
DeIceData describes the current de-ice status of the flight leg (aircraft).

ADD elementDescription
FlightLegIdentifier is a set of attributes that uniquely can identify a FlightLeg in different contexts. It consists of the following:

None are required, but enough have to be present to actually uniquely identify a FlightLeg

DeIceIsRequestedA boolean value indicating that de-icing, or anti-icing, is requested for the relevant aircraft.
DeIceProcessStatusIndicates the status of the de-icing process.

The platform where the de-icing occurred. The names are airport specific. De-icing is typically done either on stand or on a dedicated de-icing platform.

DeIceParkingPositionIndicates the AircraftParkingPosition where de-icing was done. See also DeIcePlatform.

The code for the (weather) condition that led to de-icing being requested, and possibly performed. The codes listed under "Legal values" should always be supported. Additional codes can be defined if necessary. Codes defined here are always two digits.


The air (ambient) temperature where the de-icing process occurs.

ERZTEstimated Ready for De-icing Time. The estimated time when the aircraft is expected to be ready for de-icing operations. Always UTC time.
ARZTActual Ready for De-icing Time. The time when the aircraft is ready to be de-iced. Always UTC time.
ECZTEstimated Commencement of De-icing Time. The estimated time when de-icing operations on an aircraft are expected to start. Always UTC time.
ACZTActual Commencement of De-icing Time. The time when de-icing operations on an aircraft starts. Always UTC time.
EEZTEstimated End of De-icing Time. The estimated time when de-icing operations on an aircraft are expected to end. Always UTC time.
AEZTActual End of De-icing Time. The time when de-icing operations on an aircraft end. Always UTC time.
EDITEstimated De-icing Time. Metric: EEZT ECZT.
ADITActual De-icing Time. Metric: AEZTACZT
MechanicalDeIceIsUsedA boolean value indicating that mechanical de-icing in some form is used on the relevant aircraft.

The start of the anti-ice holdover time. This will typically be when the first truck started to apply anti-ice fluid. Always UTC.

HandlerCodeIdentifies a Handler.
HandlerNameName of a Handler.
DeIceFluidUsage Entity
Indicates which de-ice fluid type, including water, that has been used on the relevant aircraft. Each fluid type is specified separately, typically with the volume used.
Indicates the volume used of the relevant DeIceFluidType.

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