flight information (uten existingperiod)
- Periode 1..*
Message replace (RPL)
- Flight information (uten existingperiod)
- Periode 1..*
- Aircraft data 1..*
- Flight leg information 1..*
- Aircraft data 1..*
- Periode 1..*
- Segment info 0..*
Message schedule update (SKD) Indikerer at sender ønsker at data slettes. Bare meningsfylt fremover i tid.
- Flight information
- Periode 1..* (perioden inneholder kun elementene nedenfor)
- Periode 1..* (perioden inneholder kun elementene nedenfor)
Message Change of existing information (ADM), kun endring, ikke erstatte med denne informasjonen
- Flight information (uten existingperiod) (kun DEI kan endres)
- Periode 1..* (kun DEI kan endres)
- Flight leg information 0..* (kun DEI kan endres)
- Periode 1..* (kun DEI kan endres)
- Segment info 0..*
Message change of aircraft configuration version (CON)
- Flight information (uten existingperiod) Kun DEI 2-9 kan endres.
- Periode 1..* (kun DEI 2-9 kan endres)
- Aircraft data 1..*
- Periode 1..* (kun DEI 2-9 kan endres)
- Segment info 0..*
Message change equipment/aircraft information (EQT)
- Flight information (uten existingperiod) Kun DEI 2-9 kan endres.
- Periode 1..* (kun DEI 2-9 kan endres)
- Aircraft data 1..*
- Periode 1..* (kun DEI 2-9 kan endres)
- Segment info 0..*
Message Change of flight designator (FLT)
- Flight information (kun flight id)
- Periode 1..* (kun perioden, med mønster, ikke oppdatering)
- NEW flight id
- Periode 1..* (kun perioden, med mønster, ikke oppdatering)
Message Revision of period (REV)
- Flight ID med existing period, inkl mønster
- Periode 1..* (den nye perioden)
Message change time information (TIM)
- Flight id
- Periode 1..* (kun for seleksjon)
- Flight leg information 1..* (kun for oppdatering av tider) (har ikke med DEI-feltene, unntatt DEI 7)
- Periode 1..* (kun for seleksjon)
Flight leg information
DEI - Data Element Indicator
SSM | Standard Schedule Message | ADD Term | Mapping comment | |||
Data Element | Table | Field | Operation | Comments | ||
Flight Designator | SCH_FLIGHT | AIRLINE_DESIGNATOR | Identify/Insert | Airline designator of flight identifier. | OperatingAirlineIATA | |
Flight Designator | SCH_FLIGHT | FLIGHT_NUMBER | Identify/Insert | Flight number, numeric part of flight identifier. | FlightNumber | |
Flight Designator | SCH_FLIGHT_PLAN | FLIGHT_ID | Insert/Update | Airline designator and Flight number of flight identifier. | FlightId | |
Operational Suffix | SCH_FLIGHT | OPERATIONAL_SUFFIX | Identify/Insert | Operational suffix of flight identifier. | OperationalSuffix | |
Operational Suffix | SCH_FLIGHT_PLAN | FLIGHT_ID | Insert/Update | Operational suffix of flight identifier. | OperationalSuffix | |
Existing Period of Operation From | SCH_FLIGHT_PLAN | DATE_OF_OPERATION | Identify | REV Revision of Period of Operation and/or Day(s) of Operation | ScheduleStartDate | |
Existing Period of Operation To | SCH_FLIGHT_PLAN | DATE_OF_OPERATION | Identify | REV Revision of Period of Operation and/or Day(s) of Operation | ScheduleEndDate | |
Existing Day(s) of Operation | SCH_FLIGHT_PLAN | DATE_OF_OPERATION | Identify | REV Revision of Period of Operation and/or Day(s) of Operation | ScheduleFlightDays | |
Existing Frequency Rate | SCH_FLIGHT_PLAN | DATE_OF_OPERATION | Identify | REV Revision of Period of Operation and/or Day(s) of Operation | ScheduleFlightWeeks | |
Joint Operation Airline Designators (DEI 1) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | ADM_CARRIER | Insert/Update | Administrating Carrier's Airline Designator (DEI 1) | AdministratingCarrierIATA: AirlineIATA | Max 1 Flyselskapet som administrerer flighten. |
Joint Operation Airline Designators (DEI 1) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | RES_CARRIER | Insert/Update | Reservations Control Carrier's Airline Designator (DEI 1) | ReservationControlCarrier: AirlineIATA | Max 1 Flyselskapet som kan selge billetter |
Joint Operation Airline Designators (DEI 1) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | ADD_CARRIER | Insert/Update | Additional Carrier's Airline Designator (DEI 1) | AdditionalReservationControlCarrier: AirlineIATA | Max 1 |
Operating Airline Disclosure Code Share (DEI 2) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | CODE_SHARING | Insert/Update | Code sharing Commercial Duplicate Airline designator. (DEI 2) | CodeshareAirlineIATA | Max 1 |
Aircraft Owner (DEI 3) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | AIRCRAFT_OWNER | Insert/Update | Aircraft Owner (DEI 3) | AircraftOwnerIATA | |
Cockpit Crew Employer (DEI 4) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | COCKPIT_CREW_EMPLOYER | Insert/Update | Cockpit crew employer. (DEI 4) | CockpitCrewEmployer : AirlineIATA | |
Cabin Crew Employer (DEI 5) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | CABIN_CREW_EMPLOYER | Insert/Update | Cabin crew employer. (DEI 5) | CabinCrewEmployer : AirlineIATA | |
Shared Airline or Wet Lease Designation (DEI 9) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | SHARED_LEASE | Insert/Update | The carrier actually operating the flight. (DEI 9) | OperatingAirlineIATA | |
Schedule Validity Effective Date | SCH_FLIGHT_PLAN | DATE_OF_OPERATION | Identify | SKD Cancel all existing information for the Flight Designator | ScheduleStartDate | |
Schedule Validity Discontinue Date | SCH_FLIGHT_PLAN | DATE_OF_OPERATION | Identify | SKD Cancel all existing information for the Flight Designator | ScheduleEndDate | |
