
The operations in Passenger Event Submit Service v 1.0 submits data that typically will be asynchronously processed. This means that all data that follow the syntax will be accepted, but it might not be used by downstream systems.

Service error response

If a service specific error occurs the entity below will be returned. Any service specific errors will be documented with the actual service implementation.
ErrorResponse is typically used with HTTP Response Code: 400 Bad Request

timestamp: TimestampUTC

Timestamp when the error was generated by the service.

A precise time for when something happened. Always UTC.

serviceErrorCode : ServiceErrorCode

An integer code representing a service specific error. The actual values are described in the service definition.

serviceErrorDescription: ServiceErrorDescription

A textual description of ServiceErrorCode.


SubmitPassengerEventData( PassengerEventDataIn )

Submits an event, PassengerEventData, indicating something related to the passenger. This can for instance be the passenger location at the given time.



  • 200 OK if everything went well. The data is sent on for further processing.
  • 400 Bad Request if there were any issues with the input data. Service error response defies how to get more information about the actual problem.
  • Other error/warning returns are possible.

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