SubmitAircraftDispositionData( transData : TransData, aircraftDispositionData : AircraftDispositionData ) : ResponseStatus

This operation can be used to set, or clear, the aircraft registration for one or more flights (all flight legs) or flight legs. If the flight(s)/flight leg(s) isn't specified by DepartureAirportIATA and ArrivalAirportIATA then AircraftRegistration is updated for all legs in the flight(s).

SubmitASMCancelData( transData : TransData, iataASMCancelData : IataASMCancelData ) : ResponseStatus

This operation covers the following ASM action identifiers (IataASMIdentifier):

  • CNL
    Cancels, but do not remove, one flight or flight leg. The flight (leg) can be reinstated.

SubmitASMChangeFlightIdData( transData : TransData, iataASMChangeFlightIdData : IataASMChangeFlightIdData ) : ResponseStatus

This operation covers the following ASM action identifiers (IataASMIdentifier):

  • FLT
    Updates the FlightId of the given flight (leg).

SubmitASMInsertUpdateData( transData : TransData, iataASMInsertUpdateData : IataASMInsertUpdateData ) : ResponseStatus

This operation covers the following ASM action identifiers (IataASMIdentifier):

  • NEW
    Inserts new flight (leg) information.

  • RPL
    Replaces all existing information for the relevant flight (legs).

  • ADM
    Updates only the given information for the relevant flight (legs).

  • CON
    Updates only the given information for the relevant flight (legs)

  • EQT
    Updates only the given information for the relevant flight (legs).

  • TIM
    Updates only the given information for the relevant flight (legs).

  • RRT
    Updates only routing data.

SubmitASMReinstateData( transData : TransData, iataASMReinstateData : IataASMReinstateData ) : ResponseStatus

This operation covers the following ASM action identifiers (IataASMIdentifier):

  • RIN
    Reinstates a previously cancelled flight (leg).

SubmitDivData( transData : TransData, iataDivData : IataDivData) : ResponseStatus

Submits an ADD based XML version of the IATA DIV message.

SubmitFuelRequestData( transData : TransData, fuelRequestData : FuelRequestData) : ResponseStatus

This operation can be used to request fuel.

SubmitLoadData( transData : TransData, iataLoadData : IataLoadData) : ResponseStatus

The load message contains, for each arrival airport, information about what actually is on board the aircraft that has the arrival airport as the final destination.
For a single leg flight there will be only one LoadDestinationIATA airport, and only one LoadDestinationData as defined in IataLoadData

SubmitMvtData( transData : TransData, iataMvtData : IataMvtData) : ResponseStatus

Submits an ADD based XML version of the IATA MVT message.

SubmitPassengerLoadEstimateData( transData : TransData, passengerLoadEstimeateData : PassengerLoadEstimateData ) : ResponseStatus

Submits an ADD based XML version of the IATA based PassengerLoadEstimate messages. 

SubmitPrmData( transData : TransData, iataPrmData : IataPrmData ) : ResponseStatus

Submits an ADD based XML version of the IATA PAL/CAL/PSM messages. 

SubmitPtmData( transData : TransData, iataPtmData : IataPtmData ) : ResponseStatus

Submits an ADD based XML version of the IATA Passenger Transfer Message (PTM)

SubmitSSIMData( transData : TransData, iataSSIMData : IataSSIMData ) : ResponseStatus

Submits an ADD based XML version of the IATA SSIM file row.

SubmitSSMChangeFlightIdData( transData : TransData, iataSSMChangeFlightIdData : IataSSMChangeFlightIdData ) : ResponseStatus

This operation covers the following SSM action identifiers (IataSSMIdentifier):

SubmitSSMChangePeriodData ( transData : TransData, iataSSMChangePeriodData : IataSSMChangePeriodData ) : ResponseStatus

This operation covers the following SSM action identifiers (IataSSMIdentifier):

  • REV (Revision of Period of Operation and/or Day(s) of Operation )
    This operation can only change the period of operation (ScheduleStartDateScheduleEndDate) and/or ScheduleFlightDays (and ScheduleFlightWeeks if used). There are no change to routing, equipment (aircraft) or timing. 
    The period of operation can be extended and ScheduleFlightDays added if there are no change to routing, equipment (aircraft) or timing.
    NB!  The period of operation can be shortened and ScheduleFlightDays removed. This is an implicit cancel of flights.

SubmitSSMDeleteData( transData : TransData, iataSSMDeleteData : IataSSMDeleteData ) : ResponseStatus

This operation covers the following SSM action identifiers (IataSSMIdentifier):

SubmitSSMInsertUpdateData( transData : TransData, iataSSMInsertUpdateData : IataSSMInsertUpdateData ) : ResponseStatus

This operation covers the following SSM action identifiers (IataSSMIdentifier):

  • NEW (Insertion of New Flight Information)
    This operation inserts a new flight, or adds new periods to an existing flight, given the period (ScheduleStartDateScheduleEndDate) and ScheduleFlightDays (and ScheduleFlightWeeks if used).

  • RPL (Replacement of Existing Flight Information)
    This operation replaces all schedule data with the elements included, for the given period/days. Elements not included are deleted.

  • ADM (Change of Existing Information)
    This operation changes the data elements included, for the given period/days, and leaves the other elements unchanged. Elements can be deleted (set to NIL). 

  • CON (Change of Aircraft Configuration/Version)
    This operation changes aircraft data elements included, for the given period/days, and leaves the other elements unchanged.

  • EQT (Change of Equipment Information)
    This operation changes equipment data elements included, for the given period/days, and leaves the other elements unchanged.

  • TIM (Change of Time Information)
    This operation changes timing data elements included, for the given period/days, and leaves the other elements unchanged.

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