The terms are defined here: Aviation terms and types and Recently approved terms
IATA SSIM Appendix C Service Types. Landing time from the airline operating the flight leg, or from a representative of that airline (typically a handler). This represents the airlines view. Always UTC time. Off-block time from the airline operating the flight leg, or from a representative of that airline (typically a handler). This represents the airlines view. Always UTC time. In block time from the airline operating the flight leg, or from a representative of that airline (typically a handler). This represents the airlines view. Always UTC time. Gate information meant to be shown to the public. Will either not exist (have no value) or be identical to GateDeparture. PublicGateDeparture is meant to be displayed to passengers or generally made public. It is meant to be used to control when passengers move to the departure gate. The Gate an outgoing flight leg uses. Departure data for the flight leg. FuelRamp indicates the kilogram of fuel that is requested. Can be negative, for instance if aircraft has to unload fuel before going to a hangar. For attributes that are some sort of distance that are measured in millimeters. An IATA or ICAO airline code that this airline can operate as. For an arriving flight leg, the UniqueFlightLegId of the linked departing flight leg. For a departing flight leg, the UniqueFlightLegId of the linked arriving flight leg. The Gate an incoming flight leg uses. Arrival data for the flight leg. System specific value indicating the type of a customer, typically identified by CustomerId. Status of a specific system (SystemName). Typically used for reference data. Specific name of a system. Typically used for reference data. System specific identifier of a party, typically a company, but can be a person. System specific usage. Typically to indicate that the relevant data set is test data. The actual noise certificate. NOx emissions. The sum (in grammes) of the amounts of the nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide that an aircraft of this type typically emits during the LTO (landing-takeoff) cycle under normal operating conditions. Indicates if the Aircraft has winglets or not. Used for instance in rules for Aircraft parking. The source of the AircraftMTOW for a given Aircraft. This will typically be from Aircraft type reference data (AircraftTypeIataCode, AircraftTypeIcaoCode) or from more specific documentation for this Aircraft body. The source of the AircraftSeatingCapacity (number of seats) for a given Aircraft. This will typically be from Aircraft type reference data (AircraftTypeIataCode, AircraftTypeIcaoCode) or from more specific documentation for this Aircraft body. System specific information that indicates the source of an actual data element (attribute | entity). An Airport/System specific group this Aircraft belongs to. Used for instance to simplify rules for Aircraft parking. "2 or 3 character code as designated by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) to uniquely designate an airline operator. Local (non-ICAO) codes can be added as required as long as they are unique for airline operators within the defined context. ICAO defined code for the company owning the aircraft. Ex: SAS, NAX. Two or three characters. IATA and ICAO codes can be identical. The ICAO standard uses 3 character codes, but in cases where no ICAO standard code exists, an alternative code can be used. This can often be the 2 character IATA code if one exists. Reference Document: ICAO document 8585" IATA based identifier for this flight, usually issued long before the flight actually takes place. FlightId is normally the concatenation of OperatingAirlineIATA, FlightNumber and OperationalSuffix. FlightId typically identifies a flight to the majority of systems, but it is not unique across time. It's unique only in conjunction with FlightDepartureDate. Exception: Some airlines use their ICAO code (OperatingAirlineICAO) instead of OperatingAirlineIATA. This might be because they aren't an IATA member or because they just prefer the ICAO code. Regardless, this means that it is allowed to use OperatingAirlineICAO as part of FlightId. FlightId is then defined as the concatenation of AirlineIATAorICAO, FlightNumber and OperationalSuffix. IATA code which uniquely defines an airport. Where an official IATA code does not exist for an airport, it is the standard to use the ICAO code. Where neither exist, pseudo-codes can be created if required (e.g. oil rigs, grass strips, etc.) ICAO code which uniquely defines an airport. Where an official ICAO code does not exist for an airport, it is the standard to use the IATA code. Where neither exist, pseudo-codes can be created if required (e.g. oil rigs, grass strips, etc.) Also known as WOOP, weeks of operation. Allowed values are: A rate of change measured as millimeters per hour. Codes describing the contaminant type affecting the RunwaySurfaceConditionCode. For example frost, ice, snow slush or standing water. The estimated number of passengers and passive crew on board the plane, infants excluded. Identifies the party, typically a company, that operates something. Identifies the party, typically a company, that owns something. The name string as it appears on a ticket. Can contain multiple names. A textual description of ServiceErrorCode. An integer code representing a service specific error. The actual values are described in the service definition. List of text codes indicating valid type(s) of identification that may be required for the specified carrier. Typically used to identify passengers when dropping a bag at a self serve bag drop station. Legal values are system specific. Identifies a load unit type aircrafts. Typically used for baggage and cargo. Identifies an actual load unit, ref. LoadUnitType. The relevant flight leg has been deleted, not cancelled. Estimated arrival time for something at the relevant location. The maximum weight, in Gram, a bag can be before it must be sent as special (oversize, overweight) baggage. The weight of any BHS tub used. To compensate for total weight at airports where tub is used. The BhsTubWeight will be substracted from the bag weight. Weight tolerance margin (gram) between subsequent weight requests. The different measurements must be within BhsStableWeightTolerance to be accepted. Number of weight