Andre termer som kanskje må defineres

  • Gjorde et kjapt søk og ser at jeg ikke får treff på STW som betyr Slot Tolerance Window. Dette er det juridiske handlingsrommet TWR har til å få av gårde et fly. Hvis du har CTOT 1200 som kan flyet gå i tidsrommet 1155 til 1210 (-5/+10). Da er vi innenfor ICAOs definerte forsinkelse som er 0-15 min. Alt over 15 min er per def en forsinkelse. Alt under er «akseptabelt». : Time window around the CTOT in which a flight should be taking off. By default 5 minutes before and 10 minutes after CTOT. This value can be updated in ETFMS.
  • DTW er Departure Tolerance Window : Time window around the ETOT in which a flight should be taking off. By default 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after ETOT. This value can be updated in ETFMS


Latitude The latitude of this airport, in decimal format for degrees N.
Longitude The longitude of this airport, in decimal format for degrees E.
Aircraft tilleggLeaser, tail-number, ICAO-category(C, D, E sov). I tillegg listet nedenfor om man ønsker å ha med:
  • Aircraft Series - The unique identifier of the aircraft series, as designated by the manufacturer, including the family and model, for example, 727-600.
  • Family: The generic aircraft series, e.g. 727. 
  • Widebody:
    When checked, the aircraft is a twin-aisle widebody or requires containerised cargo. 
    When unchecked, it is not.
  • ICAO Category Description: The ICAO aircraft category.
  • Length (Metres): Overall length of aircraft in metres
  • Width (Metres): Overall wingspan of aircraft in metres.
  • Height (Metres): Overall height of aircraft in metres.
  • Approx Pax Count: The approximate maximum number of passengers for aircraft in this series.
  • Aircraft_subtype: ICAO Code, Description: Description of the aircraft subtype. 
  • Aircraft Config Code: Aircraft configuration code.
  • Maximum Pax Count: The maximum number of passengers for this aircraft subtype.
  • Maximum Take Off Weight: The maximum take off weight (in tons) for this aircraft subtype.
  • Category: Used for billing based on noise, pollution etc. as prescribed by the Irish aviation regulator.
  • Can Use Airbridge:  Identifies, when checked (tick), that an aircraft can use an airbridge.
TermNot for consideration yet
Business termFlight Status

The status of one Flight, which can be one or more FlightLegs.
Allowed values are:

  • SCH - Scheduled:
    When the all "FlightLeg"s in related to this "Flight" has "AcdmStatus" = SCH or CAN. I.e. no "FlightLeg"s has been initiated.
  • INI - Initiated:
    When at least one "FlightLeg" related to this "Flight" has an "AcdmStatus" different from SCH or CAN. I.e. at least one "FlightLeg" has been initiated.
  • FIN - Finalized:
    The "Flight" is finalized when all related "FlightLeg"s have a "FlightLegState" of FIN or CAN. At least one FlightLeg must have been finalized.
  • CAN - Cancelled:
    The "Flight" is cancelled when all related "FlightLeg"s have a "FlightLegState" CAN. 
Legal values


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