The terms approved 2017-05-02–30, i.e. Approved 2017-05-02, Approved 2017-05-16 and Approved 2017-05-30
The 10 digit bag tag (licence plate) number as defined by IATA. The BagTagNumber is a concatenation of BagTagLeadingDigit, BagTagIssuerCode and BagTagSerialNumber. For cases where a bag is scanned, and no BagTagNumber is read, it is recommended to use "0000000000" as the BagTagNumber. Automatic arrival scanning of bags, with photos, could be a use case where it is useful to store the information even if the BagTagNumber was missing. Source: ICAO (2010) Official definition, Annex 3, Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation. Example: For example, at Arlanda there are 3 Physical Runways: Each physical runway can be divided into Logical Runways. At Arlanda there are 2 for each Physical Runway: Airports often use the lowest LogicalRunway name (for instance 01L) as the physical runway name. string (8) Name of IT system, in the SourceOrganization, that was the source of the data The value set are site specific. The serial number part of a BagTagNumber, allocated by the issuing organization (identified by BagTagIssuerCode). Always exactly six digits. See BagTagNumber for details. The 3-digit IATA allocated code identifying the airline that has issued the bag tag. See BagTagNumber for information about the other parts, and AirlineIATAThreeNumeric for more information about the 3-digit IATA code. A numeric code, 3 digits, assigned by IATA . '000' - '999' See additional information below. The leading digit of a BagTagNumber. The leading digit typically says something about how the bag tag was generated, but is not required to do so by IATA. Airlines are free to use the leading digit differently. Please see BagTagNumber for more details. '0' - '9' Bag tags, also known as baggage tags, baggage checks or luggage tickets, have traditionally been used by bus, train, and airline carriers to route checked luggage to its final destination. The passenger stub is typically handed to the passenger or attached to the ticket envelope. Airline bag tags are identified by BagTagNumber. Descriptive name for a LogicalRunway. A logical runway is a PhysicalRunway including direction. Example LogicalRunway will typically be implemented as an entity consisting of Runway and PhysicalRunway, possibly with LogicalRunwayName. Each airline may have a corresponding telephony designator associated with it. This should not be confused with a flight Callsign. The telephony designator would be used in the tower in radio communications to identify the airline, possibly in conjunction with the flight number. For example "Speedbird" (British Airways), "Airfrans" (Air France) or "Speedbird 1342" (British Airways flight 1342). Descriptive name of a PhysicalRunway. Term Business term Description Legal values Comments XML type Status Labels BagTagNumber Bag Tag Number string (10) Approved 2017-05-16 PhysicalRunway Physical Runway
A defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome prepared for the landing and take-off of aircraft. A physical runway is typically described by a code for the runway (PhysicalRunwayCode), AirportICAO code and geographical coordinates.
See also: LogicalRunway.
At Arlanda Airport there are three PhysicalRunways (RWY1, RWY2 and RWY3) with six corresponding LogicalRunways.entity Approved 2017-05-02 PhysicalRunwayCode Physical Runway Code
Identifies a physical runway at an airport.Approved 2017-05-02 SourceSystem string (16) Approved 2017-05-30 BagTagSerialNumber Bag Tag Serial Number string (6) Approved 2017-03-16, update Approved 2017-05-16 BagTagIssuerCode Bag Tag Issuer Code AirlineIATAThreeNumeric Approved 2017-03-16, update Approved 2017-05-16 AirlineIATAThreeNumeric Three-numeric airline code string (3) Approved 2017-05-16 BagTagLeadingDigit Bag Tag Leading Digit string (1) Approved 2017-05-16 BagTag Bag Tag entity Approved 2017-05-16 LogicalRunwayName Logical Runway Name string (30) Approved 2017-05-16 LogicalRunway Logical Runway
A logical runway is typically described by a code for the runway (Runway) and corresponding PhysicalRunway.
At Arlanda there are six LogicalRunways, two for each PhysicalRunway:entity Approved 2017-05-16 AirlineTelephonyDesignator The telephony designator (callsign) associated with an airline. String20.xsd Approved 2017-05-02 PhysicalRunwayName Physical Runway Name string (30) Approved 2017-05-02