requests to provide stable weight (will be 1 if bag drop scale always delivers stable weight). Weight tolerance margin (gram) to be subtracted from measured stable weight. The interval (duration) between multiple (BhsStableWeightRequests) weight requests to provide stable weight. The BagLocation where this batch is to be loaded. Unique identifier, for a given period of time, that identifies a batch of bags on a given airport. TimestampUTC when the relevant BHS batch event occurred. Descriptive text for an event (BhsBatchEventCode) that happened to a BHS batch. The descriptions are system specific, and there can be multiple descriptions for the same BhsBatchEventCode. Code for an event that happened to a BHS batch, typically identified with BhsBatchId. Some events are predefined, see "Legal values" below. Other, system specific, events can be added as needed. The number of bags in a batch, at a given point in time. The precise weight, in Gram, of a bag. The FlightDepartureDate of the flight the bag is planned to depart on from a given airport. Always DateUTC. A codes indicating the status of a bag check in attempt. Legal values are system specific. The number of the flight. The maximum bag weight, one individual bag, this carrier supports. Additional information about which detailed type of SSM this is. Additional information about which detailed type of ASM this is. XML date always in UTC. The numeric, SYNOP, code describing the present weather condition. The SYNOP code representing the weather condition for the last 60 minutes. The numeric code for the weather condition the last 60 minutes. The SYNOP code representing the weather condition for the last 15 minutes. The numeric code for the weather condition the last 15 minutes. The SYNOP code for the current weather condition. The numeric code for the current weather condition. The character code describing the present weather condition. A GUID identifying a a transaction in some context. This will often be multiple operations that are related in some way. Identifies an airspace volume. The description associated with TrafficVolumeId Booking status related to this service request NB! Find examples Additional information about the service request. Gives the intensity of the precipitation, measured as millimeters per hour. A GUID identifying a passenger in some context. Is the relevant DCS supported in some context. Is a DCS that is supported (DcsIsSupported) actually available at the current time. The thickness of a cloud directly above the airport, measured in Foot. The distance to a cloud layer above the airport, measured in Foot above the airport. Indicates how much of the sky that is covered by the cloud layer. Measured in oktas, see Wikipedia: Okta The distance to the bottom of a cloud directly above the airport, measured in Foot above the airport. A globally unique identifier (GUID), 128 bit, with standard ASCII encoding (32 hex numbers and 4 hyphens). See for details. A GUID identifying a bag in some context. Gives an angle as the number of degrees. Legal values are 0 - 359. Number of millimeter water that has been accumulated since the last clearing of the value. When the value is cleared is system dependent. Number of millimeter of snow that has been accumulated since the last clearing of the value. When the value is cleared is system dependent. Defined by Eurocontrol as "A unique flight plan identifier, assigned by the IFPS". Two letters followed by eight digits. ?? How many degrees to the left (counter clockwise) of WindDirectionMean has the wind come from in the given period. How many degrees to the right (clockwise) of WindDirectionMean has the wind come from in the given period. The maximum weight the BHS can accept. The minimum weight the BHS can accept. Text string identifying a transition level. Examples: "TL45", "TL120". Minimum wind speed in a given period. Mean wind speed for a given period. Maximum wind speed in Knot for a given period. Wind speed measured in knots ( nautical mile/h, 1852m/h) as this is the ICAO standard. The wind speed in Knot at a given time. The mean direction the wind is blowing from for a given period. Indicates that there has been an abrupt and large shift in WindDirection in the period. The WindDirectionMean does not apply to the whole period. The direction the wind is blowing from at a given time. The direction the wind is blowing from. Legal values are 0 - 359 (inclusive and clockwise) and is given relative to magnetic north. The minimum visual range, in Meter, for a given period. The mean visual range, in Meter, for a given period. The maximum visual range, in Meter, for a given period. The visual range, in Meter, at a given time. The minimum visibility, in Meter, for a given period. The mean visibility, in Meter, for a given period. The maximum visibility, in Meter, for a given period. The visibility, in Meter, at a given time. When there isn’t a distinct cloud boundary and the obscuration is all the way to the ground, then vertical visibility is used to provide the pilot with an indication, in Foot, of how far one can see vertically. Indicates the minimum temperature for a given period. Indicates the mean temperature for a given period. Indicates the maximum temperature for a given period. Indicates the temperature at a given time. This is a code that defines how slippery the runway is. The code is defined by FAA, ref: Runway Condition Assessment Matrix A boolean value indicating the presence of drifting snow on the runway. The width, in meters, of the runway area that is clear of contamination. The type of the sensor identified by SensorName. The vertical distance of a level, a point or an object considered as a point, measured from mean sea level (MSL), given in feet. Date part of SOBTlocal. The current status of a given sensor. Is it operational or not. Short text describing the placement of sensor SensorName. For instance: "200 meters before runway 1". Short name for a sensor of some type. Must be unique for one airport. Descriptive text describing the SensorName sensor. Can include brand and other relevant information. SecurityContext defines the security context of something. Typical use is adding user name to a transaction, and then doing something in the context of that user. A section of the runway that is exactly one third of the runway length. The runway sections are named A, B and