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ADD Term / EntityComments

Static Weight

BHS stable weight requests : Count

Number of weight requests to provide stable weight (will be 1 if BHS always delivers stable weight)

BHS stable weight frequency

Time between repeated weight requests (milliseconds)
BHS stable weight tolerance : GramWeight tolerance margin (gram) between subsequent weight requests

BHS stable weight margin : Gram

Weight tolerance margin (gram) to be subtracted from measured stable weight

BHS tub weight : Gram

BHS tub weight, to compensate for total weight at airports where tub is used

BHS minimum weight : Gram

BHS absolute minimum weight

BHS maximum weight : Gram

BHS absolute maximum weight

BHS Heavy weight limit

Carrier values

Carrier code

3 digit IATA carrier code

Carrier Passenger identification

Static Weight

BHS stable weight requests

Number of weight requests to provide stable weight (will be 1 if BHS always delivers stable weight)

BHS stable weight frequency

Time between repeated weight requests (milliseconds)

BHS stable weight tolerance

Weight tolerance margin (gram) between subsequent weight requests

BHS stable weight margin

Weight tolerance margin (gram) to be subtracted from measured stable weight

BHS tub weight

BHS tub weight, to compensate for total weight at airports where tub is used

BHS minimum weight

BHS absolute minimum weight

BHS maximum weight

BHS absolute maximum weight

BHS Heavy weight limit

Carrier values

Carrier code

3 digit IATA carrier code

Carrier Passenger identification

List of text codes indicating valid type(s) of identification that may be required for all flight for the specified carrier, zero or more alternatives:

-                  BOARDINGPASS

-                  PASSPORT (OPTION)


Forslag til dataelementer inn og ut av operasjonen:


  • Originator (“Identifies the airport, the airport terminal and the originator where the request is performed”) 
    • Source (“This holds details regarding the requestor.”) 
      • Attributter: 
        • AgentSine  (alltid “SBD” I denne konteksten) 
        • ISOCountry (alltid «NO» i denne konteksten) 
        • AirportCode (IATA airport code) 
        • TerminalID (IP-adresse) 
      • RequestorID 
        • Attributter: 
          • MessagePassword (StringLength1to16) 
          • ID (StringLength1to32), f.eks. GM-L01-N0102 


: Gram

CarrierConfiguration 0..*



  • BHS stable weight requests 
  • BHS stable weight frequency 
  • BHS stable weight tolerance 
  • BHS stable weight margin 
  • BHS tub weight 
  • BHS minimum weight 
  • BHS maximum weight 
  • BHS Heavy weight limit 


Carrier Passenger identification 


 Hva er dette?

Carrier minimum


weight  : Gram

("Carrier absolute minimum weight") 

Carrier maximum weight : Gram

("Carrier absolute maximum weight")



Image Removed


OperatingAirlineDCSSupported : booleanIs the DCS of the operating airline supported by this service.