The table below contains all terms that have been labeled with "baggage", and this should be all baggage related terms. The average wait time experienced by people exiting the queue in the last QueueMeasurementResolution period. Averages can easily be skewed by a few large or small numbers. A unique identifier of some sort. Uniqueness must be guaranteed across an airport, and possibly across multiple airports if part of a multi-airport system. The maximum measured wait time experienced by a person exiting the queue in the relevant QueueMeasurementResolution period. The end time of the queue measurement period. QueueMeasurementEndTime is defined as: QueueMeasurementStartTime + QueueMeasurementResolution The resolution of the queue measurements. Typically 5 minutes, 15 minutes or 60 minutes. QueueMeasurementResolution is defined as: QueueMeasurementEndTime - QueueMeasurementStartTime The start time of the queue measurement period. QueueMeasurementStartTime is defined as: QueueMeasurementEndTime - QueueMeasurementResolution The median duration experienced by people exiting the queue in the last QueueMeasurementResolution period. Name of the relevant queue identified by QueueId. Queues are located in a QueueLocation. The number of people in the queue at a point in time. The unit of measure is number of people. The number of passengers processed over the relevant QueueMeasurementResolution period. The estimated time that a person entering the queue at some point in time can expect to wait. The minimum wait time a person exiting the queue has experienced in the relevant QueueMeasurementResolution period.Term Description Status XML type Labels QueueAverageWaitTime Approved 2021-05-28 duration QueueId Approved 2021-05-28 string (32) QueueLocation Approved 2021-05-28 string (32) QueueMaxWaitTime Approved 2021-05-28 duration QueueMeasurementEndTime Approved 2021-05-28 DateTimeUTC QueueMeasurementResolution Approved 2021-05-28 duration QueueMeasurementStartTime Approved 2021-05-28 DateTimeUTC QueueMedianWaitTime Approved 2021-05-28 duration QueueName Approved 2021-05-28 string (64) QueueOccupancy Approved 2021-05-28 Count QueueThroughput Approved 2021-05-28 Count QueueProjectedWaitTime Approved 2021-05-28 duration QueueMinWaitTime Approved 2021-05-28 duration