C. Section naming starts at the lowest runway name (number). The Runway that is in use at a given time. The "status" of reference data, typically associated with a flight leg. Used to indicate if any reference data is missing or not existing. Radiotelephony callsigns are used in communication between pilots and air traffic management. RadioCallsign can be of different types, but all are strings of limited length. Usually the RadioCallsign stay the same during a flight leg, but it can change for a (short) period, typically at the request of an air traffic controller. The pressure set on the subscale of the altimeter so that the instrument indicates its height above sea level. The altimeter will read runway elevation when the aircraft is on the runway. QFF is the current air pressure at the measuring site (for ex. aerodrome/airport), reduced to the sea level. It is used in the field of meteorology in order to compare the air pressures of different places at different heights. The pressure set on the subscale of the altimeter so that the instrument indicates its height above the reference elevation being used. The reference elevation will typically be the highest point at the runway. The altimeter will then read '0' at the highest point at the runway. The pressure characteristic is an indication of how the pressure has been changing during that specified period of time, for example, decreasing then increasing, or increasing and then increasing more rapidly. The pressure change is the net difference (absolute value) between pressure readings at the beginning and ending of a specified interval of time, often 3 hours. The time a measurement, typically from a sensor, was taken. The relative humidity, in Percent, at a given time. Indicates the dewpoint in Celsius at a given time. The SI or metric unit of measurement for barometric pressure is the hectopascal (hPa). 1 hPa = 1 mb (millibar). The current air pressure in BarometricPressure at the airport. Identifies one runway, including direction. It consists of the compass direction (by 10 degrees per scale) and optional Left/Centre/Right indication when parallel runways. For example "01L", "19R" for the west runway at OSL. The TimestampUTC for when the Remark was generated (if known), or accepted by the system. Defines if this data set for public display, or not. See also ClassificationLevel. A data set can be classified as "PUBLIC", but for specific reasons this one set of data should not be generally visible anymore. The "departure time" that the passenger should see. The "departure time" that the passenger should see. The "arrival time" that the passenger should see. The "arrival time" that the passenger should see. The SOBT for the outbound flight, typically related to a turnaround or transfer. Some code, typically neither IATA nor ICAO, for the operating airline. System specific content. The new FlightId if the original has changed. The message version used in some messaging infrastructure. Any versioning scheme is allowed. System dependent. The message type used in some messaging infrastructure. Often the name of the message. The message environment used. Used to indicate if this is production, stage, test or development. Airport/system dependent. Typical values are "PRODUCTION", "STAGE", "TEST", "DEVELOPMENT". A flight leg has been merged into another flight leg. The resulting flight leg is identified by MergedIntoUniqueFlightLegId. The FlightId of the departing flight to which this flight (leg) is linked by a Turnaround. The FlightId of the arrival flight to which this flight (leg) is linked by a Turnaround. The timestamp when something was last updated, for instance a flight leg. Always UTC. The SIBT for the inbound flight, typically related to a turnaround or transfer. Uniquely identifies a bag drop unit on an airport. Comma separated list of the (most important?) data sources that has updated something, for instance a flight leg. Content is system specific. A code indicating the runway direction and operations mode currently in use at an airport equipped with parallel runway facilities. For example parallel mixed operations (takeoffs and landings on both runways), segregated parallell operations (takeoffs and landings on separate runways), or single runway operations (takeoffs and landings on the same runway - typically meaning the other runway is closed). Currently this only applies to OSL/ENGM ATIS message aimed at arriving traffic. ATIS is an automated, continuous broadcast, of recorded aeronautical information. ATIS message aimed at departing traffic. ATIS is an automated, continuous broadcast, of recorded aeronautical information. The nominal distance between consecutive aircraft approaches for landing, taking into account space for aircraft departures on same runway between the approach aircraft. Various factors will influence the approach spacing. Weather is typically a significant factor. The nominal distance between consecutive aircraft approaches for landing. Lower value indicates higher capacity. Various factors will influence the approach spacing. Weather is typically a significant factor. The international nautical mile is defined as exactly 1,852 metres A routine aerodrome meteorological report summarizing observable weather conditions at and in vicinity of a specified aerodrome. Format specified by ICAO Doc 8896 manual of aeronautical meteorological practice. An AIRMET is a message containing information issued by a meteorological watch office concerning the occurrence or expected occurrence of specified en-route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of low-level aircraft operations and which was not already included in the forecast issued for low-level flights in the flight information region concerned. In this context, low-level operations means flight below FL100 (or below FL150 or higher in mountainous areas). A weather advisory that contains meteorological information concerning the safety of all aircraft. Format specified by ICAO Doc 8896 manual of aeronautical meteorological practice. Write a description here Write a description here The source of the ICAO24BitAddress. The ICAO 24-bit address used by ADS-B equipment. Always coded as a 6 digit hex number. Indicates if the SSM data can overwrite ASM data. The TimestampUTC for when a flight leg was cancelled, based on IATA type data. This would typically be SSIM