Airport CDM is about partners (airport operators, aircraft operators/ground handlers, ATC and the Network Operations) working together more efficiently and transparently, with a special focus on information sharing. These A-CDM Partners often have their own information systems, which must be integrated in order to support the A-CDM processes. There is a need for establishing modern techniques and standardisation across the industry for maximising the benefits of the automation required at each airport, using approaches like Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), web services, and XML data exchanges that are known to help and support interoperability.

The designed A-CDM services result from a joint service activity between SESAR and ACI. Within ACI (Airport Council International), the ACRIS (Airport Community Recommended Information Services) working group had set up the project AACO (ACRIS Airport CDM Operational project). Within SESAR the Service Coordination Group had set up the FT10 Service Activity.


The following diagram describes the service provision of the A-CDM services in which Airport CDM Information Sharing Platform (ACISP) is the provider for all 4 four services.

It also shows which system is potentially a consumer for each of the services:

The following diagram show the design pattern for the subscription/publish services


Revision history










Initial Draft

Martin John Brindle




0.220/04/2015Layout EditAde Edwards   

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