
heliportList: AirportICAO

Table with AirportICAO  codes. Default: '*'
'*' as the first heliport indicates all supported by the provider.
List of the heliports for which data is wanted.  


 ICAO code which uniquely defines an airport. Where an official ICAO code does not exist for an airport, it is the standard to use the IATA code. Where neither exist, pseudo-codes can be created if required (e.g. oil rigs, grass strips, etc.)
The standard codes are defined in ICAO Document 7910.

airlineList: AirlineICAO

Table with AirlineICAO codes. Default: '*'
'*' as the first airline indicates all supported by the provider.
List of the airlines for which data is wanted.  


 "2 or 3 character code as designated by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) to uniquely designate an airline operator. Local (non-ICAO) codes can be added as required as long as they are unique for airline operators within the defined context.

ICAO defined code for the company owning the aircraft. Ex: SAS, NAX. Two or three characters. IATA and ICAO codes can be identical. The ICAO standard uses 3 character codes, but in cases where no ICAO standard code exists, an alternative code can be used. This can often be the 2 character IATA code if one exists.

Reference Document: ICAO document 8585"

hoursBefore: Count

Default: 1
The number of hours from the current time for which data is wanted.


 For terms/attributes that are a count of something, typical example is passenger.

hoursAfter: Count

Default: 7

The number of hours after the current time for which data is wanted.

onlyUpdatedAfter: DateTimeUTC

Only return flights that have been updated after this time.


XML dateTime always in UTC. NB! A 'Z' shall always be appended to indicate UTC!

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