or SSM data, or manual input data. Type of heliport. Not strictly defined. Name of heliport. Descriptive text for HelicopterType A code indicating which type of helicopter this is. Not standardized. A code indicating the status of the whole helicopter flight, from departure to final arrival if this was a multi hop flight. Not strictly standardized. Identifies an airspace volume that might be subject to flow control. Description of the airspace identified by FlowControlTrafficVolumeId. Start time for a flow control measure for a traffic volume, identified by FlowControlTrafficVolumeId. A remark possibly providing more information about the reason for the flow control. The regulation type for this flow control. A unique id, for a limited time, for a flow control regulation. The location type for the flow control traffic volume. An identifier, for instance AirportICAO, related to the flow control reference location. The reason for the flow control measure. Given as the number (Count) of aircraft per hour for a flow control traffic volume (identified by FlowControlTrafficVolumeId). End time for a flow control measure for a traffic volume, identified by FlowControlTrafficVolumeId. The AirportIATA code for the next airport the bag should be sent to. The height, in Centimeter, of the aircraft. The UTC time when boarding has ended. Measure of the friction between two objects. See Wikipedia: The UTC time at which the flight deck crew reported in. Type of event. Typically CREATE, RETRIEVE, UPDATE or DELETE, but can be other things. System dependent. Indicates if the flight terminates "TERM" at or continues "CONT" from the DiversionAirportIATADiversionAirportICAO. The TimestampUTC for when the delay was generated (if known), or accepted by the system. The SourceOrganization responsible for the delay data. Typically the organization reporting the delay. Comment related to something. Free text. The UTC time at which the cabin crew reported in. True if the braking (of an aircraft) was limited by friction between the wheels and the runway. This implies that ABS activated. False otherwise. Estimated time for BeltFirstBag. The number of bags in some context. The scheduled date and time that the aircraft a bag is planned to depart from its parking position. Always DateTimeUTC. The number of bags that can be loaded onto this aircraft on this airport. This includes local bags, and expected transfer bags. "Bag BHS Transport Time" is the duration the bag has spent being transported in the baggage handling system (BHS). The "Bag BHS Time Exceeded Group" is a grouping, based on business rules, of bags that have spent too much time in the BHS. Grouping is business/airport specific. The "Bag BHS Time Exceeded By" is the duration the bag has spent in the baggage handling system exceeding any service level agreement (SLA) giving the maximum allowed time (BagBhsSlaTime). The maximum allowed time will vary from BHS to BHS, and might also vary based on business rules. The "Bag BHS SLA Time" is the duration a given BHS has, according to any SLA, to process the bag. Usually this is from the passenger checks in the bag to when the bag is delivered in a baggage bin and available to the handler. The SLA time will vary from BHS to BHS, and might also vary based on business rules. Used to calculate BagBhsTimeExceededBy. XSD DateTime type The dateTime is specified in the following form "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.s+" where: Note: The median time it has taken to de-ice the last X aircraft. X is system/airport dependent. The median time the last X aircraft have been in a de-ice queue. X is system/airport dependent. The number of aircraft that are in the queue to a particular de-ice platform, given by DeIcePlatform. The number of lanes that are occupied on a given de-ice platform. The platform is identified by DeIcePlatform. The actual time an aircraft enters a de-ice queue. The number of aircraft that is expected to need de-ice in the next 120 minutes. The number of aircraft that is expected to need de-ice in the next 60 minutes. The number of aircraft that is expected to need de-ice in the next 30 minutes. The actual time an aircraft leaves a de-ice queue. A textual description for the relevant DeIceConditionCode. The code for the (weather) condition that led to de-icing being requested, and possibly performed. The codes listed under "Legal values" should always be supported. Additional codes can be defined if necessary. Codes defined here are always two digits. The relevant period for DeIceCompleteLastPeriod. The number of aircraft that finished de-ice in the last period, typically as defined by DeIceCompletePeriod. The number of aircraft that finished de-ice in the last 120 minutes. The number of aircraft that finished de-ice in the last 60 minutes. The number of aircraft that finished de-ice in the last 30 minutes. The average time it has taken to de-ice the last X aircraft. X is system/airport dependent. The average time the last X aircraft have been in a de-ice queue. X is system/airport dependent. The number of aircraft that are in a de-ice queue at a given airport. The number of aircraft that are on a given de-ice platform. The platform is identified by DeIcePlatform. Textual description for the DelayOrDiversionCode. Code describing the status of a UniqueFlightLegId. Was it just created, was it changed (due to merging) or was it added to a transaction to indicate the FlightLeg the transaction was matched to. See FlightRule for definition of term. See FlightRule for definition of term. See FlightLegSecurityIndicator for definition of term. See FlightLegSecurityIndicator for definition of term. Indicates if there are security issues associated with the flight leg, or not. System specific name of a customer, typically identified by CustomerId. System specific identifier of a customer. The timestamp when something was created, for instance a flight leg. Always UTC. The SourceOrganization that is the source of the data used to create "something", for instance a flight leg. Content is system specific. The source of the data used to create "something", for instance a flight leg. Content is system specific. System specific name of a contract. The "full" FlightId for the codeshare flight (leg). Indicates whether information regarding the indicated passenger should be deleted or not. Indicates the classification