Period of Operation From | SCH_FLIGHT_PLAN | DATE_OF_OPERATION | Identify/Insert/Update | Period of Operation and/or Day(s) of Operation | ScheduleStartDate | |
Period of Operation To | SCH_FLIGHT_PLAN | DATE_OF_OPERATION | Identify/Insert/Update | Period of Operation and/or Day(s) of Operation | ScheduleEndDate | |
Days of Operation | SCH_FLIGHT_PLAN | DATE_OF_OPERATION | Identify/Insert/Update | Period of Operation and/or Day(s) of Operation | ScheduleFlightDays | |
Frequency Rate | SCH_FLIGHT_PLAN | DATE_OF_OPERATION | Identify/Insert/Update | Period of Operation and/or Day(s) of Operation | ScheduleFlightWeeks | |
New Flight Information Flight Designator | SCH_FLIGHT | AIRLINE_DESIGNATOR | Update | FLT Change of Airline designator of flight identifier. | OperatingAirlineIATA | |
New Flight Information Flight Designator | SCH_FLIGHT | FLIGHT_NUMBER | Update | FLT Change of Flight number, numeric part of flight identifier. | FlightNumber | |
New Flight Information Operational Suffix | SCH_FLIGHT | OPERATIONAL_SUFFIX | Update | FLT Change of Operational suffix of flight identifier. | OperationalSuffix | |
New Flight Information Flight Designator | SCH_FLIGHT_PLAN | FLIGHT_ID | Update | FLT Change of Flight identifier. | FlightId | |
Service Type | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | SERVICE_TYPE | Insert/Update | Equipment Information Service Type | FlightServiceTypeIATA | |
Aircraft Type | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | AIRCRAFT_TYPE | Insert/Update | Equipment Information Aircraft Type | AircraftIATAType | |
Passenger Reservations Booking Designator | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | PRBD | Insert/Update | Equipment Information Passenger Reservations Booking Designator | Passenger Reservations Booking Designator :string(64) | Check |
Passenger Reservations Booking Modifier | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | PRBM | Insert/Update | Equipment Information Passenger Reservations Booking Modifier | Passenger Reservations Booking Modifier string(64) | Check |
Aircraft Configuration/Version | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | ACV | Insert/Update | Equipment Information Aircraft Configuration/Version | AircraftConfigVersion | |
Onward Flight (DEI 6) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | ONWARD_FLIGHT | Insert/Update | The Flight Id for the next flight leg operated by the same aircraft where differrent from this flight. (DEI 6) | FlightID | For linked departure |
Departure Station | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | DEPARTURE_STATION | Insert | Routing or Leg Information Airport of departure. | DepartureAirportIATA | |
Scheduled Time of Aircraft Departure (Aircraft STD) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | STD | Insert/Update | Routing or Leg Information Scheduled Time of Departure. | SOBTotp | |
Date Variation for STD | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | STD_DATE_VARIATION | Insert/Update | Routing or Leg Information Date variation of departure in respect to first leg's departure. | DayOffsetFrom FlightDepartureDate Kan være negativ. String(2) "M1" Minus 1 Vurder integer | Similar to, but not the same, as ScheduleOverMidnights. Number of midnights from FlightDepartureDate to departure date for this flight leg. Flight-orientert, beskrivelsen av ScheduleOverMidnights er lufthavnorientert |
Scheduled Time of Passenger Departure (Passenger STD) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | PASSENGER_STD | Insert/Update | Routing or Leg Information Passengers Scheduled Time of Departure. | Passenger SOBTotp | Tiden som vises til passasjeren. |
Arrival Station | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | ARRIVAL_STATION | Insert | Routing or Leg Information Airport of arrival. | ArrivalAirportIATA | |
Scheduled Time of Aircraft Arrival (Aircraft STA) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | STA | Insert/Update | Routing or Leg Information Scheduled Time of Arrival. | SIBTotp | |
Date Variation for STA | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | STA_DATE_VARIATION | Insert/Update | Routing or Leg Information Date variation of arrival in respect to first leg's departure. | DayOffsetFrom FlightDepartureDate Kan være negativ. String(2) "M1" Minus 1 Vurder integer | Similar to, but not the same, as ScheduleOverMidnights. Number of midnights from FlightDepartureDate to arrival date for this flight leg. |
Scheduled Time of Passenger Arrival (Passenger STA) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | PASSENGER_STA | Insert/Update | Routing or Leg Information Passengers Scheduled Time of Arrival. | Passenger SIBTotp | Tiden som vises for passasjerer |
Meal Service Note (DEI 7) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | MEAL_SERVICE_NOTE | Insert/Update | Routing or Leg Information Meal service note. (DEI 7) | MealServiceNote ; string(64) | |
Traffic Restriction Note (DEI 8) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | TRAFFIC_REST_CODE | Insert/Update | Segment Information Traffic Restriction Note (DEI 8) | TrafficRestrictionNote: string(16) | |
Duplicate Leg Cross (DEI 10) | SCH_FLIGHT_LEG | DUPLICATE_LEG_ID | Insert/Update | Reference—Duplicate Leg Identification CodeShares (DEI 10). |