- DiversionMessage
- AircraftData
- PassengerData 0..1
- PaxSeatedOnBoard 0..1
- PaxSeatedOnBoard 0..1
- DiversionData
- DiversionAirportIATA
- ELDT (At diversion airport)
- EIBT (At diversion airport) 0..1
- DiversionCode 0..1
- DiversionIndicator : string (4) 0..1 Either "TERM" (flight terminates at the diversion airport) or "CONT" (flight continues from diversion airport)
- DiversionContinueAirportIATA 0..1 Mandatory if DiversionIndicator = CONT
- DiversionContinueETOT (At diversion airport, for continuing flight.) 0..1
- end diversion message
Diversion of ONE flight leg
- FlightLegIdentifier
- DiversionAirportIATA
- ELDT (At diversion airport)
- EIBT (At diversion airport)
- DiversionCode
- PaxSeatedOnBoard
- ArrivalAirportIATA (for continuing flight)
- ETOT (At diversion airport, for continuing flight.)
DIV | Diversion Message | ADD Term | Mapping comment | |||
Element | Table | Field | Operation | Comments | ||
2.1 | ACT_FLIGHT | AIRLINE_DESIGNATOR | Identify | Airline designator | OperatingAirlineIATA | Mandatory |
2.2 | ACT_FLIGHT | FLIGHT_NUMBER | Identify | Flight Number | FlightNumber | Mandatory |
2.2 | ACT_FLIGHT | OPERATIONAL_SUFFIX | Identify | Optional Operational Suffix | OperationalSuffixType | Optional |
2.3 | ACT_FLIGHT | DATE_OF_OPERATION | Identify | Scheduled UTC date of departure | FlightDepartureDate | Mandatory. Day of month. Must be converted to date. |
3. | ACT_FLIGHT_LEG | AIRCRAFT_REG | Update | Aircraft registration | AircraftRegistration | Mandatory |
4.2 | ACT_FLIGHT_LEG | ARRIVAL_STATION | Identify | Airport of originally intended landing | ArrivalAirportIATA | Mandatory |
5.2 | ACT_FLIGHT_LEG | EST_TOUCH_DOWN_TIME | Update | Estimated Arrival Time (Touchdown) at diversion airport | ELDT | Mandatory. At diversion airport |
5.3 | ACT_FLIGHT_LEG | DIV_STATION | Update | Airport of intended diversion | DiversionAirportIATA | Mandatory. Airport aircraft is diverted to |
6.2 | ACT_FLIGHT_LEG | DIV_REASON_CODE | Update | Reason Code | DiversionCode | Optional |
7.2 | ACT_FLIGHT_LEG | DIV_TOTAL_PAX | Update | Total number of seats occupied by passenger | PaxSeatedOnBoard | Optional |
8. | ACT_FLIGHT_LEG | DIV_EST_ON_BLK_TIME | Update | Estimated On-block Time at diversion airport | EIBT | Optional. At diversion airport |
10. | ACT_FLIGHT_LEG | DIV_INDICATOR | Update | Flight Termination Indicator | Optional. Boolean, (TERM), indicates that the flight is terminated. TERM is implicit cancel of following flight legs. | |
11. | ACT_FLIGHT_LEG | DIV_INDICATOR | Update | Flight Continuation Indicator | Optional. Boolean, (CONT), indicates that the flight will continue to an airport in the original flight route | |
11. | ACT_FLIGHT_LEG | DIV_CONT_STATION | Update | Flight will continue to specified airport | xxxxx TBD | Condtional. Mandatory if Div indicator = CONT. Airport the flight will continue to |
12. | ACT_FLIGHT_LEG | DIV_EST_TAKE_OFF_TIME | Update | Estimated Take-off Time from at diversion airport | ETOT | Optional-Conditional. At diversion airport. |
13 | Update | Supplementary Information | SupplementaryInformationText | Optional |