level for a data set, for instance a flight leg. Content is system specific, but the following is recommended: A text "message" related to check in that are meant to be displayed to passengers, typically to indicate where check in for this departure is. The TimestampUTC for when a flight leg was cancelled, regardless of cause. See also IATACancelTimestamp and ATMCancelTimestamp. A textual description of the reason for the cancellation. Typically associated with the CancelReasonCode. A system dependent code that defines the reason for a cancellation. Indicates if this flight leg has been rerouted or not. Rerouted means that the flight leg has changed the arrival airport. The number of midnights between FlightDepartureDate and the SOBTotp for one leg of a multi leg flight. For the first leg DepartureOffsetFromFlightDepartureDate will always be 0. Type of the departure heliport. Not strictly defined. Name of the departure heliport. The FlightId of a departing flight. The TimestampUTC for when an ATM (Air Traffic Management) cancellation was received. This is actually a cancellation of the flight plan and would typically not result in a cancellation of a flight leg with data from other sources. The number of midnights between FlightDepartureDate and the SIBTotp for one leg of a multi leg flight. Type of the arrival heliport. Not strictly defined. Name of the arrival heliport. The FlightId of an arriving flight. The type of airport this is. One airport can be of multiple types. Often used as reference data. System specific content. See AirportSecurityIndicator for definition of term. See AirportSecurityIndicator for definition of term. The name of an airport. System specific. True if the airport is in the Schengen area. False otherwise. Typically used for reference data. True if the airport is international as seen from system specific viewpoint. False if it is domestic. Typically used for reference data. The name of the city an airport mainly is associated with. System specific. The a name of some group the airline belongs to. System specific. Some code, typically neither IATA nor ICAO, for an airline. System specific content. AircraftTypeDescription is a short text describing which type of aircraft this is. Typically used to make AircraftIATAType and AircraftICAOType more understandable. The AircraftParkingPosition associated with a departure. The AircraftParkingPosition associated with an arrival. The relevant aircraft is in the list of aircrafts actually going to deice, and is part of the aircrafts that are used to calculate terms like DeIceMedianQueueTime, DeIceAirportQueueCount, DeIceCompleteLast30 etc. This is related to DeIceIsRequested, but is a stronger indicator for de-ice for this aircraft. List of airports a multi leg flight will land on before arriving at the destination. The list consists of AirportIATA codes. The list should contain all airports including first departure airport and last destination airport. The list should be ordered by the actual sequence the aircraft uses the airports. The SOBT (Scheduled Off-Block Time) as given by the slot system. Always UTC. The SIBT (Scheduled In-Block Time) as given by the slot system. Always UTC. The number of infants that stay on the aircraft at one stop on a multi leg flight. NOT included in PaxTransit. The number of seated children that stay on the aircraft at one stop on a multi leg flight. Included in PaxTransit. The number of adult seated passengers that stay on the aircraft at one stop on a multi leg flight. Included in PaxTransit. The number of transfer passengers disembarking the flight. These passengers are also included in the PaxDisembarking number. The number of infants in some context. The number of children in some context.Page Term Description XML type Status FlightServiceTypeExtended FlightServiceTypeExtended
Installation/customer specific set of flight service types. Typically used when the defined set in FlightServiceType isn't specific enough. Encoded as integer to clearly separate it from FlightServiceType.string (3) Approved 2013-04-04 FlightServiceTypeIATA FlightServiceTypeIATA string (1) Approved 2013-04-04 PublicOBT PublicOBT DateTimeUTC Proposal PublicIBT PublicIBT DateTimeUTC Proposal AirlineLDT AirlineLDT DateTimeUTC Proposal AirlineOBT AirlineOBT DateTimeUTC Proposal AirlineIBT AirlineIBT DateTimeUTC Proposal PublicGateDeparture PublicGateDeparture
PublicGateDeparture is controlled by airport specific logic. Gate Proposal GateDeparture GateDeparture Gate Proposal FuelRampRequested FuelRampRequested Approved 2013-04-04 Millimeter Millimeter decimal Approved 2020-03-24 AirlineAlsoOperateAs AirlineAlsoOperateAs AirlineIATAorICAO Proposal UniqueFlightLegIdLinkedDeparture UniqueFlightLegIdLinkedDeparture UniqueFlightLegId Proposal UniqueFlightLegIdLinkedArrival UniqueFlightLegIdLinkedArrival UniqueFlightLegId Proposal GateArrival GateArrival Gate Proposal CustomerType CustomerType string (32) Proposal SystemStatus SystemStatus string (64) Proposal SystemName SystemName string (64) Proposal PartyIdentifier PartyIdentifier string (32) Proposal IsTestData IsTestData boolean Proposal AircraftNoiseCertificate AircraftNoiseCertificate base64Binary Proposal AircraftNOx AircraftNOx Gram Approved 2013-05-10 AircraftHasWinglets AircraftHasWinglets boolean Proposal AircraftMTOWSource AircraftMTOWSource DataElementSource Proposal AircraftSeatingCapacitySource AircraftSeatingCapacitySource DataElementSource Proposal DataElementSource DataElementSource string (32) Proposal AircraftGroup AircraftGroup string (32) Proposal AirlineICAO AirlineICAO string (3) Approved 2013-04-04 FlightId FlightId string(8) Approved 2015-03-24 AirportIATA AirportIATA
The standard codes are defined in the ""Airline Coding Directory"".string (4) Approved 2013-04-04 AirportICAO AirportICAO
The standard codes are defined in ICAO Document 7910.string (4) Approved 2013-04-04 ScheduleFlightWeeks ScheduleFlightWeeks int Approved 2013-05-10 MillimeterPerHour MillimeterPerHour decimal Proposal RunwayContaminant RunwayContaminant string (64) Proposal PaxEstimateSeatedOnBoard PaxEstimateSeatedOnBoard
Estimated value for PaxSeatedOnBoard.Count OperatedBy OperatedBy PartyIdentifier Proposal OwnedBy OwnedBy PartyIdentifier Proposal TicketNameString TicketNameString string (128) Approved 2023-05-19 ServiceErrorDescription string (128) Approved 2023-05-19 ServiceErrorCode int Approved 2023-05-19 PassengerIdentificationRequirement PassengerIdentificationRequirement string (16) Approved 2023-05-19 LoadUnitType LoadUnitType
