Service Description
Bag Information Service v 1.0
1. Service facts
Operations, see Service operations.
- REST based service. Operations are accessed using HTTPS POST.
- Service security: Decided by implementation.
Standard return codes are described here: Service error response
2. Introduction
2.1. Overview
This service defines one operation to submit IATA Baggage Information Message information to the service provider. This makes it possible for the airport (provider) to receive IATA teletype baggage messages directly.
The service is designed to meet the need of a Baggage Information Message provider.
A set of use cases are described here: Service use cases
The service is defined using ACI Data Dictionary terms. Naming of entities are service specific.
2.2. Implementation considerations
Any implementation of this service MUST use the XSD files provided here: XSDs
It is however up to the service provider which data elements to support.
Any service provider should make available documentation about the actual implementation, including:
- the address of the service.
- any limitations in the implementation.
2.3. Purpose of this service description
This service description has the following purpose:
- Describe of service in enough detail for a service provider to implement it.
- Describe the service so that a client (of this service) developer can use it.
- Make available the XSD files necessary to implement and use the service.
- Make it possible for relevant people at airports, airlines, handlers and other aviation partners to understand the available functionality and then to decide if to implement/use it or not.
2.4. Intended readership
- IT architects
- Developers
- Business architects
- Interested parties in the aviation community
3. Service operations
3.1. Overview
The operations in BHS Submit Service v1.0 submits data that will be asynchronously processed. This means that all data that follow the syntax will be accepted, but it might not be used by downstream systems.
3.2. Service error response
ErrorResponse is typically used with HTTP Response Code: 400 Bad Request
3.3. Operations
3.3.1. SubmitBagEventData ( BagEventDataIn )
Submits bag event data ( BagEventData ). This is data related to one bag, and with BagTagNumber as the key. The BHS must call this operation for all significant bag events. See BagEventCode for a list of relevant events.
This operation is an extended version of the Baggage Information Exchange Service.SetBhsEventData operation.
- 200 OK if everything went well. The data is sent on for further processing.
- 400 Bad Request if there were any issues with the input data. The text string returned will give more information about the actual problem.
- Other error/warning returns are possible.
3.3.2. SubmitBaggageData ( BaggageDataIn )
Submits baggage data (BaggageData). This is FlightLeg oriented baggage data the BHS might have. First/last bag and bin data, if relevant, is of particular interest.
This operation is identical to the Flight Data Submit Service v 2.0.SubmitBaggageData operation.
- 200 OK if everything went well. The data is sent on for further processing.
- 400 Bad Request if there were any issues with the input data. The text string returned will give more information about the actual problem.
- Other error/warning returns are possible.
3.3.3. SubmitBatchEventData ( BatchEventDataIn )
Submits batch event data ( BatchEventData ).
- 200 OK if everything went well. The data is sent on for further processing.
- 400 Bad Request if there were any issues with the input data. The text string returned will give more information about the actual problem.
- Other error/warning returns are possible.
4. Data entities
4.1. BagEventData
4.2. BagEventDataIn
4.3. TransactionData
TransactionData contains additional data related to the submitted data. This is for instance to make logging more complete and distributed debugging possible.
5. Service use cases
6. Overview
This section describes use cases for the service.