See and for details.string (8) Approved 2023-05-19 LoadUnitId LoadUnitId string (16) Approved 2023-05-19 FlightLegIsDeleted FlightLegIsDeleted boolean Approved 2023-05-19 EstimatedArrAtLocation EstimatedArrAtLocation DateTimeUTC Approved 2023-05-19 CarrierBagHeavyWeightLimit CarrierBagHeavyWeightLimit Gram Approved 2023-05-19 BhsTubWeight BhsTubWeight Gram Approved 2023-05-19 BhsStableWeightTolerance BhsStableWeightTolerance Gram Approved 2023-05-19 BhsStableWeightRequests BhsStableWeightRequests Count Approved 2023-05-19 BhsStableWeightMargin BhsStableWeightMargin Gram Approved 2023-05-19 BhsStableWeightInterval BhsStableWeightInterval duration Approved 2023-05-19 BhsBatchLoadLocation BhsBatchLoadLocation BagLocation Approved 2023-05-19 BhsBatchId BhsBatchId GUID Approved 2023-05-19 BhsBatchEventTimestamp BhsBatchEventTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2023-05-19 BhsBatchEventDescription BhsBatchEventDescription string (128) Approved 2023-05-19 BhsBatchEventCode BhsBatchEventCode string (24) Approved 2023-05-19 BhsBatchBagCount BhsBatchBagCount Count Approved 2023-05-19 BagWeightPrecise BagWeightPrecise Gram Approved 2023-05-19 BagDepartureFlightDepartureDate BagDepartureFlightDepartureDate DateUTC Approved 2023-05-19 BagCheckInStatus BagCheckInStatus string (8) Approved 2023-05-19 FlightNumber FlightNumber
Unique for one day within one operator, but not necessarily unique across operators. The part of the FlightId excluding the operator code (see "OperatingAirlineIATA"). This is sometimes referred to as the "Trip Number". Reference: IATA Standard Schedules Information Manual, Feb 1997, 2.2.62. Flight Numbers are assigned by a carrier as a multi-purpose reference in connection with the planning and control of the operation of flights.string (5) Approved 2013-04-04 CarrierMaximumWeight CarrierMaximumWeight Gram Deprecated IataSSMIdentifier IataSSMIdentifier string (4) Approved 2022-03-25 IataASMIdentifier 98993109 string (4) Approved 2022-03-25 DateUTC DateUTC date Approved WeatherTypeSynop WeatherTypeSynop
See Present Weather Codes, WMO SYNOP 4680, WMO 4678 for SYNOP codes.string (2) Approved 2022-12-16 WeatherTypeLast60Synop WeatherTypeLast60Synop WeatherTypeSynop Approved 2022-12-16 WeatherTypeLast60Code WeatherTypeLast60Code WeatherTypeCode Approved 2022-12-16 WeatherTypeLast15Synop WeatherTypeLast15Synop WeatherTypeSynop Approved 2022-12-16 WeatherTypeLast15Code WeatherTypeLast15Code WeatherTypeCode Approved 2022-12-16 WeatherTypeCurrentSynop WeatherTypeCurrentSynop WeatherTypeSynop Approved 2022-12-16 WeatherTypeCurrentCode WeatherTypeCurrentCode WeatherTypeCode Approved 2022-12-16 WeatherTypeCode WeatherTypeCode
See Present Weather Codes, WMO SYNOP 4680, WMO 4678 for the character codes.string (8) Approved 2022-12-16 TransactionId TransactionId GUID Approved 2022-12-16 TrafficVolumeId TrafficVolumeId string(16) Approved 2022-12-16 TrafficVolumeDescription TrafficVolumeDescription string(256) Approved 2022-12-16 SpecialServiceRequestStatus SpecialServiceRequestStatus string (3) Proposal SpecialServiceRequestRemark SpecialServiceRequestRemark string (200) Approved 2022-12-16 PrecipitationIntensity PrecipitationIntensity MillimeterPerHour Approved 2022-12-16 PassengerGuid PassengerGuid GUID Approved 2022-12-16 DcsIsSupported DcsIsSupported boolean Approved 2022-12-16 DcsIsAvailable DcsIsAvailable boolean Approved 2022-12-16 CloudThickness CloudThickness Foot Approved 2022-12-16 CloudLayerBase CloudLayerBase Foot Approved 2022-12-16 CloudCover CloudCover string (1) Approved 2022-12-16 CloudBase CloudBase Foot Approved 2022-12-16 GUID GUID string (36) Approved 2022-12-16 BagGuid BagGuid GUID Approved 2022-12-16 Angle Angle int Approved 2022-12-16 AccumulatedWater AccumulatedWater Millimeter Approved 2022-12-16 AccumulatedSnow AccumulatedSnow Millimeter Approved 2022-12-16 IFPLID IFPLID string (10) Approved 2013-10-08 BhsHeavyWeightLimit BhsHeavyWeightLimit Gram Proposal WindDirectionLeft WindDirectionLeft Angle Approved 2022-11-04 WindDirectionRight WindDirectionRight Angle Approved 2022-11-04 BhsMaximumWeight BhsMaximumWeight Gram Proposal BhsMinimumWeight BhsMinimumWeight Gram Proposal TransitionLevel TransitionLevel string (6) Approved 2022-11-04 WindSpeedMin WindSpeedMin WindSpeedKt Approved 2022-11-04 WindSpeedMean WindSpeedMean WindSpeedKt Approved 2022-11-04 WindSpeedMax WindSpeedMax WindSpeedKt Approved 2022-11-04 WindSpeedKt WindSpeedKt decimal Approved 2022-11-04 WindSpeedCurrent WindSpeedCurrent WindSpeedKt Approved 2022-11-04 WindDirectionMean WindDirectionMean WindDirection Approved 2022-11-04 WindDirectionIsDiscontinuous WindDirectionIsDiscontinuous boolean Approved 2022-11-04 WindDirectionCurrent WindDirectionCurrent WindDirection Approved 2022-11-04 WindDirection WindDirection int Approved 2022-11-04 VisualRangeMin VisualRangeMin Meter Approved 2022-11-04 VisualRangeMean VisualRangeMean Meter Approved 2022-11-04 VisualRangeMax VisualRangeMax Meter Approved 2022-11-04 VisualRangeCurrent VisualRangeCurrent Meter Approved 2022-11-04 VisibilityMin VisibilityMin Meter Approved 2022-11-04 VisibilityMean VisibilityMean Meter Approved 2022-11-04 VisibilityMax VisibilityMax Meter Approved 2022-11-04 VisibilityCurrent VisibilityCurrent Meter Approved 2022-11-04 VerticalVisibility VerticalVisibility Foot Approved 2022-11-04 TemperatureMin TemperatureMin Celsius Approved 2022-11-04 TemperatureMean TemperatureMean Celsius Approved 2022-11-04 TemperatureMax TemperatureMax Celsius Approved 2022-11-04 TemperatureCurrent TemperatureCurrent Celsius Approved 2022-11-04 RunwaySurfaceConditionCode RunwaySurfaceConditionCode string (1) Approved 2022-11-04 RunwayHasDriftingSnow RunwayHasDriftingSnow boolean Approved 2022-11-04 RunwayClearedWidth RunwayClearedWidth Meter Approved 2022-11-04 SensorType SensorType string (24) Approved 2022-09-30 Altitude Altitude Foot Approved 2013-04-04 Elevation Elevation Meter Approved 2017-03-16 SOBTlocalOdp SOBTlocalOdp DateLocal Approved 2022-09-30 SensorStatus SensorStatus string (32) Approved 2022-09-30 SensorPosition SensorPosition string (32) Approved 2022-09-30 SensorName SensorName string (16) Approved 2022-09-30 SensorDescription SensorDescription string (128) Approved 2022-09-30 SecurityContext SecurityContext string (32) Approved 2022-09-30 RunwaySection RunwaySection string (1) Approved 2022-09-30 RunwayInUse RunwayInUse Runway Approved 2022-09-30 ReferenceDataStatus ReferenceDataStatus string (16) Approved 2022-09-30 RadioCallsign RadioCallsign string(24) Approved 2022-09-30 QNH QNH BarometricPressure Approved 2022-09-30 QFF QFF BarometricPressure Approved 2022-09-30 QFE QFE BarometricPressure Approved 2022-09-30 PressureCharacteristic PressureCharacteristic
See "pressure tendency" for more Approved 2022-09-30 PressureChange PressureChange
See "pressure tendency" for more information.BarometricPressure Approved 2022-09-30 MeasurementTime MeasurementTime TimestampUTC Approved 2022-09-30 HumidityCurrent HumidityCurrent Percent Approved 2022-09-30 DewpointCurrent DewpointCurrent Celsius Approved 2022-09-30 BarometricPressure BarometricPressure decimal Approved 2022-09-30 AirportPressure AirportPressure BarometricPressure Approved 2022-09-30 Runway Runway string (8) Approved 2013-04-04 RemarkTimestamp RemarkTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2022-05-20 PublicDisplayStatus PublicDisplayStatus string (1) Approved 2022-05-20 PassengerSOBTotp PassengerSOBTotp TimeUTC Approved 2022-05-20 PassengerSOBT PassengerSOBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-05-20 PassengerSIBTotp PassengerSIBTotp TimeUTC Approved 2022-05-20 PassengerSIBT PassengerSIBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-05-20 OutboundSOBT OutboundSOBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-05-20 OperatingAirlineCode OperatingAirlineCode AirlineCode Approved 2022-05-20 NewFlightId NewFlightId FlightId Approved 2022-05-20 MessageVersion MessageVersion string (16) Approved 2022-05-20 MessageType MessageType string (32) Approved 2022-05-20 MessageEnvironment MessageEnvironment string (16) Approved 2022-05-20 MergedIntoUniqueFlightLegId MergedIntoUniqueFlightLegId UniqueFlightLegId Approved 2022-05-20 LinkedDepartureFlightId LinkedDepartureFlightId FlightId Approved 2022-05-20 LinkedArrivalFlightId LinkedArrivalFlightId FlightId Approved 2022-05-20 LastUpdatedTimestamp LastUpdatedTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2022-05-20 InboundSIBT InboundSIBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-05-20 BagDropUnit BagDropUnit string (16) Approved 2022-05-20 DataSources DataSources string (512) Approved 2021-11-12 ScheduleOverMidnights ScheduleOverMidnights Count Approved 2013-05-10 ParallelRunwayOperationsMode ParallelRunwayOperationsMode string Proposal ArrivalATISMessage ArrivalATISMessage string (1024) Proposal DepartureATISMessage DepartureATISMessage string Proposal ApproachSpacingWithDepartureGap ApproachSpacingWithDepartureGap NauticalMile Proposal ApproachSpacing ApproachSpacing NauticalMile Proposal NauticalMile NauticalMile decimal Proposal TerminalAerodromeForecast TerminalAerodromeForecast string (512) Proposal METAR METAR string (512) Proposal AIRMET AIRMET string (512) Proposal SIGMET SIGMET string (512) Proposal LVPState (duplikat - kan slettes) LVPState (duplikat - kan slettes) Link to XML type Proposal ICWEventType ICWEventType Link to XML type Proposal ICAO24BitAddressSource ICAO24BitAddressSource string(16) Approved 2022-03-25 ICAO24BitAddress ICAO24BitAddress string(6) Approved 2022-03-25 IataSSMOverwritesASM IataSSMOverwritesASM boolean Approved 2022-03-25 IATACancelTimestamp IATACancelTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2022-03-25 HeliportType HeliportType string(32) Approved 2022-03-25 HeliportName HeliportName string(64) Approved 2022-03-25 HelicopterTypeDescription HelicopterTypeDescription string(32) Approved 2022-03-25 HelicopterType HelicopterType string(8) Approved 2022-03-25 HelicopterFlightStatus HelicopterFlightStatus string(32) Approved 2022-03-25 FlowControlTrafficVolumeId FlowControlTrafficVolumeId TrafficVolumeId Approved 2022-03-25 FlowControlTrafficVolumeDescription FlowControlTrafficVolumeDescription TrafficVolumeDescription Approved 2022-03-25 FlowControlStartTime FlowControlStartTime DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-03-25 FlowControlRemark FlowControlRemark string(256) Approved 2022-03-25 FlowControlRegulationType FlowControlRegulationType string(64) Approved 2022-03-25 FlowControlRegulationId FlowControlRegulationId string(16) Approved 2022-03-25 FlowControlReferenceLocationType FlowControlReferenceLocationType string(32) ADD group meeting 2022-03-25 FlowControlReferenceLocationId FlowControlReferenceLocationId string(16) Approved 2022-03-25 FlowControlReason FlowControlReason string(64) Approved 2022-03-25 FlowControlRate FlowControlRate Count Approved 2022-03-25 FlowControlEndTime FlowControlEndTime DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-03-25 BagNextAirportIATA BagNextAirportIATA AirportIATA Approved 2018-11-13 AircraftHeight AircraftHeight Centimeter Approved 2018-11-27 GateInitiate GateInitiate DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-01-14 GateEndBoarding GateEndBoarding DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-01-14 FrictionCoefficient FrictionCoefficient decimal Approved 2022-01-14 FlightDeckCrewReportTime FlightDeckCrewReportTime DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-01-14 Event Event string (32) Approved 2022-01-14 DiversionIndicator DiversionIndicator string(4) Approved 2022-01-14 DelayTimestamp DelayTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2022-01-14 DelaySourceOrganization DelaySourceOrganization SourceOrganization Approved 2022-01-14 Comment Comment string (256) Approved 2022-01-14 CabinCrewReportTime CabinCrewReportTime DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-01-14 BrakingWasFrictionLimited BrakingWasFrictionLimited boolean Approved 2022-01-14 BeltFirstBagEstimate BeltFirstBagEstimate DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-01-14 BaggageCount BaggageCount Count Approved 2022-01-14 BagDepartureSOBT BagDepartureSOBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2022-01-14 BagCanBeLoadedCount BagCanBeLoadedCount Count Approved 2022-01-14 BagBhsTransportTime BagBhsTransportTime
Calculation: BagBhsTransportTime = BagTotalTimeInBhs - (BagTotalTimeInMcs + BagTotalTimeInEbs + BagTimeAtManSecScreen + BagBhsDeliveryAttemptsTime)duration Approved 2022-01-14 BagBhsTimeExceededGroup BagBhsTimeExceededGroup string(16) Approved 2022-01-14 BagBhsTimeExceededBy BagBhsTimeExceededBy duration Approved 2022-01-14 BagBhsSlaTime BagBhsSlaTime duration Approved 2022-01-14 dateTime dateTime xs:dateTime Approved DeIceMedianTimePerAircraft DeIceMedianTimePerAircraft duration Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceMedianQueueTime DeIceMedianQueueTime duration Approved 2021-12-10 DeIcePlatformQueueCount DeIcePlatformQueueCount Count Approved 2021-12-10 DeIcePlatformLanesOccupied DeIcePlatformLanesOccupied Count Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceStartQueueTime DeIceStartQueueTime DateTimeUTC Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceExpectedNext120 DeIceExpectedNext120 Count Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceExpectedNext60 DeIceExpectedNext60 Count Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceExpectedNext30 DeIceExpectedNext30 Count Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceEndQueueTime DeIceEndQueueTime DateTimeUTC Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceConditionDescription DeIceConditionDescription string(128) Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceConditionCode DeIceConditionCode string(2) Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceCompletePeriod DeIceCompletePeriod duration Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceCompleteLastPeriod DeIceCompleteLastPeriod Count Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceCompleteLast120 DeIceCompleteLast120 Count Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceCompleteLast60 DeIceCompleteLast60 Count Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceCompleteLast30 DeIceCompleteLast30 Count Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceAverageTimePerAircraft DeIceAverageTimePerAircraft duration Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceAverageQueueTime DeIceAverageQueueTime duration Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceAirportQueueCount DeIceAirportQueueCount Count Approved 2021-12-10 DeIceAircraftOnPlatform DeIceAircraftOnPlatform Count Approved 2021-12-10 DelayOrDiversionReason DelayOrDiversionReason string (256) Approved 2013-04-04
2021-12-07 String length changed from 100 to 256.UniqueFlightLegIdStatus UniqueFlightLegIdStatus string(2) Deprecated ProbTOT ProbTOT DateTimeUTC Approved 2021-11-12 ProbOBT ProbOBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2021-11-12 ProbLDT ProbLDT DateTimeUTC Approved 2021-11-12 ProbIBT ProbIBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2021-11-12 FlightRuleDeparture FlightRuleDeparture FlightRule Approved 2021-11-12 FlightRuleArrival FlightRuleArrival FlightRule Approved 2021-11-12 FlightLegSecurityIndicatorDeparture FlightLegSecurityIndicatorDeparture FlightLegSecurityIndicator Deprecated FlightLegSecurityIndicatorArrival FlightLegSecurityIndicatorArrival FlightLegSecurityIndicator Deprecated FlightLegSecurityIndicator FlightLegSecurityIndicator string (1) Approved 2021-11-12 CustomerName CustomerName string (64) Approved 2021-11-12 CustomerId CustomerId string (32) Approved 2021-11-12 CreatedTimestamp CreatedTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2021-11-12 CreatedSourceOrganization CreatedSourceOrganization SourceOrganization Approved 2021-11-12 CreatedSource CreatedSource string (16) Approved 2021-11-12 ContractName ContractName string (64) Approved 2021-11-12 CodeshareFlightId CodeshareFlightId FlightId Approved 2021-11-12 ClearPassengerInformation ClearPassengerInformation boolean Approved 2021-11-12 ClassificationLevel ClassificationLevel string (16) Approved 2021-11-12 CheckInDisplayText CheckInDisplayText string(128) Approved 2021-11-12 CancelTimestamp CancelTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2021-11-12 CancelReasonText CancelReasonText string(128) Approved 2021-11-12 CancelReasonCode CancelReasonCode string(16) Approved 2021-11-12 IsRerouted IsRerouted boolean Approved 2021-09-24 DepartureOffsetFromFlightDepartureDate DepartureOffsetFromFlightDepartureDate Count Approved 2021-09-24 DepartureHeliportType DepartureHeliportType HeliportType Approved 2021-09-24 DepartureHeliportName DepartureHeliportName HeliportName Approved 2021-09-24 DepartureFlightId DepartureFlightId FlightId Approved 2021-09-24 ATMCancelTimestamp ATMCancelTimestamp TimestampUTC Approved 2021-09-24 ArrivalOffsetFromFlightDepartureDate ArrivalOffsetFromFlightDepartureDate Count Approved 2021-09-24 ArrivalHeliportType ArrivalHeliportType HeliportType Approved 2021-09-24 ArrivalHeliportName ArrivalHeliportName HeliportName Approved 2021-09-24 ArrivalFlightId ArrivalFlightId FlightId Approved 2021-09-24 AirportType AirportType string(16) Approved 2021-09-24 AirportSecurityIndicatorDeparture AirportSecurityIndicatorDeparture AirportSecurityIndicator Approved 2021-09-24 AirportSecurityIndicatorArrival AirportSecurityIndicatorArrival AirportSecurityIndicator Approved 2021-09-24 AirportName AirportName string(32) Approved 2021-09-24 AirportIsSchengen AirportIsSchengen
See also AirportDIIndicator.boolean Approved 2021-09-24 AirportIsInternational AirportIsInternational
See also AirportDIIndicator.boolean Approved 2021-09-24 AirportCity AirportCity string(32) Approved 2021-09-24 AirlineGroup AirlineGroup string(32) Approved 2021-09-24 AirlineCode AirlineCode string(16) Approved 2021-09-24 AircraftTypeDescription AircraftTypeDescription string(64) Approved 2021-09-24 AircraftParkingPositionDeparture AircraftParkingPositionDeparture AircraftParkingPosition Approved 2021-09-24 AircraftParkingPositionArrival AircraftParkingPositionArrival AircraftParkingPosition Approved 2021-09-24 AircraftInDeIceList AircraftInDeIceList boolean Approved 2021-09-24 TermTemplate TermTemplate
Write a description hereLink to XML type Proposal FlightRouteIATA FlightRouteIATA AirportIATA [2..*] Approved 2015-12-15 SlotSOBT SlotSOBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2021-06-25 SlotSIBT SlotSIBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2021-06-25 PredOBT PredOBT DateTimeUTC Approved 2021-06-25 PredLDT PredLDT DateTimeUTC Approved 2021-06-25 PaxTransitInfant PaxTransitInfant Count Approved 2021-06-25 PaxTransitChild PaxTransitChild Count Approved 2021-06-25 PaxTransitAdult PaxTransitAdult Count Approved 2021-06-25 PaxTransferDisembarking PaxTransferDisembarking Count Approved 2021-06-25 PaxInfant PaxInfant Count Approved 2021-06-25 PaxChild PaxChild Count Approved 2021-06-25